Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1160 Straight up to the third heaven.

Xuanyuan is now wearing the 'Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Artifact', and his majestic body is tightly wrapped by the black battle armor. From the looks of it, he looks deep and heavy. He is in the midst of the twilight, full of energy and blood, and his fighting spirit is soaring , hit Jiutian directly.

At this moment, Xuanyuan looks even more divine, with the rhythm of the Dao flowing between his brows, and his temperament has undergone earth-shaking changes from the beginning to the end. This is a kind of change that has taken place after he has mastered the power of heaven, as if he has become A part of myself, everything is clear, stored in one heart, and the Tao arises when the heart moves, this is a fairy.

"'Taiminglei' is really powerful. If it wasn't for the practice of "Three Flowers Gathering the Top", which made the origin of the three souls extremely powerful, I'm afraid it wouldn't be able to hold on. No wonder "Three Flowers Gathering the Top" would be the ultimate Taoist The ancient scriptures are indeed unfathomable." Now Xuanyuan's Heavenly Soul has become thicker, and it has begun to glow a little golden.

The last flower in "Three Flowers Gathering on the Top" is to cultivate the soul of heaven, which is called Tianhua, and the spirit is still empty. Although the essence is full, the body without the spirit will have no light, and the person will have no life. Therefore, the god is the master. Today If the mind is empty and its upper focus is not attached, it is full of energy and sleepless, and it is always clear and always awake, then the shell will return to the emptiness, and it will return to the realm of emptiness.

The so-called Shenyou Taixu means that the three souls are separated from the body and can travel in the universe. It is conceivable how powerful it is. Even if you bring your own body, traveling in the universe will be life-threatening. When you reach the state of Dzogchen in Ju Ding, you can travel in your mind.

After the refinement of the two heavens, Xuanyuan's physical body has begun to radiate wisps of dao light.

If the Heavenly Soul is refined into a golden flower, it will become an immortal golden body. Of course, this is just a legend. No one has ever seen an immortal being. Even the ancient emperor has only 30,000. Years later, they disappeared without a trace, leaving only the tombs of clothes and clothes. No one has seen the corpses of those ancient emperors. It has become a mystery that posterity has never been able to solve. No one knows where they went. Whether he died, or reached a higher plane, no one knows.

"Boy, how many heavens do you think you can break through in one go?" The greedy old man felt Xuanyuan's surging fighting spirit, and he laughed strangely.

"I don't know, I'll find out after I try it." At this moment, the entire 'Tai Ming Thunder' is peaceful, and all the 'Tai Ming Lei' are refined one by one by Xuanyuan, integrated into himself, and turned into the power of the Heavenly Soul. Xuanyuan's strength is growing every moment, and he turns these Taos that belong to God into his own Tao.

As soon as the words fell, Xuanyuan raised his head and looked at the huge door above his head. There were dots of radiance covering the sky, and there were also extremely mysterious lines of heaven carved on it. The two doors were tightly closed, sealed in dust for a long time.

Xuanyuan broke through the sky and turned into a stream of light. He had no weapons, only a pair of iron fists, and blasted out forcefully, bang! I saw that this portal trembled violently, and countless dust and dust were shaken off, but it was not opened by Xuanyuan's punch.

He took a deep breath, his whole body was glowing with golden light, and the supreme power gathered, he punched again, and with a loud bang, the door of the third heaven was completely opened.

The third heaven is called Qingming.

When Xuanyuan was in this world, he only felt a sense of desolation, coldness, bleakness, sadness and other depressing emotions coming from all directions, which can kill people's fighting spirit, and all kinds of fighting spirit are invisible. The method of attacking and killing, in the ancient times, was very particular about emotional restraint. If a person with a high fighting spirit encountered an extremely sad event, his fighting spirit might be depressed, and many confidante friends of unworldly heroes passed away. , the result will be a setback, it is for this reason.

As the so-called Qingming season rains heavily, the sky is full of "Qingming rain" falling straight down, and the downpour covers the entire sky, making the ground cold and gloomy.

The "Qingming Rain" in this third heaven can cause great harm to the body and soul, and there are very few people who can induce the "Qingming Rain" to fall.

In the world, there is Qingming Festival.

This is a special festival. Every Tomb-sweeping Day, they will worship their dead ancestors. On this day, when the cloudy energy is the heaviest and the death energy is the strongest, the world will be full of chills, and it will gather in the hearts of countless people. Sadness, sadness, loss and other negative emotions are extremely destructive.

And 'Qingmingyu' is precisely in this season, when countless yin, death and all negative emotions are condensed. Once ordinary people are infected, they will be pierced through the flesh, melted away one by one, and become a There is blood and water, and there is no place to die.

