Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1128 The Land of Peace

"Yes, this person named Peng Fei is definitely the main fighter in the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. He doesn't have any sincerity to negotiate with us. He wants to sabotage the negotiation with unreasonable demands, and then let 'Swallow The Great Emperor' shot, that's his ultimate goal."

"So, we must not fall for the trap. No matter what, we must endure it first, calm down the anger of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', and first plunder the luck of other human races. This is the most difficult bone to chew, and then chew it at the end. All that we have lost, we have to get back from them in the end, now that I have made a move from the ancient times, can it be that I can't beat a 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'?"

"Then we will really restore the land of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' as he said? Let him enter the land of our various clans and seize the dragon veins to rule on the territory of the 'Qinglong Holy Land'?"

"Since it is a peace talk, there will be sacrifices. We have accumulated countless years. With our nine ancient royal families uniting together, there is no problem in gradually repairing the damage of the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'. Although the cost is a bit high, it is better than that." Wouldn't it be better if the 'Emperor Devourer' came to the door?"

"Dragon veins, the key is dragon veins, which is a symbol of luck. Our land, generation after generation, must be nourished by dragon veins. The cultivation of our descendants cannot be separated from dragon veins..."

"Well, you are right, but you must also be clear that once the peace talks fail and the 'Qinglong Holy Land' launches a counterattack, then we will only suffer even greater losses. We have the luck plundering method, and the 'Swallowing Emperor' also has it. Otherwise, why he would be so terrifying that day is because in the process of devouring others, he devoured other people's luck and achieved his own body."

"Longmai, the price is really too high."

"Hehe, there is one thing you may have forgotten. Dragon veins are all spiritual things. They usually avoid danger by themselves. The largest dragon vein in our clan, let's not talk about arresting them. Don't be killed by it. Thank God, this kid is so strong, if you think he can capture a few dragon veins, let him go, there is only one chance, if he fails, don't blame others."

"Okay, you're right, little bastard, you dare to plot against us, hmph, I don't know how powerful the world is, let's make things clear in advance, if this kid dies, it has nothing to do with us."

The quasi-emperor peak figures of the nine ancient royal families exchanged ideas and immediately reached a consensus, that is, they agreed to make a request that, in the eyes of everyone, was impossible for them to agree to.

"Okay, my nine ancient royal families deeply apologize for the serious loss caused by the 'Qinglong Holy Land', so it is normal to restore the damaged land of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', we are willing to bear all this, as for the dragon veins, it is a natural Raised on the ground, they have their own wisdom, which is not up to us to decide, so each of our royal families allows Peng Fei Shaoxia to go to our clan to arrest the dragon veins, but life and death are conceited, I hope you can understand, the strongest dragon veins, Even beheading the ancient emperor, these are far beyond our control, I hope you can understand."

Fang Yuyou and Bai Youniang stopped talking. At first, they never thought that the nine ancient royal families would pay such a large amount of war compensation, because it would take countless manpower to restore the entire "Qinglong Holy Land" Material resources, and now they have to let Peng Fei go to their clan to seize the dragon veins and enter the land of the "Qinglong Holy Land", which is beyond their expectation.

The condition that Pengfei put forward was just the beginning of asking for a lot of money and paying back the money on the ground, but they didn't expect that it was these figures of the ancient royal family who made him think complicated.

They finally understood why Xuanyuan wanted to keep Peng Fei in the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. As long as this fat man is around, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' will not suffer. As long as he is there, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' will only take advantage of others. Son.

"Okay, no problem, as long as you don't attack me secretly, huh? No, you can assassinate me secretly if you want, you are welcome at any time, hahahaha..." Peng Fei laughed arrogantly and stepped out , will leave with them.

"Can you be the master of the 'Qinglong Holy Land'? Miss Fang, you are the lord of the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. This matter requires you to nod for our peace talks to be considered a success. If you don't agree If we turn around and regret it, wouldn't we lose our wife and lose our army?" An old man from the ancient royal family ignored Peng Fei, but looked at Fang Yuyou and asked in a loud voice.

"Hehe, this matter has been decided for the time being. According to what Mr. Pengfei said, a temporary truce, the nine ancient royal families will be used as compensation, and in the next few days, help us restore the domain under the jurisdiction of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' , the damage received, from the inside to the outside, is fully processed, and you must not slow down, seniors of the ancient royal family, do you have any questions?" Fang Yuyou's white clothes are flying, her brows are full of heroic spirit, her eyes are like stars, extraordinarily bright, and the corners of her mouth are smiling Raised, white teeth, flowing black hair, and every move, there is a kind of grandeur to rule the world.

