Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1088 Cruel War

magic state.

On a land where the 'Mozhou Dynasty' lived close to the ancient royal family.

Looking from a distance, the sky is full of snow clouds, a piece of crimson red, black demonic energy soars into the sky, and terrifying shouts of killing sweep across the nine heavens and ten lands, heaven and earth.

Gloom and gloom, mourning everywhere, blood flowing, corpses piled into pieces, and the corpses of demons and ancient royal families are all under your feet, which is horrifying.

Shihou was dressed in purple, and stepped in mid-air, surrounded by eighteen demon lords protecting her, and the sleeves on her body were a little torn, which were torn apart by Taoist artifacts and terrifying fighting spirits. , obviously Shihou also went through a life-and-death battle.

The hair between Shihou's temples was a little messy, and she looked sad. She didn't want such a war to happen, but the ancient royal family was too cruel.

It is unreasonable at all. Wherever they pass, all living beings are killed, and nothing is left behind. Shiwan persuaded him several times, hoping to live in peace, but the ancient royal family ignored Shiwan. I don’t know how many demons were killed. , This made Shihou furious, and personally conquered here.

In the battle between the two armies, the millions of soldiers and horses of the ancient royal family were wiped out in the end, leaving no survivors. However, it was not easy for the demons to win. Relatively speaking, the casualties were not so heavy. By means of medicine, the elixir and panacea distributed have a strong healing ability.

The demons are brave and good at fighting, with strong qi and blood, but compared to leading troops in battle, they are still much worse than the human race.

Among the demons, the way of leading soldiers passed down was learned by the emperor of the demons from the sages of human military strategists. However, after such a long time, not many people have learned these ways of leading soldiers.

Because the demons have always used a very simple method of attack, which is to tear apart the enemy's defenses with absolute power.

In their eyes, instead of studying these ways of leading troops, it is better to strengthen their own abilities, which is the most important thing.

In their opinion, the seemingly cowardly way of fighting is the most vicious, most effective, and most insignificant method that can minimize casualties. I realized, so the meaning is not great at all. Some people who have saved a large amount of wealth with great difficulty are not willing to spend it on these human race's military leadership methods. Instead, they pay more attention to improving the lethality of their supernatural powers.

Shi Wan looked at the countless corpses in front of her, and her face turned pale. Although it was not the first time she had seen such a scene, she used to be in the role of persuading peace, but in this war, she was the commander. A large part of the warriors of the ancient royal family died at her hands, and these demon warriors were all her people.

Now her strength has stepped into the realm of a half-step sage, the same as Yin Zhenluo, but it's just because Shihou has returned to the demon clan to practice intensively since that day, and no one knows about it.

Because Shi Wan had swallowed the 'Blue Dragon Medicine', and as her strength increased, the potency of the medicine dissipated bit by bit, coupled with the magic of the 'Body of Ten Thousand Medicines', Shi Wan was able to step into the half-way so quickly. Stepping into the realm of the sages is also within common sense. Of course, Shihou's rapid progress made Moshuai, Shi Zhong and other demons who admired Shihou feel dull on their faces, as if they had been slapped loudly .

The scene in front of her was deeply imprinted in Shihou's mind. She was silently in a daze. Although she had won this war, she didn't feel the slightest joy in her heart. She only hoped that Xuanyuan could win the war in her heart. Beside him, let her snuggle into Xuanyuan's arms and cry a lot.

On the side, Shiba was covered in scars and dripping with blood. He patted Shihou's shoulder and said:

"Little sister, I know what you are thinking in your heart. Let's look at it. Some things are beyond our control. What we have to do now is very simple, that is to guard my demon clan up and down, and keep all the ancient The royal family will be exterminated, if we don’t do this, our demons will be exterminated by them, and we must not be lenient.”

Shi Da who was on the side was also injured in many places, but it was not serious. If it wasn't for Shi Ba who blocked several attacks for her, Shi Ba would not have been injured like this. I feel distressed, if the little girl can live a carefree life, even if it is for her ridiculous ideals, she is willing, but now many things are out of their hands, and the identity of the teacher is doomed. Involved in this shocking war, for Shi Wan, who is merciful by nature and can't bear to hurt even grass and trees since childhood, as the commander of the three armies, he controls the life and death of countless demon warriors, and he is under such huge pressure After the war broke out, she killed so many people, which was too cruel for Shihou, and now she can only make Shiwan accept such a reality.

