Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1171: Flower Pupil Clan

Chapter 1171: Flower Pupil Clan

Huapu family.

It is not a big royal family, but it is also a big power. In the ancient times, there used to be the existence of the ancient emperor, and there was a supreme Taoist weapon sitting in the family. Boundless is also quite famous among the ancient royal families, which is equivalent to the families of the hundred saints of the human race who came from the ancient emperors.

It is located in the 'Forbidden Land'.

The 'Land of Profound Forbidden' is extremely vast, not only the 'Dragon Forbidden Royal Family', it is a straight line, straight through the entire Beizhou, occupying a large piece of land, extending to the North Sea, like a long snake, separating the ' Beizhou Dynasty' and 'Hantian Immortal Mansion' and 'Xuanwu Immortal Mansion'.

The place where the Huatong clan is located is close to Beihai and the "Beizhou Dynasty". The land they occupy is not large, only more than 20 million miles away, which is not worth mentioning. It is also in the "Forbidden Land", relatively speaking , Compared with the big royal family like the Dragon Forbidden Royal Family, it is far behind. To a large extent, the Huatong Clan is not big, unlike the "Dragon Forbidden Royal Family" that governs more than a hundred races under its jurisdiction. , with one clan being able to rule over a hundred clans, it can be seen how great it is, and it is already equivalent to the existence of a 'Central Province Dynasty'.

Even so, the major ancient royal families lived in separate areas and did not invade each other.

That night, a group of people were on their way wearing the stars and wearing the moon. Tian Youqing was afraid that Hua Yueluo would change his face again and threaten his own life, so he took out his unique skills, all kinds of sweet words, sweet words, and whispered in Hua Yueluo's ears, It made her smile all the way, laughing again and again, as if returning to the time when the two first made love, until noon, the group arrived in the territory where the Huatong clan was located.

On the land where the Huatong tribe is located.

Hundreds of flowers are in full bloom, colorful and charming.

Everywhere is full of rich fragrance of flowers, all kinds of blessings are intertwined and intertwined, the land is fertile, and the aura is dense, nourishing this piece of heaven and earth.

The high mountains spread for millions of miles, the water flowed everywhere, and large waterfalls fell from the nine heavens. This place looked like a fairyland on earth.

The people who live here have pupils like flowers in their eyes, so they are called Huapu Clan.

Their pupil technique is extremely powerful, within a pair of pupils, thousands of illusion techniques can be derived, such as Dao attack and attack, etc., the mystery is boundless.

And the pupils are divided into various subdivisions, such as two-petal, three-petal, four-petal, five-petal pupils, nine is the pinnacle, and flowers are divided into many kinds, with different strengths and weaknesses, extremely complicated, the most powerful pupil is Mo Compared with Huayueluo of this generation, her eye pupils are called "one-yuan pupils". As the saying goes, one yuan gives birth to two appearances, two appearances give birth to four images, and four images give birth to gossip.

A pair of pupils encompasses everything. If it weren't for the extremely complicated feelings for Tianyouqing, she would use the power of the "one yuan pupil" at all costs, and Tianyouqing might not be able to escape.

When Xuanyuan and others, under the leadership of Huayueluo, came to the sky above the Huatong clan, a middle-aged man appeared with a scar on his face and a little lameness on his feet, walking towards Huayueluo Bowed and saluted: "This subordinate pays homage to the emperor."

"Well, you don't need to be too polite. I am very happy today. I have a big banquet and entertain some of my friends." Hua Yueluo smiled and held Tian Youqing's hand. She was still very happy in her heart. They kept flirting with Hua Yueluo, the two of them didn't look like they were life and death enemies before.

Xuanyuan couldn't help feeling that this woman is really a fickle animal, and Tsing Yi had a faint smile on her face.

Looking at Tian Youqing, the middle-aged man was full of hostility, and he said in a deep voice: "Emperor, didn't this man lie to you? This old slave killed him for you to relieve the hatred in the heart of the Emperor."

"Uncle Quan, it's just a misunderstanding. Hurry up and make arrangements for me. Don't spoil my interest." Tian Youqing is a veteran in the field of love, and his old profession is to make women happy. Yue Luo coaxed him so much that he didn't know how happy he was. The two of them were concubines and concubines, and they loved each other deeply.

"Yes." The old man called Uncle Quan is a half-step quasi-emperor in the Huatong clan, named Huaquan, who was saved by Hua Yueluo when he was a child. Luo was determined, and finally was sealed with Hua Yueluo until now. He has been serving Hua Yueluo since he was a child, and he is very loyal. Originally, he wanted to kill Tianyouqing this time, but he wanted to do it himself. However, Huayue Luo Luo didn't let him go, and ordered him not to move rashly, so he knew that things would inevitably change.

He responded, and then looked at Xuanyuan and Tsing Yi again, with traces of doubt in his eyes, he paused for a moment, he suddenly seemed to think of something, deep in his eyes, there was an extremely dangerous aura, but he Did not show it, bowed his head and left.

