Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1300 Sakyamuni

"Could it be that there is some kind of connection in the dark?" Xuanyuan closed his eyes, thinking silently, and there was a huge wave in his heart. This kind of result was something he didn't even dare to think about before.

"If there is, I think the soul of the 'Swallowing Emperor' should come from a higher plane, but why did it come here? After thousands of lives, there are too many secrets in it, far from What I can guess is, did something happen in the higher plane? So it also affected the 'Central China'?"

Xuanyuan couldn't find the answer, so he asked the greedy old man: "Do you think the 'Emperor Devourer' died that day? Since he was going to live here for thousands of lives, according to the situation that day, he probably didn't survive his love life." If he didn't pass the tribulation, it is very likely that he would have really fallen..."

"I can't explain this clearly. Maybe you're right. It's just that his soul is immortal, reincarnated for thousands of lives, and the power contained in it is far from being able to destroy the existence of our world. But since then, the human race Destruction of luck is like a kind of punishment from heaven, and I can't find an answer, some things are beyond our comprehension, just like why Emperor Tun can survive in chaos until now, it is also a mystery." The greedy old man sighed leisurely.

"I now speculate that the 'Emperor Devourer' may be someone from a higher plane, but the human race joined forces to attack him, resulting in the death of the 'Emperor Devourer', who was backlashed by the luck of the unknown world, leading to the ruin of his own luck , if the 'Emperor Devourer' does not die, then there is no reason for the fate of the people to be ruined suddenly." This is Xuanyuan's final conclusion, and of course whether it is correct or not remains to be investigated.

"This, we can only rely on our own predictions, and we can't discuss a real result, but there is one thing I can be sure of." There is a glimmer of hope flowing in the heart of the greedy old man. After all, the "Emperor Devourer" was once his Owner.

"What?" Xuanyuan was shocked when he heard the words.

"That is, if the 'Emperor Devourer' is still alive, he will definitely come to you the day his memory awakens. Based on what I know about the 'Emperor Devourer', he must have something to say to you." The voice of the greedy old man was like a strike of gold and stone, resounding through Xuanyuan's sea of ​​consciousness.

Xuanyuan was silent, nodded, and said no more, now he couldn't come up with a result no matter what he thought, and could only wait for the day when the 'Emperor Devourer' would talk to him.

Duhua Huineng's evil thoughts caused everyone to overdraw their spirits. That kind of concentrating on reciting the "Mantra of Rebirth" with one's own great will was also a great consumption of the transcendent himself.

Xuanyuan sat alone in the courtyard, the night was gradually falling, the silver moonlight was falling down, illuminating the flowers, plants and trees in the garden, the interweaving of golden light and silver light formed a beautiful colorful light, which was in harmony with the dazzling sky. The stars set off each other, rendering this place into a Buddhist holy place, and there are faint Sanskrit singing flowing in it, which makes people concentrate carefully.

Yan Ziyun stood behind Xuanyuan, sat down beside her, and asked softly, "What are you thinking about?"

Xuanyuan was in a daze for a moment, looked at Yan Ziyun, and said with a smile: "It's nothing, time flies, it seems that I was still in Yuehuang City yesterday, looking at Elder Sister, in a blink of an eye, we have all changed, and this world has also changed along with it." There is no going back to the way it was before.”

A shadow flashed in Yan Ziyun's mind, that silvery white soft hair, several times in the cold night, warmed her up, unknowingly wet her eye sockets, the white hair like snow scattered randomly, under the light of moonlight, it looks special Beautiful, she leaned lightly on Xuanyuan's shoulder: "It would be great if the lonely star is still alive, it's all my fault, if the lonely star is still there, it will definitely be able to stay by your side forever, if the lonely star is still alive... ..."

"Okay, Zi Yun, I have never blamed you for this matter, let alone, it is already a thing of the past, go home, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is your home." Xuanyuan caressed Looking at Yan Ziyun's pale hair, she felt a slight pain in her heart.

"Well, but before that, I want to inherit everything in the 'Path of Suffering'. As long as the time is right, I will definitely return to the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. Master and her old man are so kind to me. Without her, I would not be where I am today. I'm sorry, I can't let her down, at least I want her to see with her own eyes that I can inherit the 'Tao of Suffering' and pass it on." Two lines of clear tears slipped from Yan Ziyun's eyes and flowed wantonly across hers face, Xuanyuan is her only relative and lover in this world.

Xuanyuan knows that everyone has their own responsibility to live. At the beginning, he was incapable and could not take care of Yan Ziyun. Thanks to Yan Ziyun's master, although he had never met her, Xuanyuan was very grateful: "Alright, if there is a chance, I will I hope to meet her and thank her for taking care of you over the years."

"It's better not to see each other. Master, she hates heartless men in the world. If Master sees you, you will definitely suffer." Yan Ziyun's eyes were filled with tears, and the corner of her mouth was smiling.

Xuanyuan touched his nose and said, "Okay..."

Ba Ji stood at the window of her room, looking at everything in the garden, feeling an indescribable feeling in her heart.

"Zi Yun, don't worry, I'm fine." Xuanyuan knew that Yan Ziyun was worried about herself.

