The ominous phantom formed by that Xingtian Clan sorcerer turned into a cold streak that tore apart the entire pitch-black 'Luo Shen Yuan'.

With all his strength, he stabbed straight into the sky with his sword, the terrifying and destructive sword glow froze, as if he was going to split the whole world.

Immediately, the extremely huge 'Wanfo Chaozong' was pierced through in an instant, and a big hole was shattered, and the Xingtian clan's shaman fled this place with Jiang Yitian. When they disappeared into the sky, the huge word * instantly It collapsed, and countless Buddhist veins were torn apart, the entire "Luo Shen Yuan" was shaken, and countless fierce spirits let out a blissful roar, and rushed out directly, mighty and mighty.

For countless years, they have been suppressed here, and now they are finally freed, swarming up, and all of a sudden, fierce spirits filled the sky, raging towards the Buddhist gate.

The eighteen old monks who were in the realm of ancient sages who were far away in the 'Ji Le Buddha Temple' and 'Da Leiyin Temple' were shocked in unison, with expressions of disbelief.

"What, could it be that a fierce god was born?"

"Go and see what happened!"

"Let me see what happened first..." An ancient Buddha had a vertical eye in the back of his head. After a while, his body trembled, and he said: "There are hundreds of millions of fierce spirits looting, the seal of the 'Luo Shen Yuan' Broken, fast, suppress with all your strength, suppress with all your strength."

Both the 'Ji Le Buddha Temple' and the 'Da Leiyin Temple' were alarmed at the first time. I don't know how many Buddhist monks were dispatched at the first time. An incomparably terrifying wave of Buddhist power, if it weren't for the fact that Taoist and Buddhist sects were at peace, they all suspected that Buddhist sects would attack them from time to time.

"Damn it, I scared my Daoist to death. You are really unreliable in doing things. If the Emperor Nian just came back directly, we would all die. That fierce sword is the master of the Dao. I have seen in my whole life, and I feel that the most terrifying supreme Taoist weapon is almost omnipotent. Now, a catastrophe has occurred, and a catastrophe in the world is inevitable. Except for the ancient sages, who can resist that condensed Emperor Nian who got up? If it wasn’t for you, this kind of thing wouldn’t have happened.” Peng Fei’s face turned green, and while he said, he gathered the power of the bloody ground under his feet and used his great supernatural powers to engrave. Form a feng shui overall situation and store it in your own space.

If you observe with your heart, you can feel that although the land under your feet is still blood-red, the fighting spirit contained in it has dissipated, and the power has been completely lost. "The attainments in " have already been able to imprint the seal of one side of the world, take it as their own, and use it to kill the enemy's layout at critical times.

A terrifying and ferocious god Di Nian broke out of the siege, and Ji Dian didn't know the truth behind it, sighed quietly, and said: "This time, I really caused a big disaster. As long as he recovers from the damage he suffered, the consequences will be unimaginable." , he will wreak havoc across the world, killing anyone who can resist it, even if it is me, I'm afraid it will be very difficult."

Ba Ji remained silent. The consequences of this matter are too serious. If this figure leads countless ancient sages to kill the "Ba blood royal family", it may be a disaster against the sky. Although Xuanyuan It was caused, but Xuanyuan can't be blamed. No one would have expected such a thing to happen.

Neither Yan Ziyun nor Yuan'er said anything, Jiang Yan was the only one who knew the truth.

Xuanyuan said in a heavy voice: "Don't worry, the power of 'Buying the Emperor' is limited, and it is not a small consumption to gather his thoughts together all the time. When the power of the 'Buying the Emperor' dissipates, he will also Followed by demise, this is his last flashback, as long as he is guarded at this stage, he will be fine."

"What is the most urgent task now?" Jiang Yan sighed. Xuanyuan was indeed thoughtful, and the situation had reached this point. No wonder he struggled with himself for so long on several issues that day. Thinking about it, he had already expected it There are things that might happen, and she has made a lot of preparations in advance. Now that Xuanyuan doesn't want to reveal this matter to others, she will naturally keep it a secret. What a sensation.

If one more person knows about it, it will affect Xuanyuan's overall thinking.

"Leave here, otherwise, if the eminent monks of the 'Jile Buddha Temple' and 'Da Leiyin Temple' find out that we are here, many things will become more complicated, and it is hard to explain why." The black dragon that was constantly devouring turned into a black heavy armor and manifested on Xuanyuan's body, exhaling terrifying power. Obviously, devouring the existence of these twenty-four ancient sages greatly increased their power.

"Haha, kid, I'm so happy, go to Xizhou quickly, and kill all those people."

Xuanyuan ignored the greedy old man, he held the Heavenly Punishment in one hand, and directly activated the method of 'Emperor Forbidden Teleportation' to cross 30,000,000 miles through the air, and came to a piece of yellow sand not far from the 'Ancient Vajra Temple'.

