The strong wind is like a heavenly knife, with a chilling air that can break a person's body and soul. Above the nine heavens, it is completely different from being in the earth.

The higher you go, the more terrifying everything that exists is. Countless terrifying thoughts are probing down, because Mo Shuai and his party are too high-profile, Xuanyuan's heart is terrified, this group of people really don't know what to do.

Xuanyuan didn't go up anymore, because he felt that there was an extremely terrifying aura on the top, which was stronger than not weaker than the "Void Skypeng" in Beihai that day. Once provoked, with his current strength, he might not be able to If you can resist it, if you are alone, you will definitely be put in a life and death trap, and you will be attacked by the enemy, and it will be difficult not to die at that time.

"Boy, what are you doing?" The greedy old man was very puzzled by Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan ignored the greedy old man. From between his brows, the 'eye of truth' opened, penetrating through layers of clouds, air currents, and wind layers, and inspected everything. Xuanyuan shook everything with his strong body, and his body was not damaged. , was not affected at all.

This is Xuanyuan, otherwise, even if it is a strong person who has reached the sixth heaven of celestial beings, at such a height, flying at such a high speed in Xuanyuan, the wind pressure may not be able to withstand it, let alone enter the wind layer. He was going to die unexpectedly, there was no suspense about it.

While Xuanyuan was running, he was investigating everything in the four directions, and nothing could escape his real eyes.

"Xuanyuan, you lost dog, can you stop running away, and fight us upright if you have the ability, what kind of ability do you have? Don't you feel humiliated when you live your whole life? You hide from the beginning to the end Yes, worse than a dog."

"Xuanyuan, I know, you feel that you have no way to live, so you want to run, and you can live for a while. I tell you that dying early is the same as dying late. You might as well stop now, kneel down and kowtow to us. Destroy supernatural powers, hand over the treasure of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', we can spare your life, we will do what we say."

The taunting and insulting voices of Mo Shuai and others are endless, and their voices blend into the Dao and penetrate the four directions, and many people can hear them.

"Damn, boy, I can't take it anymore. I'll fight them and let them see what power is." The greedy old man was extremely angry. In a one-on-one fight with Xuanyuan, it is impossible to be Xuanyuan's opponent. What they rely on is nothing more than a group of people united, relying on a superb Taoist weapon to show off their might, and they dare to be so arrogant.

"Why have you lived for a long time, and you are more impatient than me, don't move, leave it to me, I have my own arrangements, don't disturb my plan." Xuanyuan despised the greedy old man, let the greedy old man clam down.

The greedy old man didn't say anything more, it was because he didn't have the capital and strength to resist in the past, but now he has it, he doesn't understand why Xuanyuan wants to run away, and he still has to be insulted and abused by them like this.

With a cold smile on the corner of Xuanyuan's mouth, he looked forward, and he said in his heart: "There is a series of heavenly powers ahead, cutting down all the avenues, and the killing power is boundless. Once you enter it, all the power in your body will be cut off. Clean and tidy, this series of slashing powers is imprinted in this piece of heaven and earth, spreading for 80,000 miles. Let's see if they can come out alive. This kind of power needs to be bred for millions of years to take shape. Resist, the Great Emperor is inside, and the Taoist deeds that are less than a day's body will be cut clean and become ordinary people."

"Haha, I didn't expect your kid to be full of bad water. I knew that when you pouted your butt, you didn't hold back any good fart." The greedy old man laughed loudly.

The 'Battle Sky Demon Bell' has been following Xuanyuan closely, the sound of the Dao is rolling, sweeping, crushing the four directions of the world, many creatures living in the sky were directly shaken into blood mist, and died unexpectedly. They rampaged all the way, as if the world Invincibility has caused the dissatisfaction of many creatures living in this sky.

Xuanyuan quietly activated the 'Transformation Dao Potential', which is a power that can dissolve the power of the heaven and earth, and protect oneself, allowing oneself to be placed in the terrifying heaven and earth power without being affected by the slightest A means of influence, of course, the premise is that the power of "Hua Dao Shi" is not dispersed.

Facing the heavenly momentum of chain-slashing Dao, Xuanyuan rushed in directly, with the 'power of transforming Dao' protecting Xuanyuan's body, countless Dao Heavenly Swords fell down in unison, it was extremely terrifying, tearing apart thousands of Dao, asked Gu Qiang The resistance of the Dao force under the opponent is extremely ridiculous in the midst of such Dao-slashing heavenly power.

Yu Xuanyuan's power of the "Tale of Transformation" faded very quickly. Taking advantage of the resistance of the "Talk of Transformation", Xuanyuan activated the Emperor's Forbidden Teleportation Jade Platform, and a portal opened. With a flick of his fingers, Xuanyuan rolled around with a strong wave of space. The fluctuation of power disappeared in this piece of heavenly trend of chain cutting.

