Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1337 Bringing peace to all generations

The West Sea is boundless and blue waves are vast.

In the sky, a round of scorching sun hangs high, casting billions of golden lights, covering the surface of the West Sea, sparkling and dazzling. However, under the West Sea, there are endless dangers and dangers hidden.

In this sea of ​​suffering, I don’t know how many people’s bones are buried, especially the disciples of Buddhism. The sea of ​​suffering is boundless. In order to obtain the opportunity to become a Buddha, they go on and on, using themselves as boats, crossing the sea of ​​suffering, practicing day and night, and a small number of people With great achievements, they got what they wanted and returned with a full load, but a larger part of the people were buried here, and those who survived never set foot in the sea of ​​suffering and stayed away from this place. It can be seen that there are still some people here. As for what it is, no one knows. The West Sea has always been a place hiding a shocking secret.

With his own heart, Xuanyuan perceives the whole world, and evolves into the Dao of heaven and earth, touches every ray of breath in this piece of space, feels the yearning for the opportunity to become a Buddha, and the feeling of being buried in the sea of ​​suffering. Unwillingness and helplessness, these two emotions are extremely deep.

There are too many stories here, how many people are full of enthusiasm and yearning, come here to seek the opportunity to become a Buddha and become a Taoist, but a large number of people are buried here, some have left, and very few people have succeeded Now, this is the entire West Sea, the history that has been circulating all the time. The breath of this piece of heaven and earth has recorded and described the stories that have been similar for countless years. .

Xiang Liuli looked at Xuanyuan's expression and remained silent. Indeed, she also felt some of the stories in this sea of ​​suffering, and some of the emotions in it were more or less able to touch her, and a lot of doubts arose in her heart. , This should be the reason why those old people of the Wu Clan let themselves come out to practice. Xiang Liuli felt that he still had a lot of gains. It was not without reason why the Human Clan rose later.

"Okay, 'Patriarch of the Five Poisons', lead the way." Xuanyuan opened his eyes, looked at the endless West Sea, and let out a long sigh.

"Come with me." The 'Patriarch of the Five Poisons' sighed faintly, and walked through the air.

In fact, there are countless people who come to Xihai in Taoism, because here also contains the opportunity to become a long-term Taoist. He has also been here before, carefully, and searched for a period of time, but there was no result. He also felt that if he stayed here for a long time, The cause and effect with this place may become deeper, so he can only return to the Taoist gate again, and now he sets foot here again, and naturally he feels a lot of emotion in his heart.

As soon as the words fell, the speed of the 'Patriarch of the Five Poisons' was extremely fast. Xiang Liuli changed into a black robe with a little mystery. His black hair fell down and fluttered with the wind, turning into a stream of flying fire. With the 'Five Poisons Patriarch', there is no inferiority.

"Hurry up, hurry up, I want to see how powerful that so-called envoy is, and see if their protoss are as powerful as in the legend." Xiang Liuli looked excited, her appearance was not It hasn't changed, but the breath on the body has changed, and the clothes have changed.

Seeing the 'Patriarch of the Five Poisons' and Xiang Liuli throwing himself far away in an instant, Xuanyuan felt powerless.

"Your sister, slow down for me, are you in a hurry to die?" Seeing them flying farther and farther, Xuanyuan's face turned green. In order to conceal his identity, he must put away the 'Wing of Wanhua', so the Naturally, it is much slower. Once it is seen and exposed directly, people can think that it is derived from the "body of all transformations".

Xuanyuan's "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu" was used to the extreme, and it was quite hard to chase.

The 'Patriarch of the Five Poisons' and Xiang Liuli had to slow down to take care of Xuanyuan. Xiangliuli despised Xuanyuan completely: "You are a big man, why are you so slow, can't you go faster?"

"Men are slow to fast, what are you waiting for, a little girl?" Xuanyuan made a pun and teased Xiang Liuli.

But Xiang Liuli was very simple about this aspect, didn't understand at all, stared blankly at Xuanyuan, and asked: "What do you mean?"

The corner of Xuanyuan's mouth twitched, and he stopped talking. He looked into the distance and asked, "'Patriarch of the Five Poisons', do you know the exact location of the envoy?"

"Of course I know." The 'Five Poison Patriarch' said in a heavy voice

"You lead the way, slow down, and let us know in advance when we are approaching a million miles." Xuanyuan said slowly.

"What?" Xiang Liuli was a little puzzled.

"Sister, stay on the line in everything, leave yourself a way out, and see if there is any magic circle around where he is. In case our identity is exposed, we won't run around like headless chickens. If we fall into an ambush In the middle, if you don't die, you will be disabled at that time, although I am very confident in myself, but I don't have much confidence in you and the 'Patriarch of the Five Poisons', so I have to think about the way out in advance." Xuanyuan was a little speechless when facing Liu Li , although her strength is strong, even Xiang Liuli will definitely not be able to resist if those ancient sages that Jiang Yitian subdued form a siege.