Xuanyuan's body was full of qi and blood, and countless "Qingming rain" fell on him, and a trace of white mist rose up, constantly contending with the strong and positive breath of his physical body, it was really Yin and Yang. Under the impact of the sun, Xuanyuan felt his whole body was bitingly cold, as if he was about to be frozen. Countless negative emotions rushed into his heart, reminding him of the death of the old beggar. People dragged the old beggar's body, buried him alive, and remembered Gu Xing's death, an inexplicable feeling rose from Xuanyuan's heart.

At this moment, Xuanyuan's fighting spirit subsided a lot, and the little drops of Qingming rain took the opportunity to erode Xuanyuan's body, Xuanyuan's reaction was extremely fast, with a sudden shock, he came back to his senses, and almost said 'Qingming' In the same way, he returned his mood to calmness, dispelled all the negative emotions bit by bit, and refined and absorbed the power of the Qingming Rain that invaded his body one by one, and then nourished and strengthened his heavenly body. Soul, let Xuanyuan's strength continue to grow.

Whether it is Taihuangtian, Taiming, or Qingming, what Xuanyuan can bring down is the most terrible catastrophe.

However, he was able to get through it easily, just because he laid his foundation extremely solid step by step, coupled with his special physique and various ancient and secret techniques, it is naturally no small matter, like Xuanyuan. I know how much life essence I have devoured, and strengthened my physical body, bit by bit, every time I store up my body and mind, so I can have the current outbreak. When many people break through the earth fairy, they break through The first portal started to run out of strength, so they died in the breakthrough. This is just because they did not accumulate enough deep enough, and the same is true for the realm of heaven and immortality.

But for Xuanyuan, the road will become more difficult as the time goes on, and what he has to face now is just a small threshold.

The 'Qingming rain' fell one after another, hitting Xuanyuan's body non-stop. Xuanyuan kept refining, and unknowingly, vortexes formed around his body, swallowing the Qingming rain bit by bit, until Xuanyuan was able to adapt to the power of the 'Qingming Rain', so he devoured a lot. From the beginning Xuanyuan felt the icy cold and his emotions subsided. Until now, it seems that these have become the nourishment to enrich his own soul. repair.

Xuanyuan was in the torrential rain. In this world, the cloudy air was billowing, the air of death was thick, and the ground was cold, which made people despair.

However, Xuanyuan has always stood still, standing above the nine heavens, like an immortal monument, withstood the baptism of wind and rain, he is majestic and silent, his heart is at peace, he closes his eyes, runs the soul of heaven, and refines all these quietly In this way, fourteen days have passed, and the "Qingming Rain" began to stop. In this "Qingming", Yang Qi rises from the ground, Yin Qi descends from the sky, and Yin and Yang blend together, forming a harmony of Yin and Yang. world.

Only after feeling and refining each of these heavenly and heavenly avenues one by one, can we truly break through, not break through many gates.

Breaking through the third heaven in a row made Xuanyuan feel that his strength had skyrocketed. Now he only needs one thought to attract thunder and rain. If it was before, it would be impossible for Xuanyuan. The comprehension, as well as one's own strength, to strengthen the power of these avenues, controlled by different people and different realms, the power that erupts is completely different.

After the 'Qing Ming', Xuanyuan's heart began to calm down, he opened his eyes, felt the portal leading to the fourth heaven above his head, and sighed with emotion: "Let's go, we can go back. "

"What's the matter, boy, are you out of stamina? Can't you rush?" The greedy old man was very surprised, he didn't expect Xuanyuan to only rush to the third heaven.

"No, this person, you have to be reserved. I don't break through now. I have my own ideas. You will understand later. Now that I've been here for more than four months, I don't know how much fighting spirit I have now. What has become of the pattern of the world? The scam laid out by the pig-headed emperor will be seen through sooner or later, so before it is seen through, the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' must be so strong that others dare not easily provoke it, otherwise there will be It's a catastrophe." Xuanyuan's body exuded bit by bit of golden light, full of the rhythm of the Tao, extremely miraculous, and he restrained all the light of the Tao on his body.

Instead, he was full of murderous aura, and in his heart, a "Ksitigarbha" was derived. He was seated by an ancient beast, and he was sitting on the body of the ancient beast, with his eyes closed and his brows frowning. With vertical eyes, a peaceful face, and compassion, it seems to be able to bridge everything between heaven and earth.

The breath is chilling but the heart is compassionate. The two extreme contradictions are the most unique symbol of the "ksitigarbha killing body".

"I know you're itchy, do you want to find a few emperors of the ancient royal family?" The greedy old man laughed. The ancient royal family wanted to attack the younger generation of the human race and plunder the luck of the human race. Why didn't Xuanyuan want to hunt Now the time is ripe to kill the emperors of the ancient royal family, it is time to do it, the future will be a road to the burial of countless emperors.

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