Xuanyuan and Longbi sang and drank together, it was called coordination, they cooperated very smoothly, I didn't know they were old partners who had been working together for many years.

Although I don't know if it will work, but it's better than nothing. Now Xuanyuan only knows that the "Seven Killing Emperors" are staring at his prey like a poisonous snake, and he can only play it, hoping that the other party will believe it. The seven killing emperors' were thinking something in their minds, but the other party's greed was unquestionable, as long as there was a defect in character, then there was a weakness, which meant that he still had life.

Xuanyuan opened his eyes, and Zhan Huang led the way.

Xuanyuan used his own means to avoid all kinds of geomantic situations and dangerous terrains, or used the extremely mysterious methods in "Da Luo Tianshu" and "Fengshui Ancient Magic" to break through those chaotic geomantic terrains. Zhan Huang couldn't help but be amazed and amazed. You must know that "Da Luo Tian Shu" was originally created based on "Da Shi Gu Shu".

Therefore, along the way, we basically passed through without any danger.

"There are too many secrets about this kid. It seems that following him may get more benefits in the future. It can be seen from his cracking of these chaotic geomantic situations and the general trend of the world. There are "Great Trends Ancient Art", "Feng Shui The breath of "Ancient Divine Art" is really not simple..." Long Bi's pair of eyeballs turned around, and he didn't know what was calculating in his heart.

Yuan'er's body was filled with holy light, and there was an extremely mysterious power in the light. Wherever it went, those chaotic geomantic and terrain atmospheres became peaceful and disintegrated, and finally began to slowly disperse in this piece of heaven and earth, leaving behind If there are people who will visit the 'Bingyan Mountain' in the future, there will be no danger in walking this way.

Along the way, Yuan'er saw a lot of corpses, all of them died in the feng shui terrain halfway, so she used the "Curse of Rebirth" for salvation, and left a pure land of peace in the heart along the way.

A group of people walked in this land for seven days without stopping. Along the way, one or two terrifying beasts would occasionally attack and kill everyone. After a few times, no more beasts appeared. After all, with a semi-superior Dao weapon in hand, even a beast of quasi-emperor level came, and it still had to die.

Xuanyuan's face was a little pale. On the way, he used the "Eye of Reality" at least nine times to see through the weaknesses of those chaotic geomantic terrains. He tried his best to break through those chaotic geomantic terrains. How much was the consumption of Xuanyuan? It is conceivable that Yuan'er felt a little distressed when she saw it:

"Xuanyuan, let's take a rest first, anyway, there is no rush at this moment."

Xuanyuan shook his head, and pointed to the sky not far away, where two auroras merged together, filled with an extremely terrifying and destructive aura.

"The current situation in 'Central China' is bound to be extremely unstable, and the foundation of 'Qinglongmen' is weak. In this kind of turmoil, it is most likely to become a thorn in the side of others, and those people will not let me go easily. If it comes to me, they will find trouble with the 'Qinglongmen', and I am duty-bound."

In front of Xuanyuan's eyes is the center of the 'two poles', which is where the 'Bingyan Mountain' is located.

"That should be where the 'Bingyan Mountain' is located. I don't believe that returning from 'Nanyan Xianzhou' to 'Central Shenzhou' will not even have a portal. The human races that can live here must be big clans. It may be the legacy of the ancient sages in the ancient times, or it may be the ancient emperor, let's go, I'm fine."

As soon as the words fell, ninety-nine celestial milk directly merged into Xuanyuan's body, replenishing everything Xuanyuan had consumed.

"That's right, the great clans living here are indeed the remnants of the ancient sages, with extremely pure blood. They may know where the gateway to the 'Central China' is. Otherwise, why would they guard here for generations? Back then The 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor' and all the sages also came from this road, and there must be a way to return to the 'Central China' from here." Zhan Huang said heavily.

Acting, Xuanyuan and his party are acting all the time, true and false, making people feel extremely real.

For a long time, what is the purpose of the protoss attacking 'Nanyan Xianzhou'?

That is the 'Central China'. Even after they attacked the 'Nanyan Xianzhou', they did not have the starry sky coordinates of the 'Central China', and they would have to spend a lot of manpower and material resources to open up an ancient starry road.

"Hehehe, if they can find a gateway directly to the 'Central China', it would be a great thing for us. Once our protoss army breaks through the 'Nanyan Xianzhou', the army will be able to point directly to the 'Central China' Shenzhou', rescue those immortal gods, then we will be able to make great contributions, get extremely rich rewards, and step into a higher realm, and we will not be in vain for the cultivation of our father and mother." "Murder the emperor's son" is in a great mood Well, he knew that as long as he followed Xuanyuan all the way, he would be able to discover more secrets, so many things should not be rushed for a while. He decided that he must patiently stare at Xuanyuan and his party until they leave the outer starry sky , or only when they find that portal.

