Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1169 Kagetsu Drop

Under the night, the bright moon hangs high, and the clear light flows, soft and bright, reflecting Xuanyuan and Tsing Yi, and the two are like a couple of gods and immortals, carefree and at ease.

Listening to what Tsing Yi said, at this moment Xuanyuan's head was full of black lines, his face was green, and he muttered: "Damn, this guy is too unreliable, why can't he lie He just wanted to cheat other girls' feelings, damn it, he deserves it, even if he cut him into pieces, he deserved it, it's too sinful."

"Then we just leave him alone?" Tsing Yi smiled, he knew it was impossible for Xuanyuan to leave Tian Youqing alone.

"That can't be done. Last time in the 'Nanzhou Dynasty', I pretended to be him and Zui Guchen, and asked them to take the blame for us for a stage. It almost seemed to let them die. Now that something happened to him, I If you don’t care about it, it’s a bit disrespectful, forget it, let’s take care of it, but some buttocks can only be wiped once, and it’s not an exception. If there is a second time, I just don’t know.” Xuanyuan sighed and looked at the starry sky There are stars dotted in it, shining brightly, he shook his head: "What evil did I do in my previous life, how can I even do this kind of thing, I haven't seen Youqing for so many years, and it's still so superb."

Tsing Yi's smiling face was shining brightly under the moonlight. She took out a jade platform and directly opened a domain gate. The distance between Tian Youqing and them was not far away. One is in the area of ​​"Zhou Dynasty Dynasty", and the other is in the "Xuanwu Immortal Mansion".

After Ta Xinghu brought Xuanyuan and his party out, the two parties parted ways. Ta Xinghu went to the 'Qinglong Holy Land', while Xuanyuan and Tsing Yi naturally went to save the unlucky Tian Youqing.

Just when Xuanyuan and Tsing Yi were going there, Tian Youqing was being horribly hunted down by a woman leading nearly a hundred ancient royals.

The woman was wearing a flower-colored battle dress, her battle armor was clanging, and her long hair was fluttering in the wind. Her face was exquisite, her eyebrows were slender, and the pupils in her eyes were like flowers. It was indescribably weird, with a high nose bridge and brown lips, forming a strange beauty.

Her complexion is wheat-colored, full of wildness, just like a female leopard, her figure is enchanting and charming, agile and elegant, vigorous and quick, at this moment her whole body is filled with a strong sense of resentment, hatred, and tightness. Staring at the big bald head in front of him.

She is the emperor of the Huatong family, named Huayueluo. In this era, the ancient royal family all came out, and she was no exception. She met Tian Youqing and was attracted by his behavior during a siege. .

At that time, Tian Youqing had a compassionate look. Along the way, no matter whether it was a human race or a warrior of the Huatong clan, as long as Tian Youqing encountered them, he would heal them together, which aroused Huayueluo's great affection.

For a powerful actor like Tian Youqing, this is simply a trivial matter. In addition, his identity is sensitive. He is an eminent monk of Buddhism in Xizhou. All the ancient royal families know that it is the place that the human race can't provoke , They have gone through countless years of hiding their strengths and biding their time, and they are only stronger than them.

So at that time, Hua Yueluo reported the mentality of devoutly studying, and got acquainted with Tian Youqing. Of course, to a large extent, it was because Tian Youqing was extremely handsome, with a face like a crown jade, red lips and white teeth, and that pair of charming peach blossoms Eyes, every part of his body seems to have been carefully carved by the heavens, making it difficult to pick one's picks. He is handsome without being heroic, tender with masculinity, compassionate and peaceful, not afraid of life and death. Not to mention, Tian Youqing is perfect, coupled with his skin, over the years, I don't know how many girls have been bowed down.

Tian Youqing is humorous and witty, and his conversation is even more elegant and profound. His witty agility makes him even more unpredictable. In addition, this kind of veteran in the field of love, it is very easy to use a little trick on a young girl who is just in love. Hua Yueluo quickly fell in love.

On that night, Tian Youqing said that he would return to vulgarity, for the woman he loved the most in his life, he took off her clothes, kissed, and promised that even if it was chased by the entire Buddhist sect, he would not hesitate to let flowers Yue Luo was so moved that she had a runny nose and tears, and immediately offered her virginity. In fact, the lineage of 'Great Joyful Buddha' is not popular among Buddhists. It regards them as prostitutes and monks.

After the two of them were glued together for a while, Hua Yueluo felt that her body was getting weaker and weaker, but that day Youqing's strength was getting stronger and stronger. Finally, she discovered the reason and she was deceived.

That's why today's scene happened. Hua Yueluo felt great hatred in her heart. She never thought that she would treat herself like this when she fell in love with someone regardless of everything. Could it be that it was just because she was a member of the ancient royal family? In the ancient times, there were also strong human races who fell in love with members of the ancient royal family. There were not a few of them, and they became legends, which were passed down from generation to generation. That's why she had such thoughts, but unexpectedly, she was deceived into wearing underwear I can't find them all.

