Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1200 Dragon Fighting Splits!

A group of sages and strong men with boundless terror burst out of the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion'.

Many disciples of the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion' have never seen this kind of formation, and countless people were crushed by their aura and fell to their knees, unable to move.

Everyone was panicked and knew that something big had happened, but no one knew exactly what it was. They just felt that the whole 'Doulong Immortal Mansion' was about to change.

Could it be that the ancient royal family launched a large-scale attack?

Everyone was anxious, imagining all kinds of possible problems.

"Old Palace Master, I'll stop them. You take Feng Lie to the 'Qinglong Holy Land' to seek help. I will try my best to delay the time." Dou Jiuyou resolutely said, because he felt that the people behind had already caught up If this continues, no one will be able to survive.

"If we want to walk together, I usually have drawn a lot of imperial forbidden transmission jade platforms, and it can last for a while." 'Dou Cangtian' has white hair flying, snowy eyebrows are sharp, and there is a cold light in his eyes. He is full of greatness Righteousness is soaring, iron bones are firm, and what one says is the same, and Dou Jiuyou can't allow Dou Jiuyou to make decisions without authorization.

'Dou Cangtian' is upright and upright, black and white, and has a great reputation in the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion', but in this situation, people can't get together. Before gathering a group of our own people, I was afraid that I would die, and it was too late.

From the hands of 'Dou Cangtian', the emperor's forbidden transmission jade platform erupted with brilliance, and the huge transmission formation once again enveloped it, and then the transmission jade platform shattered at the sound, turning into flying ash, this time the power of the transmission jade platform Pushing it to the extreme, directly leading more than two hundred people, flying 300,000 miles away through the air, although it is far from being able to compare with the method of the pig-headed emperor, but with the current strength of 'Dou Cangtian', it is possible to have such a method, It's already very good, after all, the Zhutou Emperor has been studying the restriction for many years, and Dou Cangtian didn't even live to a fraction of the Zhutou Emperor's age.

Now, if a group of people want to leave the area of ​​'Doulong Immortal Mansion', they still need more than 10 million miles away. Whether it is Dou Jiuyou or Feng Lie, they know that such a group escape method will only make everyone die here. .

The strong men from the Supreme Elders of the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion' came after them from behind, their murderous aura filled the sky, once they were surrounded again, it would be really difficult to escape, the opponent must have come prepared.

Feng Lie looked resolute, and said in a heavy voice: "The law enforcement team obeys the order, and stop the pursuers with me! There must be no mistakes!"

"Yes!" The law enforcement team is all from the younger generation. They are all tough guys brought out by Feng Lie himself. Like Feng Lie, they have the same blood spirit and are not afraid of life and death. Feng Lie didn't pick up many people who left him, and every one who was picked up by Feng Lie was at least an existence who stepped into the realm of the earth fairy at a young age, with amazing talents and bright future.

"Okay, we old men, how can we let you young brats protect us? Wouldn't it make us laugh out loud when it spread? I'll see you off. Every one of you young people is our 'Dragon Immortal' The future hope of the mansion, you can't die, the task of rebuilding the 'Doulong Xianfu' is entrusted to you, if you want to die, we old immortals will die first, and the next step will depend on your fortune." Suddenly a On the verge of death, the old man with white beard and hair stood up. His lifespan was running out, and it would be difficult to break through the realm of the sages after cultivating his strength. However, he is also an important figure in the "Doulong Xianfu". The accomplishments in prohibition are also not small. 'Dou Cangtian' once shared the virtue of imperial prohibition with him, which benefited him a lot.

The old man was hale and hearty, his eyes burst out with infinite light, the stream of light soared to the sky, and the infinite light filled the four directions. The old man burned everything in himself, and used his flesh and blood, his soul, and the magic weapon on his body. Using his huge thoughts, he evolved into the imperial forbidden lines, condensed into a huge imperial forbidden teleportation array, he sacrificed himself, and used everything in himself to transform into the imperial forbidden teleportation avenue, covering Feng Lie, Dou Cangtian, Dou Jiuyou A group of people, with a thought, set the coordinates, and flew directly to the location of Ji's house.

As long as you can pass through Ji's house, you can directly reach the 'Qinglong Holy Land'.

The old man at the peak of the sages, at the cost of his own life, wrote the imperial ban on teleportation, which directly sent them six million miles away, and now it is less than five million years since they left the "Doulong Immortal Mansion" inside.

Huge cities spread out, and there was a dense flow of people here. Many strong people sensed the fluctuation of the power of space, but they dared not act rashly.

'Doulong Shengzi' saw the scene in front of him with 'Doulong Daoqiu' in the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion', and said in a heavy voice: "Now, what should I do, I'm afraid I won't be able to catch up for a while, I didn’t expect such an old thing to exist.”

