Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1180 A sensation in the world

'Fudi City'.

'Hongmeng Tiandi', before he became the great emperor of ancient times, ruled all the sages, and became the head of the human race, his real name was Fuxi. This city was founded by him and all the sages when the human race rose in ancient times. , named Emperor Fu.

This is the holy city in the hearts of the people of the human race in the ancient times. This is the place that countless people yearn for. Here is the culture of all the sages, the cultivation methods of their selfless dedication, and all kinds of good things. Everyone who comes out here has a wish, which is to lead the human race to prosperity, unite as one, and resist foreign enemies.

This kind of "Fudi City" is full of legends. It is said that Fuxi had a relationship with the ancestor Nuwa of the Yaozu, but because of the relationship between the races, the two people were not together, but each ruled their own. The ethnic group, but the holy heart of the sacred ancestor Nuwa of the monster race, in the hearts of the ancient human race, everyone knows that when this city was founded, the human race was not very powerful, so she came here to help build the capital city of the human race, so "Fu The Imperial City has a shocking legacy left by Empress Nuwa.

As for what it is, no one knows, but for countless years, the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' has always been the hub of the human race. The unknown means left by the supreme ancestor of the demon clan, Nuwa Empress.

Because of this, let alone other human races, even if the "Zhongzhou Dynasty" is lonely and not as influential as before, they dare not have the slightest dissent to replace it. A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. They deeply understand that the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' has always been the head of the human race since ancient times.

Although wars broke out everywhere, the 'Fudi City' was still bustling with traffic, and the people coming and going were all from major forces. The people who could move around in the 'Fudi City' were extremely powerful and unpredictable.

Compared with 'Fudi City', 'Doulong City' is like a rural corner, it cannot be compared with 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' at all, and the capitals of other dynasties cannot be compared with 'Fudi City', the gap is too big, Even the capital built by the ancient emperor himself is still not comparable to the masterpieces of the "Hongmeng Tiandi" and the hundreds of saints plus a statue of the ancestor of the monster race, Nuwa Empress. The co-construction of ideas.

Being in the 'Fudi City', Xuanyuan felt a kind of simplicity and desolation from the ancient times, majestic and shocking, this is Xuanyuan's attainment of "The Great Trend of Ancient Art", and the 'Eye of Reality' plus his own that day living perception.

He was able to see the original appearance of the 'Fudi City' through the essence, and that aura shocked Xuanyuan's heart and resonated in his heart.

Tsing Yi glanced at Xuanyuan who had stopped, and then stopped too, and said via voice transmission: "Xuanyuan, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, this 'Fudi City' is not simple. Even if the ancient royal family join forces to attack this city, they may not be able to move it a little bit. I finally understand why I have been fighting for the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' for so many years. As the leader of the human race, he will stand tall and never fall." Xuanyuan sighed with emotion, and his expression was full of admiration for the "Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor" and all the saints. It can only be struggling and has no power to save the world. Thinking about the rise of the "Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor" and the hundreds of saints, leading the human race to compete with the ancient races, what an exciting scene it was?

He only hates himself for not improving and his low strength. He can only improve his strength in various ways to avoid the killing of powerful enemies.

Tsing Yi smiled slightly, and didn't say much. In this city, she also felt a very friendly atmosphere. It seems that the rumors are true. , creating the first capital city of the human race, through her own blood, she can feel the power of the supreme ancestor of the monster race, Nuwa Empress.

At this moment, Tsing Yi's appearance is elegant and simple, dressed in a Taoist robe, with a fairy-like demeanor, which is beyond the dust, while Xuanyuan is back to the basics, dressed in a farm attire, just like a farmer, with stubble on his face and bronze-colored skin, Such a combination of strong physique has attracted the attention of many people, but it is only a few more glances.

Now, the focus of discussion in the entire "Fudi City" is the "Dragon Forbidden Royal Family" and the "Six Paths" and "Samsara". Di Shitian and Tsing Yi have long been famous all over the world, and now everyone knows it. People don't know that killing the Dragon King Prince of the Nine Royal Clans can be said to be a big sigh of relief to the younger generation of the clan.

"The Dragon Forbidden royal family is completely furious. This time, they are going to start a full-scale war with the 'Six Paths' and 'Samsara'. Hidden deep in the dens of the major forces, only a small part of the dens are hidden deep outside the range of the major forces, but they are extremely difficult to find."