Obviously, Xiang Liuli is not very experienced yet, Xuanyuan is already very seasoned, and the 'Five Poison Patriarch' didn't say anything.

The more he walked with Xuanyuan, the more he felt why Xuanyuan was so difficult to deal with, and it was not without reason.

A group of people can travel through the air, even if they are taking care of Xuanyuan, the speed is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Xuanyuan and his party encountered some ferocious beasts in the sky above the West Sea, but with the 'Five Poison Patriarch' leading the way, basically these beasts were poisoned to death without approaching.

In addition, you will also see some people who are looking for opportunities to become Buddhas and Daoists in this piece of the West Sea. This kind of ferocious beast is a powerful enemy, slaying it again and again, with a firm will and fearless, and keeps moving forward, but Xuanyuan's heart is full of doubts.

"Is it really that important to become a Buddha and a Tao? I always feel that becoming a Buddha and a Tao do not lie in deliberate seeking, but a natural and natural process. When I was practicing the "Diamond Sutra", I vaguely saw that, When 'King Kong Buddha' became a Buddha, he was under a bodhi tree, and this bodhi tree seemed to be transformed by a woman who loved him in a previous life, hoping that he could become a Buddha, 'King Kong Buddha' and his sun and moon Accompanying you, and finally becoming a Buddha, isn't it because you haven't come to the West Sea?"

"'King Kong Buddha' does not exist in this world, but descended from a foreign land, the entire Buddhist and Taoist sects, and many people have made great achievements in other starry skies, so they came to this place Yes, it is extremely difficult to become a Buddha and Dao, but as long as you get a ray of energy to become a Buddha and Dao, you can step into the holy realm and cultivate the holy mirror to the extreme, and you are a Buddha in the human sense. There are too many people now, They all stop at the word sage. The luck of the human race has declined too much. Before the death of the "Great Devourer", the luck of the world was not like this, and the saints would be born. Now the saints are speechless, which naturally makes the entire human race Becoming more and more lonely and declining." The 'Five Poison Patriarch' also has his helplessness, as a casual cultivator, there are too many unknown hardships, everyone has his own history, the formation of a person, often It is composed of tens of thousands of people around, those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black, that's how it is, Xuanyuan didn't ask much.

"So what, in the ancient times, they can create a prosperous world, and we can do the same. I want to establish a heart for the world, a life for the people, a legacy for the sages, and peace for all generations." Xuanyuan said word by word, Like Hong Zhong Da Lu, who is deafening and deafening, every word and every sentence has an extremely strong penetrating power.

The body of the 'Patriarch of the Five Poisons' suddenly trembled slightly, but Xuanyuan's words shocked him deeply.

Xiang Liuli took a deep look at Xuanyuan, and said, "Okay, I will work with you to bring peace to all generations."

Xuanyuan grinned and looked at Xiang Liuli's chest: "It doesn't seem like peace..."

The corner of Xiang Liuli's mouth twitched, and he clenched his fists tightly. The corners of Xuanyuan's eyes twitched wildly, and he fell silent immediately. If he was not on his way now, Xuanyuan would definitely be beaten up.

A group of people moved forward steadily, and the scenery passed by along the way was like watching flowers on a horse.

In the West Sea, there are scattered isolated islands. They are either deeply rooted in the bottom of the sea, or floating on the sea surface, moving slowly. Maybe they are still here today, and after a few years, they may float to another place, or Man-made autonomous control, or drifting with the tide, can be seen everywhere.

From time to time, Xuanyuan is inspected with the "eye of truth". There are many masters here, all of whom live in seclusion here. Their strength is terrifying, but they are all near the end of their lifespan. Xuanyuan feels There is an aura of fading west mountains, and their seclusion in the West Sea is the best proof.

It is precisely because of this that Jiang Yitian has such a great opportunity to use the origin of the gods and prolong his life as a bargaining chip to negotiate with them and let them use them for them. What these people want most in their lives is longevity. Down, they can have a chance to break through.

The 'Patriarch of the Five Poisons' stopped, pointed forward, and said in a heavy voice, "A million miles away, the envoy of God asked me to go to the gathering place."

"How did you explain to him that day, after you were killed by Monk Jidian?" Xuanyuan asked.

"I told him that I was attacked by a Buddhist strongman and lost an incarnation." The 'Five Poison Patriarch' said calmly.

"Okay." Xuanyuan opened the 'Eye of Reality' and looked around. At the point pointed by the 'Five Poisons Patriarch', the islands converged, forming a series of formations, full of extremely terrible light or darkness. It is difficult for ordinary people to see the prohibition on killing, the power technique, and the feng shui thaumaturgy.

"This Jiang Yitian is really not ordinary cautious. It seems that after the last time, he has regarded his own life as more important." Xuanyuan sighed.

"Let's go, I can't wait."

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