Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1136 sneak into the rear

The originally aggressive Shenhuo army was forced to stop. During the war, rebellions appeared in all major areas, and there were no traces to be found. If the battle continues, it will only make the army worse. big sacrifice.

The best way to do it now is to withdraw troops with Ming Jin. If the army's morale is in a mess, the situation will be difficult to clean up.

Luo Zixi's grasp of the battle situation was extremely precise. With one order, countless soldiers urged the Emperor Ban of Frost Snow City to launch a devastating attack ban when the opponent had no intention of fighting, and thousands of soldiers were born. This method of attack was so powerful that it left behind two million soldiers from the Shenhuo Clan.

If it wasn't for the quasi-emperor figures of the other party to jointly resist the attack of the imperial ban, I'm afraid the army of the Shenhuo tribe would suffer even more heavy casualties.

Under Frost Snow City.

It is a long river of blood flowing, under the reflection of the moonlight, it is extremely beautiful, the stumps are floating on the river of blood, heads one by one, or angry, or desperate, or ferocious, or It's a look of unwillingness.

This is war, and the fighters on both sides have no choice.

Luo Zixi didn't lead his troops to pursue them, because the opponent's quasi-emperor was in the formation, and if they dared to step outside this restriction, they would be wiped out immediately. There was no suspense about this.

"Finally retreating..." Luo Zixi breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the scene in front of her. She didn't know what would happen tomorrow, at least today has passed. These days, Luo Zixi has already made sacrifices Prepared, now that the battle is over, I can still survive, I feel as if I have earned it.

Many of the disciples of the "Hantian Immortal Mansion" who stayed in Shuangxue City were completely exhausted, and their persistence for many days finally came to an end today. They felt the same as Luo Zixi.

The 'Holy Son of Cold Sky' turned blue and clenched his fists. He was once again looked down upon by Luo Zixi, but there was nothing he could do.

I don't know where Luo Zixi got the adventure, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds, although he didn't get the inheritance of the fairy beast inner alchemy, but compared to him, he is no worse than him, and even surpasses himself, without him, Because Luo Zixi practiced step by step by himself from the beginning to the end, and he had someone to lay a solid foundation, and he also possessed the inner alchemy of a fairy beast such as 'Ice Heaven Immortal Leech', but because of this, he was still rejected. Luo Zixi caught up, and for the 'Holy Son of Han Tian', it was a great blow to him.

"All the disciples of the 'Han Tian Immortal Mansion' obey the order!" Luo Zixi seemed to have become the leader in the hearts of many disciples of the 'Han Tian Immortal Mansion'. She gave an order, and all directions moved together.


"In the past few days, the soldiers who have been guarding the city have been recharging their batteries. The other soldiers have taken turns to guard the city, and they must not be negligent in the slightest."

As soon as the words fell, Luo Zixi drifted away. The torment she had suffered these days was no less than letting her go through a life-and-death duel.

A quasi-emperor figure didn't attack them, but just watched quietly. Invisibly, the pressure generated was enormous.

She didn't know when these characters would make a move, and she didn't dare to relax a bit.

"Maybe it's because I'm afraid that I, 'Hantian Immortal Mansion', will use the Supreme Dao Artifact, that's all, no matter what, when it's time for them to make a move, they can't escape no matter what..." Luo Zixi looked at the bright moon in the sky. , sighing in his heart: "Xuanyuan, where are you, why haven't I heard from you these days?"

Luo Zixi breathed a sigh of relief, and the army of the Shenhuo tribe also began to carry out internal rectification. These things are not what she needs to care about. To attack and prepare for war.

After these battles, Luo Zixi felt that his savings had reached a critical point, and he could break through.

On the battlefield of the God Fire Clan.

Tens of millions of troops began to gather, and they waded through the river of blood and returned to their camp.

A group of people whose strength is above the half-step sage gathered, and they were going to start a thorough investigation, that is, to check the memory of each royal warrior to distinguish who was rebellious.

"Boy, in this situation, you won't be able to make waves at all. What are you going to do next?" the greedy old man asked with a sly smile.

"It doesn't matter, since you can't hide it, let's expose it. Before you die, you have to make a lot of money, and get a group of people to bury my avatar with you!" Doppelgänger, did it again.

In forty-nine battle zones, they held iron swords and swept across the four directions. The sword energy rolled up a thousand waves of blood. Splashes, swords and swords, people turned on their backs.

"Rebellion has arisen, rebellion has arisen, strangle it!"

Xuanyuan had expected this to happen a long time ago, so he had already prepared for it.

The half-step Zhundi from the Shenhuo clan, the Zhundi figure saw this scene, a sneer appeared on his face, and he looked at all this indifferently.

"Huh, it seems that I can't hide it, and I'm forced to jump over the wall in a hurry, and I want to go all out, but it's so boring to kill them now, so let's play with them more."

