Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1233 Olive Branch

In the second floor of Yaoguangtian.

All the holy sons and daughters of the Big Dipper Six Sects stood up and looked at the 'Shaking Light Holy Son'.

"Kaiyang, what do you mean by that?" The expression of the 'Sacred Son of Yaoguang' turned cold, and he turned towards the 'Sacred Son of Kaiyang'.

"I think what Junior Brother Kaiyang said is right. Junior Brother Yaoguang, please bear in mind the teachings of your ancestors, you must not bully others with your power, and you must not overwhelm others. Now that you have made a mistake in the 'Yaoguang Holy Land', you still want to kill people to silence them. What's the reason, as members of Beidou, how can we watch you make mistakes." As soon as the words fell, the 'Sage Son of Tianquan' stood in front of Yiyi, his Taoist clothes fluttering in the wind, and the 'Bagua' in his hand The folding fan was swinging, and an inexplicable Dao rhyme flowed, protecting Xuanyuan and the others.

What he meant was obvious, as long as he was there, you 'Waitlight Son' wouldn't even try to touch them.

'Yuheng Saintess' smiled slightly at Xuanyuan, and said: "Brother Xu Xian, don't worry, I will give you a satisfactory answer to this matter, my Daoist sect is not as aggressive as you imagined, it's just a very special case." It just so happens that the old Holy Master is celebrating his birthday, and we will take this opportunity to seek justice from you."

The porcelain doll-like delicate face of the 'Saint Yuheng' looks extraordinarily beautiful at the moment, at least in Xuanyuan Pengfei's view, it is indeed so.

"Thank you 'Holy Maiden of Yuheng'. In fact, as long as the 'Holy Son of Yaoguang' admits his mistake, I can let it go. After all, I am not the kind of narrow-minded person." Xuanyuan looked at the 'Holy Son of Yaoguang' ', with an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing the provocative smile on the corner of Xuanyuan's mouth, the 'Sage Son of Shaking Light' almost lost his breath. His pair of eyes were gloomy, staring at the Holy Son and Saint Daughter of the Six Schools of the Big Dipper, and said: "You guys Come here, I really don't have good intentions, I just came here to make the old Holy Master unhappy."

"Junior Brother Yaoguang, this statement is wrong. You made mistakes first, and we stopped you from making mistakes, but you said that our intentions are sinister. What's the reason? Don't tell me you've been in the 'Shaking Light Holy Land' for so many years, and you have learned to spray people with blood. Do you act domineeringly?" The 'Tianji Shengzi' raised his snowy eyebrows, and he held a whisk, which turned into tassels on the road, protecting Xuanyuan and the others, which can be described as double protection. The gap is too big, and they are also afraid that Xuanyuan will have an accident.

"Hmph, people of Ming Dynasty don't speak dark words. You came here this time, just for weasels to pay New Year's greetings to chickens. If you don't have good intentions, how can I let you get what you want." The 'Sacred Son of Yaoguang' was murderous, and he would kill Xuanyuan and his party. Everyone can feel the determination of the 'Wave Light Son'.

"Junior Brother Yaoguang, your murderous intent is too heavy, please restrain yourself. Brother Xu Xian and his little white beast are just for self-protection. If your people don't do anything, naturally there won't be so many things. I don't want to embarrass you, it's just for my Beidou's honor, and I don't want rumors of my Beidou sect bullying others to spread in the future, which will hurt the face of the ancestors and make them ashamed of the ancestors."'Tianxuan Saintess' has a compassionate face, a calm tone, and a calm expression, She said slowly: "As long as you apologize to Brother Xu Xian and the others, the matter will be exposed like this, and we will not sue the old Holy Master, what do you think?"

"Joke, apology, have you ever seen an elephant walk by and accidentally trample an ant to death, and apologize to the ant?" The killing intent of the "Son of Waking Light" became stronger and more aggressive.

"It's simply obsessed with obsession. It seems that we can only find the old Holy Master and let the old Holy Master decide who is right in this matter." Between the brows of the 'Tianshu Holy Son', there is majesty, He couldn't tolerate such an attitude towards the 'Wavelight Holy Son'.

"Hahaha, to put it bluntly, don't you just want to make a little trouble before the old Holy Master's birthday, so that we can make trouble? How can I let you do what you want? Don't forget, the place you are in , Where is it, in my Yaoguangtian, I am a god, omnipotent, no one can stop whoever I want to kill." The eyes of the 'Yaoguang Shengzi' were bloodshot, and they were very angry. He hated threats from others, especially since he had long been hostile to these fellow Big Dippers, otherwise he wouldn't have sent someone to follow the 'Lady of Light' and keep an eye on the situation of 'Saint of Light'.

"Just apologize, let's leave this matter as it is, and don't make more trouble." 'The Holy Maiden of Light' did not expect that she would cause such a series of troubles when she sincerely wanted to exchange babble with Xuanyuan. When the disaster came, she was also very embarrassed at the moment.

"What did you say?" the 'Son of Waking Light' spoke sharply.

"I said you should apologize to Brother Xu Xian and the others, take a step back, the sea and the sky are bright, this matter is our fault, the big thing is turned into a small matter, and the small things are turned into a small matter, and the brothers and sisters will not say anything." road.

"You are too naive, they just want to make use of it, how can I, the Son of Light, apologize to the ants, they are trying to embarrass me, and they will still find the old Holy Lord after that, instead of this, it's better to get rid of it once and for all , kill these two people, I'll help you catch that little white beast, and then wash away its memory, that's all." 'Son of Shaking Light' is ruthless, and he doesn't shy away from it in front of everyone.