Behind Xuanyuan, the Demon Commander and his group urged the 'Battle Sky Demon Bell' to rush into the heavenly power of chain-slashing Dao, and they felt bad. All the power of the 'Battle Sky Demon Bell' contained the Zhantian Dao They are all disintegrating, under the power of Zhan Dao Tian Dao, they are disintegrating inch by inch, collapsing.

Dao Zhan Tian Dao flew down like rain, making the entire 'War Sky Demon Clock' clang and clang, and the avenue pattern imprinted on the 'War Sky Demon Clock' was blurred and gradually began to disappear. It can be seen that this How terrifying is the power of the Dao-Zhan Dao Knife, even the unrivaled Dao Artifacts that were activated could not resist it.

"No, this is an extremely terrifying situation. Only the Supreme Dao contained in the Supreme Dao Artifact can compete with it. Hurry up and escape from this situation, otherwise, all of our abilities will be cut to pieces! Clean, become an ordinary person, fall from here, fall to death alive, this will be over for a lifetime, this kind of Dao-slashing force is extremely terrifying, it takes millions of years to take shape, and the Dao-slashing calamity that descended from the world Punishment, or the traction of the Tao-slashing supernatural power displayed by the ancient emperor, was formed after countless years of precipitation and condensation. It is extremely terrifying, and withdraw quickly. It cannot be resisted unless it is the supreme Taoist weapon. Neither."

'Zifu Shengzi' has a certain attainment in the means of power, and a group of people broke into the heavenly power of chain cutting, and he immediately noticed it, rushing into the power of heavenly cutting, making his face pale , he took out the Imperial Forbidden Teleportation Jade Platform, but found that shrouded in this Dao-slashing heavenly force, the Imperial Forbidden Teleportation Jade Platform also failed, and could not be activated at all.

The words of the "Sage Son of the Purple Mansion" made the saint sons of all major forces almost crazy, and they didn't want to die so aggrieved.

In the series of Dao-slashing heavenly forces, everything in the body that everyone is frantically urging is burning, and countless Dao-slashing Heavenly Dao flies down, even if it is as strong as Zhan Tian Dao, from the top of the "Zhan Mo Tian Zhong" The Dao inscriptions carved down were all blurred under Dao Zhan Tian Dao, and finally disappeared completely. The Moshuai was bleeding from his heart. He clearly felt that the power of the "Battle Sky Demon Clock" had been weakened, and there was no peerless Dao anymore. The power of the device.

In this piece of Dao-slashing power, first cut the Dao of 'Zhantian Demon Bell' itself, once the resistance of 'Zhantian Demon Bell' is lost, the Dao of the Holy Son will be completely cut, without any suspense, Unless one has cultivated to a very high level, a human being will have no way to compare with a peerless Taoist weapon after all.

In the end, the group of people broke out, relying on the power of the 'Battle Sky Demon Clock', after all, they rushed out of this terrifying slashing sky. If the 'Zifu Shengzi' reacted slower, I'm afraid they would I can't get out.

"Xuanyuan, that bastard, really doesn't have any good intentions. I want to stay with him forever. My peerless Taoist weapon was destroyed by him like this. I hate it." It is a close-fitting Taoist artifact left by his ancestors. It is extremely precious. Among the younger generation, except for him, no one can own a superb Taoist artifact. Even Xuanyuan's "Swallowing Myriad Transformation Taoist Artifact" has only recovered to a top-grade one now. It's just a Taoist artifact, there is still a certain gap between the two, and the advantage of having a superb Taoist artifact is huge.

In just a short period of time, the "Battle Sky Demon Clock", a peerless Taoist artifact, almost fell to the realm of high-grade Taoist artifacts, and now "Battle Sky Demon Clock" is not even a semi-perfect Taoist artifact. The Zhan Dao Heaven Knife in the series of Dao Slashing Tendency is really too ruthless, if it wasn't for the 'Zhantian Demon Bell' who had accompanied the 'Zhantian Demon Emperor' for a long time, shrouded in imperial aura, it would be replaced by one that is generally not shrouded in imperial aura An absolute Taoist artifact, I am afraid that within the same period of time, it will fall to the realm of a middle-grade Taoist artifact, or even a low-grade Taoist artifact.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...Xuanyuan, I want to dispel the hatred in my heart. The utensil, it was left by my ancestors, the unrivaled Taoist utensils before becoming emperor, it is no small matter, but now I have fallen to the realm of semi-unique Taoist utensils, and many of the engraved Zhantian Dao on it have been obliterated He must be punished by his family when he goes back. Even if he has a special status, he has to bear a lot of responsibility for most of such a superb Taoist artifact being destroyed. One can imagine how he feels.

