Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1022 Crazy devouring!

"The Protoss has always been hierarchical. The weak cannot live in the same place as the superior. The so-called sages are just servants and dogs in front of the quasi-emperor. This is the world of the Protoss, if we want to enter the depths of the 'Fierce God's Nest' and advance step by step in this way, we will not arouse the suspicion of others."

Long Bi understands the Protoss very well. Strength is paramount in everything. As long as you have strength, you can stand at the top. If you don't have strength, you will be eaten to the brim.

Except for the sons of the god emperors, those who are like the sons of the Nantian emperor, or those who are similar to Long Bi, can receive good treatment and superiority, the descendants of other gods can only be left at the bottom. Step by step relying on self-sharpening, killing, and looting to come up, in the words of the Protoss, that is, there are no weak people in our world.

The world of the Protoss is a cruel world.

This is a world that is very cruel to others and to itself. Because of this, the Protoss is stronger than most other races in essence. Everything has pros and cons, and because of the power of the source, In terms of the realm of cultivation, it is necessary to accumulate more to achieve a breakthrough, and the understanding of the way of heaven has become very difficult and obstructed, and the robbery and punishment are also extremely terrible.

While giving them a powerful bloodline, physical body, and origin, it also makes their breakthrough more difficult. Of course, the strength that can be improved can also be stronger!

Under the leadership of Long Bi, a group of people began to land in this seemingly barren star village.

The ferocity and murderous aura here are all formed, gathered into a ferocious and distorted face, roaring crazily, and in every syllable, a mysterious sound that can penetrate the mind erupts, the weak soul is here, it is simply I can't survive, it's just that the body gathered by these murderous auras, people under the third turn fighting immortals, can't bear it at all. Living here for a long time is a kind of tempering of the soul, as if being on the battlefield all the time It's not unreasonable that the protoss' combat power is astonishing, as they grew up on.

Xuanyuan was extremely shocked. It was just the most remote and barren village in the 'Fierce God's Nest', but it had such terrifying power. In the fighting spirit world, those remote and barren human villages were weak compared to this place. Just like ants, as long as one of the existences here appears, they can all be killed instantly, without any suspense.

The Emperor of War already had a certain understanding of the Protoss. Seeing this scene, he was not surprised, but it made him very excited. Being able to fight against the Protoss was what he had always wanted. The fighting spirit in his heart was constantly Climbing, if he wasn't with Xuanyuan, if there was a big event, he would just want to slaughter all the way, blow up all the star villages of the protoss one by one, and kill the Quartet, this is the pleasure he wants.

"How about it, do you know the gap between our god race and your human race? Your human race is too weak. Even if it is a demon race or a monster race, if the blood flowing in your body is not pure, in our eyes, it is just It's just fish." Long Bi said proudly.

"So what, you protoss are still trapped here by our human race, and you can't be freed. Obviously, the power of the original source is stronger than ours, and you were defeated. You can only hide here and lick your wounds. What else can you say? Little Will you die if you brag?" Xuanyuan's words choked to death, and Long Bi couldn't say a word, his face turned green, he wanted to refute, but the reality was a resounding slap.

Xuanyuan operated his earth eye, penetrated everything, and saw that in this star village, there were countless people of the God race. They were ragged, with green faces and fangs, covered in blood, eating each other, attacking and killing each other, and their eyes were swollen. Hong, everyone is crazy about fighting. They feed on the flesh and blood of their own people. There are no bones here, only mottled blood.

Every time a certain source of the same race is swallowed, its own source will continue to grow, and some are swallowing everything on this star. For example, the wormholes on these stars are swallowed by them. Sooner or later, This star will be swallowed up, and those protoss people who survived will go to another star village to continue a battle of their lives.

Such a scene makes people shudder and tremble all over, even Xuanyuan sees it, there is a feeling of chills all over, what kind of race is the Protoss, who claims to be a god, but does such a thing, simply It is inhumane!

"It's not surprising. In the chaotic ancient times, in the ancient times, all major races would cannibalize the same race to strengthen themselves, even the human race. Later, there was the 'Hongmeng Emperor', the rise of all sages, with great wisdom, Opening lectures on the great principle, enlightening spiritual wisdom, eradicating obscurity, comprehending the way of heaven, creating a dynasty, establishing laws and regulations, writing chapters of enlightenment such as benevolence, wisdom, propriety, righteousness, faith, loyalty, filial piety, etc., spreading the world, morality and hearts. They are all infected by the spirit of his literary thinking, and this action will benefit the world and all living beings, so it will usher in the prosperous age of the ancient human race!"

