Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1108 Return to Homeland

Wangshan ran to death.

Obviously, the "World of Fighting Qi" is right in front of them, Xuanyuan and his party used the "Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship" to break through the sky all the way, and with everyone's ability, they tried their best to mobilize the "Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship". It still took three days and three nights, but One can imagine how vast it is in this starry universe.

Because of the 'meteor shower' before, Xuanyuan and the others consumed a lot of property, so they decided to save a little, anyway, home is right in front of them, and it's not too late.

Xuanyuan originally had at least 50 billion trillion celestial coins, but now he has consumed less than 20 trillion celestial coins. If it hadn't been for other people to share with him, he might have already used up all of them.

However, 20 billion trillion celestial coins, which is an extremely huge wealth, at least placed in the 'Qinglongmen', can allow them to have greater development, Xuanyuan thinks so.

Around, Xuanyuan saw many broken bones, cracked battle armor, dim and ruined Taoist soldiers, and many fragments of stars. Obviously, this is another battlefield outside the domain, where a very large-scale battle took place. War belongs to the human race. Xuanyuan had already experienced these things that day. Seeing them again now makes him feel sad.

He looked in front of him, 'Central China' was getting bigger and bigger, and now he was able to return to 'Qinglongmen' immediately.

Beside Xuanyuan, Mo Xuan looked at the 'Central Shenzhou', his brows were wrinkled, and his eyes were shining with the light of the supreme Dao. Everyone, if you want to refine weapons, you need to dig a lot of natural materials and earth treasures. Seeing the current situation of "Central China", Mo Xuan's eyes were full of disappointment: "What's going on, in the "Central China" Why does the territory where my human race live have such a filthy atmosphere, and the spiritual energy is scarce, and the fighting energy is broken, but in the place where the ancient royal family lives, the spiritual energy is abundant, the fighting energy is abundant, and there are countless treasures."

"I have said long ago that today's 'Central China' is no longer the 'Central China' of that day. The 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor' and the ancestral precepts passed down by all the saints have been completely forgotten. They keep killing each other, just want to compete for a larger territory, and want to rule the entire 'Central China', if not With the support of a group of background figures, I am afraid that today's human race will no longer exist." Xuanyuan sighed, looked at Mo Xuan and the others and said: "Senior Mo Xuan, you have now reached the 'Central China', you Just send me to the piece of land in Dongzhou 'Doulong Xianfu'."

Xuanyuan pointed to a piece of land in the east of the 'Central China', he could recognize it, the junction with the 'Central State Dynasty', which is where the 'Qinglongmen' is located.

"Okay, now it seems that the 'Central China' is in chaos, and wars are breaking out everywhere, you should be careful." Mo Xuan has already seen the piece of land he can see through his "seeing the earth". Transparent, he is very helpless, the ideal "Central China" in his heart, but now he sees it again, but it is extremely disappointed.

"I didn't expect that the incomparably prosperous 'Central China' would be reduced to such a state today. What should we do?" Mo Ying frowned and sighed.

"What else can I do? Find the lost things of my Mo family, return to 'Nanyan Xianzhou' and lead a group of elite disciples of my Mo family back to 'Central Shenzhou', and rebuild the Mo family." With determination: "The spirit of the Mohist school must be passed on in the land of 'Central China', and the glory of our holy ancestor of the Mohist school should be carried forward."

"Okay, I also support Grandpa Mo's idea. I hope that we can form a strong alliance and rejuvenate the human race." Xuanyuan heard the words, his blood boiled, and he could feel the persistence in Mo Ma's heart. The belief passed down by the ancestors of the Mohist family, even if the Mohist family is destroyed, the descendants of the Mohist family can still rebuild it.

"Hi? Okay, let's take care of yourself first, I don't know if your 'Qinglongmen' is still there, you better take care of yourself first, kid." Long Bi rolled his eyes , Said: "Let's go!"

"Farewell, everyone." Zhan Huang and A Suda bowed to the nine Mohists. No matter what, it is thanks to them all the way, otherwise, everyone would have died a long time ago.

"Then I'll give you a ride." In Mo Ma's hand, a tiger-headed crutch was slammed against the deck under his feet. From the deck, countless avenue lines manifested and gathered into a prohibition circle, and a divine light was received The traction of the avenue lines descended, covering Xuanyuan's group, countless runes flickered, and the power of space fluctuated. The method of transmission was no less than the imperial forbidden jade platform given by the pig-headed emperor.

"Go all the way!" Mo Ma shouted, the teleportation restriction of the Protoss was activated in an instant, Xuanyuan and the others disappeared in front of their eyes. Ma Cai said to the crowd: "Okay, now that we have come to the 'Central China', we are just trying to find the lost things of my Mohist family, don't start disputes with others, look for them in a low-key manner, and avoid wars."