"How strong do I think it is? It turns out that they are only people with the strength of life immortals. Let's kill them, so as not to cause trouble!" out of their hands.

"Then we don't need to do it, it's just the strength of Mingxian. Isn't it too flattering for us to do it?"

A group of earth immortals and figures in the realm of heavenly immortals all killed Xuanyuan's forty-nine clones, but they never imagined that Xuanyuan's clones had boundless killing power.

Xuanyuan's avatar moved as fast as lightning, and the earth immortals were chopped with force, even the figures in the realm of celestial immortals were torn apart. They were extremely brave and unstoppable.

The corners of the eyes of those who are half-step quasi-emperors and quasi-emperors are twitching. Such a combat power can already be compared to a character of the emperor's son level. How could they appear here? The realm of Mingxian can display such combat power , everyone can be cultivated as an emperor's child.

At this moment, dozens of figures of supreme celestial beings made a bold move, Xuanyuan's avatar did not hesitate at all, even if his avatar faced dozens of figures of supreme celestial realm, it would undoubtedly die.

Without any words, everything was killing silently. On each of his avatars, there was a magic circle formed by the combination of seventy-two Celestial Immortal Talismans.

With a thought in Xuanyuan: "Explode!"

The forty-nine avatars in the Immortal realm emitted a dazzling brilliance, and immediately activated the extremely terrifying Heavenly Immortal Talisman Killing Formation. The destructive power rushed in all directions like a tide.

Boom, forty-nine beams of light shot straight into the sky, and each beam of light covered a radius of a hundred miles. All the warriors of the Shenhuo tribe whose strength was below the supreme angel were torn into pieces, and the terrible fighting spirit raged and rolled.

If it wasn't for the masters of the Shenhuo Clan to suppress it in time, I'm afraid the casualties would be even more serious.

Those half-step quasi-emperors and quasi-emperors never imagined that things would evolve to such a point that their guts were full of regret, and they knew a long time ago that they should not make any pretense, and they could kill them directly by themselves.

Xuanyuan's desperate blow directly took away the army of more than one million Shenhuo Clan, only forty-nine clones.

Those generals of the ancient royal family who are proficient in marching and fighting have already scolded them bloody in their hearts. This is a war, not a time to show off. This is why they can only hold the line, but not lead the army to fight.

Xuanyuan's deity, on the edge of the magic circle of the fairy talisman, was "spread", and his body was torn with terrible wounds, dripping with blood:

"Ah... I'm going to kill them, I'm going to kill these rebels..."

Xuanyuan roared loudly and roared angrily, blood spattering.

"Hurry up, treat the wounded and carry them down!" A group of generals blushed and kept ordering.

Soon Xuanyuan was carried to the rear military area, where there were many wounded, with different strengths and different wounded areas.

"Please remember that your existence is to deal with such unexpected situations. No matter how low the opponent's strength is, if you can sneak into our army without being discovered, there must be something extraordinary, just because of you Over one million soldiers died just like this because of his negligence, don’t make an exception, otherwise they will be dealt with by military law!”

"What are you talking about? How dare you talk to us like this, as a mere sage?" These half-step quasi-emperors and quasi-emperors already disdain some of the human race's military tactics. They think that only strength is only.

"There is nothing to dare, don't forget, the words of the 'Shenhuo King', unless you despise the 'Shenhuo King', I am the commander-in-chief of the three armies, if this happens again, if you still hesitate, immediately deal with it by military law! On the battlefield, Changes are unpredictable, and a small elite force can often end the entire war." The commander of the Shenhuo army is a middle-aged man with an imposing manner. Although he belongs to the ancient royal family, he has the demeanor of a master of war. His bones are strong, he is not afraid of power, and he looks coldly at many quasi-emperor figures.

"I really thought that after reading a few broken books of the human race, I took myself seriously." A quasi-emperor figure couldn't help but wanted to attack him.

He was stopped by another quasi-emperor and said: "This is the order of the 'Shenhuo King'. If you kill him, you will slap the 'Shenhuo King' in the face. Don't you want to live?"

"I just don't care about his face." The quasi-emperor snorted coldly and stopped.

"Okay, now that the internal response has been removed, he is right, we have to deal with it properly."

"The whole army listens to the order, rest where it is, and recharge your batteries." The commander of the Shenhuo Clan army gave an order, and the tens of millions of troops stopped their flags and drums.

"Haha, you kid can do it. You actually used this method to avoid detection. What are you going to do next?" The greedy old man laughed loudly.

"This is just the first step, and the good show hasn't started yet." The damage Xuanyuan suffered was all done on purpose by him, otherwise, relying on his physical body, the combined magic circle of the Immortal Talisman would not be able to let him go. He is so damaged.

"What fun?"

"Just wait and see."

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