Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1281 Breakthrough!

(That's all for today, tomorrow will start the third update, everyone is welcome to guess the development of the plot!)

The people present originally thought that Xuanyuan wanted to refine the spirits of the five elements in the body of the 'Patriarch of the Five Elements' one by one, but they did not expect that Xuanyuan would attract all the spirits of the five elements in the body of the 'Patriarch of the Five Elements' one after another. Come out, Zhenyu is in front of his eyes, looking at Xuanyuan's posture, it is obvious that he wants to swallow them in one go.

'Zhan Nian Dao Jin', this is an extremely terrifying fighting gold, it ranks tenth on the fighting gold list, it is specially designed to kill people, when attacking, when the 'Zhan Nian Dao Jin' attacks and kills the opponent, it can Let it lose its mind, and its mind will become blank, without any thoughts. It is extremely beneficial in a war. It can confuse the enemy's thoughts, and more importantly, it also has the most terrifying power , that is the power that can kill faith.

If Xuanyuan has the 'Zhan Nian Dao Gold', he will be able to tear the fairy rings condensed by the power of faith in the future and weaken the enemy's strength. Of course, it also depends on the strength of the opponent's power of faith.

In addition, there is also the 'Tian Yi Ruo Shui' bucket water list ranked fifteenth, the greedy old man once mentioned this bucket of water, the sky is one day, the world is unique, once touched by the 'Tian Yi Ruo Shui', the whole body will be weakened , making people feel powerless, and it can also make people die without a whole body. I didn't expect it to be on the body of the 'Five Elements Patriarch'.

'Xuanwu Daotu', ranked eleventh in the fighting soil list, is said to be a group of natal essence of the 'Xuanwu Immortal Beast' that day, penetrated into the depths of the thousands of miles of the earth, and merged with the spirit of the earth, the spirit got such a good opportunity, It was cultivated by the sun and the moon, exuding the aura of Xuanwu immortal beasts, possessing extremely terrifying means of protection. I saw that 'Xuanwu Taoist soil' turned into a small Xuanwu, roaring at Xuanyuan.

'Ancient Buddha Zen wood', this bucket wood looks like an ancient sitting Buddha. It is said that it was formed by an ancient Buddha sitting and turning, but there is another way of saying that a Buddhist monk met This tree was enlightened, and since then, the 'Ancient Buddha Zen Wood' has practiced day and night, and the Zen wood is preaching the supreme Buddhist scriptures written by the ancient Buddha who enlightened it that day. It has the power to exorcise evil spirits, detoxify and eliminate evil, and many filthy things are hard to keep close. In the face of ghosts and gods, this tree is a terrible killer. With the wrath of the ancient Buddha, it can suppress all evil spirits who want to harm the world. , is the most terrifying attack and kill of many evil spirits.

Watching the five-element spirits revolving together, the power is boundless. Each of the five-element spirits has evolved into the appearance of the "Five Elements Patriarch". These five-element spirits have followed him for a long time, so they are naturally connected with him, but now The 'Five Elements Patriarch' was suppressed, and they were all pulled out by Xuanyuan.

The 'Five Elements Patriarch' looked ferocious, and roared wildly: "Xuanyuan, you should give up, these 'five elements' have long been fused with my soul, and they will never be subdued by you, so that is impossible , you just give up."

The greedy old man couldn't help screaming: "Boy, are you courting death? The 'five elements' have been devoured and refined, and you don't have that ability yet."

Peng Fei frowned, and said in a serious voice: "Xuanyuan, don't think that you can pretend to be aggressive if you have a girl. You are an idiot if you pretend to be dead. Although this kind of scene is very handsome, it depends on whether you have that girl or not." Ability."

Ba Ji looked startled, she didn't expect Xuanyuan to be so courageous, if the five spirits of heaven and earth wreaked havoc together, then her body would also be torn apart, there is no suspense, let alone the current Xuanyuan, she said loudly Said: "Everything proceeds step by step, don't act too hastily, Xuanyuan, you should still refine it in the same way."

"Don't worry, I have my own way, I dare to do it, naturally there is a reason why I dare to do it, you don't need to worry about it."

Xuanyuan smiled, then looked at the 'Five Elements Spirit' who was also sealed and suppressed in front of him, and said in a heavy voice: "Now the human race is in danger, at the time of life and death, are you willing to follow me? If you can, I will definitely bring you You have created immortal feats, and you have left a strong mark in the endless years of history." Xuanyuan's words, slowly but forcefully, penetrated into the hearts of the people.

The 'Five Elements' flickered a few times, then paused for a moment, Xuanyuan's mind moved, and the body exuded the great light of the Hundred Saints. This kind of breath was extremely vast, like a hundred sages descending. This is the great light of the Hundred Saints that remained in Xuanyuan's body The power of power is a great deterrent to all things in the world. They are the supreme existence in this piece of world, and they are deeply imprinted in this piece of world.

Almost immediately, the five elements were baptized by Baisheng Hongguang, driving away all distracting thoughts and evil thoughts, becoming pure and pure, and returning to their original appearance. Xuanyuan transformed them all in a blink of an eye. , the spirits of the five elements trembled and bowed down one after another, and said in a heavy voice, "I am willing to serve my master."

