Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1034 Walking with the Emperor's Sons

"Okay, my master has said that the 'God Emperor Zhongtian' is nothing, but hearing is believing, seeing is believing. You are the son of 'God Emperor Zhongtian', and you have the original power of two ancient emperors , should be stronger than your father, I am a big lower than you, but it doesn't matter, even if I let you, I want to feel from you how powerful your father is!"

The 'Emperor Zhongtian' looked at Xuanyuan's aura rising steadily, an incomparably terrifying power of qi and blood, the coercion emanating from the flesh, sweeping all directions, like billions of iron hooves trampling on it, like the essence of the stormy sea waves The vast sea shocked countless people present.

They didn't expect that someone could have such terrifying power in the realm of the earth fairy, even the "Emperor Zhongtian" couldn't help frowning, thinking in his heart:

"It seems that it really is the emperor of the mad god. Otherwise, in this realm, few people can compete with us. The three emperors of the North Heaven, East Heaven, and West Heaven have ulterior motives. Fight him to the death, and then they will benefit from it, how can I let them do what they want?"

"Hehe, we are all on our own, why should we face each other like this, what we have to deal with is the human race, if we want to compete, we should go to the 'guardian barrier' set up by the human race, where every day The people of my god clan lost their lives. They used their own lives, original strength, and life essence to corrode and consume the power of the "guardian barrier". Order the emperor'."

The 'Emperor Son of Zhongtian' has an elegant demeanor, calm speech, and a smile on his face, very calm and calm, and does not compete for that moment.

"Well, that's right. If that's the case, let's go to the Human Race's 'Guardian Restriction' together for the three emperors to see who is more capable. It is indeed as the 'Emperor Zhongtian' said, You don’t have to fight to the death to prove anything!”

Xuanyuan had grasped the mentality of these three emperors from the very beginning, but as the inheritor of the "Death-killing God Emperor", he naturally couldn't refuse, he could only go forward and kill the world, this is in line with his inheritance style of.

But the 'Emperor Zhongtian' was a smart person, not only let both sides have a step down, but also dispelled the vicious intentions of the three emperors.

Hearing that both Xuanyuan and the 'Emperor Zhongtian' wanted to protect the barrier, many people present said one after another:

"Emperors, please think twice, the 'guardian barrier' of the human race is unpredictable. Although its power has continued to decline over the years, its killing power is still terrifying. Now every day, my god race is killed by hundreds of thousands of people. Numerous casualties are eating away at sacrifices to consume its power. Just wait patiently for a while, the 'Guardian Barrier' will be broken, and no one will be able to stop my 'Ominous God's Nest' from leaving, and I will be able to get in touch with the backup army , completely crushing the 'Nanyan World'."

After all, every son of an emperor is extremely rare for the "Fierce God's Nest". The people present are all subordinates of the Five Heavens God Emperor, so they are naturally unwilling to let them take risks, and they can reach the realm of the God Emperor , are all supreme, even if the God Emperor is dead, the group of people left by the God Emperor is still enough to control the overall situation and assist the Emperor.

"Hey, that's wrong. I'm a good man from the gods. He should have been able to withstand the baptism of iron and blood. He has sharpened his nature through life and death. He has been avoiding danger. He can only be a flower in a greenhouse. It is difficult to become a big man. I said how weak these few emperors are like a pile of shit, they are all spoiled by you people, it is difficult to become a master, it is difficult to become a master!"

Xuanyuan's speech is very embarrassing, but many people dare to be angry but dare not speak out, because the "death-killing god emperor" has always cultivated in a way that never takes the so-called danger into his eyes. The same is true for the emperor, otherwise he would not have such a personality that is not afraid of anything.

On that day, the Protoss and the Human Race fought. The "Death God Emperor" was the first ancient emperor who picked a human race, and he was an existence with a supreme Taoist weapon, just to break through himself, surpass himself, and step into a higher realm. It can be seen from this point.

Hearing Xuanyuan's words, the three emperors looked furious, their hearts arose, and their eyes glared, only the 'Zhongtian Emperor' looked calm and smiled.

Xuanyuan felt the changes in the expressions of the three emperors, the murderous aura overflowed, permeated the world, and the fighting spirit soared, raging like a madman's fighting spirit, he grinned grinningly:

"Hey, yo, are you still not convinced, come on, come on one by one, and see if I don't beat you all into dogs, and if I can't beat you to death, I won't call you the 'Emperor of Death'."

