Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1277 Four Ancient Sages

The sky was dark, the blood was boiling, the sun and the moon were dark, and fortunately Xuanyuan fled all the way to a place deviated from the human habitation, otherwise, with such a terrible attack by the 'Blood Moon Patriarch', some innocent people would definitely die.

Ba Ji is heroic and valiant, killing against the sky, her blood is boundless, and the shadow of the emperor is coming.

The emperor's blood in her body boiled, and she urged her own Dao law with all her strength, and hit the 'Blood Moon Patriarch' head-on. In the sky, two completely different blood seas collided together, smashing the space, and the blood waves Shot the air, shattered everything, and from Ba Ji's 'Gauntlet of the Ancient God', a big sun was born, scorching hot, with boundless killing power, colliding violently with that sharp blood moon, and a deafening roar erupted , resounding through nine days.

The scorching sun shattered and collapsed, and the edge of the blood moon was not damaged in the slightest. A blood-colored dao body slammed a terrifying punch, and the avenue condensed, and the blood moon froze for a moment. Broken, the way of the ancient sages is far from what the quasi-emperor can compare. The younger generation is still growing up, and after all it cannot be compared with the older generation.

The blood moon went straight to Ba Ji, and the "tyrannical blood emperor's armor" on her body automatically protected the lord, and the body protection formed by the condensed fighting spirit restrained the swallowing, and the imperial power was vast.

However, under the attack of the blood moon, Ba Ji's current strength is simply irresistible. The ancient sages, she has only reached the realm of the quasi-emperor, and there is still half a step to go to the emperor, the emperor, and then enter the realm to be the ancient one. The sages, even if they have heavy treasures, it is impossible to resist, the gap is really too big.

The corner of Ba Ji's mouth was bleeding, she struggled to resist, and said in a heavy voice to Xuanyuan: "Go quickly, why are you still standing there, I'm blocking here, I'll be fine."

"I don't have the habit of letting women protect me from disasters. Back off."

Xuanyuan made a direct move, the imperial ban came down, and turned into a golden bell of Buddhism, with nine vajras guarding Ba Ji, resisting the fierce power of the blood moon, the sonorous sound was endless, and there was supreme compassion in the chanting all over the sky , purifying the hostile energy in the blood sea of ​​the 'Blood Moon Patriarch', greatly restraining the power of the blood moon.

Xuanyuan knew that this was just an expedient measure, unable to withstand the fierce power of the 'Blood Moon Patriarch', he immediately pulled the injured Ba Ji, spread the 'Wings of Wanhua' behind him, and flew to the place where the Buddhist gate was located .

Buddhism and Taoism have been fighting for many years, as long as they enter the realm of Buddhism, even the 'Blood Moon Patriarch' has to keep a low profile. If they dare to kill people in Buddhism, they are likely to usher in the attack of terrifying eminent monks, 'Blood Moon' Patriarch' may not be able to resist, and now this is Xuanyuan's greatest hope.

Boom, after the Buddhist imperial prohibition of 'King Kong Body Protection' was broken, a sinister smile appeared on the corner of 'Blood Moon Patriarch''s mouth: "Very good, now there is another emperor daughter of the 'Blood Blood Royal Family', let them If they all die here, the Daoist sect will face an unprecedented calamity. As long as I plunder everything from them and find a place to refine them, I'm afraid I will break through to the realm of sages in the first place, and I can also take advantage of the chaos to gain many benefits, and the essence and blood of countless people are used by me, hahahaha."

I saw the 'Blood Moon Patriarch' stepping out again, across the void in an instant, and appeared behind Xuanyuan. No matter how fast Xuanyuan flew, it was not as fast as the 'Blood Moon Patriarch'. This is the gap.

Xuanyuan urged the emperor to send the jade platform, and a door shrouded it. He was about to take Xuanyuan across, but the road was crushed, and the emperor's jade platform collapsed in an instant. There was no chance to explode. Soon, it will also take time for the Imperial Forbidden Jade Platform to operate.

In an instant, Xuanyuan felt the mortal danger, and hid with Ba Ji in the 'Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Artifact'.

I saw that all-indestructible blood moon cycle, and instantly knocked out the 'Swallowing Myriad Transformation Artifact'.

Fortunately, the protective ability of this 'Swallowing Myriad Transformation Artifact' is astonishing, otherwise, Xuanyuan would be crushed to pieces by the power it attacks, even in Xuanyuan's current state. , extremely embarrassed.

For the first time, Xuanyuan found that he was so powerless in the face of the ancient sages, but he still gritted his teeth and urged the "Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Tool" to fly to the direction of the Buddhist gate.

"Girl Ba, what are you doing here? It's none of your business. You can stay out of it. It's alright now, and you've got yourself involved." In Xuanyuan's words, there was still a hint of blaming Ba Ji. .

Ba Ji snorted coldly: "It's really a dog biting Lu Dongbin. I don't know the good heart. If I knew it, I should have seen you beaten to death."

"Huh? You still speak the words of my human race. Lu Dongbin was an extremely terrifying Taoist ancestor in ancient times, named Chunyang Daoxian. He wanted to enlighten a prehistoric fierce dog, but he was bitten, so it was rumored that In a word, you know everything?" Xuanyuan laughed, as if he didn't pay attention to the trauma he suffered.

"You can still laugh, it's such a critical time now, and the 'Blood Moon Patriarch' is hard to deal with." Ba Ji's fighting spirit took off, and she didn't shrink back at all just because the opponent was an ancient sage.