"Okay, then it's decided like this, Shaoxia Pengfei, come with me first, as long as you can see the dragon veins of my 'Gu Lin clan', you can do whatever you want, I'll say ugly things first , if we are killed by the dragon veins, we are not responsible for this matter." The quasi-emperor peak old man of the Gulin tribe looked at the crowd, rather than telling the crowd, it would be better to say it to those who don't know where he is. 'Emperor Devourer' listened.

"No problem." Peng Fei smiled sinisterly, and he laughed strangely in his heart. You must know that in recent days, he and those old and immortal characters in "Eight Immortals Mountain" have consulted and learned from each other, and let his "Feng Shui "Ancient Divine Art" has improved a lot: "I promise, you will regret it..."

In this way, Peng Fei followed the elders of the nine ancient royal families without anyone following him. In the eyes of the ancient royal families, this was confidence. Otherwise, how could a small peak of the earth immortal have such confidence , even if he is the son of Tianjiao Emperor, he can't face all this calmly, his heart will definitely be shaken, once shaken, they will be able to feel it.

If he knew that the 'Emperor Devourer' was just a lie, his face would turn green with fright, and he would fight desperately with the pig-headed emperor immediately.

Because during this period, the pig-headed emperor kept sending sound transmissions to Peng Fei, showing his unparalleled bragging skills:

"The projection of the 'Emperor Devourer' has been looking at you. He is very satisfied with you and said that this child is very similar to him."

"'The Devouring Emperor' is invincible in the world, no one can compare, don't worry, no one can hurt you."

"'Swallowing the Great Emperor' is to wait for them to attack you. You should hold on to the dragon's veins and be stricter. Try to pick things up and fight with them."

"'Swallowing Emperor' is protecting you. This is a rare opportunity. That day, 'Swallowing Emperor' had practiced "Fengshui Ancient Magic". Maybe when he is happy, he will really pass on the part you didn't get. .”

"The 'Emperor Devourer' is following you, do your best to torment the ancient royal family, don't save face for them, you can be as lawless as you want..."

If the nine ancient royal families knew that all of this was false, they would probably be so angry that they would vomit blood. The pig-headed emperor looked at their backs and sighed in his heart:

"Fortunately, I still have the aura left by the 'Great Devourer' to deter them. Otherwise, I'm afraid that the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is really dangerous. Even if there are Zhanhuang, Longbi, and Asuda, they won't be able to resist it." They live in the ancient royal family. Over the years, they have accumulated too much money, which is far beyond what the "Qinglong Holy Land" can match. This fat man can only see his fortune now. Fatty, we are not acquainted with each other anymore. If you die, don't blame me, but you can only blame your bad luck. If you can come back alive, I will take you to a big ticket. Now the big ticket is your old business, so you can Go do it yourself, whether it is a blessing or a disaster, it is all yours, and the Great Emperor will not rob you at most..."

If Peng Fei, a fat man, knew now, he would be the first to admit that he was afraid, so the pig-headed emperor could only do so.

The peace talks between the 'Qinglong Holy Land' and the ancient royal family went smoothly beyond everyone's imagination. The nine ancient royal families' armies are still stationed in place, but now they are no longer attacking the 'Qinglong Holy Land', but gathered at the 'Tianxia Pass' 'Before, with it as the center, repair and construction began for millions of miles in a radius. They did not dare to move at all, because in their view, this was under the eyes of the "Emperor Devourer", and it was also a death order issued by the high-level officials of their various ethnic groups. , let them not be smart.

While the major forces of the human race were working hard to resist the fifth wave of the ancient royal family's attack, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' was extremely relaxed. It was undergoing post-war reconstruction. After it was sent out, construction began in all directions with the 'Qinglong Holy Land' as the center. This is the new life that the 'Qinglong Holy Land' has ushered in.

The 'Qinglong Holy Land' is not only rebuilding the land, but also rebuilding the hearts of the people. They have become brave and strong. Everyone wants to protect this piece of land, which belongs to their own homeland.

The flames of war have completely covered the lands of the human race's Zhongzhou, Dongzhou, Nanzhou, and Beizhou. This fifth wave of temptation has brought the human race to an unprecedented test. If they can't even survive this wave, the ancient royal family It will only attack more thoroughly.

Many human races know that the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is safe, and many refugees who have suffered from wars all around come here, even some casual practitioners have come to the 'Qinglong Holy Land' to seek refuge.

However, they all had to go through extremely strict scrutiny. Many spies sent by disciples of major forces were killed in front of countless people, or some notorious people who had committed countless evils were all killed. In the Fa-rectification on the spot, those who can enter it are either kind-hearted people, or those who really want to escape the war.

The 'Qinglong Holy Land' used to be the most dangerous place, but now it is the safest land of peace.

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