Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1212 One Against Nine

'Son of the White Tiger', Mo Shuai, Shi Zhong, 'Son of Chaos Immortal', 'Son of the Purple Mansion', Jiang Tushen, six people joined forces to deal with Xuanyuan.

They hung down in the sky with domineering momentum, pointing directly at Xuanyuan.

Wu Yang sneered and said, "That's right, the 'Physical Body of Ten Thousand Transformations' is extremely powerful, and a 'Pure Yang Body' like mine is simply not enough to look at in front of it, so I will join in and join hands with all the Holy Sons, hoping to You can learn a thing or two from Holy Master Xuanyuan."

Everyone present has stepped into the realm of the sages, only Xuanyuan is still in the realm of the sixth heaven of immortals. More people put aside that aspect and joined forces to attack and kill Xuanyuan.

He is well aware of the horror of Xuanyuan, killing people by leaps and bounds, and his methods are against the sky. If he can take this opportunity to kill him, he will lose a stumbling block in his future battles on the emperor's road.

"Hahaha, that's right, since Holy Master Xuanyuan can fight against seven with one, one more me is not too many, and one less of me is quite a lot." 'Xuanwu Shengzi' laughed loudly, holding the 'Xuanwu Seal' in his hand, Boundless domineering, crushing the world.

"Although I know that fighting against Holy Lord Xuanyuan may be life-threatening or even death, but I still want to give it a try. There are young Tianjiao from all major forces, and I have the courage to ask Holy Lord Xuanyuan for advice."

Including the 'Xuanwu Saint Son', there are eight people in total.

"If that's the case, I won't be too many. I'll also come to appreciate the supreme elegance of the 'Body of Myriad Transformations'." The 'Ancient Demon Son' also stood up, holding a blood-colored magic box in his hand, I don't know what kind of power it contains, but there is a bloody light in the eyes, which makes people feel palpitating, as if there is a boundless hell in this pair of eyes.

The nine holy sons, the top figures of the younger generation of the human race, the demon race, and the demon race, challenged Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan didn't expect that these people would actually be able to lose face, and nine people teamed up to fight him, it was really shameless to the extreme.

Fang Yuyou, Bai Youniang, Huang Yuechan, Qian Duoduo, Yin Zhenluo, Zhixie, Mo Chou, looked at the scene in front of them, and couldn't help frowning.

"They are really shameless. Brother Xuanyuan just said that, and they really did it. It's too shameless." Mo Chou curled her lips, feeling very worried about Xuanyuan.

"The situation is not good. Could it be that Xuanyuan is prepared?" Zhixie was worried, and she didn't know why Xuanyuan said that. Wouldn't that make her feel uncomfortable?

"Don't worry, Xuanxuan never fights uncertain battles. Since he can say such a thing, I'm afraid he has already included the strength of Qu Zhi and the 'Son of Suzaku'. Now there are two less , for Xuanxuan, maybe it will be a lot easier, so don't worry too much." Qian Duoduo is very optimistic, and she will have more confidence in Xuanyuan because of life and death hardships with Xuanyuan.

"Well, what Duoduo said is right. I have known Xuanyuan for so long. He will either keep silent and avoid danger, or he will keep his words in awe and frighten the world. Let's take a look at it with peace of mind." Bai Youniang smiled, although she was worried. , but she still used a peaceful tone to calm everyone's hearts.

"No, I want to fight side by side with my little husband. As long as I and my little husband are here, I can beat them to pieces." Huang Yuechan's body flowed with colorful light, and she walked through the air, and the aura of the fairy phoenix fell from all directions, and now Few people in the younger generation can match Huang Yuechan's strength.

Seeing Huang Yuechan's move, Wu Yang hurriedly said: "Huang Yuechan, don't come anymore, Holy Master Xuanyuan is one against nine, this is an agreement, once you join, how can we be your opponents, Qinglong and The combination of celestial and phoenix makes the world invincible, there has been a saying since ancient times, the sky is blue forever, Qinglong and phoenix dominate one side, even the 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor' has to be courteous, so don't come to embarrass us little people."

Huang Yuechan gritted her teeth in anger at Wu Yang's words, Xuanyuan looked at Huang Yuechan, waved her hand, and signaled her not to worry.

The Nine Great Saints stood outside the 'Tianxia Pass', Xuanyuan said in a heavy voice: "In the battle of the younger generation, the older generation can't take action, let alone interfere with the supreme Taoist weapon. High-level weapons, combined forces to strike a blow, no need to worry about the consequences, even if it kills the sky."

Xuanyuan only left one sentence, which made the eyes of the older generation of the top ten powers twitch. This Xuanyuan is indeed a ruthless character, and he deserves to be inherited from the "Emperor Devourer".

The older generation of "Nanzhou Dynasty" and "Suzaku Immortal Mansion" instinctively retreated further away, for fear of being implicated.

