Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1048 Heaven-Defying Ten Thousand Incarnations


Xuanyuan's body trembled, and his expression was shocked. He never expected that the "Chaotic Imperial Forbidden" of the pig-headed emperor was fine one moment, but it was shattered the next moment. Everything was beyond his imagination. Obviously, Long Bi He also sensed it, with a solemn expression, and solved the doubts in Xuanyuan's heart.

"At the cost of the life of a quasi-emperor, they directly broke through the 'Chaotic Emperor's Forbidden', just to buy time, which shows how determined they are to kill us."

Xuanyuan took a deep breath. In the "Central China", a quasi-emperor is so rare, but in this "fierce god's nest", the quasi-emperor is so cheap.

He gritted his teeth, and his heart was ruthless, only to see the appearance of the four emperors derived from the hair on Xuanyuan's body.

At the same time, Xuanyuan integrated the blood essence drawn from the hearts of the four emperors with the "Human Emperor Brush" before, letting the majestic aura of the blood of the god emperor overflow. After doing all this, Xuanyuan angrily growled:

"Okay, 'Nantian Dizi', you have pushed me to this point, do you think I will really let you do what you want and kill the four great emperors? Impossible, I will let the four emperors go now, I See how you handle yourself."

Xuanyuan gave himself four incarnations, each of which was forbidden by the four emperors to teleport the jade platform, and crossed the starry sky in four directions.

The 'Four Great Sons' fled frantically all the way, shouting frantically all the way:

"Destroy the lineage of the 'Nantian God Emperor' and let that human race go. We have signed a blood god contract, and the grievances and grievances have been canceled. The 'Nantian Emperor', who wants to plot against us, must not stay..."

The power of that drop of the most quintessential god emperor's blood was distributed between the heaven and the earth, making countless gods rejoice, the four emperors were out of danger, and let the big stone in their hearts be put down instantly, and many armies who heard the wind began to fight against the "Nantian God" The Protoss of the emperor' lineage launched a one-sided massacre.

All of a sudden, I don't know how many people from the God Clan will die. For the "Fierce God's Nest", today is destined to be a day of heavy losses for them. At least one line of the people of the God Clan will die cleanly.

Seeing Xuanyuan's methods, Long Bi exclaimed wonderfully, his eyebrows danced, his eyebrows were beaming, that was called a coquettish, and he said excitedly:

"It's so fucking enjoyable, boy, very good, you are really despicable and shameless enough, you can think of such a way, this time, the entire Protoss will be played around by you, hey, the Protoss is What sin did you do, why did you meet such a strange human race like you, causing a lot of turmoil and embarrassment? 'The Body of Ten Thousand Transformations', 'The Body of Ten Thousand Transformations', this is the first time I have experienced the power of such a physique with my own eyes !"

Zhanhuang's heart is also extremely happy. Hundreds of millions of gods kneel down and send them off, which is more enjoyable than letting him kill them with his own hands. Now Xuanyuan's method will definitely turn the crisis into safety and get rid of a catastrophe.

"This is the person identified by all the saints, the 'Hundred Saint Hongguang', who came for the first time after the ancient times, is really extraordinary."

Xuanyuan looked dignified, without a trace of complacency, and said cautiously:

"Hurry up, it's just a matter of time. The four incarnations are weak. Once they find out that they are fake, we will be in danger. Fortunately, the four emperors gave the order first, and they have already preconceived , I won’t think it’s fake, and I should be able to hold on for a while!”

As soon as the words fell, Xuanyuan's Imperial Forbidden Teleportation Jade Platform was activated again, frantically crossing the void, no matter how much of the Imperial Forbidden Teleportation Jade Platform in his hand is left, let's talk about escaping from here, otherwise, it will really kill people of.

Feeling that the four emperors were actually released by the human race, and made a blood god contract. Under such circumstances, it is impossible for people to think about it. At this moment, the seventeen quasi-emperors were completely messed up. In between, I don't know what to do, it's not right to chase, and it's not right not to chase.

They never expected that Xuanyuan would be so ruthless that he would even do such a thing in order to fight back against the 'Nantian Emperor'.

The quasi-emperor old man accompanying the 'Nantian Dizi' had long expected that this matter would cause anger and resentment, but the 'Nantian Dizi' did not listen, and as a subordinate, he could only follow orders .

The 'Four Great Emperors' fled across the starry sky, the old man at the pinnacle of the quasi-emperor gritted his teeth and said:

"A team of two, hunt and kill the four emperors separately, and the other eight come with me, let alone kill the human race, and the Long Bi who betrayed the god race, absolutely can't be spared! It's a shame and shame."

At this moment, this old man at the pinnacle of the quasi-emperor has already thought of a remedy. It is good to be able to kill the four emperors. If they can't kill them, they can only kill Xuanyuan to save the lost face of the gods. It is enough to make up for a lot, at least it will stop the forces of the four emperors.

Countless people of the Protoss knelt down to Xuanyuan, causing the Protoss to lose a great deal of face. This is an indisputable fact. As long as he can kill Xuanyuan and keep the news in this starry sky forever, no one will know. In order to restore the dignity of the Protoss, even if the 'Nantian Emperor' commits a serious crime, the power of the four great emperors of the Protoss will not be able to do anything to the 'Nantian Emperor'.