"Hurry up and hide in the 'Kingdom of Myriad Transformations'." Xuanyuan felt that the 'Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Tool' was being bombarded with terrifying power, and it was flying all over the sky. He said quickly, at this moment They were inside, and they also felt violent vibrations. Xuanyuan was injured just now when he was rubbed by some blood moon force at the moment of entering. This 'Blood Moon Patriarch' is too scary.

"No, I want to be with you." Ba Ji said heavily.

"Why are you bothering?" Xuanyuan said helplessly.

"I'm happy, but you don't care." The corners of Ba Ji's mouth rose.

"Why?" Xuanyuan frowned.

"No reason, who dared you to do that to me that day, I can't let you die now, I want to let you grow up, sooner or later, I will fight you again, and then I will catch your eggs with my own hands." With that, Ba Ji tightly clenched her slender fingers, and with a snap, Xuanyuan seemed to hear the sound of an egg breaking, and there was a chill between his legs, and he instinctively squeezed it.

"I'm really not afraid of thieves stealing, but I'm afraid of thieves thinking about it." Xuanyuan's eyes twitched, the Ba Ji's answer was really too powerful.

At this moment, besides the "Swallowing Myriad Transformation Taoist Artifact", the "Blood Moon Patriarch" is holding the "Swallowing Myriad Transformation Taoist Artifact" that has turned into a "Swallowing Demon Sword" with one hand, constantly arousing the law of the great way , attacking and killing fiercely, but it is too strong, no matter how the 'Blood Moon Patriarch' bombards and attacks with his own supreme means, he still cannot cause a trace of damage to it, if he still stays In a high-grade Taoist artifact, it may be damaged, but now there is a living sage who spends his whole life repairing it, "swallowing all kinds of Taoist artifacts", how can a "Blood Moon Patriarch" be able to compare?

"'Blood Moon Patriarch', I'm afraid it's inappropriate to swallow such a good thing by myself." Suddenly an old man descended from the sky. Zu' blood has begun to decline, but his accomplishments in the realm of ancient sages are slightly better than that of 'Blood Moon Patriarch'.

He was wearing a dark green Taoist robe, embroidered with five kinds of poisons: scorpion, poisonous snake, golden toad, centipede, and blood leech. They were lifelike, as if they were attacking each other. As long as this old man made a move, he would have boundless killing power and be dead for thousands of miles. All will be contaminated by the poison, leaving no gaps. Speaking of which, this 'Five Poison Patriarch' has a relationship with the Wu Clan. The branch of the Wu Clan is not just a barbarian clan, but also the poison witches in the Gu Clan. , good at using poison, he was lucky to get a part of the inheritance of the Gu clan, and only then did he have the current advancement.

'Blood Moon Patriarch' couldn't help but frowned when he saw the 'Five Poison Patriarch', and said in a heavy voice: "'Five Poison Patriarch', we have never violated the well water, don't spoil my good deeds , don’t come close to me, or don’t blame me for being rude, who doesn’t know that your “Five Poison Patriarch” is the best in the world, you can kill the ancient sages with poison, I don’t want to die without anyone noticing.”

"Hey, I said 'Blood Moon Patriarch', you are not so selfish, don't you want others to get something you can't get yourself? I promise to cooperate with you, and you also know that I use poisonous methods The best in the world, even the imperial ban is hard to resist, as long as the two of us enter this supreme Taoist weapon together, I can kill Xuanyuan with poison in an instant, then how about we divide the contents equally?"' The Patriarch of the Five Poisons laughed extremely sinisterly, his voice was so hoarse that it made people feel hairy, he was motionless, stepping in the nine heavens.

"No need, I have my own way, so I don't need to bother the 'Five Poison Patriarch'." As soon as the voice fell, two ancient sage figures appeared around the 'Blood Moon Patriarch', a man and a woman.

A middle-aged man, surrounded by the power of the five elements, rolling in ferocious power, soaring in killing power, wearing a five-color armor, forming a five-element reincarnation, omnipotent, omnipotent, killing power, straight to the sky, he In the same Taoist sect, there is an extremely talented person, known as the "Patriarch of the Five Elements". The "Five Elements Patriarch" is still far behind, and this "Five Elements Patriarch" is the existence that really controls the "Five Elements Spirit". He is a real "Five Elements Swallowing Body", surpassing the "Five Elements Body". Obtaining the inheritance left by the first generation of "Five Elements Devouring Body", the incomplete "Five Elements Devouring Great Immortal Technique" in "Doulong Xianfu" is only a small part, and the real and complete inheritance is in this "Five Elements Patriarch" On his body was the "Five Elements Swallowing Dao Technique", the killing power was terrifying and boundless. Back then, Xuanyuan just used his name as a counterfeit.

The woman next to her is a Taoist nun, she looks so charming, she can seduce the world, the temptation of a look, a smile, can arouse the desires in her heart, especially the instinctive desires of men, she is wearing a Taoist robe , wrapped her body tightly, but she still couldn't stop her seductive body, her graceful posture, and a slight movement can make people's daydream boundless.

Her breasts are not extremely plump, but her round buttocks are extremely upright. She raises her hands and feet, and between looking and looking, she can breed endless desires in people's hearts. She is also very famous in Taoism, named Qi Wenshu, and inherited a very partial Taoism The branch, "The Way of Human Desire", as the name suggests, came from the same era as the "Dao of Suffering", but the "Dao of Suffering" is about emotion, and this way is about desire. The two are opposite and different.

Xuanyuan didn't expect that he would be so unlucky, being targeted by the four ancient sages, how to escape now is really difficult.

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