Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1118 Big Bragging Technique

The fourth wave of the ancient royal family's army started.

Almost all major forces in all parts of the human race suffered terrible attacks, and the war kicked off almost at the same time. For the human race, this was another baptism of blood and iron. In panic.

As soon as the war started, the human race that lost the most was not others, but the great power of 'Eternal Life', which was beyond everyone's expectations.

Almost, among the big powers everywhere, those quasi-emperor figures who are leading the formation use their great supernatural powers to obliterate the soul bodies stored within a radius of one hundred thousand miles, that is, the disciples of "eternal life". massacre, and not spare a single one.

Some of the existences who reacted quickly and whose strength was in the realm of the sages escaped in advance, but it was useless. In front of the quasi-emperor, no one could escape. Those quasi-emperors of the ancient royal family were extremely terrifying, and some even practiced Having mastered the secret techniques of the major royal families, no one in the world can match them.

Its killing power reaches nine days.

Countless 'Eternal Life' disciples were killed and their souls scattered. They spread across many battlefields, but now it is unknown how many people were killed or injured.

Soon, this news was sent back to 'Eternal Life', even if the news was not sent back, many elite life jade cards of 'Eternal Life' were broken, they knew that something big had happened.

"What the hell happened, how could so many people die!"

"The Primordial Royal Family, the Primordial Royal Family, they actually attacked us." A hall master in the 'Eternal Life' roared crazily, extremely furious, his three confidantes of the sages at the peak state were among them, but it was like this died!

"It seems that the ancient royal family also wants to suppress us. We have been searching for dead battle spirits all the time. They are afraid that our crazy growth at this time will become their obstacles in the future, so now they are united to suppress us in an all-round way. With those quasi-emperors in charge, I'm afraid it won't be so easy for us to collect battle spirits, and I'm afraid we will fall into a passive position." If 'Eternal Life' is an ancient royal family, it is absolutely impossible to let the opponent Development and suppression are inevitable, but these days, 'Eternal Life' has not been sniped, so they have become more and more unscrupulous, but they never imagined that the ancient royal family would use it if they did not move. It turned out to be so cruel and inhumane, it was too unreasonable.

It made the hall masters of the major halls all turn blue, as if they had eaten dozens of catties of pig manure, extremely uncomfortable.

The Primordial royal family made such a violent attack, and they absolutely cannot fail to react at all. If so many 'eternal life' powerhouses died, if there is no reaction at all, it will only make many disciples completely lose confidence in 'eternal life'.

"Then what should we do now, should we fight back?" One of the palace masters has murderous intentions in his heart. This matter cannot be tolerated, but these things can only be decided after the joint discussion of many palace masters of.

"I have to fight back, otherwise my 'Eternal Life' will be discredited. The ancient royal family is attacking us. This is what the entire human race is watching. If we want to be the leaders of the human race in the future, then we should take action. When the time comes Call the world, and more people will respond."

"It's a pity that in my 'eternal life', there are no masters, but no supreme Taoist weapon. Otherwise, I will definitely take action to destroy a royal family and shock the world. This battle must be fought!" There was a temple on the spot. The Lord gritted his teeth secretly, angry in his heart.

"It doesn't matter, Cang Yi's 'Sword of Eternal Life' has stepped into the realm of a semi-superior Dao weapon, and now there is only a ray of opportunity between heaven and earth, and he has accumulated countless years. Stepping into the pinnacle of Emperor Zhun, one day, the 'Sword of Eternal Life' also has the opportunity to become the supreme Dao weapon."

"Okay, if this is the case, then the masters of the Twelve Palaces will lead the elite of my 'Eternal Life' to unite four semi-superior Taoist artifacts and eight superb Taoist artifacts to strike at the affiliated groups of the 'Purple Dragon Clan'. They have thoroughly refined our tonic, since they won't give it to us, then we will get it by ourselves. We will refine all the members of a royal family to death in front of the world and behind the army of 135 million royal families. Affiliated to the big clan, give them a resounding slap, and praise my reputation of 'eternal life'..."

The 'Purple Dragon Clan' is the closest place to the 'Qinglong Holy Land', killing a royal subordinate group under the watchful eyes of the 135 million royal army is simply slapping them in the face.

The reflection of 'Eternal Life', just as Xuanyuan expected, countless people were destroyed and killed in front of the people of the world. It is impossible for them not to express a little bit. Now that the human race is in great trouble, 'Eternal Life' is also one of the human races. , How can you not come out and express it.

Now Xuanyuan's fifty-two incarnations, as well as his own deity, are all in the "heavenly fierce wilderness". As a "body of myriad transformations", I can evolve all auras in the world without traces or flaws. Even in the 'Heavenly Fiend Wasteland' which has now become the land of the ancient royal family, those dead war spirits are still difficult to distinguish.