"Brother is right, little sister, you don't have to be sad, this is war, casualties are bound to be unavoidable, this battle has been fought for a month, everyone is tired, Ming Jin withdraws troops, let everyone take a good rest. "

"Brother, sister..." On Shiwan's flawless face, the pair of originally bright and moving eyes had become extremely hollow. She moved her dry lips and sobbed: "Can you Can't tell me, why is there a war? Although we are not the same race, we live together in the same world, and we live in peace. Don't fight and kill, isn't it good? Why do you have to fight to the death? The territory they occupy is not much, and the people can't accommodate them anymore, they have such a vast territory, why are they still fighting with us?"

Shihou wept while talking, looking at her hands, covered with blood, this was not what she wanted.

"Little sister, let's not talk about this, let's go home." Shiba knew that it was useless to say anything now, he stroked Shihou's long hair, calmed Shiwan's emotions, and paused for a moment , he exclaimed:

"The corpse demon army stays to clean up the battlefield, and the other army returns to the city to defend the frontier. There must be no mistakes."

As soon as the words fell, countless demon armies responded in unison, their fighting spirit soaring to the sky, Shi Hou looked numb, and seemed no longer willing to say anything more, Shi Da was a little helpless, and now he can only let his little sister alone People are quiet for a while.

Because there are many kinds of fighting fires in Shi Wan's body, the killing power is astonishing. These days, as the commander of the three armies, Shi Wan has killed countless people. For her kind-hearted, it is undoubtedly a huge heart attack. Shock, both Shi Da and Shi Ba can understand Shi Hou's mood, because they are all experienced.

The outbreak of the war forced Shihou to take action. If she had any kindness, then the warriors of her demon clan would die, so she went all out. Now that the war is over, Shihou's mood can be imagined.

"Xuanyuan, where are you?" Shihou's face was pale, she stared at the sky in a daze, where the blood clouds were floating, all directions were filled with strong murderous aura, and the roar of resentful souls.

All kinds of unwillingness and resentment are pervasive, and once the people are not firm, they will be easily affected.

"Xuanyuan, can you come back soon? I don't want to continue killing people like this anymore, take me out of here, I want to stay away from this place of right and wrong..." Shiwan murmured to himself, feeling extremely sad in his heart, countless lives were in his own hands. Her hands withered and turned into flying ashes, not even a trace of her soul was left. For the first time, she discovered that she was so cruel.

It seems that she has become the kind of person she hates the most, like the commander-in-chief, Shi Zhong, with blood on her hands, she subverted herself.

"Little sister..." Shi Da's heart hurts. Shi Wan has always been her most beloved sister. When she was young, because of herself repeatedly and refused to listen to dissuasion, she almost died several times. It was strength that brought her back to life, so at that time, Shi Da secretly swore in her heart that she must protect her little sister well, and she can do whatever she wants, and she will never have too many obstacles, as long as she can let her happy.

Now that Shihou is in such pain, she feels powerless.

"Xuanyuan, come back soon..." In Shihou's eyes, two clear tears fell down, the pear blossoms were covered with rain, making people feel distressed, she wept in a low voice, repeating this sentence over and over again.

Shiba swallowed a few elixir, repaired the wound on his body, said no more, and said to Shida:

"It seems that this war has dealt a heavy blow to my little sister. Over the past few days, millions of people have died at the hands of my little sister. My little sister has always been kind. Now that I have killed so many people, in a short while, It's only natural that I can't slow down, I think it's better not to let my little sister participate in the next battle."

"Well, you send someone to the 'Qinglong Holy Land' to send a message. Once Xuanyuan returns to the 'Qinglong Holy Land', let us know as soon as possible. Maybe the younger sister will feel better with Xuanyuan around." Shi Da understands Shi Hou's thoughts best, As long as Xuanyuan is by her side, it will definitely make her feel much better.

"Xuanyuan really doesn't know if his ancestors have accumulated tens of thousands of lifetimes of virtue to make my little sister treat him like this. Forget it, I have nothing to do. I'll listen to you. If he dares to bully my little sister... , I immediately beat him into a dog." When Shiba thought of Xuanyuan's appearance like a cloud of beauties beside him, he couldn't help but want to challenge Xuanyuan one-on-one, he simply didn't take his little sister seriously .

"Okay, don't talk about it anymore. You may not be able to beat others. I think it's better to forget it. The little girl is not a child anymore. She has a lot of things in her mind. It's not our turn to worry about it." Shi Da patted her forehead and felt that she was very tired, so she didn't talk to Shi Ba much, and took Shi Hou away.

"This little girl is not married yet. I, the big brother, don't worry about it. Who will worry about it?"

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