"Don't worry, this is a matter for your younger generation. We will not care too much about life and death." The elders of all major forces are very relieved. Xuanyuan, a person who is in the realm of the sixth heaven, dares to challenge the realm of the nine sages Most of the holy sons, fearing that they didn't know how they died, they all retreated to the side, giving way to the younger generation.

"Holy Master Xuanyuan, please come out of the 'Tianxia Pass' and teach me." The 'Sage Son of Zifu' smiled, holding the moon in both hands, playing with the strings, and the crisp sound of the Dao flowed. Inheritance, and now he has inherited it more perfectly.

Xuanyuan nodded and said, "Okay, but you have to wait a bit."

Xuanyuan walked to Pengfei's side, put his arms around Pengfei's shoulders, and said in a heavy voice: "Old friend, you see that my brother is in danger now, do you have any personal treasures to borrow?"

Hearing this, Peng Fei's face turned blue, Xuanyuan was about to blackmail him again, his eyes were cloudy, he paused, and said dejectedly: "What kind of baby can I have, you brat boasted about it yourself, just bear it yourself , as a buddy, I can only silently support you spiritually."

"Hey, old friend, it's meaningless for you to say that, anyway, I still have a piece of Feng Shui about the chaotic ancient times..." Before Xuanyuan could speak, Peng Fei looked at He looked at Xuanyuan, as if this was his wife who had shared the bed with him for many years. There was a deep love in his eyes, which made Xuanyuan get goosebumps all over his body. He only heard the heroic dry voice: "My good brother, for a lifetime, I will love you forever." I lent you my natal baby, there is no need to say anything, there is nothing polite between us brothers, you must not refuse me, once you refuse me, we are not brothers, I will be anxious to you, You must return safely."

A ray of spiritual light entered Xuanyuan's body. Seeing this scene, the nine saints couldn't help but frown. They didn't know what Xuanyuan and Pengfei were doing.

"Okay, good brother for the rest of his life, he is worthy of being my good brother." Xuanyuan laughed, stepped out of the air, and directly passed through the heaven-defying prohibition and killing array. In Xuanyuan's body, an iron bowl rose and fell.

Xuanyuan had seen Peng Fei use this iron bowl that day, exuding the aura of an ancient emperor, this iron bowl is extremely mysterious and has a strong protective ability.

Watching Xuanyuan come out, the Eight Immortal Rings on the back of Wuyang's head became even more dazzling, and the vast aura of faith crushed towards Xuanyuan Qiqi, with great power, coming from the 'Tianyi Ziwei Sword' in his hand. With one move, he directly killed Xuanyuan.

"I, Wuyang, first come to experience the supreme Taoism of Holy Master Xuanyuan."

Xuanyuan's one against nine, the battle against the nine holy sons erupted in an instant.

The pig-headed emperor yelled loudly: "Boy, fuck them to death, you are still far away from 'swallowing the emperor', these nine shit sons, use them as a whetstone on your road to emperor, kill them all , don't hold back."

Hearing this sentence, the old man from the eight major forces couldn't help frowning, it was too arrogant.

Facing the attack of the Nine Great Saints, Xuanyuan took a step forward and disappeared in front of everyone's eyes in an instant.

Xuanyuan unscrupulously displayed "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu", and for a while, no one came to their senses, what was going on, made them lose their attack target in an instant.

Xuanyuan's whole body was directly integrated into the Dao of Heaven and Earth, and the nine holy sons were scattered in nine different directions, searching for Xuanyuan's aura with their own secret techniques.

Almost at the same time, four terrifying existences with extremely bloodlines smashed out of the void, holding the emperor's object in their hands, and they were boundless.

They are none other than the Four Heavenly Emperors of the Protoss. Their fathers left them each with an Emperor Sword. Watered by countless killings, baptized by thousands of wars, and the condensing of their own avenues, their power is boundless.

The Emperor of Zhongtian, the Emperor of West Heaven, the Emperor of North Heaven, and the Emperor of East Heaven, originally their magical powers complement each other. Although the Emperor of Nantian is missing now, they should not be underestimated. Under Xuanyuan's command, they attack and kill together. Gathered the 'Luanxian Shengzi', condensed into a sword array, with monstrous killing power.

It was just something that happened between lightning and flint, and the "Sage Son of Chaos Immortal" was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder were splitting. The strength of these four terrifying existences is all in the realm of sages, and their physical strength is extremely terrifying. One of them can even be beaten. Compared with Zhundi.

The body of the gods is strong. As we all know, the origin is strong, plus the four emperor swords killed together, the violent fighting spirit of the gods made the prophets of the ancient nine clans who were thousands of miles away moved and screamed:

"The Protoss is actually a Protoss. The power of this bloodline is at least the existence of the emperor's child level."

"What's the matter, they are actually used by Xuanyuan. Could it be that Xuanyuan is a member of the God Clan?"

"No, look at the dull eyes of these four God Race emperors, with a fierce look, without the aura they should have. This is a sign of being taken away, and now they have all become Xuanyuan's puppets."

"Where did Xuanyuan subdue the four great emperors of the God Race?"

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