"Heaven is sentimental, I hate you, I will cut you into pieces, so that you will die without a place to bury you." Hua Yueluo yelled frantically, behind her, nearly a hundred figures in the realm of sages chased her all the way Tian Youqing, but Tian Youqing was too cunning and let him escape every time.

"Hey, why are you bothering? You have also experienced the "Bliss Ascension Art of Great Joy". You don't care about eternity, you only care about having it once. I don't want to hurt you..." Tian Youqing felt ashamed in his heart, so he could only run away, the emperor of the ancient royal family was really nourished, and the 'body of vital yin' made his strength skyrocket, and now he has stepped on Entering the realm of the peak of the sages, this good fortune is also incomparable to ordinary saints.

"Shameless person, stop talking nonsense and take your life!" Hua Yueluo was extremely angry, and her face was already ashamed. In fact, she was also very complicated in her heart. She wanted the man in front of her to die immediately in front of her, but she didn't want him to die. As long as he can admit his mistake to himself and treat him well in the future, he may be able to forgive her, but he never admits that he has feelings for him, and this is what Hua Yueluo hates the most.

"Hey, I can't afford to offend you, I can hide from you. I'll go, I'll go." Tian Youqing owed it in his heart, and he didn't want to fight back, and he didn't dare to fight back. A hundred sages, as long as he is not careful, he will be beaten It turned into meat paste, there was no suspense.

It was getting dark.

Just when Hua Yueluo led many strong men to chase and kill Tian Youqing, suddenly, one after another blood splattered, and only heard puff puff puff, big heads flew high, and the sharp sword light shot from Jiutian It fell down from the middle, tearing apart the three souls and seven souls of the sages and strongmen of the Huapu clan one by one, and finally even their physical bodies were swallowed into the whirlpool.

The person who made the attack was extremely fierce and ruthless, making it impossible for people to dodge in time. In an instant, the elite troops who were chasing and killing Tian Youqing came to a standstill.

Xuanyuan and Tsing Yi performed the "Shen Xing Dao Yin Technique", beheading eighteen sages in a row, each time, they were killed by one blow, even Hua Yueluo was a little scared, what kind of horror is it? Is it because the sentient rescuers came?

"Come closer to the center, and set up the 'Three Flowers Sky Eye Formation'." Under Huayueluo's order, there were only less than ninety elite sages left, and a flower was spinning in their eyes. Formation formations condensed from their surroundings, extremely powerful, they seemed to be able to see through everything, and were full of all kinds of illusions, once they fell into it, there was death and no life, even Xuanyuan and Tsing Yi are the same now.

Both Xuanyuan and Tsing Yi withdrew to Tian Youqing's side at the first moment. Seeing Xuanyuan and Tsing Yi's appearance, Tian Youqing burst into tears and was extremely excited:

"Brother Shi Tian, ​​you finally came to save me, tsk tsk, the 'Emperor of the Six Paths' is indeed a super beauty, long time no see, and now your demeanor is even better than before, as expected after being nourished by Brother Shi Tian, ​​you are It's different." When Tian Youqing was grateful to Xuanyuan, his eyes never left Tsing Yi.

Xuanyuan had a feeling that he wanted to thrust the 'Evil Dragon Bone Sword' in his hand into Tian Youqing's asshole. This sentence made her very useful.

"Tian Youqing, you bastard, you really met a heartbroken man who loves another, I'm going to kill you." Seeing Tian Youqing's expression, Hua Yueluo went mad with anger.

"I said girl, can you listen to me, after listening to what I say, when the time comes, the heavens will be sent to death, so please listen to your honor." Xuanyuan looked at Hua Yueluo, and said in a serious voice.

"Who are you, why should I listen to you." Hua Yueluo snorted coldly.

"I'm a big brother with love. He will make such a mistake. It can be considered that I am not strict in discipline. He has to listen to me in many things. Today he did something stupid. I'm sorry, I naturally have to come out and take care of him." I don't care." Xuanyuan spoke sincerely, every word and every sentence gave people the feeling that they were full of truth, connected with the atmosphere of the earth, not like the love of heaven, but now it sounds like those words are floating in the sky.

"Okay, then I'll trust you once. If you have anything to say, just say it." Hua Yueluo gritted her teeth angrily. Eighteen sages died in the blink of an eye just now, which shows the strength of this person. It is extremely terrifying, and cannot be easily provoked. That kind of ghost-like means is really terrifying, invisible and invisible, and the sudden assassination completely catches people off guard.

"My brother and sister, I'll just say something straight. They're not a family, they don't enter a family, between husband and wife, they fight at the head of the bed, and fight at the end of the bed. My younger brother is a bit eccentric, but he's a man. Let him play for a few years. His mind is settled, in fact, he still has you in his heart." Xuanyuan acted as a peacemaker, messing around with each other, and this time, if it was Tianyouqing, it would even turn green.

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