Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1032 Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship

"'Biluo Shenquan'..."

The greedy old man was almost pissed off by Xuanyuan, his face was flushed, and he cursed angrily:

"Did I say that your future is only so small? 'Heaven, Earth and Shoushi' is something you can meet but not ask for. If you miss it today, even if one day you can step into the realm of 'Swallowing the Great', to If you want it again when the time comes, I’m afraid you won’t be able to find it.”

Apparently, the greedy old man felt that if he used the 'Biluo Shenquan', he would naturally not be able to compete with the source of Dao, and would only miss this opportunity in vain.

"Okay, then tell me, what should I use in exchange for it?"

"Don't even think about it, of course it's the 'Dragon Heart Immortal Origin'."

Xuanyuan stared, this "Dragon Heart Immortal Source" can be of great help to his future cultivation, and to break through the realm of the great sages, and now he is asked to take the "Dragon Heart Immortal Source" in exchange for a piece' "Heaven and earth are the same as Shoushi", you must know that you are not even a step away from the quasi-emperor, let alone the realm of the ancient emperor. For the current Xuanyuan, it is too far away, and he doesn't want to look far away.

"No, anything is fine, except you can't exchange 'Dragon Heart Immortal Origin', do you know the value of this 'Dragon Heart Immortal Origin'?" Xuanyuan said in his heart.

"Hey, I said, can you make a difference, put a long line, and catch big fish? I play 'Dragon Heart Immortal Source' day and night, don't you understand it better than you? As long as you put 'Dragon Heart Immortal Source' 'Take it out, in a short while, the entire 'Xuanshen Chamber of Commerce' may be yours, and at worst, the 'Dragon Heart Immortal Source' can be returned to your hands." The greedy old man looked like he hated iron for nothing , Heartbroken, looking up to the sky and sighing!

"Oh? How do you say it?" Xuanyuan's eyes lit up when he heard the words, there must be a reason for the greedy old man to say that.

"The obsession of the ancient emperor is the most terrifying. At the beginning, Qinglong always wanted to use your body to regenerate himself. In the "Dragon Heart Immortal Source", he used his pure, upright, just, and yang blood to pass through Condensed day and night, if you want to use the "Dragon Heart Immortal Source", you must contend with the obsession left by Qinglong. It is impossible for ordinary people to refine the "Dragon Heart Immortal Source". You might as well use the hand of this mysterious god to wipe out the power of the green dragon in the 'Dragon Heart Immortal Source'. I can guarantee that once he refines the 'Dragon Heart Immortal Source' into his body, he will be instantly killed. Longhua is swallowed up by the obsession of Qinglong. At that time, you will use the most original power of "Qinglong Neidan" to inspire you across hundreds of millions of miles. "Dragon Heart Immortal Source" will definitely be able to pursue your own original power. Returning to your side, maybe there will be unexpected joy." The greedy old man's voice was so tempting that Xuanyuan was tempted to hear it, and gritted his teeth, Xuanyuan decided that for the sake of "Heaven and Earth Same Shoushi", now he can only go all out.

Xuanyuan looked at the 'Heaven and Earth Same Shoushi', stretched out his hand and said:

"If that's the case, then this 'Heaven and Earth Same Shou Stone' belongs to me."

When everyone heard Xuanyuan's words, they couldn't help but change their expressions. Could it be that Xuanyuan could produce something more precious than the Dao source of the 'Emperor of Zhongtian'? Everyone focused their eyes on Xuanyuan, trying to see through Xuanyuan.

I saw a blood-colored heart appearing from Xuanyuan's hand, standing in the air in front of everyone, with the aura of an ancient emperor on it, majestic and vast, giving people a feeling of eternal vitality, "Dragon Heart At the moment of Xianyuan', everyone's eyes lit up, and their hearts trembled from the depths!

This is an absolute gem!

"This is given to me by my master. This piece of 'Dragon Heart Immortal Origin', he said, is equivalent to the heart of an ancient emperor. I think it is better than what everyone present here. The precious treasure, is it even more precious? Even 'Heaven, Earth and Shoushi' are incomparable."

"This is natural." At this moment, the mysterious god couldn't hold back completely. Indeed, as Xuanyuan said, this is really comparable to the heart of an ancient emperor. It is extremely precious, as long as it can be obtained by him , unless the 'Death God Emperor' comes back, he will be the supreme overlord of the 'Fierce God's Nest'.

On the 'Dragon Heart Immortal Origin', all kinds of green dragon roads are ups and downs. Under the control of Xuanyuan's mind, it is extremely gentle, as if it is waiting for others to refine it, without feeling the slightest danger, as if his existence is In order to achieve Xuanyuan, this makes people think that it was used when the "Death-killing God Emperor" wanted Xuanyuan to be refined and become the emperor's mirror. I never thought that he would be so prodigal and exchange it for the "Heaven, Earth and Longevity Stone".

"However, I feel that if I exchange this piece of 'Dragon Heart Immortal Origin' for the 'Heaven and Earth Tongshou Stone', the gain is not worth the loss. There is an ancient great emperor's lifelong Dao idea, all kinds of shocking supernatural powers, and a huge source of vitality. It can also prolong the power of one's own soul. All kinds of things are not comparable to a "Heaven, Earth and Shoushi". Say it again!"

