Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1030: God's Bone Stone

In this treasure hall, the atmosphere suddenly became incomparably weird, and many great supernatural powers looked at each other in blank dismay, because except for the 'Xuan Shen Chamber of Commerce', the other people who attacked him did not express anything, and seemed to be hesitating. in doubt.

Xuanyuan didn't care about it at all, with his hands behind his back, shaking his head, looking up to the sky and sighing, he said with emotion:

"Master once said that we are an existence that cannot be offended. If anyone dares to offend, he must respond in the most violent way. It seems that the giant gods will be removed from the list, and some people may die inexplicably. Forget it , who knows, life and death have nothing to do with me..."

As soon as Xuanyuan's words came out, countless people's hearts immediately turned cold, and their faces turned green. It was simply too domineering, exactly the same as that mad god.

"'Death Emperor', it was just a misunderstanding just now, indeed, they shot at you and spoke rudely, they deserve death..."

Xuanyuan nodded again and again, spit, clapped his hands and applauded:

"That's right, the crime deserves death, but I am a kind-hearted person, and I don't want to cause more crimes, so I don't want them to die now, I just want them to show a little sincerity and express my apology , is it difficult? Maybe they think that the "Death-killing God Emperor" is impossible to appear, or the "Death-killing God Emperor" is nothing in their eyes?"

Countless people's eyelids twitched wildly, one big hat after another was buckled, and a few of them could bear it. The existence of the half-step quasi-emperor of the giant family couldn't sit still on the spot, and hissed:

"My son, our family is not as good as the 'Xuanshen Chamber of Commerce'. The current Patriarch attacked you just now, and now he is dead and has become your puppet. He deserves what he deserves. To show the sincerity of my family, this piece of God material, please accept it.”

As soon as the words fell, a spar the size of a fist and filled with blood and vitality fell into Xuanyuan's hands.

Long Bi's eyes lit up beside Xuanyuan and said:

"That's right, it's a good thing. The 'Blood-Born Divine Stone' is also a magical material for refining supreme Taoist tools. If you keep this stone with you for a long time, it can strengthen your own blood, delay aging, and increase your lifespan. Turning into divine blood and changing one's original physique, it's just that ordinary people can't bear the power in it!"

Xuanyuan smiled and said:

"Hehe, I didn't expect your master to be so generous."

Xuanyuan pronounced the word "dafang" very emphatically, and the wrinkled and drooping face of the quasi-emperor of the giant family couldn't help but tremble.

"Please forgive me, my son. Although my 'Giant God Liancheng' looks big, it is nothing compared to the 'Xuanshen Chamber of Commerce'. This 'Blood-born God Stone' is already the most precious thing I can bring out .”

"Hehe, I naturally believe in the old man, but my master may not believe it. Maybe he will come to visit in person at that time. In fact, I am a person who distinguishes between public and private. This piece of 'blood-born god stone' is I didn't want to accept the old man's personal belongings, but seeing the old man's sincerity, I couldn't bear to refuse, but how can such a rich man's sins be borne by such a dying old man like you, don't worry, In the future, when my master comes to destroy the Ju family, I will guarantee with my head that you, old man, will be safe and sound. As for the death of the Ju family, it has nothing to do with me..."

Xuanyuan's tone is slow and elegant, his smile is harmless to humans and animals, his white teeth are kind, and his long black hair is fluttering in the wind, like good friends who have been talking with each other for many years, which makes the old man of the rich family want to The urge to shoot Xuanyuan alive.

But seeing the Emperor of War, he felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

The sons of the God Emperor all have an extremely terrifying guardian. They all swear a blood oath to be loyal to the God Emperor for life, including his heirs. As long as they violate their promises, they will be backlashed by the blood oath, unless someone One day their strength surpasses that of the God Emperor, and only then can they break free from their own shackles.

And from their point of view, the quasi-emperor's peak powerhouse next to the "death-death emperor" is obviously extraordinarily powerful, acting crazy and domineering, without fear of the world, he must be the "death-death god emperor"'s personal servant, and the dragon Although Qu's strength is only in the realm of the sages, but in his eyebrows, the aura of a superior person cultivated among the gods cannot be pretended. Maybe he is hiding his strength. Many people in the gods are Instinctively feel that Long Bi is more terrifying than the Emperor of War, this is a fundamental intuition.

"Hey, what happened now is my family's own fault. Thank you, the emperor, for being magnanimous. I don't care about it with the old man. I will go back to the family now and ask the elders to discuss with the emperor. Fight, please wait patiently!" As soon as the words fell, the half-step Zhundi of the Ju family had disappeared in front of everyone.

