Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1224 The Seeds of the Prosperity of the Ancient Times

"Yiyi..." Yiyi was extremely joyful, stepping on the pattern of heaven and earth, dancing and dancing on Xuanyuan's body, with a gentle breath, but Xuanyuan's perception was extremely keen, and he felt that this little family was becoming more and more terrifying, unfathomable, A pair of big eyes seem harmless to humans and animals, but in its small body, there is a terrifying power that even Xuanyuan can hardly deal with.

Xuanyuan holds Yiyi in his arms, and the friendship between the two is deep. In any case, the 'Qing Minghuang' is willing to let Yiyi live in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', there must be his intention, which is to bring the 'Qinglong Holy Land' and The first step of the friendly relationship between the 'Qing Ming Wang Clan', Xuanyuan understood that to a large extent, it was because of Qinglong's inheritance that the 'Qing Ming Wang Clan' helped him so much.

"Oh, I saw the newcomers laughing, but no one heard the old ones crying, Xuanyuan, you are so cruel. Once you left the 'Land of Qingming', you never came back again. You make me miss you. It's so hard to think about you. , do you think you are worthy of my deep affection?" 'King Biluo' looked at Xuanyuan resentfully, causing Xuanyuan to shiver for no reason.

'King Biluo''s dark blue long hair pierced into the void, and each hair was like a long dragon, with a length of three thousand feet, exuding an incomparably majestic vitality.

Compared with before, her figure has become more proud, graceful and charming, which makes people tremble. Comparable to Xuanyuan, extremely tall.

A water-green neon dress was draped over her body, as if she could take off her clothes with just a pull, and the spring inside was infinite, which aroused infinite reverie.

The 'Bi Luo Wang' is agile and elegant, like an elf in a wood, under the snow-white skin, the verdant green is set off, a pair of green pupils are like water, full of affection, and charming green lips, showing a strange beauty, she With a charming look, looking at Xuanyuan, Xuanyuan was at a loss.

I saw her blowing a sigh of relief with a smile, and in an instant, the vegetation was flourishing and growing rapidly for thousands of miles. Looking at this scene, even if there was a terrifying existence in the Mo family, she couldn't help being amazed, knowing that the 'King Bi Luo' had an extremely strong physique. special.

"Hahaha, 'King Biluo' really likes to joke, come here, please." Xuanyuan was very embarrassed, and brought a group of people to the main peak of the 'Qinglong Holy Land'.

Fang Yuyou, Bai Youniang, Huang Yuechan, Qian Duoduo, and Zhixie were all at the gate of the 'Qinglong Palace'. Seeing Xuanyuan return safely and unscathed, the big stone in their hearts finally fell.

Looking at the 'King Bi Luo', they are no strangers, and everyone has greeted the 'King Bi Luo'.

"Ah, sisters, you don't need to be too polite. We will be a family in the future. Why are you polite..." 'King Biluo' stepped barefoot in the air. Those exquisite jade feet are coveted. Every place is as finely carved from heaven. Cut, the beauty is like a work of art, without the slightest blemish, making it impossible to pick at all.

Fang Yuyou, Bai Youniang, and Huang Yuechan were stunned for a moment, then suddenly thought of something, and gave Xuanyuan an angry look, but when they remembered that 'King Biluo' had saved Xuanyuan's life and fought several times for Xuanyuan, they also There is no more to say.

Xuanyuan is so innocent, he shrugged his shoulders, and said with a wry smile: "It's not a family, and if you don't enter a family, this 'Qinglong Holy Land', the disciples from top to bottom, everyone is like a relative, the words of 'King Biluo' , That's right!"

Xuanyuan just held the hand of the male emperor of the "Qinglong Holy Land" beside him, grinning loudly, tears streaming down his face already, wouldn't the "King Biluo" have affection for him, right?

"Well, family."

'King Biluo' had a bright smile, she looked at Xuanyuan, came behind him, exhaled softly, wrapped around his ear, and said softly: "Little man, what are you going to do next? Well, now that you're 'Qinglong Holy Land', after this battle, I'm afraid it will shock the whole world. status."

"Haha, just do what you should do, don't care what other people do, everything will be as usual, if you have to say something, then draw up a content, saying that I, 'Qinglong Holy Land', negotiated with the ancient royal family to stop all wars , let the emperors and sons fight each other, and all parties are asked to withdraw their troops, so as not to lose their lives." Xuanyuan thought for a while, and said.

"Well, leave this matter to me." Bai Youniang smiled, turned and left.

Peng Fei, who was at the side, burst into tears and felt extremely distressed. He cried and howled like a ghost: "Damn it, Xuanyuan, you pay me money, my money, my treasures! Just like that, I have nothing left..."

The 'Yin-Yang Mirror' is indeed a strange art, burning the same celestial coins, natural materials and earth treasures, and other supreme Taoist artifacts have entered the resurrection state, but only the 'Yin-Yang Mirror' has not yet, this one is supreme The Taoist tool is so heaven-defying that ordinary people can't control it at all. If it didn't complement Peng Fei's "Feng Shui Ancient Divine Art", the consequences would be even worse.

"This is what you should pay. God knows how much money you have hacked the Nine Clans of the ancient times with the words 'swallowing the Holy Emperor' to provoke them to attack aggressively. Don't think I don't know. There are some things I just don't want to say." Xuanyuan Despise Peng Fei, this fat man is the most crying poor.

