The golden dragon roared, and the emperor's aura swept across the nine heavens and ten places, frightening the eight wildernesses. It feels like an ancient emperor descending. The aura belonging to the "Tao Forbidden God Emperor" made the fierce beasts of the North Sea that were roaring angry all of a sudden return to silence. He, in such an era, the aura of the ancient emperor is enough to deter everything.

No matter how rebellious they are, they are not opponents, because even in the depths of the North Sea, there is no existence of the realm of the ancient emperor, and even if there is, they will not care about this small movement and fight hard.

Breaking through the sky and dragon ban with one word, this is an extremely terrible ban, which is integrated into the imperial ban of attacking and then added to others.

The Prince of the Dragon King deliberately planned to use up the lives of two thousand people. Among them, there are many supreme immortals, half-step sages, sages, and even the peak sages who set up a heaven-defying imperial ban. Treasures, life essence, Taoist artifacts, many immortal coins, etc. were used as sacrifices to drive this long dragon to break the sky ban. Even a real quasi-emperor would be killed in an instant. It was instant and there was no suspense. The killing power is extremely astonishing, enough to pierce the sky.

The golden glow pierced the clouds, the avenue rolled into the sky, the whole sky was rumbling, the iceberg shattered, and the earth cracked.

The entire area covered by the word long dragon breaks the sky ban has formed the world of the Dragon King Prince, who can do whatever he wants, and he can control it. This is because of his physique. There is no cover of wind and snow, and it is transformed into intertwined golden lights, shackling the whole world. Once you are in it, you will be unable to move. If you are not skilled enough in Daoyin, you will be forced out. hide away.

That terrifying golden dragon crushed the bodies of Xuanyuan and Tsing Yi in an instant, followed by a golden cage covered with emperor patterns, which was used to imprison the soul, and had the means to extract everything from the soul. Obviously, the Dragon King Prince has made a lot of preparations for this day, just for this moment.

"Hahaha, Di Shitian, Tsing Yi, you two should be damned, it doesn't matter if you mess with others, but if you mess with me, you will be doomed to a tragic ending today. I will make your life worse than death. The Hidden Art is mine now! Everything about you will be mine! I will make you my slaves, imprison you in my cage, and make you bow down and submit to me."

Unexpectedly, the crushed Xuanyuan and Tsing Yi turned into dots of light, scattered between the heaven and the earth, transformed into a Tao, leaving no trace, not even a hair.

At this moment, the Dragon King Prince suddenly realized, his face became extremely ugly, and he roared crazily: "It turned out to be Dao body, Di Shitian, Tsing Yi, get out of here! If you have the ability to fight with me, you will only be sneaky!" Hiding, what's the point?"

I saw that the knocked-out 'Evil Dragon Bone Sword' and 'Six Paths Killing Sword' disappeared in a flash, and directly submerged into a void.

The Dragon King Prince knew that Xuanyuan and Tsing Yi were in this world, and he roared angrily with a ferocious expression on his face: "Do you think that I have nothing to do with you? Die!"

With the thought of the Dragon King Prince, he saw that terrifying golden dragon directly smashing into the void that the two fierce swords entered. The terrifying imperial ban had boundless killing power and directly destroyed that space Suddenly, the whole world trembled, as if everything was about to be torn apart, and a miserable howl resounded in all directions.

"Mortal, you dare to sneak attack me and seek death. Do you really think that you are the emperor of the ancient royal family and I dare not kill you?" A huge figure broke out from the void, and it was covered with gold. Its wings are extremely strong, intertwined with Daomang, that golden dragon has amazing killing power, it penetrates its wings, tears its flesh and blood, and the power of every drop of its blood is incomparably terrifying At this moment, its blood gushes out like a spring, splashes in the glacier, and directly melts a radius of 100,000 li. The originally incomparably cold world suddenly burns like a raging flame, like magma everywhere, melting everything.

The terrifying imperial aura, crushed down, collided fiercely with the aura exhaled by the ancient god emperor's chariot. The body of the Dragon King Prince was shaken and he almost vomited blood. His expression was extremely terrified, as if he had been raped, violently The little girl let out a piercing scream: "Great Emperor, there is a living Emperor Realm, and it has already stepped into the peak and is about to ask Gu."