"Brother Moshuai, don't be sad. Now the main purpose is to kill that evil seed Xuanyuan, otherwise, the 'Zhantian Demon Bell' will be sacrificed in vain. I have obtained the inheritance of the 'Six-fingered Qin Emperor', and I can have the best piano sound. The avenue that permeates the four directions of the world, making it impossible for him to hide his "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu", you join forces to attack and kill, I will assist by the side, use the sound of the piano to confuse his mind, and kill him like a pig butcher." 'The Son of the Purple Mansion' His face was gloomy. If it wasn't for the 'Battle Sky Demon Clock' to resist, he might be stuck here for the rest of his life.

"Thanks to Brother Mo for using the 'Battle Sky Demon Bell' to save us from such a calamity, Wuyang is very grateful, and the most important thing now, as the 'Sage Son of the Purple Mansion' said, we must kill Xuanyuan, this evil villain, in order to be able to Solve the hatred in my heart, and when the time comes, Xuanyuan will be obliterated, and the treasure on his body will be selected first by Mo Shuai." The eight fairy rings hang high behind Wuyang's head, setting him off like a god, his expression is gloomy, Xuanyuan is a bastard Sure enough, it was insidious enough, and he couldn't be too careless from the beginning.

Just now, the faces of all the saint-level figures turned green from fright. When they thought of the power of the Dao Zhan Tian Dao, if they fell on them casually, they could fall to a great level without any suspense.

"Let's go, Xuanyuan used the Emperor's Forbidden Teleportation method just now to get himself out of the Heavenly Power of Chain Slashing Dao and returned to the 'Tianxia Pass'. He is laughing at us." The face of the 'White Tiger Son' was extremely gloomy , this is an old man from their 'Zhan Tianxian Mansion' who transmitted the sound to him, and he only knew the situation.

"In the 'Cut Dao Tianshi', the prohibition cannot be activated, even if it is the way of prohibition, it will be cut. How did he do it?" It is not that the "Sage Son of the Purple Mansion" did not think about using the "Emperor" just now. Forbidden teleportation' method to escape, but it won't work. After a moment's pause, the 'Sage Son of Zifu' suddenly realized, and said in a heavy voice: "I see, Xuanyuan used the 'transformation power' to resist, and took advantage of the 'transformation power' to resist. When the power of Dao Shi and the power of Dao Severing cancel each other out, the emperor is urged to send the jade platform to escape, this son has already planned all this in advance."

'Hua Dao Potential' is an extremely powerful means of power technique, which is only available in "Great Power Ancient Art", and I only blame myself for taking the enemy too lightly. Xuanyuan got the inheritance of 'Da Luo Immortal Emperor', which is the same in "Da Luo Tian Shu". Derived from the "Great Trends of Ancient Art", it is only natural to know such powers.

"Let's go and kill Xuanyuan. Just according to the words of the Taoist brother of the Zifu, Xuanyuan must be completely suppressed and killed." The 'Xuanwu Saint Son' was also extremely furious, and the 'Xuanwu Immortal Mansion' had an indissoluble hatred with Xuanyuan. This time, he was plotted against by Xuanyuan again. He finally knew how the former saint son and daughter died.

"Let's go." Mo Shuai's pair of eyes were red and bloodshot, and the 'War Sky Demon Clock' on top of his head was no longer as powerful as it was in its heyday, and had been greatly weakened, but when activated, it still had a very strong Xuanyuan is a cunning and cunning person, once there is an opening to take advantage of, he will definitely use it to the extreme.

The 'Sage Son of Zifu' did not dare to underestimate the enemy, he 'hugged the moon' with both hands, clasped the piano with four fingers, and hooked the string with six fingers.

The Dao sound from "Holding the Moon" penetrates people's hearts and contains endless mysteries. It is integrated into the bodies of the other six saints. They feel that their Dao power has skyrocketed, and the Dao of Heaven and Earth they can control is even more majestic Hao Han, Shi Zhong is well-informed, he said in surprise:

"It is rumored that the 'Six-fingered Qin Emperor' has an extremely powerful supernatural power, which can bless Dao power in a large area, called 'Boundless Taoism', which can reach the Qin Dao, communicate with the world, and let the people branded by the Qin Dao control a larger The power of heaven and earth, what the Taoist brother of the Zifu is displaying, is it this great supernatural power?"

"Young master Shi is worthy of being the young suzerain master of the clan mansion of the 'Mozhou Dynasty'. This move is extremely secretive and few people know about it. I didn't expect you to know it."

"With the blessing of 'Boundless Piano', I can feel it now, even if the other party has a little insight into the great way of the quasi-emperor, I can still beat him." Jiang Tushen's eyes were full of murderous aura, this time The Jiang family was the only aristocratic family threatened by Xuanyuan's nakedness, and this anger had been held in his heart for a long time.

Seven saint-child-level figures descended from the sky, Xuanyuan's main body stood in the air, and the Dao body with one breath and three cleanses merged into the avenue of heaven and earth, waiting for the opportunity to move.

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