In order to help Emperor Ouyang, Empress Tianyue, the Eight Immortals, and the evil old city lord, Xuanyuan activated the Supreme Dao Artifact, but he had almost no reservations, and burned all the magic weapons, celestial coins, and Douyuan that he had obtained along the way. There are only six and a half supreme Taoist artifacts borrowed by Qinglong pretending to be a mysterious god, thirty-nine peerless Taoist artifacts, and one hundred and eight top-grade Taoist artifacts that were robbed in the 'Hundred Thousand Mountains'. , the others have been almost burned by Xuanyuan.

The consumption of the four Supreme Dao Artifacts is enormous, and only Xuanyuan can do this by burning the Dao Artifacts to activate the Supreme Dao Artifacts.

Of course, after he handed over the large amount of money to Bai Youniang, there was not much money left, so he could only use these magic weapons to burn.

Feeling the empty savings space, Xuanyuan felt a little sad in his heart for a while, and was about to go out to rob the rich and help the poor again.

At this moment, Mo Ma seemed to see through Xuanyuan's thoughts, and said with a faint smile: "Xuanyuan, although the Supreme Dao Artifact can be burned with Celestial Coins, Magic Treasures, and Douyuan, after all, no one can personally stimulate it to be powerful. The power transformed by burning external objects is difficult to truly awaken the spirit of the Supreme Dao Artifact. Your so-called resurrection of the Supreme Dao Artifact is nothing more than mobilizing the magic circle built inside. The Artifact Spirit has no real power at all. Wake up, otherwise the power of the Supreme Dao Artifact will definitely be more than that."

"Well, Grandpa Mo taught you the lesson. I will definitely practice hard and strengthen myself." Xuanyuan respected Mo Ma very much. It was only because of him that he beat back Lu Lei just now. I have to admit that Lu Lei is extremely powerful, even if In the face of such a terrifying existence like Moma, they dare to fight again. It is conceivable that the lineage of the "Ancient Sword Royal Family" is terrifying.

Xuanyuan took out pages and pages of the supreme Taoism of the Mohist school from his Doujie. Please take it."

Seeing that Xuanyuan actually gave Mo Ma the remnants of the supreme Taoism of the Mohist school that he had obtained, Peng Fei's face turned green. I don't know how many good things can be exchanged for, but this is the existence of a living ancient sage, and there must be countless treasures on him.

"Okay, now, I have finally collected the supreme Taoism "Mo Jing" of my Mo family, thank you very much." Mo Ma smiled brightly on his old face, just like an old chrysanthemum, he looked at Peng Fei , said: "'Yin Yang mirror', this is a very precious and supreme Taoist tool, so rare, there will be a great opportunity waiting for you in the future."

Hearing this, Peng Fei was so excited that he almost screamed. It was obvious that he sensed something when Mo Ma was in charge of this supreme Taoist weapon, but it was inconvenient to say it clearly: "Thank you, senior, for pointing out the maze."

"Yuyou, arrange the residence of Grandpa Mo and the others." Xuanyuan confessed.

"Hehe, fine, then the five of you will come with me and take a rest, Mo Xuan, Mo Ying, you husband and wife will join forces to help the 'Xuanyuan City' deploy some of my Mo family's methods, a city with the emperor's forbidden killing array, and the overall situation of Fengshui Dacheng, it would not be perfect without the ancient art of my Mo family." Mo Ma confessed, brought the five great emperors with him, and left with Fang Yuyou. Fang Yuyou personally arranged and did not dare to neglect.

Everyone is very excited. The two ancient sages personally deployed the Mohists' organs and other means in 'Xuanyuan City'. It must be extremely against the sky. 'Xuanyuan City' is the gateway to the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. It must be strong enough. .

Xuanyuan also touched his nose, and said: "I'm ashamed to say, I'm the main city, but I didn't personally set up the general trend. Now it's just right, and I will also describe the great trend of heaven and earth."

There is a green light in Peng Fei's eyes, and he will surely benefit a lot from being with the two ancient sages, so he followed up with the cheek:

"I also feel that the feng shui layout I have set up is not perfect. A man like me who pursues perfection should also re-adjust the feng shui layout."

The two couples, Mo Xuan and Mo Ying, looked at the 'Qinglong Holy Land' and felt emotional. Mo Xuan said via voice transmission: "These days, the entire world of vindictiveness is almost surrounded, and people's hearts have really fallen. , to be able to see a place like the 'Qinglong Holy Land' must be regarded as a blessing."

"Xuanyuan is not an easy kid. This 'Qinglong Holy Land' is like a seed of the ancient prosperity, which is taking root and sprouting. Since he wants to create a new prosperity of the human race, let's do our best to help him. He's so caring."

In the days that followed, Xuanyuan, Pengfei, Zhutou Dadi, Mo Xuan, Mo Ying, the five of them stuck together almost all the time, discussing how to establish a feng shui overall situation in 'Xuanyuan City'. Formation, the general trend of heaven and earth, complements and interlocks with Mohism's institutions and heaven.

Mo Xuan and Mo Ying are well versed in this way, and often a casual sentence will greatly inspire Xuanyuan and Peng Fei.

They are laying out almost day and night, depicting the terrain, prohibiting, refining various natural materials and treasures, setting up organs, from the inside out, trying to turn the entire 'Xuanyuan City' into a war fortress.

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