On the 'Tianxia Pass', Yin Tuxian, Yin Qianxun, and Yin Zhenluo looked at the hundreds of millions of troops of the ancient royal family, pressing step by step in a square formation, advancing layer by layer. The soldiers of the ancient royal family were full of energy and fighting The mind soared, the blood rushed to the sky, and the whole land was trembling, which caused great psychological pressure on the countless soldiers of 'Tianxia Pass', and made people have the urge to vomit blood. The atmosphere was very dull and depressing.

At this moment, Yin Tuxian felt, what is the gap? The impact of 135 million troops pressing down on people at the same time is really terrible. Even if he has been in the battlefield for a long time, he has never seen it Such a huge battle.

In front of the formation of the royal army, there is a door ballista, on which the avenue of heaven and earth circulates, four wheels are turning, each door is two feet high, on it, there are countless dao marks engraved, showing With terrifying destructive power, there were three thousand gates, and they were pushed to the front line of the battlefield.

Seeing these 3,000 'Ballistas of Broken Dao', Yin Tuxian's pupils shrunk to the size of a needle point, his fists clenched tightly, and he shouted in shock:

"This is the 'Ballista Broken Path', each of which is equivalent to a high-grade Taoist weapon. These 'Ballista Broken Ballistas' are designed to kill the world and the earth. Once activated, they will destroy the front of the 'Tianxia Pass'." Countless world trends will be torn apart, and then there will be no more natural dangers to defend!"

Yin Zhenluo and Yin Qianxun were surrounded by generals of the Yin family, and couldn't help but tremble a little. The consequences were too terrible, and no one could bear it. From Yin Zhenluo's eyebrows, killings overflowed, 60,000 Xianglong The army has been assembled together, and she holds the 'Tianlong Shenwang Bow' and gives the order in unison.

"Draw the bow, nock the arrow, and shoot!"

The 60,000 Xianglong army yelled in unison, and the killing sound went straight to the sky. Their energy and energy were all concentrated in this arrow, and they smashed out. Woohoo, the terrifying roar resounded through the sky. Bow', condensed into a terrifying array of arrows, covering hundreds of thousands of miles.

The majestic array of arrows is incomparably terrifying, the light of the arrows makes people unable to look directly at them, and the terrifying killing power emitted by them makes one's body tear apart and seems to tear everything apart. one strike.

Seeing that the arrow array was covering and was about to destroy the three thousand 'Ballistas', suddenly, from the three thousand 'Ballistas', an incomparably terrifying restraining force rushed out and intertwined together to form a The impenetrable protective wall, on which the rune of the emperor flows.

I saw that the arrow array shot by Yin Zhenluo led by the "Xianglong Army" only tore a hole in the joint protection restriction, and it suddenly exploded, and was resisted by a series of restrictions and turned into peace.

Yin Tuxian's expression shook, and he said in a trembling voice:

"This is the protection restriction of the quasi-emperor, and it was jointly deployed by the eighteen quasi-emperors. This 'Ballista of Broken Dao' is difficult to break through. With the power to tear the 'Ballista Breaker' apart, with our current capabilities, we can't damage it at all."

"Hahaha, I said it earlier, you can't do it in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', today is the day when the 'Tianxia Pass' is broken, and when the time comes, the women who rape men will be killed, no one will be spared, hahahaha!" an old man from the ancient royal family said. , dressed in purple scale armor, is a strong man of the 'Purple Dragon Clan' at the peak of the sages. He is full of energy and blood, majestic and majestic.

"The other party has someone from Emperor Zhun's attack. Now with our strength, we can't resist at all. Hurry up and invite 'Sage of Heaven and Moon', 'Nightmare Ghost Immortal', 'Emperor Ouyang', 'Lord of Sin City' and 'Eight Immortals of the Eastern Territory'." ', otherwise my 'Qinglong Holy Land' will be in danger." Yin Tuxian said heavily.

When a veteran from the Yin family was just about to turn back to the 'Qinglong Holy Land', when these existed, the pig-headed emperor descended from the sky. He was dressed in a black robe, fluttering with the wind, his thick black hair was flamboyant and flowing, and his two slender The fierce sword eyebrows are slanted, and there is a strange look in his eyes. His face is too handsome, enough to make women feel ashamed. Bragging:

"The great emperor has already prepared, so don't bother them. Today, your ancient royal family's hundreds of millions of troops will die at the feet of the great emperor. Do you remember me? Tremble, humble aliens, today, I will kill" Swallow the Great Emperor's resurrection, with his supreme holy power, wipe you out here, I will use your king's skull to make my chamber pot, and I will use your god emperor's skull to refine it into my wine cup !"

The pig-headed emperor is extremely confident. His words are like a hidden spell. On him, the forbidden runes are intertwined and evolved, exuding extremely terrifying killing power. Everyone focuses their eyes on the pig-headed emperor. Heart shock:

"Could it be that the 'Emperor Devourer' is still alive? That lawless figure has entered many ancient royal families, and no one can stop him..."

So far, in the memory of the existence of many ancient royal families, the figure of the "Emperor Devourer" is still clear, domineering, and the only one who is the only one.

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