Xuanyuan's domineering attitude made the three emperors hesitate again. It was the first time they had seen someone stronger than them, but they were not too sure about fighting Xuanyuan. After finally weighing the pros and cons, a Everyone suppressed the breath in their hearts, as long as they reached the "guardian barrier" of the human race, even if this "death-killing emperor" had three heads and six arms, he would not be able to retreat completely, and let him die at that time It doesn't matter if you don't know why, there is no need to take risks to fight him!

"Hehe, the lesson of the 'Emperor of Desperation' is right, let's go, we really should sharpen ourselves, the danger is nothing, the key is to overcome our own heart." 'Emperor of the North Sky' spoke first .

The other two emperors echoed, no one was willing to do anything with this "death-death emperor", they finally knew why the "death-death god emperor" was turned into a mad god by the entire "fierce god's nest", that one The murderous aura of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood cannot be tempered without an extremely terrifying battle.

In their view, Xuanyuan is just like a fighting dog. If you dare to offend him once, he can bite you ten times. Many people are afraid of him, exactly the same as the "Death Emperor".

Many fell silent.

Xuanshen has already left long ago, the auction has ended, there is no point in staying here.

Xuanyuan asked the four emperors to lead the way, let them walk with him all the way, and took him to the place where the 'guardian barrier' was.

The 'Emperor of Zhongtian' took the lead, leading Xuanyuan and the three emperors all the way to the west, traveling through the sky, and wherever they passed, countless people of the God Race knelt down and saluted, and the road was unimpeded.

The arrival of the "Death-killing Emperor's Son" has made many strong men of the older generation start to feel restless, because once the "Death-killing God Emperor" returns, the pattern of the "Fierce God's Nest" is likely to undergo a huge change.

"What should I do? The 'Death-killing God Emperor' is still alive. What should I do if I really wait for him to subdue that Supreme Dao Artifact and come back again?"

"Don't worry, the 'Death-killing God Emperor' won't do anything to us. His temperament has always been bullying and not bullying. As long as we don't offend him, it's fine."

"If the 'Death Emperor' is in danger, we will help each other out, and we can save our feelings."

"With the existence of that peak Zhundi, without our chance to make a move, his strength is even more terrifying than the ordinary peak Zhundi, and I feel that there is a semi-superior Dao weapon in him."

"It's hard to say, in the 'Guardian Barrier', everything is possible..."

"You said that if the 'Death-killing God Emperor' returns, will he monopolize the 'Fierce God's Nest'?"

"It shouldn't be so. He is lazy by nature and spends his whole life fighting. Such a person will not pose any threat to us, and he will only let the emperor and son fight, and he will not intervene. Anyway, the "Death God" The emperor's return is beneficial and harmless to us, as long as we don't touch the 'death-killing emperor', everything will be fine."

Xuanyuan didn't know that he arbitrarily fabricated an identity that aroused so many people's thoughts, and the journey went smoothly. Although Xuanyuan walked with these sons of the god emperor, he didn't pay much attention to them.

During the several conversations with the emperor, he was indifferent to each other, making them bored and embarrassed.

Xuanyuan is now sinking his attention into the 'swallowing myriad transformations'.

In a pitch-black space, an ancient giant ship was suspended in the mid-air, flowing with precious light, the aura of peerless Taoism overflowed, and there was also a ray of imperial prestige that was not found in ordinary peerless Taoism. The supreme Taoist artifact of a god emperor, ordinary peerless Taoist artifacts cannot compare with it.

This is the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship'. Its whole body is like a huge dragon ship. On its body, there are many ancient runes. On Emperor Dragon Ship's body, these are the scars left by the ancient great emperor of the human race, which are extremely difficult to repair.

"It seems that this 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' was seriously injured." Xuanyuan frowned.

"It will take a lot of magic materials to repair it, and it will not be repaired in a short time." A thought of the Emperor of War is also in the space of Xuanyuan's "Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Artifact".

"Hey, when my strength returns to the peak level, it won't be difficult if I want to restore it." Long Bi laughed strangely.

"But having said that, you are still very discerning, like many materials on the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' are hard to come by, even if it has not been restored to the state of the supreme Dao weapon of the day, it is now absolutely The power of the Dao Artifact cannot be resisted by ordinary people, otherwise, several ancient emperors of the human race would not have been angered and attacked with the Supreme Dao Artifact."

In fact, Xuanyuan thought that he must return to the "Central China", and the "Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship" can become a tool of war on the one hand, and on the other hand, if he really can't find the portal to go back to the "Central China" , this 'Ancient Dragon Ship' will be the only hope to bring him back to the 'Central China'.

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