Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1323 Kong Ming

"Okay, Xiang Liuli, stop messing around, it's not as complicated as you imagined." Xuanyuan rolled his eyes, really couldn't stand Xiang Liuli, and felt uncomfortable being watched by her.

With a weird smile on the corner of Xiang Liuli's mouth, he was reluctant to let go, looking at Xuanyuan, his hand was still turning like a Rubik's cube, and the ravaged one was babbling.

"Is that really the case? I don't believe it. You must have abandoned him, that's why it happened. Let me see what makes you different from ordinary people."

At this moment Yiyi has no resistance, he listens to Xuanyuan's words, since he can't resist, then close his eyes and enjoy it.

At least the touch of Xiangliu Lina's jade hand is still very good, and while she is rubbing, Yiyi can feel a medicine power invisible, submerged into her body, it seems to be able to improve her own physique bit by bit. Although the improvement was not obvious, Xiang Liuli definitely didn't want to bully him, so he accepted his fate.

Who told this aunt to be the saint of the Witch Clan. At that time, the 'Qingming Royal Clan' still followed the Witch Clan, even if it was his father, the 'Qingming God Emperor' had a great fortune and became one of the best among the ancient royal families. After the God Emperor, he still admires the Wu Clan, which is a kind of respect from the heart.

"After watching for a long time, I didn't see anything attractive about you, Miss Yin, what do you like about him, can you tell me?" Xiang Liuli looked around Xuanyuan for a long time, especially After staring at Xuanyuan's crotch for a long time, Xuanyuan couldn't help pinching his legs. At this moment, Xiang Liuli gave up and looked at Yin Zhenluo. A pair of eyes were as clear as a mirror, reflecting Yin Zhenluo.

Yin Zhenluo's expression was somewhat lonely, and he didn't know how to answer, so he was silent for a moment, and said: "If you have been with him for a long time, you will gradually find out."

Xiang Liuli was blocked by Yin Zhenluo's words, and spit out a bubble of saliva. Just when he was about to make things difficult for Xuanyuan again, there was a miserable howl like a slaughtered pig, which was extremely ear-piercing and unbearable. I can't help getting goosebumps all over my body.

"I——fight—with—you—, I—want—to—be—with—you—together—to—to——"

"Hey? Sixth, calm down..."

"This matter definitely has nothing to do with Xuanyuan, you should restrain yourself, you must know that you are an elder, do you care so much about the younger generation?"

"That's right, you've lived such a long time, you can't be so ignorant, blame this on a child, there will be retribution"

"That's right, there is an injustice and a debtor..."

"Xuanyuan, this child, is absolutely incapable of doing such a conscience-stricken thing. If you are like this, it is a bit too much."

Xuanyuan heard the prestige and looked around, only to see the extremely ugly face of Hexian, with blood vessels and veins bursting out on the fat and short neck, Xuanyuan couldn't help the corners of his eyes twitching wildly, and the corners of his mouth twitched violently, that day that disappeared without a trace A sense of guilt arose spontaneously, the pig-headed emperor directly stole the nine jars of "Boundless Longevity" from others, which were treasured by the Immortal Drinker for countless years, and he was reluctant to drink them, but now they have been snatched away like this.

I saw the fat dangling all over the body of Immortal Drinking, red in the face, and spitting, the immortals who cheated, deceived, cheated, stole, ate, whore, and gambling all made their moves and hugged him.

"Huh? Senior Drinking Immortal, what's the matter with you." Xuanyuan looked nonchalant, not knowing why, gentle and elegant, with a simple smile, just like a child in the mountains, with clear eyes, showing a mouthful of white teeth, eyes slightly narrowed From the beginning, he is just like a sunny boy.

"It's okay, it's okay, Holy Master Xuanyuan doesn't need to take it to heart, the sixth child has lost his mind and went crazy." Meng Xian said casually.

"Damn, yes, I am insane. If those old treasures of yours are stolen by you, I don't think you are insane. In the whole world, besides Tundi, who else can get away from you?" I can move forward and retreat freely in the forbidden area without touching it, the sky net is well-established, and it is sparse but not leaky, so I can see a ray of mystery from it, that bastard Tundi has a head, a debt has a owner, and their master and servant wear a pair of trousers , absolutely can't escape the relationship." Hexian yelled loudly, his huge body struggling violently.

"I'm talking about the sixth son, that's about Emperor Tun, what's the matter with Xuanyuan, you can't make trouble like this..." Hang Xian sighed, he could deeply understand the feeling of drinking immortal at this moment.

"Why don't you care about his affairs, and pay me 'Longevity without Borders'..." Hexian burst into tears and wailed loudly, making the corners of the mouths of the other seven old men twitch and their faces turn blue. This is really embarrassing.

Xuanyuan touched his nose, feeling really sorry, took out a superb Taoist artifact from his 'Swallowing Myriad Transformation Taoist Artifact', and said: "This extraordinary Taoist artifact is called 'Suppressing Wine Bottle' , can raise hundreds of millions of fine wines in the world, so I will pay you to Senior Drinking Immortal. This is a senior who is extremely good at wine. It can also kill the enemy, how does Senior Drinking Immortal feel?"

