Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1173 North Sea

Chapter 1173 North Sea

Xuanyuan really wanted to compete with the Dragon King Prince. It was only because he occupied a favorable location that day. In the land of the "Dragon Forbidden Royal Family", there were countless restrictions for him to use, and he obeyed his orders, so he couldn't kill him. Now Among the Huatong family, he is naturally sure to fight with them.

Tsing Yi is naturally fearless, she has enough confidence to behead the Dragon King Prince here, but what they said makes Hua Quan look at them like a plague god, wishing for them to leave, and hurriedly said: "Your kindness , We understand, not to mention whether you can defeat the Dragon King Prince, even if you can win, beheading him among my Huatong clan, is this forcing our two clans to go to war? This is telling everyone The ancient royal family, our Huatong clan colluded with the human race, and killed the emperors of other ancient royal families? Let them besiege our clan together?"

Xuanyuan and Tsing Yi came back to their senses, suddenly realized, and apologized: "I'm sorry, we didn't think carefully, how about this, brother and sister, after you see the Dragon King Prince, tell him that we heard him coming The news is that he has fled to the North Sea, and with his temperament, he will definitely come after him. I killed Ao Luo, which is equivalent to slapping him severely in front of countless people, and he will not let it go."

Xuanyuan could understand the mood of the Dragon King Prince, otherwise he wouldn't have entered the Huatong clan with their front feet, and he came running after getting the information, and he was so arrogant and wanted to kill himself, it was obvious how strong it was.

"Brother, this is not very good. The dragon king prince has extraordinary strength. He has inherited the blood of the 'Forbidden God Emperor'. He can kill gods, demons and Buddhas in one world. In the ancient times, even the ancient sages could not Dare to provoke him easily, but now on him, there are countless treasures of heaven and earth left by the "Tao forbidden God" with amazing killing power, absolutely not to be underestimated." Hua Yueluo looked dignified, even if it was her, facing Even the Prince Dragon King is not very sure. Although he has to admit that Xuanyuan's strength is extraordinary, but after all, he is only the third heaven of immortals. It is too difficult to defeat the Prince Dragon King. Hua Yueluo is really worried about Xuanyuan.

"Don't worry, brother and sister, I never do things that I'm not sure about. I will stay in your Huatong clan if you are sentimental. This time, the people the Dragon King Prince wants to target are me and Tsing Yi. Once we leave, they will naturally not I'm making things difficult for you." Xuanyuan smiled, and took off in the direction of Beihai with Tsing Yi, without saying anything more.

Looking at Xuanyuan and Tsing Yi's leaving back, Hua Yueluo looked solemn: "Uncle Quan, do you think I should say that? I'm afraid that the lives of elder brothers and sisters-in-law will be in danger."

"Just do what he said. People who can become the sons and daughters of the 'Six Paths' and 'Reincarnation' are not simple characters. Back then, the 'Six Paths Killer' and the 'Reincarnation Killer' joined forces, and many gods of the ancient royal family The imperial capital was beheaded by them, and a big family fell from the peak to the trough in an instant. To a large extent, the contribution of the "Six Paths" and "Samsara" to the human race was great. Without their supreme assassination of the holy way, in the ancient times, I don't know how many people will die." Hua Quan didn't dare to underestimate Xuanyuan and Tsing Yi, from the moment he saw them for the first time, he treated them seriously in his heart, he knew that these two people were extremely difficult, especially Tsing Yi, Although it is a female stream, it is not worse than the emperor's daughter. His blood is trembling. It is the supreme demon saint of the demon clan, the supreme blood of Nuwa Empress. The influence it has on him shows that Tsing Yi's blood has How powerful.

"Okay, then listen to Uncle Quan." Hua Yueluo didn't say anything more, a faint light was released from her eyes, wrapping herself and the flowers completely, and in the next moment, she appeared in the "Bai Hua" Temple'.

This 'Hundred Flowers Palace' is made of ancient huge stones.

Every boulder here has been refined by the god emperor of the Huatong clan, and it is extremely strong. Countless exotic flowers and plants are carved on it. Produce a very specific feeling.

Each flower is extremely delicate, lifelike, ready to emerge, like a living thing, full of vitality, vitality, and as if every flower is like a flower pupil, containing endless mystery and psychedelic, People will fall into it involuntarily.

The center of the 'Hundred Flowers Palace'.

The Dragon King Prince was dressed in a golden robe and was very mighty. He sat on a grand teacher's chair with a golden knife, looked at Huayueluo, and laughed: "I finally saw Yueluo again. Countless years have passed. It's really amazing." It hasn't changed at all, it's still so beautiful, I came here this time to show you the Huatong clan..."

