Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1095 Opening the Road to the Starry Sky

"Unexpectedly, I didn't realize that this kid is still a philandering radish. He is merciful everywhere. He really can't show his appearance." Mo Ying gave Xuanyuan an angry look, and said in a teaching tone: "At a young age, the If you don't learn well, I really doubt how Baisheng would fall in love with you."

Yuan'er looked at Mo Ying with blinking eyes, and said doubtfully:

"Didn't the 'Hongmeng Tiandi' also have three thousand harems? My Xuanyuan is already very good, and there will never be more than twenty. How can you say that he doesn't learn well? He has always been very good, and he is good everywhere. I like it." Very good."

Mo Ying was stuck in her throat by the simple Yuan'er, unable to utter a single word, and immediately fell silent.

Xuanyuan looked up to the sky and sighed, tears streaming down his face: "What a crime I have committed..."

"Boy, just be content. Don't be in the midst of blessings and not know your blessings. I want to be like you. It's a pity that I am old and have no chance. You should take advantage of it while you are young." Mo Xuan laughed happily.

"What did you say, say it again?" Mo Ying raised her eyebrows, grabbed Mo Xuan's ear with one hand, and said very gently: "Brother Xuan, I didn't hear what you just said clearly, can you say it again?"

"You didn't understand why you were pulling my ears." Mo Xuan grinned in pain.

"Say." Mo Ying said viciously.

"I said Yingmei, you are gentle, considerate, and considerate. Men, you shouldn't be too bothered. Although the three thousand harem of the 'Hongmeng Emperor' is what everyone yearns for, for me, it is like floating clouds. Because in my heart, there is only Yingmei, and I can't tolerate others." Mo Xuan's ancient sage's demeanor was swept away in Xuanyuan's heart, and Xuanyuan was gritting his teeth, suppressing a smile, and Yuan'er' Look at each other'.

Long Bi on the side was looking at how beautifully the wall patterns in the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' were carved, while the Emperor Zhan looked at the floor under his feet as if there were two ants fighting, and the old man of the Hungarian nationality He was digging his nose with one hand and holding his earwax with the other, humming from time to time: "Shu Tan."

"You're sensible." Mo Ying snorted coldly, shook her hands and left, and finally left a sentence: "The world is as black as crows, and all men have the same virtue, and there is no good thing."

Hearing this, Mo Xuan straightened his neck, and when Mo Xuan confirmed that Mo Ying was completely out of his sight, he quickly waved his hand and activated a magic circle, transforming the place where the group of people were located into a starry sky, and then he straightened his back, Resuming his demeanor, he coughed a few times and said:

"Did you see anything just now?"

"Ah? I didn't see anything." Xuanyuan said hastily.

"So do we." Long Bi, Zhan Huang and the old man of the Hungarian nationality responded at the same time.

"It seems that Grandpa Mo Xuan's ears were pulled by Grandma Mo Ying..." Yuan'er covered her mouth and smiled, her face was pure and flawless, her face was bright, her eyes were bright and kind, and she was extremely charming.

Mo Xuan laughed dryly, he really didn't have any temper towards Yuan'er, he just touched his nose, and said: "Beating is love, scolding is love, one day you will understand, now, you are all young, you are not yet I understand, if you can have such a person to spend your whole life with you, you should be content. Come on boy, show me the star map in your hand. I begged."

Hearing Mo Xuan's sour tone, Xuanyuan smiled brightly, harmless to humans and animals, and said:

"Hey, the prosperity of yin and the decline of yang, senior Mo Xuan, you have to regain your glory."

Mo Xuan shivered a few times, and said in a heavy voice:

"When I am majestic, it's just that you can't see it. Forget it, why should I say this to a kid like you."

Mo Xuan took the star map in Xuanyuan's hand, looked at it for a moment, was greatly amazed, and said:

"It seems that over the years, the major forces in the 'Nanyan Xianzhou' are unwilling to be lonely, and want to find the 'Central Divine State'."

"How about it, is this star map much more complete than the Mohist star map?" Xuanyuan said.

"However, my Mo family's star map also has some not marked on it." Mo Xuan and Xuanyuan and his party are in an extremely unique space of the "Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship". As long as the star map is placed here, it can follow these star maps The recorded coordinates of the starry sky avoid all dangers and move forward smoothly.

"In addition to this one in my hand, over the years, in my Northern Plains, there have been countless strong people who have embarked on the road to the outer starry sky. This star map has also been accumulated from generation to generation. Everyone's Together, this hope will be greater." The old man of the Hungarian nationality, named A Suda, hurried back to Beiyuan before, just to print this star map and explain it to the high-level officials of Beiyuan, saying It's that simple for me to embark on the road to the outer starry sky, and there is no obstacle at all, because although this kind of thing does not happen often, there have always been people who have continued to do this, and they can only bless them.

