Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1142 Inspire!

Luo Zixi, dressed in white clothes better than the snow, walked through the air.

From her whole body, thousands of miles are covered by the blade-like frosty snow, and the cold wind blows, causing the clothes on her body to flutter, making a sound of hunting, and her black hair flutters with the wind.

With a radius of thousands of miles, these hexagonal frosts and snows evolved, each one is full of terrifying sharpness, and the coldness contained in them is even more terrifying, even people in the realm of celestial beings, when they are in it, the blood all over their bodies It will also be difficult to run smoothly.

The 100,000 Tianshuang Army began to deploy a huge "Sky Frost Killing Formation", headed by Luo Zixi.

I saw that in the sky with a radius of thousands of miles, there were white snow, frost and snow falling, the sky was full of cold light, and the air of chilling and murder pervaded the four fields.

Piece after piece of the ancient royal army, the strength is under the immortal, and before the frost and snow arrived, they were frozen to death into ice sculptures, unable to move, and were smashed to pieces by the fighters of the same clan later, without a whole body.

The hexagonal frost and snow all over the sky seemed to have life, running crazily and making the sound of breaking wind, which made people feel chilly all over. Under the idea of ​​the "Holy Maiden of Cold Sky", countless hexagonal frost and snow came out, Sweeping the army of the ancient royal family.

Those fighters in the realm of life immortals and earth immortals couldn't resist the endless attacks of frost and snow. The restrictions they supported were pierced and shattered.

Even the existences in the realm of heavenly immortals have become sluggish, let alone people in the realm of life immortals and earth immortals.

Luo Zixi led the 100,000 Tianshuang Army to stand on the front line of the battlefield, and immediately relieved a lot of pressure for the disciples of the "Hantian Immortal Mansion" in the city.

Immediately, a disciple of the 'Han Tian Immortal Mansion' yelled: "Protect the saint, fight back at all costs, let the people of the ancient royal family know why my 'Han Tian Immortal Mansion' has been passed down since ancient times, let them know We're great."

From the top of Frost Snow City, the Emperor's Forbidden Light became more fierce, condensing sharp swords, densely packed, countless, and frightening. With the order of their thoughts, the whole world was about to be torn apart. , was filled with pieces of terrifying imperial forbidden light, it seemed that everything was destroyed in an instant.

The terrifying whistling sound was endless, and the army of the Shenhuo Clan could only see a vast expanse of whiteness, their eyes were almost blind, they couldn't see anything, and they didn't even have the consciousness to run.

I don't know how many people were swallowed by the sharp sword derived from the forbidden light. They were torn to ashes without even spilling blood, leaving nothing behind.

"'Ballista of Broken Dao', hit me, hit me hard, I don't believe that I can't break this Frost Snow City, damn it, I want to kill all the people in the entire 'Frost Heaven Immortal Mansion'." A general under Xuanyuan's control stood on top of a 'Ballista of Broken Dao', and poured his whole body's fighting energy into it, and then countless fighting qi merged into the 'Ballista of Broken Dao', arousing countless ways of breaking Dao inside At almost the same time, thousands of 'Ballista Breakers' were activated at the same time. Amidst countless roars, they shot out a series of arrows that could break the restraint, and blasted at the terrifying emperor. ban.

The battle was extremely fierce, the ancient royal army was not to be outdone, the two armies were in a constant stalemate, and the soldiers under Xuanyuan's many generals rushed forward without fear of death, which also caused great pressure on the disciples of the 'Hantian Immortal Mansion'.

The people on both sides were killed to the point of madness.

Quite a few disciples of the 'Hantian Immortal Mansion' burned their lives and souls while urging the imperial ban, and with the determination to defend Shuangxue City, this war caused countless people to die. They grew up in an instant, and everything about the 'Holy Maiden' deeply shocked their hearts.

In the light of imperial prohibition, the strength of the Tianshuang army led by Luo Zixi increased dramatically. The army of the ancient royal family went forward one after another, hitting their own fatal blows again and again, striving for greater opportunities for those who came later.

The commander of the three armies from the Shenhuo Clan looked at the power erupting from the imperial ban, and sighed: "As expected of the 'Han Tiandao Emperor', the imperial ban was laid down by himself, and it has been blocking us all this time. , otherwise, a mere Frost Snow City would have been destroyed long ago."

"Should we take action and kill that 'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky'? She is the pride of the human race, with boundless potential. She is many times stronger than the 'Holy Son of the Cold Sky'. Her future is limitless. Letting her grow up is very important to me. The pure blood of the royal family is a great threat, although doing so will make people lose face, but didn't you say that this is war." A quasi-emperor figure looked at Luo Zixi, the "Holy Maiden of Cold Heaven", and said in a heavy voice .