The Dragon King Prince had just said this, but Hua Yueluo already had a cold face, and said in a cold voice: "Did you ask for someone from my Huatong clan on purpose? Your Dragon King Prince is really good at it. The family has placed your informant, what happened, can't escape your eyes and ears, I just wanted to make a deal with the sons and daughters of the "Six Paths" and "Samsara", you came to the door, they have already Hearing the sound and running away, it’s not easy for me to stop them. I invited them here. It seems that my Huapu clan is not kind to you to close the door and beat the dog. If they escape, I will be targeted by them from now on. Yes, so I let them escape, and take a step back. After all, we are both the ancient royal family, and now we are opposed to the human race. I will tell you the direction they are fleeing to the North Sea. If you can chase them down? It depends on your own ability, if you have the ability to kill them, then come to talk about accepting me as a concubine, if you can't kill them, you will be killed instead, and you will not have the qualifications."

Hua Yueluo didn't save the Prince Dragon King any face. Speaking with strength has always been the iron rule among the ancient royal family. She was very straightforward and set her own conditions. As for whether she can do it, it depends on the Prince Dragon King. It's up to me.

"Okay, I just like Yue Luo's temperament. Strength is the law and order. Only a strong man can be worthy of you. You can wait for my good news, Yue Luo, and watch me chop off the heads of the two of them. See you when I come back You, when the time comes, you will wear your wedding dress and prepare to join my 'Dragon Forbidden Royal Family', hahahaha." The Dragon King Prince is not angry, as the women of the ancient royal family are like this, without strength, they will never be able to control them. Strong, they will be willing to become their women.

Watching the Dragon King Prince leave, Hua Yueluo breathed a sigh of relief, and sneered in her heart: "Just don't get your head chopped off."

Hua Quan frowned, and said: "What should we do now, should we go and have a look, or wait for news from the Huatong clan?"

"Don't go, just wait for the news here. The weather in Beihai is unpredictable, the weather is extremely bad, the avenues are chaotic, and the weather is unpredictable. Let alone them, even people in the quasi-emperor realm, in that environment If you are not careful, you may be traumatized." Hua Yueluo's tone was chilling, pervading all directions, and there was a ray of worry in the depths of her eyes.

"The empress also let Di Shitian and Tsing Yi go to Beihai, is this to make them die together?" Hua Quan's eyes lit up. None of the organizations have much affection, and Tian Youqing is still under his control. If there are more Di Shitian and Tsing Yi, many things will be hard to say.

"What are you talking about, Uncle Quan, if Youqing hears this, he will have to quarrel with me again. How could I harm my eldest brother and sister-in-law? I had planned to let them go to Beihai. The two of them blinked a few times. I killed the eighteen sages of my Huatong family in a short time, and they were integrated with the heaven and earth. I captured them with the "one-yuan pupil". "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu" among the 'Six Paths' and 'Samsara', with this ancient art in hand, it can walk in no matter how harsh the environment is, not necessarily the Dragon King Prince." Hua Yueluo sneered.

"Perhaps the Dragon King Prince also knows that they have practiced the "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu". If he dares to pursue him, he must be sure. Don't forget, one-third of the "Dragon Forbidden Royal Family" has mastered the "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu". ", is also one of the nine great ancient arts, and we don't know who will win." Hua Quan reminded, in fact, what he hopes most is for both parties to perish together, without the Dragon King Prince, it will not be difficult for the Huatong Clan to annex the Dragon King Clan .

"Don't worry, it's only a third of the "Ancient Forbidden Art of God". What they have mastered is the complete "Hidden Art of God's Walk". , if I lead those people to fight against them that day, I may not be able to win them. I'd better stay here and wait for the news. The eldest brother and sister-in-law left voluntarily, just because they don't want this matter to have any relationship with the Huapu clan, even if it is the Dragon King. The crown prince is dead, and we can't be blamed on us, if we go, there will be no excuse for the crime, and it will be a waste of their hearts." Hua Yueluo waved his hand and disappeared in front of Huaquan.

Outside the Huatong family.

The lineup of the Dragon King Prince is extremely huge. He stands on an ancient bronze chariot. This is a Taoist treasure. The lower emperor pattern, integrated with the supreme aura of the god emperor, has honed it into a nearly immortal treasure. Wherever it goes, few people can resist it. Just a chariot for traveling is enough for the Dragon King Prince to travel all over the world. The world is over.

Around the chariot, there are nine hundred and ninety-nine maids who are playing the piano, blowing flute, or drums, playing real fairy music, and there are also nine hundred and ninety-nine guards, holding golden dragon flags, Extremely spreading rumors, headed towards the direction of the North Sea, and walked away.

Wherever the Dragon King Prince went, many creatures retreated thousands of miles to show awe. Xuanyuan is thousands of miles away, and a secret force has already been laid. Seeing all this, he couldn't help frowning, and said: There is an ancient god-level chariot that entered the North Sea, and it is almost ready to run amok, and the general situation cannot stop him, so we entered the depths of the North Sea."

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