'Bipolar Domain'.

The golden and blue rays of light are intertwined, and there are only two forces in this world, ice and fire.

The ice and fire two-pole restriction exudes brilliance, making it inaccessible to countless people.

The Seven Killing Emperors had been guarding outside for more than a month, and Xuanyuan and his party had never come out since that day.

On the contrary, when they saw a lot of people coming to display the Mo family, they were all turned away, and they could only leave in despair.

"Brother, do you think this kid has already found us, so he deliberately hid inside and couldn't come out? If that's the case, no matter how long we wait, it's useless."

"No, even the terrifying existences in the 'Bingyan Mountain' can't find us, let alone Xuanyuan. Although our ability can't fully exert the 'Hidden Killing God Order' to the extreme, but If we hadn't reached the realm of the ancient emperor, we would never be found, so don't worry."

"Brother, I don't think so. This Xuanyuan is a person with great luck. He has thousands of means, many of which we don't know. Brother, you often say that you can't underestimate the enemy. Why are you so sure that the other party didn't find us this time?"

"In this 'Bingyan Mountain' there are terrifying existences of Wengu, whose strength is far superior to ours. If they find us, why don't they kill us secretly, let those terrifying existences unite and kill us One was caught off guard? On the contrary, we have been here for more than a month, but no one came out to take a look. This is why I think we have not been discovered. You must know that if a person who asks the ancients wants to kill us, especially a sneak attack, he only needs to I'm afraid we won't be able to escape."

"Then what are they going to do there? And it's been more than a month, why hasn't that Profound God arrived yet? It's been so long, will there be any accidents?"

"I don't know, we are here now and can't communicate with Xuanshen, maybe we can't find us, but it doesn't matter, once Xuanshen arrives in this world, he will take the The treasures of heaven, material and earth, the treasures of Taoism, and the supreme forbidden methods of many of our gods in the "Forbidden Heaven" have been combined to develop a portal, which will lead all the army of "The Fierce God's Nest" into the "Nanyan Xianzhou", At that time, the entire 'Nanyan Xianzhou' will be destroyed, and now we must kill Xuanyuan before they arrive, otherwise, we will suffer a big loss."

"Brother is right. Otherwise, Xuanshen will definitely compete with us for a person with great luck like Xuanyuan. By then, we will always be suppressed by Xuanshen. Even if they have reached the 'South Yan Xianzhou' now, If there is no news from us, we will definitely not be able to find this place for a while, this is a golden opportunity, and we must not miss it."

"Well, Xuanyuan's great luck is the most important thing. In the previous stage, I could feel that he was very anxious and anxious. He wanted to return to 'Central China'. I could feel it, 'Central China' ’ Seems like a huge change, maybe he’s preparing something in there now, to be fully prepared and go back, we just have to wait.”

The Seven Killing Emperors hid in the darkness, motionless.

The half-step emperor of Beiyuan was waiting for Xuanyuan's so-called enemies to appear, but he hid in the dark, drank the cold and hot wind for so long, but didn't see anything, his face turned green, and he cursed in a low voice : "This kid won't play me on purpose, right? It's been more than a month, and I haven't even seen Bird Feather, yet he still said that the strong man of the Protoss is chasing him? I don’t know how to respect the old and love the young, and let me be alone here alone, doesn’t he know that the old man is afraid of being alone? Or can I just go back?”

"Forget it, I still don't want to go back. What if there is something wrong with this kid? Alas, it's an old bone. It doesn't matter. I will retire when I watch them leave the 'Nanyan Xianzhou'. What a fate. .”

'Mojia Village'.

Xuanyuan's eyes were closed, he sat cross-legged, his heart turned to the sky, and he was in touch with the heaven and the earth. He saw countless avenues like dragons, intertwining and circling around Xuanyuan, forming various patterns of momentum, interweaving into various general trends, practicing back and forth, in the past At that time, Xuanyuan could not reach this level at all.

At this moment, Xuanyuan and Dao have become more intimate. These days, he has been comprehending the nine pages of "The Great Trend of Ancient Art". "Ancient Art" has given Xuanyuan a greater harvest. It is a completely different and brand-new perception. He has a more thorough understanding of the general trend of the world. He has mastered everything that was previously half-understood.

It used to be very laborious for Xuanyuan to operate the "Eye of Reality", but after more than a month of intensive training, at least for Xuanyuan today, the consumption is no longer so great, and Xuanyuan's earth eye has been condensed to the peak state , Only one step away, it can be turned into the eye of the sky, as long as Xuanyuan steps into the realm of the celestial being, the eye of the earth can be turned into the eye of the sky.