Xuanyuan's expression was calm and complacent, and now he was not exchanging the 'Dragon Heart Immortal Source' for the 'Heaven and Earth Tongshou Stone', but the 'Xuanshen Chamber of Commerce' was going to offer something in exchange for the 'Dragon Heart Xuanyuan'.

In the eyes of the 'Emperor Zhongtian' on the side, a cold light flashed away. From the depths of his eyes, he was extremely jealous of the 'Dragon Heart Immortal Source', and obviously wanted to get the 'Dragon Heart Immortal Source' However, he knew that he would never be able to make a move now. Once Xuanshen stepped into the realm of the Great Emperor, he would be able to truly fight against the power of his 'Zhongtian God Emperor' lineage.

Xuanshen was extremely excited, as long as he could achieve the Emperor Mirror, he would be willing to make any sacrifices, as long as he could get the 'Dragon Heart Immortal Origin' in front of him. After Bu Zhiyao waited for so many years, he finally made him wait until this day, so naturally he would not begrudge anything, as long as he could get it, he would do whatever it takes.

"Okay, what is the request of the 'Emperor's life', just say it bluntly, what I can give absolutely does not contain excuses." Xuanshen said seriously.

"Okay, the old man is really a happy person, so I won't be polite. There are 100,000 Dacheng Celestial-level war puppets, 9,000 Supreme Celestial-level puppets, 800 sage-level puppets, and 72 peak-sage-level puppets. , thirty-six quasi-emperor-level puppets, six quasi-emperor-level puppets, and one quasi-emperor-level puppets!"

Xuanyuan's every word is sonorous and powerful. The reason why he made such considerations is because Xuanyuan knows that he is going back to the 'Central China'. With the background of the 'Qinglongmen', if the ancient royal family is born, it will definitely not be able to compete for a long time. , when the time comes, puppets of these levels will be of great use, and everything must focus on the overall situation.

"Okay..." Xuanshen laughed, nothing else, he has the most war puppets, he knows what Xuanyuan wants to do, he must want to summon an endless army of "snatching evil spirits" to enter the war puppets, Let them become intelligent beings, and their power will become even more astonishing. They can attack powerful enemies with their puppets, and when necessary, they can explode war puppets, and after severely injuring powerful enemies, they can carry out new seizures. Combat power is extremely terrifying.

That day when the God Clan fought against the Human Race, I don’t know how many powerful people of the God Clan fell, and their corpses were finally refined into war puppets by the "God Puppet Art". , Naturally, there will be no shortage, which is what Xuanyuan saw when he walked in just now.

"Don't rush to agree, you must know that this thing is comparable to the heart of the ancient emperor. Once it is refined one by one, all kinds of benefits are self-evident. Ask Gu Xinde, as well as the huge source of life to extend your countless lives. Lifespan, the price alone is incalculable, what I want now is just something that an ancient emperor can fly into ashes and annihilate when he raises his hand."

Xuanyuan has great ambitions, and this time he finally came to the 'Fierce God's Nest', and he must make enough money at a time.

Xuanshen nodded, and now he only wants to get a further breakthrough of the "Dragon Heart Immortal Source". Only the existence of the "Death God Emperor" can be willing to give such things to his apprentices. There is no such luck to get it, not even the 'Zhongtian Dizi'.

"'Desperate Emperor', just say it, as long as I have it in the 'Xuanshen Chamber of Commerce', just take it." Xuanshen is extremely generous, and his management for so many years is for this moment, as long as he can let himself step into He will not have any reluctance to give up on this last threshold

"Thirty-six kinds of main materials and 360 kinds of auxiliary materials are used to refine the Supreme Dao Artifact, and none of them can be missing."

Xuanyuan knows that every time there is an extra piece of supreme Taoism, the 'Qinglongmen' will provide an extra guarantee. He believes that as long as the 'Eternal Chaos Clock' of the 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' can step into the realm of the supreme Taoism, it will be very important for him. Self-improvement is self-evident.

"'Mad God Misering World Pill' one million pieces."

This is a kind of elixir used in critical situations. Once taken, it can increase the combat power by fifteen times, and it can last for a period of time. After it is used up, it will definitely die. Xuanyuan has already made the worst plan.

The birth of the ancient royal family cannot be like a child playing house, and it is also possible that the entire "Central China" will be devastated, and the human race will have a shocking catastrophe. He has to make more preparations. These are bought in "Central China". Those who don't, even if there are, are kept by the major forces.

"In addition, one million sets of 'Xuan Shen Dao Protector Armor', one million sets of 'Purple Thunder Breaking Immortal Crossbow', two hundred thousand units of 'Star Destruction Vehicle', one 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship'... ..."

Listening to the conditions Xuanyuan set out, many beings present trembled when they heard it. This is simply a lion's mouth, but this treasure that can rival the heart of the ancient emperor is indeed worth the price!

Now it depends on whether Xuanshen agrees, the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship', this is the lifeblood of the 'Xuanshen Chamber of Commerce'.

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