"It doesn't matter, in the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion', you can't use the 'Heaven-Slashing Dragon Sword'. Once we leave the boundary of the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion', we will kill the enemy from afar, even if it affects the territory of the Ji family. The situation is not serious, and they don't care about anything, so let them escape, escape as much as they want, and let them die completely when they escape from the 'Doulong Xianfu', haha, let them know when the time comes It's called despair, they will never escape from my palm." Meng Jiong looked grim, and now the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion' is finally in his hands, and many important figures in the mansion are sleeping, and they don't care about these trivial matters. little things.

"Grandpa is very clever, hahaha, hehe, I really want to see how they thought they had escaped from our hands, but in the end they looked desperate." Long Shengzi', and Dou Jiuyou actually wanted to replace him, which he could not tolerate.

'Dou Cangtian' clenched his fists tightly, and his eyes were filled with anger. The teacher who once taught him to practice the forbidden method died like this. The pain in his heart could not be expressed.

Feng Lie communicates with the wind around him with a unique sense, sensing everything behind him:

"They stopped and didn't chase after them again. It is estimated that we crossed the void this time, which made them feel powerless and unable to catch up."

Feng Lie breathed a sigh of relief, but it was a pity that the elder died, and he was helpless. Now that the Fengxian is also dead, Feng Lie's mood was extremely violent, and he wanted to kill a big one, but after these days of tempering, let Feng Lie calmed down a lot, and made him understand that many times, he is not just a single person, there is also Feng's family in the "Doulong Immortal Mansion", and he has tied down several relatives for it. Son' don't do it to them.

"It seems like this should be the case. You and Xuanyuan, Feng Lie, are siblings. They killed the Wind Immortal. 'Qinglong Holy Land' will definitely come forward to ask for an explanation for you. This revenge will definitely be avenged." Dou Jiuyou also Extremely furious, 'Dragon Fighting Son' and Meng Jiong were too ruthless, they killed them all, leaving no way for them to survive.

"No, based on what I know about Meng Jiong, he is ruthless and ruthless, he will kill us and stop. He knows very well what will happen to the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion' after we go to the 'Qinglong Holy Land' What kind of thing, at this moment, he must be thinking about how to kill us, so he can't be careless." 'Dou Cangtian' thought more, various possibilities flashed in his mind, worried in his heart, suddenly he said in a heavy voice: "I know what Meng Jiong thinks."

"What?" Dou Jiuyou was startled, unsure.

"I know, there will be a large teleportation portal between the headquarters of the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion' and the big border city for timely rescue. He will definitely bring people to the border city to intercept us. This is one of them."

"What about the second?" An old man whose seniority was higher than 'Dou Cangtian' looked gloomy and felt uneasy. He obviously thought of something, but he didn't say it.

"The second is that he is waiting for us to run, and when we run out of the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion' area, he will kill us with the supreme Taoist weapon, the 'Heaven Slashing Dragon Dao Sword', and now we are still in the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion' area." In the realm of the Dragon Immortal Mansion, they dare not act recklessly. They want to kill us people. The control of the Supreme Dao Artifact must be extremely precise. Once the driving force is too strong, it will lead to the destruction of a large area. They can't bear it." When 'Dou Cangtian' said this, the people present broke out in cold sweat, and they would be loyal to 'Doulong Immortal Mansion' for the rest of their lives. What an ironic thing that would be.

"Then what should we do now, unless we can reach the point where Emperor Tun has control over the imperial ban, otherwise, we will be at a dead end and have nowhere to escape." Dou Jiuyou looked cold and frowned.

'Dou Cangtian' pondered for a moment, then said: "Not going in the direction of the 'Qinglong Holy Land'."

"Where is that going?" Feng Lie was taken aback, there was nowhere to go now, did he turn around and kill himself?

"'Land of Qingming'." 'Dou Cangtian' said in a heavy voice: "'Land of Qingming' is one of the nine ancient royal families, whose strength is unpredictable and has never been born so far. No matter how ruthless Meng Jiong is, he dare not hit the Supreme Dao Artifact to the 'Land of Qingming', he dare not take this risk, let's go."

'Dou Cangtian' is a very intelligent person, he knows that entering the 'Land of Azure Darkness' will be dangerous, but he must go to the 'Sacred Land of Azure Dragon', the difference between the two is vast.

From this day on, the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion' began to split into two parts. Dou Cangtian and Dou Jiuyou are confident that as long as they can survive and reach the 'Qinglong Holy Land', the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion' will inevitably There are also followers, this matter happened suddenly, for a while, I am afraid that no one will know.

Meng Jiong wanted to kill them silently, and then plant this big hat on the ancient royal family.

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