"The Dragon Forbidden royal family has already begun to order, and the major forces of the human race are required to cooperate with them to wipe out the 'Six Paths' and 'Samsara'."

"It's a joke. The Dragon Forbidden Royal Family, as an ancient royal family, wants the major forces of my human race to cooperate with him? It's a joke. How could the major human race forces agree?"

"The Zonghengjiao agreed. Over the years, the 'Zonghengjiao' has suffered a lot from the 'Six Paths' and 'Samsara'. They also threatened that 'Samsara' and the 'Six Paths' did all kinds of evil. ' is an excellent opportunity, but the 'Zonghengjiao' is not stupid, and asked for many benefits from the Dragon Forbidden royal family before agreeing."

"Did the brains of the Zonghengjiao be kicked by the donkey? Now that the human race is dying, 'Six Paths' and 'Samsara' beheaded an emperor of the nine ancient royal families and won a victory for our human race. The same race? Just for my own self-interest!"

"It seems that there is no need for the Zonghengjiao to exist anymore. Sooner or later, such a powerful force will become a running dog of the ancient royal family. It can't distinguish the general trend of the world, and it can only lead to death." Xuanyuan was obviously furious. He tried his best, but he didn't expect And yet it was treated like this.

"Actually, Zonghengjiao is right. The two killer organizations 'Six Paths' and 'Samsara' are really terrifying. They have accumulated for countless years and have been engaged in assassinations, espionage, stalking, and undercover operations. Their actions, the minions have penetrated into the major forces, they are ambitious, and they are about to come out. At this time, they are probably trying to build their own reputation, want to create a killer dynasty, rule the world, and start from the "reincarnation" 'Integrating with the 'Six Paths' can show their determination.

"Regardless of whether 'Samsara' and 'Six Paths' have selfish intentions or not, at least they are human races, and everyone wants to dominate the world. This is understandable. Even Zonghengjiao wants to take advantage of the chaos to rise. Da, for the sake of self-interest, you actually want our human race to kill each other, I really doubt whether the Zonghengjiao is secretly colluding with the ancient royal family."

Some words were released by Xuanyuan. In the "Fudi City", there are all kinds of speeches. Xuanyuan's move to kill the Dragon King Prince has the biggest intention, to kill in the identity of "Samsara" and "Six Paths". Killing a large number of the princes of the ancient royal family and forcing the Dragon King to make a full-scale attack, although there will be casualties, will force the killers of "Samsara" and "Six Paths" to stand on the same front with the human race. If the forces really follow the vertical and horizontal teachings, it is very likely that the 'Samsara' and the 'Six Paths' will suffer heavy losses, and they will be hidden directly. At that time, the disadvantage will be the human race. The combination of these two great forces is immeasurable.

"Just now there is news that the 'Xuanwu Immortal Mansion' has also agreed to cooperate with the Dragon Forbidden Royal Family. It seems that the 'Xuanwu Immortal Mansion' has also received great benefits from the 'Dragon Forbidden Royal Family'. Otherwise, it would not have agreed so readily. I'm afraid that 'Samsara' and 'Six Paths' will suffer heavy losses this time."

"'Doulong Immortal Mansion' also agreed to do so. Feng Lie and the former 'Doulong Mansion Master' Dou Cangtian strongly opposed it, but it was useless. The grandfather of the current 'Doulong Shengzi' teamed up with the Supreme Elders and directly agreed. After seeing this matter, it seems that they don't want to let 'Samsara' take advantage of it, and they can get huge benefits from it, so who would be willing to give up?"

"The four living emperors, for them, the pressure is too great, and some things have to be agreed to if they don't agree! Not to mention that the ancient royal family gave them great benefits."

"Then why didn't the 'Hantian Immortal Mansion' agree?"

"'Cold Heaven Saintess' Luo Zixi, this woman has a very close relationship with Xuanyuan, which is well known, and now the 'Swallowing Emperor' has become a supreme existence, and seventy-two generals and eight hundred heavenly soldiers can Called at any time, Xuanyuan is afraid that he will be intensively cultivating in the depths of the "Qinglong Holy Land", even the "Dragon Forbidden Royal Family" has to think about it, with her in control of the overall situation of the "Hantian Immortal Mansion", the "Dragon Forbidden Royal Family" dare not force Too tight."

"What about the 'Beizhou Dynasty'?"