"Brother Shitian, sister-in-law Tsing Yi, come with me." Hua Yueluo was very happy and very active, holding Tsing Yi's hand, walking through the air, and when she reached the area of ​​the Huatong clan, it was her territory, and she could do whatever she wanted .

Xuanyuan and Tian Youqing were thrown aside, and could only follow behind them. While flying, Xuanyuan observed the overall situation of Fengshui and the general situation of the mountains and rivers of the Huatong clan, and he had a general understanding in his heart. It looks beautiful on the surface, but in fact there is a supreme murderous intent hidden in the dark. Xuanyuan just glanced a few more times, his hair stood on end, and he broke out in a cold sweat involuntarily.

"Boy, what's the matter? Are you scared? Every ancient royal family has their very unique heritage, and this flower pupil family is extremely extraordinary. Don't underestimate it." The greedy old man smiled strangely and warned Xuanyuan.

"It's okay, often in this kind of environment, the hidden murderous intent is the most terrifying. Behind the beauty is the greatest danger. I just took a look. The Huatong clan has a relationship, as long as the two of them After the relationship, we are friends and not enemies, so don't worry." Xuanyuan is very confident, if nothing else, just relying on Hua Yueluo's feelings for Tian Youqing, even if other people are against it, as long as the emperor says something, No one dared to say anything more, blood is paramount, even if she is only an emperor now, and has not fully become the god emperor of the Huatong clan, but the clan will respect her as much as her father, this is the ancient royal family.

Under the leadership of Hua Yueluo, a group of people came to a paradise.

In front of you is a bright lake with ripples on it. You can see all kinds of fish swimming in the bottom of the lake. A hundred miles away, there are nine big waterfalls hanging down from the sky. You can hear a subtle booming sound.

In the sky, the blue sky is as clear as washing, the sky is cloudless, the scorching sun hangs high, the golden light is shining, and a group of white cranes are flying high, contrasting with the red sun, which has a special flavor.

Beside the lake, there is a verdant meadow full of flowers, all kinds of exotic flowers, releasing a faint fragrance, colorful and beautiful.

On the grass, there is a long stone table. It is very comfortable for a group of people to sit on the ground. There are silver plates on the table, which are all kinds of fairy fruits, which have various magical functions, such as helping cultivation, prolonging life, eliminating Impurities in the body, refined battle qi and all kinds, every fairy fruit can be sold for a very high price in the auction of the human race, but here it is used to entertain Xuanyuan and Tsing Yi, I am afraid that many people will be jealous when they see it.

Among the ancient royal family, they are restrained in picking all kinds of heaven and earth spiritual things, and they will not pick until another plant grows to a certain level, unlike the human race, who have no restraint and cut off their own way In the end, they all had to venture into the ancient royal family to find the natural treasures that prolong life.

Xuanyuan and Tian Youqing enjoyed it very unceremoniously, biting so much that the juice splashed and exuded a strong vitality, while Tsing Yi was more reserved, watching Xuanyuan quietly, motionless, Hua Yueluo saw Tsing Yi's Just looking at it, you can tell that Tsing Yi loves Xuanyuan very much, so she asked with a smile: "Sister Tsing Yi, usually you don't care about Brother Shi Tian?"

"I don't care about this. He is my man. I don't care what he does. It's mine. It's always mine. It's not mine. No matter how you keep it, you can't keep it. Men are not for me." Tsing Yi smiled slightly. , looked at Xuanyuan, in fact, this was also her inner thoughts, she looked at Hua Yueluo, and said softly: "Actually, you, brother Shitian, have many people who like him. I used to always give birth to him secretly in my heart. After thinking about it, it is normal for him to be so outstanding that so many women would like him. It is useless for me to be angry. As long as I can make myself better, am I afraid that he will not want me? ? If I blame myself all day long and don't seek to make progress, if he doesn't want me, I can't blame anyone."

"Well, that's right, Brother Shi Tian, ​​don't you want those women now, and only be with sister Tsing Yi?" Hua Yueluo's eyes were flickering, staring at Tsing Yi, obviously what she wanted to get Tsing Yi had already seen the answer, and said honestly: "How is it possible, he will only be with me at this stage, and will leave me after the stage, but I will cherish this period of time."

"Oh..." Hua Yueluo was more or less disappointed in her heart. If her eldest brother was like this, she would have no way to ask Tian Youqing to treat her alone, not to mention that sister-in-law Tsing Yi didn't object to brother Shi Tian at all. There are other women, and in the end, even the last bit of fantasy in her heart was shattered. She could feel that Tsing Yi was not inferior to her at all, and even the blood power in Tsing Yi's body surpassed hers. None of the women asked, let alone her.

Xuanyuan rubbed his nose and didn't say anything. What Tsing Yi said was the truth. Sooner or later, he would have to go back to the 'Qinglong Holy Land', so no matter what he said now, it was inappropriate. Xuanyuan didn't want to talk about the future. Too many, just let them happen naturally.

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