"Elder, doesn't Xuanyuan still have a page of ancient scriptures from my Mohist family? Why don't we ask him to return that page of ancient scriptures first?" A Mohist emperor-level powerhouse said puzzledly, because this was the first page of the ancient scriptures. The agreement made with Xuanyuan.

"I just looked at the territory he was pointing at with the 'seeing the earth'. After the raging flames of war, there were countless casualties. I'm afraid his 'Qinglongmen' no longer exists. I will go ask him for this at this time." Page ancient scriptures are very inappropriate, and there may not be any, so instead of this, we might as well look for others first, and then ask him when we are about to leave, it will be better.” Sophisticated human feelings are articles, and Mo Ma has won the spiritual inheritance of the Mohist ancestors, so he naturally knows how to deal with it better.

Dealing with people is a great learning, and there are not many people who can achieve the level of Mo Ma, not even Xuanyuan.

"Okay, put away the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship', and let's go separately. What we practice is the extremely pure Mohist Supreme Dao Technique, which can have a slight sense of touch with my Mohist Taoism. Be careful,' The Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' will be kept by Mo Xuan and his wife."

"Yes, elder..."

A ray of divine light descended from the sky, and Xuanyuan, Yuan'er, Zhanhuang, Longbi, and Asuda appeared in the sky above the area where the 'Qinglongmen' was located.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Xuanyuan froze in mid-air for a moment, unable to move.

The land under his feet has turned into a piece of scorched earth, and the scars left by various avenues remain on the land.

The air of blood was soaring to the sky. I don't know how many people died here, countless great mountains were razed, and countless rivers dried up.

A piece of land that was originally full of vitality and extremely rich, has now turned into this appearance, and the 'Qinglongmen' is no longer there.

Faintly, there are many war spirits roaring.

"I am unwilling, I actually died here, at the hands of the humble human race."

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, how could the ancient royal family be so terrible..."

Xuanyuan can sense all kinds of thoughts.

His face was pale, and he said in a serious voice: "What's going on, how could it be like this, how long have I been away? How could the 'Qinglongmen' be gone if it's gone?"

"Boy, I'm sorry. Needless to say, your 'Qinglongmen' must have a weak foundation. It's too weak. In this kind of war, it can only be used as cannon fodder." Long Bi sighed and comforted Xuanyuan.

"Yu You, Young Niang, Mo Chou, Yue Chan, Master Five Elements, Senior Nightmare Ghost Fairy, Huang Quan, Peng Fei, Pig Head Emperor, but where have they all gone?" Xuanyuan's pale expression, With absolute anger, his eyes were ferocious and murderous.

"Boy, don't worry, I'll communicate with Tundi first to see what happened. Maybe it's not as bad as you think. With their way of handling things, they shouldn't let the 'Qinglongmen' be destroyed." Greedy The old man's words immediately made Xuanyuan regain his composure, and said in his heart: "Okay, quickly contact the pig-headed emperor, what the hell is going on, with them here, all of them are as cunning as ghosts, cunning rabbits and three caves, I don't believe in the 'Qinglongmen' What will happen under their control."

Xuanyuan looked at the land where the 'Qinglong Mountain' was, which had already been razed. Looking at the ruined walls, if something happened to the 'Qinglong Mountain', it should not be so clean. Looking at the dilapidated buildings around Dayue knew that there must have been a war, and Zhutou Dadi and the others fled here with the 'Qinglongmen'.

He watched all that happened before him, calmed down his heart, and waited for the response from the greedy old man.

"Boy went to the 'Eight Immortals Mountain', something big happened." The greedy old man said seriously.

"The nine royal families of the ancient times led an army of 90 million to attack the 'Qinglong Sacred Land', and now your 'Qinglong Gate' has become the 'Qinglong Sacred Land' under the discussion of many leaders from Emperor Tun and the 'Eight Immortals Mountain'." The old man explained everything succinctly.

"What!" Xuanyuan was surprised and delighted, but hearing the old man's tone, the situation in the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is not optimistic, obviously something big has happened.

"Let's go, I want to see how capable the ancient royal family is." Xuanyuan took out the few imperial forbidden jade platforms on his body, oriented the azimuth coordinates of the 'Eight Immortals Mountain', and led a group of people through the sky.

Zhan Huang, Long Bi, A Su Da, Yuan'er didn't know what Xuan Yuan wanted to do, they were at a loss.

"I said, what are you doing, kid? You won't go crazy and want to kill people, right? This is good, I like it the most. Find a place with a lot of people and let me kill you." Long Bi laughed wildly, and soon After that, Xuanyuan came to the Nine Heavens next to the 'Tianxia Pass'.

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