Xuanyuan knew that the breaking of the seal would inevitably cause shocks in the upper echelons of the 'Ji Le Buddha Temple' and 'Da Leiyin Temple'. It is impossible for others to know about this incident. Join forces at the first time to suppress those ominous spirits who rushed out of the 'Luo Shen Yuan'.

In addition, Buddhism will definitely try its best to figure out the instigator of this incident.

Xuanyuan used the "Swallowing Dao Jue" to wash away the causal aura from everyone and avoid being inferred by the eminent monks of the "Da Leiyin Temple" and "Ji Le Buddha Temple". I believe Huineng will not reveal Xuanyuan's matter.

"Xuanyuan, what are we going to do next?" Yan Ziyun asked.

"The top priority now is to find out the other envoys, but even Jiang Yitian doesn't know the whereabouts of the other envoys. I'm afraid the gods still can't fully trust him, but if they rescued the fierce god this time, they should Jiang Yitian will be allowed to meet with other envoys, so the next development is no small matter, once Jiang Yitian unites with other envoys, the whole "Central China" will be shaken." Xuanyuan frowned, very cautious, he I deeply understand that these protoss have been ambitious for so many years, and now their strength must have reached an unimaginable level.

Peng Fei's face was very ugly, and he said contemptuously: "If you didn't play the 'burial of the emperor', you wouldn't have such serious consequences. You want to kill them and join forces with 'Ji Le Buddha Temple' and 'Da Lei' The eminent monks of Yinsi', it would be good to join forces to attack, now that you have caused such a mess, who will clean it up for you, if you don't have such a big head, don't wear such a big hat..."

Pengfei is like a woman, thinking about Xuanyuan brokenly.

Xuanyuan didn't explain much, but said helplessly: "Now that things have happened, it's useless to say anything, Jiang Yan, you go to the 'Yuhua Dao Court' to meet Dao Zi, it's time for the two sects of Buddhism and Taoism to join forces, let them realize Now that there are strong enemies around in the West Sea, and now that things have happened to this point, if the two schools of Buddhism and Taoism do not unite, the consequences may be disastrous, so we must be more vigilant."

Jiang Yan nodded, with deep meaning in his eyes, he glanced at Xuanyuan, and said, "Okay, since that's the case, you should take care of yourself and be careful in everything."

Jiang Yan sat on the 'Six-Tusked White Elephant' and bowed his hands to say goodbye to everyone. 'Six-Tusked White Elephant' looked at Yiyi reluctantly, and let out an elephant cry, and Yiyi grinned, revealing a sharp white teeth, waving their furry little paws, dancing and sending them away.

Jiang Yan was full of thoughts in his heart, and thought: "Xuanyuan's method is not only to let the Wu Zun of the Xingtian clan go undercover in the Protoss, but also to take advantage of this opportunity to completely unite the Buddhist sects and create a situation that will allow the Buddhist sect to unite. The opportunity for Buddhism and Taoism to unite, he can think of one thing so far, what will he want to do next? He is really an unfathomable man!"

Jiang Yan disappeared from everyone's sight, Xuanyuan looked at Peng Fei, and said: "Fatty, in the next day, you go to the'King Kong Ancient Temple', see Huineng, and tell the whole story about it He, let him rest assured, tell him that we are safe and sound, and if there is a chance, let him take you to more places of geomantic omen, and see if you can improve your feng shui thaumaturgy attainments before the catastrophe strikes, you Although there is progress now, if the world is in chaos by then, this means of self-protection will not be enough."

Peng Fei grinned, but what Xuanyuan said was right, he also knew that Huineng had paid a lot this time, otherwise, Jiang Yitian and the others would not be able to be led into the "Luo Shen Yuan". Now no matter what, they should go to Huineng After saying hello, Peng Fei slightly looked at Xuanyuan with contempt: "Okay, then where are you going, kid?"

"Me? Naturally, I went to Shiwan Dashan. This battle ax belongs to the treasure of the Xingtian clan. Among the barbarians, there are many terrifying existences of the witch clan hidden. Naturally, the gains must be handed back to them." Xuanyuan held the 'Heavenly Punishment' in his hand, and looked at it in his heart.

"I said, did your brain get kicked by a donkey? It's your luck to get such a supreme weapon. Without you, they wouldn't get anything. Now you still want to return it. It's hopeless, forget it, I don't talk about it, it's none of my business, you kid can do whatever you like." As soon as the words fell, Peng Fei patted his ass and left.

This time, Xuanyuan's strategy has begun to promote the general trend of Xizhou. With this illusion, let them unite together. In any case, in this situation that will cause turmoil at any time, it will give the major forces of Xizhou a very high... The warning signs are both good and bad.

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