"You're right, but because of this, it's impossible for the 'Cold Heaven Immortal Mansion' to dare to let the 'Cold Heaven Saintess' out regardless of her life, so the 'Cold Heaven Saintess' is probably just a bait, There must be an ambush in the dark. If the other party brings a supreme weapon, without you holding the battle, my army will suffer heavy losses. This is the second. The most important thing, I am worried that their target may be you. If you attack the 'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky', the Supreme Dao Artifact combined with the Emperor's Forbidden Killing Technique will definitely save your lives. You are the mainstay of my Shenhuo Clan. Losing one of them will cause great harm, so there is no room for loss. "The commander of the three armies of the Shenhuo Clan frowned. This is a battlefield. One mistake may lead to the annihilation of the entire army. He would rather sacrifice a part of the people to take care of the overall situation. The opponent cannot use the supreme weapon to bombard the army on a large scale, but You can point to kill those supreme quasi-emperors.

"Commander, our side has suffered heavy losses, please give me instructions now." 'General Tianhu' is also controlled by Xuanyuan, and now the millions of troops under his control have been completely filled into the bottomless pit of the Emperor's Forbidden Light Yes, as the commander-in-chief of one side, now that the occupation is at a stalemate, and our army is in a situation of great losses, he should report it both emotionally and rationally.

"Since the battle has already started, it depends on who is more ruthless than the other. Pass on the order and take down Frost Snow City at all costs!" The commander of the three armies of the Shenhuo clan clanged his words, and he deeply understood that he had reached this point now. There is no way to turn back, this is the only way to go to the 'Hantian Immortal Mansion'.

Many wars are destined to be filled with life. War is not a child's play. You can stop and say no to fight when it hurts, and you don't have to fight.

"Obey, even if there is only one soldier left, we must break Frost Snow City, never retreat, kill!" "General Tianhu" shouted and rushed away with red face.

"Report the number of casualties now." The commander of the Shenhuo Clan looked into the distance and asked in a harmonious voice.

"Report, at present, six million soldiers of our army have died in battle. According to preliminary estimates, the consumption in Frost Snow City is also huge." A deputy general next to the commander of the Shenhuo Clan had a panoramic view of the battle situation and calculated everything.

"This is a war of attrition. Although most of them are not fighters of my Shenhuo clan, they are also elite warriors under my Shenhuo clan. Their names will be remembered by future generations. After Frost Snow City is broken, we Let them refine an immortal monument, record their names, this is their supreme glory, kill me!" Commander Shenhuo's words are full of the power of the Dao, conveying far, far, countless The fighting spirit of the soldiers became even more boiling, and their morale was like a rainbow.

"For the glory of my ancient royal family, and for our eternity, kill, break open, Frost Snow City."

I saw the huge phalanx of the Shenhuo army, like a war machine, advancing at full speed, suppressing all kinds of firepower, self-destructing all kinds of flesh, and impacting, so that the Emperor's Forbidden Light began to retreat, and blood burst out one after another. The army fell from the sky, and the disciples of the "Hantian Immortal Mansion" burned their lives.

This battle was extremely tragic. I don't know how many warriors of the ancient royal family died. Their bones were all gone, leaving only their heroic and fearless thoughts. The battle lasted for a day and a night.

Luo Zixi was covered in blood, and her white clothes were dotted with blood-colored plum blossoms. Her face was pale, and her fingertips couldn't help trembling. This day and night of war had almost exhausted all her strength.

The Tianshuang Army narrowly escaped death, and now there are only less than 10,000 Tianshuang Army left to protect Luo Zixi in the center.

"Saint, hurry back to Frost Snow City." Beside her, a soldier said loudly.

"I, Luo Zixi, live and die with the people of Shuangxue City, and we will never give in! Our existence is to protect the people of the human race, not to sacrifice our people!" In the distance, the head of a supreme celestial being was chopped off.

"We will live and die together, and we will never give in." Countless fighters from the 'Hantian Immortal Mansion' who activated the ban frantically mobilized, no matter what the cost.

"What a good show!" Huo Fenghuang's expression was very cold. So far, at least 20 million people have been killed or injured in the Shenhuo army.

She deeply understood that the purpose of Xuanyuan's control over the soldiers of the ancient royal family was not only to let them die, but also to let many human warriors learn what courage is. Now, they understand what it means to live together and die together, and what it means to sacrifice.

I have to admit that this 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky' has an extremely unique personal charm, because she has already seen that the 'Sky Cold Army' that is not under the control of the 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky' does not listen to the orders of the 'Holy Son of Cold Sky'. Let's fight together to protect the 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky' and resist the army of the Shenhuo Clan.

This is a kind of inspiration to people's heart, a kind of courage, a way for them to overcome fear, in this mortal situation, put aside everything, live and die together, only such a human race is the most terrifying, Only such a human race is invincible.

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