"Boy, more than a month has passed, do you think the Seven Killing Emperors will wait outside?" Long Bi kept devouring and refining the things he had plundered along the way. His strength has also increased a lot, but he still feels somewhat uneasy in this 'Mojia Village', so he doesn't let go.

"I reckon they've been waiting a lot, so let them wait longer. Anyway, so many days have passed, and it's not too late." Xuanyuan said with a smile.

"You boy..." Long Bi cursed with a smile, and didn't say anything more.

These days, studying the "Great Trend of Ancient Art" day and night, Xuanyuan's temperament has undergone earth-shaking changes, as if he has been able to control the way of heaven, and he is very close to the way, as an earth immortal , but can have such a performance, which made many mainstays of the Mohism feel amazed.

"This kid is so powerful, he deserves to be recognized by all the sages."

"The luck on him is so strong, I never thought he could even get the "Great Trend of Ancient Art"."

"Okay, don't talk about this anymore, it's still important for my Mo family. Since my Mo family has been annihilated in the 'Central China', if it is irreparable, then we have to return to the 'Central China' to pass on the lost inheritance of the Mo family. , get it back, everything that our ancestors have left for us is intact, let us pass it on!"

"The 'Bingyan Mountain' is restricted by the extremes of ice and fire, so there is no need to worry about it. Let's all set off for the 'Central China' together this time?" Mo Teng said.

"No, Mo Teng, you stay here to sit in Mojia Village, and Mo Tian, ​​you have already half-stepped to ask the ancients, and you also stay here to sit in town. This time you go to the 'Central China'. Life and death are unpredictable. The old bones are dead, it’s nothing if you die, you are all younger than us, the future of the Mo family depends on you.” After Mo Xuan said a word, he brought eight elders of the Mo family and appeared quietly In front of Xuanyuan and his party.

Xuanyuan opened his eyes, stood up, and quickly bowed to salute:

"I have seen all the seniors of the Mohist school."

"Hehe, Xuanyuan boy, the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' has been repaired to the state of a semi-superior Dao weapon, and we will not be able to restore it to the state of a supreme Dao weapon for a while, but with its current strength, go to 'Central China' is not a problem." Mo Xuan smiled slightly and looked at Xuanyuan.

"I am very satisfied to be able to reach the Semi-Supreme Dao Artifact, so let's start now, but before that, seniors, please hide. The net is big enough and the line is long enough. Fish It's time to take it away." Xuanyuan looked outside the 'Mojia Village', he could sense that the danger was still there, and the Seven Killing Emperors were really patient, if they were ordinary people, they might have caught it long ago They got their way, but unfortunately, the person they want to plot against is Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan glanced at Yuan'er, Yuan'er nodded and said:

"Well, they're still in ambush outside."

"Haha, don't worry, since they have been waiting for so long, waiting a few more days is nothing to them, seniors, you must be going with us, then you should bring enough savings, It's just in case." Xuanyuan naturally didn't want to be taken advantage of and try to be strong, on the road outside the starry sky, it is possible to fly in the wrong direction at any time, once you can't find the right direction, the property you need to consume will be huge .

"Hehe, you don't have to worry about this, but there is one thing. If you don't agree to us, I'm afraid the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' won't be able to start." Mo Xuan looked at Xuanyuan and said with a faint smile.

"Oh, what's the matter, senior, just ask, as long as I can do it, I will definitely agree." Xuanyuan said calmly.

"Okay, I want you to get the authentic copy of the supreme Taoism of the Mohist school. This time we return to the 'Central China' just to collect everything left by our ancestors." Mo Xuan sighed. .

"Okay, of course there is no problem. When I return to the 'Central China', I will naturally offer the supreme Taoism of the Mo family." Xuanyuan readily agreed, at worst, let Peng Fei kill him.

"Okay, then let's make good preparations and set off in three days." As soon as the words fell, Mo Xuan and his elders quietly disappeared in front of Xuanyuan and his party.

Xuanyuan looked beyond the 'Mojia Village', the place where ice and fire are intertwined, and a cold smile was drawn on the corner of his mouth:

"Three days later, it will be your time of death. By then, all the treasures on your body will be mine."

Long Bi at the side heard Xuanyuan's words, got goosebumps all over his body for no reason, and muttered:

"This kid is too insidious. Will I count the money for him even if I am sold by him one day?"

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