Those other people who didn't make a move, but taunted Xuanyuan and made insulting remarks, their eyelids jumped wildly, and they all took out supporting materials. After all, they didn't make a move to Xuanyuan, they just said a few words without knowing it. , but they also took some auxiliary materials for refining the Supreme Dao Artifacts, which was enough to make Xuanyuan happy. You must know that even the auxiliary materials for the Supreme Dao Artifacts are extremely rare in the "Central China", because in the "Central China" The number of Supreme Dao Utensils determines the number of materials used to refine Supreme Dao Utensils in the 'Central China'.

This windfall came too fast, and this Long Bi really has two skills, and he has extremely precise psychological grasp of the people of the Protoss.

Therefore, Xuanyuan got another six kinds of auxiliary materials. He declined it, saying that he didn't want to take it, saying that it was just a verbal conflict, and he didn't take it to heart. He just talked to Master later, and let Master decide. Hearing that those people were so frightened that they almost lost their courage. If they let the "Death-killing God Emperor" come to take it, I'm afraid that the forces behind them will suffer because of it. At that time, there will be no hair left. Xuanyuan has turned twice Refugees, they almost force Xuanyuan in the end, if Xuanyuan doesn't take their things, they won't feel at ease.

A moment later, a portal opened, and the old man from the Ju family came out. In his hand, there was an extra piece three feet long, which was shaped like a bone, crystal clear, and contained various patterns of the avenue. It was a more precious divine material. People feel indestructible, like the bones of the avenue.

"This is the most precious piece of divine material in my family, named 'Heavenly God Bone Stone'." Taking out this divine material, the entire family also made great determination. They thought about it, let alone The 'Death God Emperor' is back, even if it is the servant of the quasi-emperor pinnacle next to Xuanyuan, if he wants to make things difficult for the Ju family, it will be enough to make the Ju family feel uneasy.

"Oh, what 'God's Bone Stone' is unheard of!" Xuanyuan frowned.

"Hehe, it's only natural that the emperor doesn't know, but the two behind you should all know about it." There was a malicious smile on the corner of the mouth of this giant quasi-emperor.

"I didn't expect it to be the 'God's Bone Stone', young master, let me explain it to you. Only people of our generation will know that the giant family has a supreme summoning power, which can summon giant gods to fight for themselves , to communicate with a terrible space in the depths of the "Origin of the Primordial Origin", and the "Tian Shen Bone Stone" is called "Tian Shen" because it is shaped like a bone and fell out of that terrible and mysterious space. Bone stone', this piece of 'Heavenly God Bone Stone' should have been accidentally obtained when a quasi-emperor named Juwushen used his own life to summon the gods of that plane!" Long Bi said to Knowing everything in the Protoss like the back of the palm of his hand, the half-step quasi-emperor of the giant family looked completely desperate, and he no longer had a trace of illusion.

"..." Among the God Clan, only the confidants of the God Emperor and the commanders of the army could know about this matter. The purpose of taking out this bone stone is to test the "death-killing God Emperor" in front of him. 'The inheritance is true or false, and how could Long Bi fail to see their intentions?

At this moment, none of the people present doubted Xuanyuan's identity, because not everyone knew about this matter, and even more than 60% of the people present did not know about it.

"Oh, that's how it is." Xuanyuan chuckled and said, "Alright, since it's so precious, then I won't be polite."

As soon as the words fell, Xuanyuan put the piece of 'Heavenly God Bone Stone' into his fighting ring.

In fact, from the very beginning of Xuanyuan's appearance, they have already believed five points, because the peak of Zhundi is in the "fierce god's nest", less than the number of hands and toes, and each one is an extremely terrifying existence, which can rule a side of the stars , and it is such a figure who calls Xuanyuan the young master, one can imagine his identity.

But it came out so suddenly and it was unbelievable, so it was the last idea.

"Okay, all the things that should be solved now have been solved. Come on, come on, hurry up, I want to buy the 'Heaven and Earth Tongshou Stone', honor the old man, and when he surrenders the supreme Taoist weapon, At that time, I can take it out and refine it into a divine weapon for him."

Xuanyuan pulled out the tiger skin again, which shocked many people. If this is the case, who would dare to fight with Xuanyuan, who would really steal it? What will happen if the mad god comes back?

The faces of the three emperors and several quasi-emperors were extremely ugly. I didn't expect this "death-killing emperor" to be so domineering. After getting so many magical materials, he was not satisfied and wanted to Compete with them for the 'Heaven and Earth Same Shoushi'.

But, that's the only way. It fits the style of that mad god best. He wants what he wants, and he is the only one who respects me. When the god emperor comes, he doesn't give face. If he is unhappy, he will do a big fight. The combat power is extremely amazing.

Many people fell into silence, and the quasi-emperor in the 'Xuanshen Chamber of Commerce' said lightly:

"It has been stipulated for a long time that everyone will compete for this 'Heaven, Earth and Longevity Stone' based on their ability, and the one with the highest price will win!"

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