Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1027 Mysterious God Chamber of Commerce

"What, heaven and earth live together!"

Xuanyuan's expression was shocked, "Heaven and Earth Tongshou Stone" is recorded in "Da Luo Tian Shu", it is an extremely precious existence, it is hard to find in the world, but it is an extremely precious treasure.

This kind of magical material is the most precious treasure for refining the supreme Taoist weapon. As long as you have the "Heaven and Earth Tongshou Stone" and want to refine the supreme Taoist tool, you will be successful. That ray of Qi interacts with each other and becomes the supreme Taoist device.

Not only that, "Heaven and Earth Same Shoushi", as the literal meaning, heaven and earth live together, which contains the secret of longevity. This kind of magic material is that as long as the world does not perish, it will not perish. You know, the sea is dry and the rock is rotten. It will dry up due to time, and the stone will rot. Everything is a strength that cannot withstand the years, but it can persist and live the same life as the world. It is conceivable.

Some origin stones, even if they are immortal sources, will disappear completely in the endless years if they have not become spirits because of the long time. For example, the reason why "Dragon Heart Immortal Origin" is Now, just because the years it has experienced are not long enough, when it reaches a certain long time, it will dissipate in the world, even if it is an existence that becomes a spirit, it is impossible to achieve true eternal life!

But "heaven and earth are the same as the longevity stone" is different, as long as the heaven and earth are not destroyed, no matter how many years have passed, it will not rot, and it will become more divine in the years, and be able to understand the world , the power of longevity hidden in the dark, for people to realize.

No wonder there will be three emperors descended from the gods. A god like this must be obtained.

"That's right, boy, you must get this 'Heaven and Earth Tongshou Stone'. I don't know how much painstaking effort the 'Great Devourer' had spent on that day. He couldn't find this 'Heaven and Earth Tongshou Stone'. If you have this "Heaven, Earth and Longevity Stone", I may not fail to break through to the realm of the divine weapon, and even if I fail, I may not be so severely injured and fall into the realm!" The greedy old man roared again and again, crazily roaring, this piece of 'Heaven and Earth Together Shoushi' is really It is too important, in his opinion, it must be obtained.

Xuanyuan frowned, and knew the importance of this piece of "Heaven and Earth Same Shoushi", but judging from the current situation, it is not optimistic:

"It's a bit difficult, not a little bit, but very difficult, not to mention that the three emperors are fighting for each other. I'm afraid everyone wants this kind of magic material. What kind of green onion are we? Even if we can get it If you don't, you will definitely not be able to go out, there are so many quasi-emperor figures, two of them are enough to give us a headache."

"Improbable." A sneer formed at the corner of Long Bi's mouth.

"Why, don't you have a solution?" Xuanyuan frowned. If Long Bi said, maybe there is a solution. After all, he is a very high-ranking existence among the gods, so he naturally knows how to deal with them. .

"Of course, let's go. Let's meet those quasi-emperors for a while. I'm afraid that many people want to get this 'Heaven and Earth Tongshou Stone'. If you want to spend money, I always think that you will never be worse than them. As long as you can buy this piece of 'Heaven and Earth Tongshou Stone', I can guarantee that you will be fine if you walk around swaggeringly after you get it."

Along the way, Long Bi has learned a lot about Xuanyuan, as if he would always have an inexhaustible number of hole cards, and he also wanted to take this opportunity to see what kind of hole cards Xuanyuan can show. Financial resources are the symbol of foundation.

Seeing Long Bi's extremely confident look, Xuanyuan felt relieved, but what made Xuanyuan depressed was that he had many great things on him, and if he exchanged them for this 'Heaven and Earth Same Shoushi', it would be a bit painful.

"Boy, you have to be clear, getting this 'Heaven and Earth Tongshou Stone' means that you have the opportunity to promote me to a divine weapon, and you can understand the secret of longevity from it. This is the most important thing, even with the 'Dragon Heart Immortal Origin' It's worth the exchange." The greedy old man said word by word.

"..." Xuanyuan was speechless, and now he could only play by ear. He looked at the big deacon of the giant family who had been taken away beside him, and said:

"lead the way."

One moment he wanted to kill Xuanyuan, but the next moment he was submissive, making countless people feel like a ghost.

Several members of the giant family were scared away long ago.

The 'Giant God Liancheng' is very big, and the arrival of the three emperors made the place more orderly, and many people have become more restrained, because once the emperor gets angry, the consequences will be disastrous, and no one can even think about living.

The appearance of the 'Xuanshen Chamber of Commerce' is a huge hall, like a majestic giant, standing between the sky and the earth, controlling the order.

It covers an area of ​​100,000 miles and is majestic. This is the safest place in the entire 'Giant City'.

'Xuanshen Chamber of Commerce' is a large chamber of commerce. Behind it is a figure who is infinitely close to the emperor. No one dares to cause trouble here. Not believing in evil, intercepting and killing all kinds of property, they were all killed in the end. Since then, the 'Mysterious God Merchant Guild' has become the only merchant guild in the 'Fierce God's Nest', controlling all the resources of the entire starry sky radiated by the 'Fierce God's Nest'.