Drinking Immortal's eyes lit up, and the bursting tears disappeared without a trace. Although he was still a little angry, he finally calmed down a lot. He rubbed his hands and came to Xuanyuan. There is a 'Zhou Tian Dao Net', but the seven of them worked together to have a superb Taoist weapon, of course it couldn't be better, I saw the smiling face of the Immortal, the angry look just now is long gone, giggle.

"Actually, if you want wine, you can tell me directly, and you can't use sneaky methods, right? Anyway, our 'Qinglong Holy Land' is also a pure land. We have to be civilized and abide by the law. The wine jar 'Longevity is boundless', just treat it as I gave it to Tundi, and I brought this wine glass, alas, you are the one who is sensible, really sensible." Drinking Immortal rubbed his nose, and he loved this "wine bottle" very much, almost as if grabbing it Taking it from Xuanyuan's hand, Xuanyuan's hand couldn't help twitching a few times, this drinking fairy is also a powerful actor.

Xuanyuan rubbed his nose, and thinking about it next year, he has always been hurt by drinking immortals, first he was cheated twice by his grandson, and now he was cheated once by Emperor Tun, it is still so big, those "longevity without boundaries" are all The ancestors of drinking immortals have brewed so many unrivaled Taoist artifacts in his body, and he can use them, so it's nothing to give them to him.

"Yeah, Senior Drinking Immortal taught you a lesson. I will reprimand that dead pig later. If you want to steal it, you are stealing from outsiders. How can you steal from your own people?" Xuanyuan said haha, and the matter was just like that. .

A moment later, the Eight Immortals of Yang Dao also came, the 'Sage of Heaven and Moon', 'Emperor Ouyang', Mo Xuan and Mo Ying, and finally the old man of the Kong family. Kong Ming gathered in the 'Blue Dragon Palace'.

The old man of the Kong family wears a lun scarf on his head, wears a crane robe, and holds a feather fan in his hand. He is very neat and tidy. He has a Chinese character face, white beard and hair, and a red face.

Kong Ming has a very high status in Zhongzhou, and he is highly respected. When the emperor of the "Zhongzhou Dynasty" succeeded to the throne, he had to invite this Big Dipper of Mount Tai to watch the ceremony. Knowing that the succession of the emperor of the "Zhongzhou Dynasty" is not like the other three state dynasties, it is of great significance. This shows the high status of Kong Ming and the prestige among the human race.

This is the last time, Kong Daode was very satisfied with the status quo of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', and specially invited Mr. Kong Ming to come here to educate the common people and spread Confucianism. He finally saw a little hope, and he was happy to pass on the ideas of the Confucian family here.

Xuanyuan and Mo Xuan, Mo Ying and his wife nodded, bowed to the old man of the Kong family, and said: "Xuanyuan, the younger generation, met the old man of the Kong family."

"Well, Holy Master Xuanyuan doesn't need to be too polite. At such a young age, you can have such a cultivation level and such a mind. No wonder Daode has always been in front of me and praised you. I already know what you want to do. These bastards Forgetting one's roots and selling one's ancestors, and only seeking one's own longevity, one should be killed and not kept, but it is true that one cannot implicate the innocent." Old Man Kong Ming raised his eyebrows angrily, although Confucianism is based on benevolence and righteousness, but faced with this kind of surrender to the gods, It is absolutely unforgivable to endanger the common people's land in the entire "Central China".

Xuanyuan smiled wryly, and said: "Oh, Mr. Kong understands the righteousness, and he does not hesitate to risk his life with the younger generation. I hope that the members of the Jiang family can understand this painstaking effort."

"Hmph, the ancestor of the Jiang family, the great emperor, what a talent of the heaven and the earth, but why did he give birth to these unworthy descendants, insulting the prestige of their ancestors, go, ask them to reason, if you are still obsessed, then you can only do it." Blindly benevolent, a typical courtesy before soldiers.

"Okay, this time I can only trouble you to come with me." Xuanyuan looked at the crowd.

The relationship between the Eight Immortals of Yang Dao and Kong Ming is very good. They all came from Confucianism, but in the ups and downs of history, their big family was submerged. The Kong family is the representative of the entire Confucianism, a family that exists like a giant No one dared to attack the Kong family, because this is a model of benevolent people. Once someone attacks the Kong family, no matter what the reason is, all the major families will attack together.

"Okay." Xuanyuan took a deep breath, looked at Fang Yuyou, Bai Youniang, Huang Yuechan, and Qian Duoduo, and said, "The four of you stay in the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land', Zhen Luo will follow me."

Yin Zhenluo stepped into Xuanyuan's body, and saw Xuanyuan directly urging the Emperor's Forbidden Teleportation Jade Terrace, and the huge portal shrouded it, leading a group of people across the void, and teleported in the direction of the Jiang family.

Fortunately, Jiang's family is in the north of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', only a distance of tens of millions of miles, and it can be reached in a blink of an eye.

In an instant, a group of people from Xuanyuan descended on the sky above the head of the Jiang family, with a mighty aura that shocked countless people in the Jiang family.

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