"Haha, the eldest brother is indeed wise and powerful. As long as we keep close behind them, we won't have to worry about not finding the starry sky coordinate map of 'Central China'."

"Then should we wait here now or follow them into the ice and fire poles?"

"Let's set up a net, just wait in the dark, don't get too close, as long as people don't get lost, it doesn't matter, this ice and fire polar restriction is extremely terrifying, although we have the 'hidden killing god order', but now we only have half a step In the realm of the great emperor, the power of the "Hidden Killing God Order" cannot be exerted to the extreme. Once an accident occurs, all previous efforts will be wasted. After all, this ice and fire bipolar restriction is left by an ancient sage of the human race. We must not underestimate it .”

"Okay, then listen to big brother..."

Just as the 'Seven Killing Emperors' were talking to each other, Xuanyuan and his party had already reached the outer limit of the extreme restrictions of ice and fire.

Xuanyuan's expression was solemn: "The two extreme restrictions of ice and fire are extremely terrifying. Even people in the emperor's realm can be seriously injured and killed. Don't go any further, otherwise your life will be in danger. Now I want to break through this layer of ice and fire. If the two poles are banned, it will be as difficult as reaching the sky."

"Then what should we do?" Long Bi frowned.

The Emperor of War is well aware of the horror of this two-polar restriction of ice and fire, and it is only natural that Xuanyuan Po cannot break this restriction.

The Emperor of War threw the bones of a fierce beast that he had killed on the road directly into the ice and fire barrier, and the terrifying power erupted instantly. To pieces.

I saw the bones of the fierce beast bursting out of the air, and it was directly frozen into pieces. The ice layer had not yet passed through. This was the bones of a beast of the quasi-emperor realm. Their bodies were extremely strong, and the war emperor was terrifying With such a powerful throw, all the peak sages would be smashed to pieces by this blow, but in this extreme restriction of ice and fire, there was not even a wave.

"This two-polar restriction of ice and fire is simply difficult to pass." Yuan'er sighed leisurely. Obviously, with Xuanyuan's attainments, even if he exhausted any methods, he could not pose a threat to this restriction.

"Junior Xuanyuan, pay homage to the seniors of the human race." Xuanyuan stood outside the restriction of ice and fire, and shouted loudly. He knew that skills and violence were useless, so he could only beg someone to open the door.

The rolling sound penetrated into the restriction of ice and fire.

It's just that they didn't get any response. At this moment, in front of Xuanyuan's group, they could only see a cloud of blue light and golden light blending together, and it was hazy, and they couldn't see anything else at all.

The voice spread far away, but there was no response.

Xuanyuan continued to shout, begging to see him sincerely.

For three days and three nights, Xuanyuan kept shouting like this, but he didn't get the slightest response.

"Xuanyuan, stop shouting, it seems that the human race in this 'Bingyan Mountain' doesn't want to see you." Zhan Huang said helplessly.

"Senior Zhanhuang, do you know which lineage the human race left behind by the ancient sages is?" Xuanyuan was also very helpless in his heart, but he had no choice. In the middle, see if you can find any opportunities.

"It is said that it seems to be the Mohist school, but I don't know the details." Zhan Huang said.


Xuanyuan's heart twitched, maybe there was something going on.

"Young man, go back. Outsiders are not allowed to enter the 'Bingyan Mountain'. This has been a rule for countless years."

At this moment, a heavenly sound seemed to descend from the nine heavens.

"Well, it seems that my Mo family is about to sink into ruins. In the 'Central China', my Mo family is gone. I didn't expect that the only remaining branch in the 'Nanyan Xianzhou' would not want to take me in. Forget it, forget it." Xuanyuan looked helpless and disappointed, and lamented:

"My Mohist school was established in the 'Central China' and the middle way was ruined. Today's 'Central China' is in chaos, the ancient royal families are everywhere, and the Mohist school is completely destroyed. I am left alone, and I am hunted down by countless people. In this autumn of life and death, I Alone, I fought desperately from the 'Shumen', fled to 'Nanyan Xianzhou', looking for the branch left by my ancestors back then, I never thought that today I would be rejected from the door, it seems that my Mo family has no hope of revival, what a pain, What a pity, what a pity..."

Xuanyuan was up and down, emotionally high, with snot and tears, and his words contained all kinds of sadness and pain. Those who saw it were sad and cried when they smelled it. A dilapidated scene of the Mohism seemed to appear in front of people.

Xuanyuan's face was full of tears and heartache. In his hands, he was running the extremely pure Mohism's supreme Taoism, the technique of enlightenment, full of the spirituality of the Dao, covering the world, as if everything in all directions was about to be enlightened by him.

Suddenly, an extremely majestic aura billowed out.

"What did you say……"

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