Yan Ziyun sat up straight, wiped away her tears, and said with a smile: "Well, it's fine, have you thought about how to deal with Jiang Yitian? If it really doesn't work, I'll let Master and her elders do it."

"No need, I didn't think of it at first. I thought of it as soon as you came, but before that, I have to invite someone to come, otherwise, I don't have full confidence." Xuanyuan smiled, and carved a complete line in his hand. The momentum pattern, and then marked for nine days, invisible, the power of the general trend began to spread in all directions.

Yan Ziyun didn't understand what Xuanyuan wanted to do, she was stunned for a while, she didn't ask any further questions, but turned around and left: "Then Xuanyuan, I won't disturb you anymore, I'll go back to my room first."

Xuanyuan nodded, and sat quietly in the courtyard for a day and a night, carefully sorting out the "Great Trend Ancient Art" on his body. Although it can't be said that he understood it very thoroughly, basically, Xuanyuan has already achieved a lot. , has reached the realm of Tianshi master.

the second night.

A peaceful Buddha's light hangs down from the sky, and an elephant song resounds through the nine heavens.

The disciples in the 'King Kong Ancient Temple' were shocked, knowing that a great rookie had come.

This is a female bodhisattva who just rose last year, and got the inheritance of "Shakyamuni Buddha".

'Shakyamuni Buddha' is the founder of 'Da Leiyin Temple' and created Theravada Buddhism.

Hinayana Buddhism first saves oneself and then sentient beings, while Mahayana Buddhism makes a great wish to save all sentient beings. After all sentient beings are liberated, one can cultivate oneself to achieve the right result. This is the difference between the two.

Regardless of whether Mahayana Buddhism or Theravada Buddhism, they are all for the salvation of all living beings, but the methods of practice are different.

'Shakyamuni Buddha' is a legendary existence. 'Six-tusk White Elephant' dates back to the oldest time. According to a record in the Guzha of a Buddhist remnant "Kamen and Effect Sutra", Sakyamuni When Muni Buddha was born in the world, he rode on a six-tusk white elephant. His mother, Mrs. Maya, was sleeping in the daytime. She dreamed that the six-tusk white elephant came to descend into her belly, and she gave birth to Sakyamuni Buddha.

When this woman rode a six-tusk white elephant to the Buddhist gate, it caused a lot of shock. Not long after, it was reported that she had received the inheritance of "Shakyamuni Buddha Emperor", and was immediately called a female Bodhisattva by the world.

Received the inheritance of "Shakyamuni Buddha", and she is still a woman, which is enough to be respected from the bottom of my heart.

"Is the person here Jiang Yan Nu Bodhisattva?" A disciple of the "King Kong Ancient Temple" bowed and saluted.

"Exactly, I was invited by a friend." Jiang Yan was dressed in white, with black hair scattered casually, a Buddha-nature in his eyebrows, compassion flowing from top to bottom, and his expression was peaceful, as if he had fallen from the sky, which was indescribable.

"Zhishan, bring Jiangyan Bodhisattva into the Hall of No Flowers." Huineng's voice came out.

"Yes." Zhishan didn't ask any more questions.

A moment later, from the garden where Xuanyuan and his party were, Jiang Yan rode a white elephant with six tusks, sitting on one side with his legs, and descended from the sky.

Xuanyuan looked up, and the moment he saw Jiang Yan, his expression flashed with astonishment. From the back of Jiang Yan's head, there were nine Buddha rings, which condensed an incomparably huge power of faith. Yan Bibi, the younger generation, she is so glamorous that countless women feel overwhelmed.

Xuanyuan didn't expect Jiang Yan to be so strong in such a short period of time. It seems that the six-tusked white elephant has brought her too much.

The six-tusk white elephant landed silently, Jiang Yan jumped lightly, and came to Xuanyuan, put his hands together, and smiled slightly: "Mr. Xuanyuan, long time no see."

"Don't come here without any problems." Xuanyuan smiled, stretched out his hand to pretense, and said, "Please sit down."

"Thanks to Mr. Xuanyuan's care that day, I'm afraid Mr. Xuanyuan came today for "The Great Trend of Ancient Art", right?" Jiang Yan's voice is soft, which makes people feel extremely comfortable listening to it.

"Exactly, you and I each hold a part of the "Great Trend of Ancient Art", why not complete it?" Xuanyuan smiled and said: "Miss Jiang Yan's current breath seems to have devoted herself to Buddhism, right? Compared to being Controlled by 'Shiting', it is not as free and easy as self-cultivation and becoming a Buddha."

"Buddha cultivates karma, 'Shiting' has a lot of karma entanglements with me in my life, and I need to break karma before I can become a Buddha." Jiang Yan looked calm, without the charm of looking around on the flower boat that day, only compassion, Peaceful, serene, and her temperament has undergone a great change. In the past, the number one beauty of the "Nanzhou Dynasty" was the most beautiful woman in Nanzhou, and now she has become a Buddhist female Bodhisattva in Xizhou. This is a big change.

Xuanyuan's heart moved, and it seemed that Jiang Yan already had the idea of ​​leaving the 'Shiting'. He nodded, went straight to the topic, and said, "I don't know if Miss Jiang Yan is willing to associate with me." The ancient technique has been successfully completed?"

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