Seeing this scene, the 'Five Elements Patriarch' was completely ashamed, and he couldn't help trembling all over his body. He had no idea that he refined these 'Five Elements Spiritual Objects' day and night, and had long been connected with them, but Just like this, Xuanyuan let the "five elements" collectively abandon him, making it difficult for him to accept.

"How could this happen, how could this happen!" The 'Five Elements Patriarch' looked very desperate, he roared ferociously, his heart was so angry that he spit out a big mouthful of five-color fairy blood, trembling all over.

Xuanyuan ignored it, sat cross-legged, and respectively introduced 'Heavenly Illusion Xuanhuo', 'Tianyi Weak Water', 'Ancient Buddha Zen Wood', 'Xuanwu Dao Soil' and 'Zhannian Daojin' into his five viscera. Infected by Xuanyuan's breath, there was no outbreak of attack between them, but they instinctively repelled each other, and a near-destructive pain tore Xuanyuan's whole body, blood dripping.

Xuanyuan's entire physical body is about to disintegrate, the green dragon's blood boils, and the "body of myriad transformations" runs at full strength, dissipating a lot of killing power, allowing the "five elements" to begin to blend into Xuanyuan's five internal organs, enriching Xuanyuan's origin , strengthening every inch of Xuanyuan's body, while Xuanyuan fused the 'five elements', it also began to have their characteristics gradually, such as the killing power of 'Zhan Nian Dao Jin' for thoughts, or the power of faith. The damage of force, or the "Xuanwu Taoist soil" derived from the basalt to protect the whole body, or the "Tianyi Weak Water", which contains the physical ability to weaken others, etc.

But even if the 'five elements' are voluntarily fused, but in the process of their merging, the power that erupts from mutual repulsion is far from what Xuanyuan can bear. He frantically urged those heavenly-level earth milk , as if it didn't cost money, it merged into his body, circulating his blood, and constantly repairing his torn flesh.

Time passed bit by bit. Fifteen days later, Xuanyuan finally stood firm with his own willpower, and his own strength made a huge leap. At this moment, the "five elements" in Xuanyuan's body were already It was terrible.

Xuanyuan fifteen days ago is completely different from Xuanyuan fifteen days later.

Xuanyuan looked at Ba Ji, smiled slightly and said: "I'm going to break through the realm now, I must have stepped into the realm of a half-step sage, it shouldn't be difficult."

Ba Ji smiled openly, with black hair fluttering, and said with a smile, "Just go, I just hope you grow up quickly, and one day you can fight with me."

"There will be such a day." As soon as the words fell, Xuanyuan directly aroused his own small world of the thirty-six heavens. Before leaving, Xuanyuan looked at Peng Fei affectionately, and said heavily: "Give it to me."

Peng Fei's face turned blue, and he said in a heavy voice, "What's for you?"

"Hand over the world-destroying black lotus and the world-destroying lotus fire. It's useless to keep them on you. The few obey the majority." Xuanyuan smiled and said, "Don't forget, in the shadow mirror I gave you, there are still 'Chuyin holy water', compared to it, Mieshi lotus fire is nothing at all, 'Chuyang holy fire' and 'Chuyin holy water' are enough for you to spend a lifetime controlling them, so don't be greedy, 'Mieshi Handing over the lotus platform of "Lian Huo" and "Shishi Hei Lian" will be of great use to me."

Xuanyuan cut straight to the point, Peng Fei thought about it, and had no choice but to hand over all of the 'Mieshi Black Lotus' and 'Mieshi Lianhuo' to Xuanyuan, and he went straight to his own little world without looking back. Rush forward, cross the catastrophe.

Ba Ji sighed: "I thought how could his physical body be so powerful, with so many five-element spirits integrated into it, I can't think of it as strong, the physique of the 'everything body' is really terrifying, even if it is I can subdue these 'five-element spirits', and I can only make them respect my Tao, or cultivate another body of my own outside the body, how can I make them assimilate willingly like Xuanyuan."

"Since you appreciate my family Xuanyuan so much, you can marry the domineering girl, and I won't wrong you..." Peng Fei laughed cheaply, before he finished speaking, there was a bang, and Peng Fei foamed at the mouth , bent down, and fell directly on the ground, his eyeballs turned white, and he couldn't help twitching his body from time to time. Only then did he understand what it means that a tigress' ass can't be touched, and molesting can't be done.

Yiyi became the one who had the last laugh, and the people present were speechless for a moment. A woman like Ba Ji is really terrifying, beyond the reach of ordinary people.

It is outside the 'swallowing myriad transformation tools'.

Fifteen days have passed, and it has been frozen all the time. At this moment, the 'Five Poison Patriarchs' have set up all kinds of terrible poisonous killing arrays around them to ensure that nothing will go wrong. As long as these people make a move, they will Hit your own means.

Jiang Yitian hid in the dark, and there was no road all the time. Fifteen days had passed, how could there be no movement at all?

"Why haven't they come out yet?"

"Who knows, I've already set up a colorless and odorless poisonous killing formation. Once they get upset, don't worry, I will definitely be able to knock them all down." The 'Poisonless Taoist' said to himself.

"Then I'll wait..."

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