The greedy old man sighed quietly, the human race is indeed an extremely remarkable race, because even he himself was created by the human race.

"Hey, that's why I said boy, you have to show the power of your physique one by one, devour all these brutal protoss, and turn them into your own power, otherwise, when they grow up one day, they will be against you" There will be a great threat to Nanyan Xianzhou or Central Shenzhou!"

The greedy old man made a big circle, just to want Xuanyuan to devour the Protoss with peace of mind.

"It depends on the situation. If there is too much movement, I am afraid that it will attract the attention of the high-level Protoss, so we will act according to circumstances."

As soon as the words in Xuanyuan's heart fell, he saw Long Bi going madly towards the Xingchen Village at his feet. When Xuanyuan came back to his senses, he saw the people of the God Race who were slaughtering each other falling down one after another. The original life essence of the protoss in their bodies was devoured one by one. Wherever they went, blood flowed into rivers and bones were everywhere.

Seeing the corners of Xuanyuan's eyes twitch wildly and the corners of his mouth twitching violently, he quickly sent a voice transmission to Long Bi:

"Take it easy, if you are noticed by the high-level protoss, if you are not careful, we will be exposed, and your 10,000 lives will not be enough to pay for it!"

"Don't worry, among the Protoss, no one cares about the law of the jungle. From the perspective of those high-level people, even if countless people of the Protoss died under their feet, they would not care at all, because in their view Come on, if you are not strong enough, you will die without guilt, and you deserve your crime. If you don’t have strength, you are guilty. Feed your own blood, so I say you are still too young."

Long Bi laughed loudly, and sent a sound transmission to Xuanyuan. As the commander of the vanguard of the 'Fierce God's Nest', he naturally understood the rules of the Protoss better than anyone else, because he used to be the leader of the Protoss.

"Boy, did you hear that? What are you doing in a daze? If you slow down your hands and feet, you won't even be able to drink the soup." The greedy old man spit and roared loudly. The power of the origin, the origin of a three-rank fighting fairy, is comparable to the human origin of a six-rank fighting fairy, the gap can be imagined, if Emperor Tun was here, I'm afraid it would have started.

Xuanyuan took a step forward, not to be outdone, the majestic aura of the gods in his body was overwhelming, sweeping in all directions, thirty-six black holes manifested, devouring everything in the world, like the doomsday, black holes invaded.

"What is this, is it 'black hole destroys the sea'?"

"No, this is not 'black hole destroying the sea', it is an extremely terrifying supernatural power."

Countless God Race people looked terrified, stopped killing each other, and fled crazily:

"Such a breath, how could it be like this!"

"Why would such a big man come here to trouble us? In their eyes, we are just ants, and they won't embarrass us."

"I see, you haven't heard of it. In the previous stage, the Nantian Emperor's Du Jie was severely injured, so he devoured the power of the original source everywhere. To repair the severe damage of the Nantian Emperor, I don't know how many people in the village were killed. Clean and clean, run quickly, if we don't run, we will all die, it seems that the injury suffered by Nantian Emperor's son is not trivial."

In the face of absolute strength, everything is illusory. The Protoss has always regarded strength as the rule, and only the strong can enjoy everything.

The thirty-six devouring black holes derived from Xuanyuan swallowed the people of the protoss into it one after another. The "Tiangang Taishang Sacred Fire" from the "Laojun Furnace" was burning fiercely, and ordinary people could not see it at all. , I saw that their physical bodies were instantly refined, and the most quintessential part of their bodies was drawn into the deepest part of the black hole.

Every devouring, there are at least thousands of people, watching Xuanyuan devouring and slaughtering so frantically, the corners of Long Bi's mouth twitched, and his eyelids twitched wildly:

"Damn, this kid, the 'Physical Body of Ten Thousand Transformations' is really no small matter. How many people can do this kind of devouring method?"

In this village of stars, the strength of the people of the Protoss is only in the realm of fighting immortals at rank three to five. Between them, they were full of violence, and their hands were covered with blood, but their growth was extremely slow. In fact, in Xuanyuan's eyes, these children were all older than him, at least hundreds of years old , but they still look like children after all, looking at them in tatters and terrified eyes reminded Xuanyuan of his childhood memories, so he didn't lay his hands on them, and he tried his best to pick some strong and tyrannical , and the frenzied people started.

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