Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1303 Xuanyuan's plan begins

"I've kept you waiting for a long time." Xuanyuan and Jiang Yan walked out of the 'Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Artifact'.

Almost everyone felt the change in the breath between Xuanyuan and Jiang Yan almost immediately.

It was an aura that was close to the way of heaven. It was conceivable that the supernatural powers they displayed now would inevitably be even more terrifying.

And they obviously only went in for nine days, but it felt like a long time to them.

"Holy Master Xuanyuan, it seems that you have made a further leap forward in power techniques, which is really enviable." Huineng said with a chuckle, clasping his hands together in front of his chest.

"Where, this leap, I stayed in it for a full nine years. Fortunately, we monks have a long time. If we were ordinary people, I am afraid that we will change in a different way. How many years can this ordinary person live?" Nine years?" Xuanyuan is still wearing the monk robe he looted from Peng Fei at the moment, with the headband "Buddha Light Protector", and he plans to wear this outfit to face Jiang Yitian and the others.

"Haha, it seems that Holy Master Xuanyuan has a lot of emotion during this period of time." Huineng smiled happily. The stronger Xuanyuan was, the happier he was, because he felt that the hope of the human race might be in Xuanyuan. body.

As for the 'Qinglong Holy Land', he knew it before he became a demon. In Huineng's view, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is a seed of hope. Under the gathering of countless people, it will germinate and grow rapidly. Sooner or later It will become a towering tree, supporting this piece of world that is about to be broken.

"Fortunately, I don't know about the union with the 'Da Leiyin Temple', what is the 'Ji Le Buddha Temple''s opinion on this matter?" Xuanyuan asked.

"Well, this matter is going very well. The side of the 'Da Leiyin Temple' also knows the seriousness of the matter, and is willing to join hands with the 'Ji Le Buddha Temple'." Hui Neng nodded, "King Kong Ancient Temple" All belong to the branch of 'Temple of Blissful Buddha'.

"Okay, then Miss Jiang Yan, please coordinate the relationship between the two in the future." Xuanyuan looked at Jiang Yan.

"This is natural." Jiang Yan smiled slightly, and now she is infinitely close to Emperor Zhun. These days, she has been practicing "Great Trends and Ancient Arts" to make Jiang Yan's strength skyrocket, but she has been suppressing herself without breaking through .

The people present are almost all the leaders of the younger generation. They have almost condensed the last bit of luck of all the races. If they all die, the human race will have no future.

"Holy Master Xuanyuan's words are wrong, and now I can't be called Miss Jiang Yan." Huineng laughed.

Xuanyuan touched his nose and looked at Jiang Yan: "This doesn't look like a Bodhisattva at all."

A blush appeared on Jiang Yan's fair face, and she smiled. Seeing that there was nothing wrong with Xuanyuan and Jiang Yan's expressions, Ba Ji was relieved. It seems that the two of them have been together for nine years. Nothing happened, she began to understand Xuanyuan slowly, just as Yan Ziyun said, Xuanyuan is very insensitive to feelings.

"What should we do next? If we stay for one more day now, the envoys of the Protoss will recruit a lot of casual cultivators to serve them every day. Once they gather some strong men, we want to deal with them. It's simply more difficult." Ba Ji's tone was solemn, as she said, as long as one more day of delay, one more day of danger.

"Now, of course I'm going to trouble Jiang Yitian." Xuanyuan grinned.

Yuan'er frowned, and sighed: "Where can we find him? Jiang Yitian is very cunning. He has a divine treasure on his body, which can hide his figure, and it is impossible to find his location."

"It doesn't matter, I have my own way." Xuanyuan looked at Huineng and asked, "Master Huineng, do you know that there is something ominous in your Buddhist school?"

Before Huineng could answer, Pengfei immediately screamed: "Damn it, don't you think we've caused enough misfortunes?"

"It's okay, I didn't have Yuan'er before, but now I have Yuan'er, any ominous spirit can directly use the "Rebirth Curse" to transform it and let it die in peace." Xuanyuan knew that killing his biological father with his own hands has always been It's all the pain in Pengfei's heart. He has already faced this so-called ominousness and fear in his heart, but he can't let the fear spread, he must overcome the fear, otherwise it will have a great impact on Pengfei's future path. This is why Xuanyuan chose an ominous place.

The corners of Peng Fei's mouth twitched, and without further words, Huineng said: "There are several ominous places, but they are extremely dangerous, with countless ominous spirits, and those who entered the realm of sages will die without a whole body. Although you are all young people He is a leader, but in that environment, his life is in great danger."

"It doesn't matter, I have my own method, Master Huineng, please tell me any place, I have my own magical effect." Xuanyuan said to himself.

"If this is the case, then I just hope that you are safe and sound. In that kind of place, the demon seeds in my body will grow extremely fast and absorb the thoughts of those undead spirits, so I can't go." Hui Neng took out a map, which was carved with ancient bark. He pointed to several fierce places on it, and explained them to Xuanyuan.

In the end, Xuanyuan chose a place, 36 million miles northeast of the 'King Kong Ancient Temple', there is an abyss called 'Luo Shen Abyss'.