After taking the star map in Asoda's hand, after looking at it for a long time, he sighed:

"In Beiyuan, there are indeed masters like clouds, and this star map is also extremely precious."

While talking, Mo Xuan completely fused the three star maps together, and entered this space.

I saw the coordinates of the starry sky marked on the star map manifested in this unique space, as if making people feel like they were in the star map.

After an hour, Mo Xuan made several choices for this star map, and said to everyone: "According to this star map, everyone has two choices now."

"Speak." Xuanyuan said.

"A road is explored by my ancestors of 'Nanyan Xianzhou' for generations. The road leading to 'Central China' is not complete. If we come to the end, the next road, we have to There are endless dangers in crossing the river by feeling the stones by yourself."

"What about the other one?" Xuanyuan looked at the evolution of countless star maps around him, and lamented the vastness of the starry sky.

"The other is that they explored and followed the ancient starry sky road created by the 'Hongmeng Tiandi' and all the sages when they came, but this ancient starry sky road is extremely weird, unpredictable, and disappears from time to time. , Intermittent, elusive, and there are many unknowns."

Listening to Mo Xuan's words, Xuanyuan fell into deep thought. These two roads, no matter which one is not easy to walk, if he can still control the 'Hundred Saint Hongguang', Xuanyuan will definitely choose the second without hesitation. However, Xuanyuan sacrificed the 'Baisheng Hongguang' in order to connect the 'Guardian Barrier' with the spirit brand of Baisheng.

"How about it, boy Xuanyuan, which path do you want to choose?" Mo Xuan said seriously.

"The first one, instead of relying on an unpredictable ancient road in the starry sky, it is better to have the determination to break the boat from the very beginning and open up a road that connects the 'South Yan Xianzhou' and the 'Central Shenzhou'. We recorded the coordinates of the starry sky all the way, and in the future we will be able to communicate with 'South Yan Xianzhou' and 'Central China'. If the human race in 'Central China' declines, 'Nanyan Xianzhou' can just inject a batch of fresh human race into 'Central China' Blood." After thinking about it several times, Xuanyuan finally made such a decision, only the road he opened up is the safest, this road to the stars is not only for the present, but also for the future.

"Boy, with the ancient road to the starry sky opened up by your human race 'Hongmeng Tiandi' and all the sages, as long as you can find it, you can go back to the 'Central China' unimpeded. Use your current strength to open up the road yourself." Isn't that courting death if you follow the same path?" Long Bi was the first to have an opinion, and it is indeed not suitable for Xuanyuan to do so with his current strength.

"I think I should know the reason why that ancient starry sky road is unpredictable and disappears from time to time." Xuanyuan said.

"What's the reason?" Zhan Huang frowned. He also felt that it was the best choice to choose the ancient road to the starry sky opened up by the 'Emperor Hongmeng' and all the saints. It would be too dangerous and inappropriate to find it by himself.

"Because with the passage of time, the distance between 'Central Shenzhou' and 'Nanyan Xianzhou' is gradually getting farther, and the trajectories of the starry sky cannot be synchronized, and naturally this ancient starry sky road cannot be connected. I think this ancient starry sky The road should have been broken into pieces. Look at the many ancestors of 'Nanyan Xianzhou'. It's not that they haven't found this ancient starry sky road. It's just that you look at the space nodes marked on these ancient starry sky roads. They are section by section. You think it's normal. Is it?" In this space, people feel like they are in the starry sky, Xuanyuan pointed at the space nodes and looked at everyone.

"At least the deviation should not be far away. With our strength, if we take this road, we have a great chance to reach the 'Central China' safely. If we take another road, whether we can reach the 'Central China' is all up to you." An unknown quantity." The Emperor said in a heavy voice.

"Are you afraid?" Xuanyuan's eyes suddenly became sharp, pointing at the ancient starry sky road, and said in a heavy voice: "Let's not say how dangerous the ancient starry sky road will be if it is broken into pieces, even if we If we can arrive smoothly all the way, can future generations be like us? I am afraid that as time goes by, the distance between 'South Yan Xianzhou' and 'Central Shenzhou' will become farther and farther. As long as we open up A road leading to 'Central China', marked with a star map, then in the future, people from 'Nanyan Xianzhou' can enter the 'Central China' through this road, and people in 'Central China', as long as With our star map, we can also enter the 'Nanyan Xianzhou', which is beneficial to all generations, what do you think?"

"Hey, you are indeed the one Baisheng is looking for. Just do as you say. I, the Mo family, definitely don't have the slightest opinion." Mo Xuan marveled at Xuanyuan's courage.

"You guys are not afraid, we are afraid of anything, we just leave." Zhan Huang and Long Bi have more and more tacit understanding.

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