At this moment, Prince Dragon King's face turned green, and he was almost scared to pee. He had scolded Xuanyuan's eighteenth generation ancestors tens of thousands of times in his heart. He had seen shameless people, but he had never seen such shameless people. , To actually lead himself to attack such a terrifying existence, he trembled all over, he didn't know whether it was from anger or fright.

Xuanyuan and Tsing Yi had already left through the air with "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu", without being involved in the slightest, watching this scene from a distance very comfortably, he touched the 'Sha Dragon Bone Sword' in his hand, and said with a smile: " I didn't expect that the Dragon King Prince would be so brave, he dared to provoke such a terrifying existence, tsk tsk, I am really amazed, in the North Sea, there is indeed a hidden dragon and crouching tiger, don't underestimate it, kill kill kill, use force, use force again !"

The living emperor, named 'Void Skypeng', inherited the blood of the fairy beast Kunpeng. You must know that the former Kunpeng was an existence in the realm of the ancient emperor. Peng' naturally has his aura. I saw this "Void Sky Peng" spread its wings for 90,000 miles, covering the entire world in an instant. With its wings spread, the space with a radius of one million miles was cut off layer by layer. The coherent one-word long snake broke the sky ban and lost the support of the follow-up power in an instant, and its power was limited.

With just one blow, the existence of a great emperor broke the incomplete imperial ban of the Dragon King Prince, and the wound on the 'Void Skypeng' healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the blood was gradually stopped .

"Tsk tsk, this is the legendary collapse of a thousand miles, awesome, really awesome, long live the 'Void Skypeng'." Xuanyuan laughed gloatingly, and flew twenty million miles away through the air. In a space in the middle of the North Sea, the imperial ban given to him by the pig-headed emperor began to be laid, which happened to come in handy again.

"Isn't it because of you? Alas, the Dragon King Prince is really miserable. I guess he won't be able to escape this time. The 'Void Skypeng' is really terrible. After all, should we wait for a while, and then wait for him to die? Do you want to pick up leaks again?" Tsing Yi blinked her eyes and looked at Xuanyuan with an extraordinarily pure look, she was indeed pure, she felt that compared to Xuanyuan, she was too pure, and originally thought that her assassination method was already vicious enough , but never thought that it was nothing compared to Xuanyuan's despicability and shamelessness. The difference between the two of them was a hundred and eight thousand miles. .

In fact, if it wasn't for the "Eye of Reality", Xuanyuan wouldn't be able to see the "Void Skypeng" who was resting in the void. .

"You must pick up the leaks. Don't think that the Dragon King Prince is easy to deal with. Even if he is facing the existence of a great emperor, he will still have his own trump card. Now I am here to set up the emperor's ban and break the teleportation emperor's ban." , ready to cut his back, if he wants to escape the pursuit of the 'Void Skypeng', he can only use the teleportation emperor ban, I hope I can stop him, I am not sure."

Facing a "Void Skypeng" in the realm of a great emperor, even the crown prince of the Dragon King would be afraid. Without the slightest hesitation, he took out a simple stone box from his arms, which was less than a foot in size, but from inside it revealed With the supreme ominous power, one knows that there is an extremely terrifying existence hidden in it.

That's right, it's the 'heart-eating dragon worm', but this heart-eating dragon worm is many times more terrifying than the 'heart-eating dragon worm' that entered Xuanyuan's heart that day. A dragon worm who has stepped into the realm of a great emperor, even if it is the existence of the previous emperor's realm, is sure to be able to severely injure or even kill it.

The Dragon King Prince opened the stone box in an instant, and saw a flash of lightning, directly breaking into the wound of the 'Void Skypeng', eating away everything in its body.

"Looking for death!" At this moment, the 'Void Skypeng' was completely enraged, and a destructive wind that covered millions of miles was blown up in the flat ground, everything was being destroyed, including glaciers, icebergs, and the North Sea with a radius of millions of miles. Fierce beast, this Destroying Gangfeng was surrendered and refined from the depths of the universe by the 'Void Skypeng', and it has become a part of it. It is ranked fourth in the fighting wind list, 'Destroying Gangfeng'.