Xuanyuan looked at the 'Xuanshen Chamber of Commerce' in front of him, and felt apprehensive. Once he entered it, if something happened, it would be extremely difficult to escape. Xuanshen Chamber of Commerce', Xuanyuan clearly felt a huge aura, so many people couldn't help bending down and bowing their heads, wanting to kneel and prostrate, it seemed that only in this way could they feel more comfortable.

However, it is naturally impossible for Xuanyuan to do this. He still held his head high, resisting these auras, enduring this invisible sense of oppression, and moved towards the 'Xuanshen Chamber of Commerce'. Speaking, this kind of breath is nothing, and it can be easily resolved, and it is equal to the court.

The body of the big deacon of the giant family who was seized by Xuanyuan with the "violent spirit of seizing the house" was cracked, and pus and blood flowed out. He said in a trembling voice:

"Master, this, here, is the 'Xuan, Shenshang, Hui'..."

Xuanyuan nodded. Just because he can resist those terrifying existences doesn't mean that the chief deacon of this great family can resist. With a move of Xuanyuan's mind, he made the "vicious spirit of seizing the house" withdraw from this body and returned to his body. In the 'Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Tool', he got his memory, and he has a certain understanding of this 'Giant God Liancheng', so he has no use value.

"Let's go." Xuanyuan stepped on the steps of the 'Mysterious God Chamber of Commerce', Long Bi and Zhanhuang followed closely behind, and just as they were about to enter the gate of the 'Mysterious God Chamber of Commerce', several supreme celestial beings appeared immediately, keep them out.

"Don't you guys know that half of the people in the 'Xuanshen Chamber of Commerce' are not eligible to enter today? People who are idle are not allowed to enter."

A supreme celestial being despises Xuanyuan Dao.

"We are here to participate in the purchase of the 'Heaven and Earth Tongshou Stone', get out of the way." Xuanyuan said heavily.

"Hahaha, I heard you right, what a joke, people in the mere fairyland dare to say that they want to buy the 'Heaven and Earth Tongshou Stone', if everyone says that like you, the entire 'Mysterious God Chamber of Commerce' Isn't it all going to be messed up?" The supreme celestial being laughed wildly.

Xuanyuan pointed to the big deacon of the Ju family who couldn't bear the aura of the quasi-emperor, and said:

"With my realm, I can resist the aura of the quasi-emperor. You should be able to guess a thing or two about my identity. If you don't have the magic talisman that resists the aura, can you still talk to me intact? ?”

The face of that supreme celestial being changed, he never expected that such a hidden celestial talisman would be seen through by the earth celestial being in front of him.

"I said, young master, what are you talking about with such a waste, just kill it directly." Long Bi smiled, and shot in an instant, and the four supreme celestial beings standing in front of Xuanyuan were beaten to pieces. The power was absorbed directly and integrated into Xuanyuan's body.

"Please young master enjoy it!"

Although Xuanyuan didn't know what Long Bi was up to, but he cooperated very much, nodded and said:

"Well, well done."

In a short while, Xuanyuan refined the original power of these four supreme celestial beings.

"Hehe, at the gate of my 'Xuanshen Chamber of Commerce', killing people in my chamber of commerce, wouldn't it be too disrespectful to my 'Xuanshen Chamber of Commerce'?" An old man came out with iron gray hair on his body. His scaled armor has a haggard face, but his voice is vigorous and powerful, and his strength is extremely strong.

"It's just a 'Xuanshen Chamber of Commerce', what is it?" Zhan Huang laughed coldly, full of murderous aura, and the aura of the quasi-emperor swept across, causing the old man's expression to change drastically.

"The pinnacle of the quasi-emperor..."

"Hehehe, what my elder brother means is that you people from the 'Xuanshen Chamber of Commerce' have blind eyes and despise my young master. Don't you deserve to die? I'm afraid you could see their eyes and tone just now, and they don't have any courtesy. I don’t understand, are these people from your ‘Xuanshen Chamber of Commerce’? Is this your way of hospitality? If you think we are bad customers, then let’s go.” Long Bi’s smile is very sinister, which makes people bear I couldn't help but get goosebumps all over my body.

The old man in the realm of sages said quickly:

"Guys, don't leave. They deserve to die. They deserve death. They don't know Mount Tai. Please come in quickly. The auction of 'Heaven, Earth and Shoushi' is about to start."

The 'Xuanshen Chamber of Commerce' naturally hopes that the more powerful the visitors, the better. This means that they can exchange for better things. It is too difficult to refine them into the Supreme Dao Artifact, because that must be achieved by ancient The realm of the Great Emperor, however, is extremely slim in today's "Fierce God's Nest", no one can reach that realm, after the "Heaven, Earth and Shoushi" has been comprehended, there will be no more than to create the supreme Taoist weapon, the divine weapon He used it, and it seemed very weak, at least for the person in charge behind the 'Xuanshen Chamber of Commerce', at this moment, it is more important to be able to help him break through!

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