As soon as the voice fell, from the entire 'Yaoguangtian', a series of prohibition lines manifested, which can kill the Emperor Zhun.

Sensing the breath of this prohibition, the face of the Saint Son and Saint Daughter of the Big Dipper Six Sects changed, and the 'Sage Son of Kaiyang' sternly shouted: "'Son of Shaking Light', you are becoming more and more lawless, if you become the future If you take the position of the Holy Lord of Shaking Light, I am afraid that even the Big Dipper and the Seven Sects will find it hard to be at peace."

Dare to kill people in front of them, it seems that they no longer take them seriously.

"What do you guys think? You put it nicely. What are the Big Dipper and the Seven Gates? Just because of you, you want to be compared with me. It's just a joke."

The terrifying prohibition, falling from the sky, rolling thunder and fire, makes people's bodies tearing apart, and the killing power is boundless. Xuanyuan's mouth curled up into a sneer, looked at the "Son of Light", and just said softly: "Goodbye , 'The Holy Son of Light'."

As soon as the voice fell, an imperial forbidden transmission portal fell down, and it took the son and daughter of the Big Dipper Six Gates, across the void, and came directly to the mid-air, a hundred thousand miles away from the 'Shaking Light Holy Land', everyone looked at it in shock. To Xuanyuan:

"The emperor forbids sending the jade platform."

"Hehe, I'm lucky enough to get a few pieces for my life. As long as it's not a supreme weapon, it won't stop me." Xuanyuan smiled peacefully, and his face never changed. Pengfei was even more fearless.

"Okay, Brother Xu Xian was almost killed, Tianshu feels guilty." 'Son of Tianshu' did not expect 'Son of Yaoguang' to dare to do this.

"Don't worry, we're safe and sound now, so let's just say goodbye." Xuanyuan said with a chuckle, "What happened today, and the kindness of the saints and daughters for helping each other, Xu Xian will keep in mind."

After saying that, Xuanyuan was about to leave, but unexpectedly, he was left behind by the 'Sage Son of Kaiyang', saying: "It is tolerable or unbearable. Very hostile, how can such a person deserve to be in charge of the 'Yaoguang Holy Land' in the future, brother Xu Xian, I will take you into the 'Yaoguang Holy Land' to seek justice, and see how the number one person in Yaoguang in 30,000 years handles this matter thing."

"That's right, if Brother Xu Xian didn't have the emperor's ban on sending the jade platform, he would have died in his means just now. One side of the emperor's ban on sending the jade platform is of invaluable value, and it was destroyed by the 'Shaking Light Holy Son', so naturally it must be let 'Yaoguang Holy Land' will compensate you, and we must not humiliate our Beidou Six Sects because of the Yaoguang Sect." "Sacred Son of Tianquan" also said it very nicely, and I want to express my breath for Xuanyuan.

"That's right, Brother Xu Xian, if it weren't for you, I would have burped just now. We must let it out. Even if you don't think about yourself, you must do it for the tens of thousands of people in Yaoguang City in the future." For the sake of the people, they will never see the light of day if they are ruled by such an unreasonable and indiscriminate 'Son of Shaking Light', you are kind, I'm afraid you don't want to watch these people suffer." Peng Fei He said it very sadly, and he kept saying that the people of Li are the most important thing, but in his heart, he was really afraid that the world would not be chaotic, and wanted to make this matter bigger.

"Yiyi..." Yiyi was very angry, with a pair of big black jewel-like eyes showing anger, he waved his little hand, and made a piece of heaven and earth road, which was extremely amazing. Xuanyuan sighed lightly, and said helplessly: " Forget it, then I will go with you to the 'Wave Light Holy Land'."

"Brother Xu Xian has a heart for the people of the world. Let me admire you. The more you are like Brother Xu, the more we will not be able to chill your heart and become disheartened towards my Taoist sect. If you want to join me" Tianji Holy Land ', I welcome you at any time." 'Tianji Shengzi' extended an olive branch to Xuanyuan, among other things, Xuanyuan's calm demeanor in the face of life and death is not comparable to ordinary people, once recruited into the Holy Land If it is well cultivated, it will definitely become an extremely outstanding figure in the future, not to mention that there is such a terrifying little white beast accompanying Xuanyuan. Once it grows up, it will definitely be an ancient sacred beast.

"In my 'Yuheng Holy Land', the position of the Holy Son has not yet been selected. The previous Holy Son has become the Supreme Elder. I think that if Brother Xu Xian's qualifications come to my 'Yuheng Holy Land', given time, he will definitely be able to The position of the sage 'Son of Yuheng'." In the pair of beautiful eyes of the 'Saint of Yuheng', there was a dark look, and there were all kinds of charms between glances. This move is difficult for any hero to parry, but it is a pity that she is right. Regulus.

Xuanyuan just smiled shyly and said: "Let's settle the matter in front of us first. Brother Fahai and I are wandering around the world. If one day we want to return to our roots and find a pure land, we will definitely go to the holy land visiting."

As soon as the words fell, a group of people broke through the sky towards the "Holy Land of Shaking Light". The Six Gates of the Big Dipper still had a certain identity and status in the "Holy Land of Shaking Light", and ordinary guards would not dare to stop them.

After all, the Big Dipper and the Seven Gates are connected with one another, that's what it looks like on the surface.

'Yaoguang Shengzi' had an extremely ugly face in Yaoguangtian, he had calculated thousands of times, but he couldn't figure out that the other party had such things as the emperor's forbidden teleportation jade platform, and escaped from the killing situation he had set up. The next thing, I'm afraid it will become more and more troublesome.

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