With the arrival of the 'Destroying Gangfeng', the Dragon King Prince felt that his body was about to be torn apart in an instant, and he directly turned into a fierce dragon. , the scales cracked, blood splashed, on the god emperor's ancient chariot, an infinite glow erupted to resist for a moment, seeing that he was about to be torn apart, the dragon king prince directly activated a defensive imperial ban, supporting it on the god emperor's ancient chariot. Outside the imperial chariot.

The damage done to him by the 'Destruction Gangfeng' in an instant, even if he turned into his own body, his whole body was still covered with hideous scars. The one who killed him in seconds, if he didn't have so many means to save his life, he would have died long ago.

After activating an imperial ban, he also activated a teleportation imperial ban, and flew out of the North Sea through the air. If he was dawdling, he might stay here forever.

The 'Destroying Wind', which was enough to destroy a whole world, hit the defensive imperial ban surrounded by countless fierce dragons, and it took a full quarter of an hour to break it. At this time, the Dragon King Prince had long since disappeared, and The 'Void Skypeng' was entered by a 'Heart Devouring Dragon Insect', and had to hide in the depths of the universe for suppression and refinement, otherwise, I'm afraid it would die unexpectedly.

"Di Shitian, Tsing Yi, I have no sympathy with you. How dare you design me like this. I must make it impossible for you to survive or die. I hate it. I have only designed and calculated others in my life, and now I have been killed by others." The calculation is so miserable." At this moment, the Dragon King Prince is covered in blood. He has never been so embarrassed in his life, and he has used all the life-saving things on his body, such as the 'heart-eating dragon insect'. It was intended to be used against the emperors of other ancient royal families, and now I don’t know if it can come back. Now I can only hope that it can come back. Once it returns, it will definitely step into the realm of the emperor. The heavenly ban was also made by attacking the emperor's ban together with spending a lot of his savings to extract the memory of the soul, and the protection of the emperor's ban. what he left behind.

The 'Divine Emperor of Taoism' gave him two roads, one with many treasures of heaven and earth, money, supreme Tao treasures, and emperor's things.

One road is a god-sealing ban. As long as he pushes it lightly, he can seal all these things. Only when he steps into the realm of the ancient emperor can he open it again.

In the end he chose the former.

The Dragon King Prince breathed a sigh of relief, and with the existence of a great emperor at the peak state, he used many treasures in his body, and being able to make it to this point shows how extraordinary he is.

However, just when he thought he could escape back to the 'Dragon Forbidden Royal Family' smoothly, the void suddenly shattered, his heart tightened, and he immediately urged the ancient god emperor chariot to break through, otherwise, if he fell into the depths of the void, how could he die? I don't know anymore.

From the void to the real world, in that moment of trance, before the Dragon King Prince came back to his senses, he only felt a pain in his central soul and his eyebrows, and with a bang, an ancient jade on his body responded And Sui, at this moment, his heart was completely cold.

"Daoyu for death!" Xuanyuan frowned, and the 'swallowing seal Dafa' was activated immediately. A series of black runes like tadpoles wrapped around the Dragon King Prince, and the Dragon King Prince had no time to reflect. At this moment, Xuanyuan was already He was successfully sealed.

That ancient chariot of the god emperor immediately became a thing without an owner. Xuanyuan derived a black hole and swallowed it into his "Kingdom of Myriad Transformations". All of this was done in an instant. Daoyin was once again used, and he merged into the heaven and earth avenue without any trace.

"Di Shitian, you despicable and shameless villain, you dare to assassinate me like this, do you want to exterminate the clan?" When the Dragon King Prince came back to his senses, his whole body was cold, and even the "Daoyu Daoyu" They all shattered at the sound, the assassination of the two of them in an instant, unexpectedly managed to kill him, he was extremely unwilling in his heart, he was reduced to a prisoner in an instant, he roared loudly, angry in his heart.

"If you are a man, undo my seal. Let's have a real fight to determine the outcome. You use such means to plot against me. What's the point of winning?"

"Okay, since you said so, then let's fight openly." Xuanyuan and Tsing Yi manifested at the same time, and at the moment they are inside the 'Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Artifact', Xuanyuan is not afraid of what the Dragon King Prince can do Strange.

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