As one of the most trusted servants of the "Nantian God Emperor", he has already thought of all the remedies.

Even if they really killed a few emperors, that is proof in disguise. The method of 'Nantian Emperor', of course, the premise of all this is to be able to kill Xuanyuan, otherwise, 'Nantian Emperor' will be lost forever .

Because Xuanyuan has caused too much humiliation to the 'Fierce God's Nest', if the high-level of the Protoss know that the entire 'Fierce God's Nest' will be destroyed, let alone the emperor's son, even if the God Emperor is still alive, he will be dead. There is no suspense.

"At all costs, we must kill the kid of the human race."

The nine great quasi-emperors were full of murderous aura, and their terrifying energy and blood soared to the sky, radiating in all directions.

"No, boy, there are still nine quasi-emperors chasing up. It's really terrible. Fortunately, there are only nine of them left!" Long Bi originally thought that they would definitely go all out to chase and kill the four emperors, but now they focus on the four emperors. Putting it on Xuanyuan's body, he soon figured out why.

"I know the reason. They think that the assassination of the emperor is likely to fail, so they want to kill you, because you have humiliated the entire 'Ominous God's Nest'. If this news spreads, the entire 'Ominous God's Nest' shall perish."

"Is it so serious?" Xuanyuan asked with a look of surprise while crossing the void.

"Of course, the Protoss is a big force in the 'Origin of the Primordial Origin'. The supreme divine master is an existence that can compete with the 'Sage Emperor of Ten Thousand Transformations'. Just one word of God can tell how terrifying the Protoss' strength is. They Kneeling to you is like the emperor kneeling to a beggar, which is tantamount to humiliating the entire Protoss, and if we let them know, the 'Evil God's Nest' will die."

Long Bi came from the 'Origin of Hongmeng' and knew a lot of information, which is why Xuanyuan wanted to keep him.

"Forget it, it's superfluous to say anything now, let's run away first." Xuanyuan sighed. He didn't expect that these dead warriors of the Protoss were so difficult to deal with, and the imperial ban on teleportation was broken one by one.

After several hours of chasing, Xuanyuan and his party have come to a star field radiated by the 'Fierce God's Nest'. As long as they escape from this star field, they will not be far from where the 'Sun Moon Tide' is.

This is at the price of breaking countless imperial forbidden transmission jade platforms in Xuanyuan's hands, because Xuanyuan was ready to flee at any time when he was in the "Central China", so he prepared a lot of imperial forbidden transmission jade platforms. The reason why Xuanyuan was very relieved to go wandering.

However, even so, the ghosts of the nine quasi-emperor figures still lingered, and the Emperor Zhan frowned, saying:

"Xuanyuan, they are almost catching up."

"Damn, do you really think I'm easy to bully? I'd like to see how they will chase this time!"

Xuanyuan cursed angrily, being stared at by such a terrifying figure like the nine statues, and unable to fight back, the Buddha was about to suffocate, he gritted his teeth, pulled out his nine hairs, and transformed into three statues I, the three Dragon Bis, and the three War Emperors all had the same aura. They formed a group of three, picked up the Emperor's Forbidden Teleportation Platform, and fled through the air in four completely different directions.

Seeing this scene, Long Bi and Zhan Huang were dumbfounded, this 'Body of Ten Thousand Transformations' was simply against the sky.

"It's such a goddamn uncle, it's not a thing, how can this physique be so heaven-defying."

Comparing his heart to his heart, Long Bi didn't know what to do even if he led people to hunt him down.

Zhan Huang was extremely moved, and was also shocked by Xuanyuan's vigilance.

Now that Xuanyuan has stepped into the realm of Earth Immortal, his understanding of "The Method of Ten Thousand Transformations" is naturally more thorough. There is no problem with avatars who are separated by millions of miles and have the same breath.

Four Xuanyuan and a group of three people, with exactly the same aura, walked through the air in four different directions. This time, the old man at the peak of the quasi-emperor was completely crazy.

"What the hell is this kid playing with me? What's going on here?"

"The four breaths are exactly the same, what should I do?" A quasi-emperor asked immediately.

"Two people form a group, hunt and kill separately, the last two people are with me, and the straight path is most likely to be where their real deities are." The old man at the peak of quasi-emperor immediately made a decision and gave an order.

He and the other two quasi-emperor peak figures, the blood on their bodies burned fiercely, turned into a bloody light, sank into the starry sky, made another big leap, and chased Xuanyuan and his party.

Long Bi sensed it with a secret method, laughed loudly and said:

"Okay, boy, now there are only three quasi-emperors chasing us..."

"Is it that funny? Can you beat it?"

"I can't beat it!" Long Bi said dryly.

"Then run quickly! When the star field radiated by the 'Fierce God's Nest' is out, I will make them die unsightly!" Xuanyuan sighed, and sacrificed the Imperial Forbidden Teleportation Jade Platform again.

It's so hard to die, if there are two, there is still hope of winning, but if there are three, the risk is too great, Xuanyuan dare not take it, if you want to fight, you must reach the power of the 'sun, moon and tide', no matter how far the area can be affected beat!

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