"Speaking of the 'Northern State Dynasty', this is amazing. For this matter, the 'Northern State Dynasty' almost broke out. The current 'Nine Heavens Xuannv' is extremely powerful. A detached figure, pushing the 'Zhiyang Immortal Physique' Cheng Yang to the throne, directly forcing the palace to the emperor of the dynasty, and the 'Taishan Emperor' in charge of military power, the older generation can only compromise and let Cheng Yang become the 'Northern Emperor'. The emperor of Zhou Dynasty, Cheng Yin is willing to help his younger brother, which is beyond everyone's expectation."

"Well, the 'Dongzhou Dynasty' also has a profound background. The emperor of Dongzhou, Ji Chen, is also an extremely far-sighted person. He directly rejected the domineering request of the Dragon King's family, even if it was hugely profitable. The popularity of the 'Linglong Immortal Mansion' Excellent, the 'Dragon Forbidden Royal Family' did not dare to make enemies with the human race at this time, and the other party rejected the Dragon Forbidden Royal Family without saying anything."

"In Zhongzhou, the Jiang family also agreed, but the Ji family, the Kong family and the Wang family sternly refused, and the Dragon King royal family didn't say much, and now they can only eradicate the dens of these human powers' Six Paths' and 'Samsara' one by one. After that, let’s talk about other things.”

"Unexpectedly, this Di Shitian and Tsing Yi joined forces to kill the Dragon King's family, but they caused such a big disaster for their two great powers."

All of a sudden, words about the Dragon King family, 'Reincarnation', 'Six Paths', Emperor Shitian, and Tsing Yi were flying all over the sky.

Xuanyuan contacted Amaterasu with the 'Heavenly Secret Talisman' at the first time, and said urgently: "Brother Amaterasu, quickly let me 'Six Paths' and 'Reincarnation' be in the Jiang family, Zonghengjiao, 'Xuanwu Immortal Mansion', 'Doulongxian' All the disciples of the government's retreat, so as not to die in vain."

"Haha, Junior Brother Shi Tian, ​​don't worry, just as the news spread that you killed the Dragon King Prince, the 'Lord of the Six Paths' and the 'Lord of Reincarnation' came out hand in hand, and at the same time ordered the disciples of the major sects to retreat, I know that Wang Niyi, the "sacred ancestor of reincarnation", was the first young general of the human race in ancient times. He was named the invincible champion at the age of seventeen. Similarly, Xie Daoyun, the number one talented woman of the human race, attracted the favor of countless ancient sages and sages. She was unparalleled in her talents and cultivated the art of war like Wang Niyi. You can see how powerful she is. You Queen, just let go of your hands, 'Lord of Reincarnation' let me explain to you, he will not be worse than you."

Amaterasu's hearty laughter came from the 'Heaven's Mystery Talisman', and Xuanyuan felt a lot more at ease. Apparently, Tsing Yi also got the same message, and the two smiled at each other and continued on their way.

'Samsara' and 'Six Paths' are also powerful forces that have been passed down for countless years. They used to be the sharpest knives of the human race, and they were the fangs that the ancient royal family feared. 'Six Paths' and 'Samsara' did not know how to kill How many terrifying existences of the ancient royal family have been wiped out.

The death of the Dragon King Crown Prince is a normal thing. The struggle between the emperor and the sons is a life-and-death conceit. This is an agreement made between the human race and the ancient royal family.

This time, the reason why the Dragon Forbidden Royal Family provoked the war with the "Six Paths" and "Reincarnation" was that the other party had a great emperor-level figure to attack and kill the Dragon King Prince together.

The four living emperors of the Dragon Forbidden Royal Family entered the North Sea to conduct investigations, and there were indeed existences in the realm of the emperor who took action. They pointed the finger at the "Six Paths" and "Samsara" for breaking their promises. This is their relationship with the "Samsara" and "Six Paths" They all saw the reason for the full-scale war. It was Di Shitian and Tsing Yi who designed the Dragon King Prince to attack and kill the "Void Skypeng" hidden in the void. It seemed accidental, but as long as they want to start a war, anything They can only be used as excuses.

The Dragon Forbidden Royal Family is not launching an all-out war against the human race, so the "Qinglong Holy Land" has not made any statement, because the Dragon Forbidden Royal Family is only targeting the two notorious killer organizations of "Six Paths" and "Samsara".

With the response of the major forces, the battle between the 'Samsara', 'Six Paths' and the Dragon King's family completely broke out.

Xuanyuan and Tsing Yi were in the 'Fudi City', paying close attention to them all the time, and they would receive news as soon as possible.

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