According to legend, in the chaotic ancient times, there was a fierce god of the gods who fell here, so it got its name. I don't know how deep it is, but countless people entered it, wanting to get some treasures of the gods, and all of them died violently. Become one of the largest secret places in Buddhism.

It is equivalent to the forbidden area of ​​the 'Prime Ancient Royal Family'. On the surface of the 'Luo Shen Yuan', there are eminent monks of the 'Ji Le Buddhist Temple' and the 'Da Lei Yin Temple'. The Buddhist suppression methods deployed are to prevent the evil spirits inside from going out to make trouble. , Ordinary people can get in, but those vicious spirits can't get out.

"Okay, I'll choose here." Xuanyuan was pleasantly surprised, feeling as if it was God's will.

Deep in Jiang Yan's eyes, she looked at Xuanyuan with a strange look, and smiled quietly. Inadvertently, Ba Ji saw this scene, but she just pretended not to see it, and instead gave Xuanyuan a vicious look. , this person really makes people love and hate.

Xuanyuan looked at Ba Ji innocently, not knowing how he had offended her.

Yan Ziyun looked at the map, frowned, and said: "I have heard Master say that this place is extremely terrifying, and ancient sages may perish in it, Xuanyuan, are you sure enough?"

"Everything has to be dangerous, so this time I will go with Jiang Yan, Peng Fei, and Yuan'er, and you all stay in the'King Kong Temple'." Xuanyuan disagreed.

"Joke, why do you keep us here? I'm going too. Don't you think my strength is not as good as Jiang Yan and Peng Fei?" Ba Ji looked at Xuanyuan, and suddenly she felt that she was being looked down upon.

"Girl Ba Ji, don't think too much, it's just that in that kind of place, it's extremely dangerous. What the four of us can accomplish, we don't want more than one person to be in danger." Xuanyuan looked at Ba Ji, feeling a little helpless in his heart, but this Women are like this, they have always been very direct.

"No, I must follow. You said the other day that you will obediently stay by your side from now on and don't run around." Yan Ziyun only wanted to be with Xuanyuan, no matter how dangerous it was.

Yiyi also waved his little white paws in protest, which made Xuanyuan feel a headache, Ba Ji was very determined, looked at Xuanyuan, although she didn't speak, but Xuanyuan knew her determination.

In desperation, Xuanyuan had no choice but to look to Huineng.

Huineng laughed loudly and said: "Okay, Holy Master Xuanyuan, between you and me, why bother to be polite? I can't go, and we will do it for other places that need my help. You can go together as a group. "

After Huineng said that, Xuanyuan could only make a decision like this. He walked up to Huineng, secretly transmitted voice, and told Huineng a part of his plan. This time, whether his plan will be successful or not, Huineng is crucial to this part. important.

"Okay, Holy Master Xuanyuan, leave this matter to me, don't worry, I will handle it properly." Hui Neng said with a smile.

"Remember, Master Huineng, it's not too much to go too far. It's a bit hazy, if it's faintly visible, you can't hear it. If it's empty, it's real, and if it's real, it's empty." Xuanyuan knows Jiang Yitian very well. If he does too much, Jiang Yitian will definitely suspect it. I was also afraid that Jiang Yitian would not notice it, so this measure must be grasped well.

"Don't worry." Huineng was full of confidence, and he also had his means.

"Well, it's not too late. Let's go slowly all the way and wait for news from Master Huineng." Xuanyuan said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll take you out." As soon as the words fell, the Buddha's light shone everywhere, and Xuanyuan and his party arrived at the foot of the "King Kong Ancient Temple" in an instant. Beyond the "King Kong City", there was a desert in front of them.

Under the bright moonlight, a thin layer of silver gauze was covered, making this desert exude a sense of softness.

Xuanyuan cupped his hands and saluted Huineng: "Thank you, Master Huineng."

"No thanks, be careful all the way." Huineng clasped his hands together and returned the salute.

Xuanyuan was about to turn around and leave when he suddenly remembered something and asked, "Master Huineng, have you heard of Ji Dian?"

"Jidian?" Huineng frowned, paused, and suddenly said: "I know, this person is also a casual cultivator, crazy, known as the monk of wine and meat, and he only drinks and eats meat all his life. It ruined the image of Buddhism, but in my opinion, this person has great ability. Although he drinks and eats meat, he has converted a lot of people along the way, and the people he converted are as weak as ordinary people. The common people, as big as the Great Emperor, have all the ancient sages, and they are an extremely powerful Buddhist casual cultivator."

For Huineng to make such a high evaluation, Ji Dian must be extraordinary, Xuanyuan nodded and said, "Well, I see, I will leave."

Xuanyuan didn't say any more, and Huineng didn't ask any more questions. He just quietly watched Xuanyuan and his party walk away until they disappeared in front of his eyes. Then he let out a soft sigh and wandered in the desert.

"This son Xuanyuan is hard to find in this world. With the wisdom and mind of the ancient emperor of heaven, he can achieve great things, which is beyond my expectation." Huineng also did not expect that Xuanyuan could grow to this extent in a short period of time. At this point, as soon as the voice fell, Huineng had already disappeared.

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