Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1339 Terrible Power

Xuanyuan's compliment to Jiang Yitian was just in place, making Jiang Yitian succumb to his knees, looking like a villain and extremely happy, bowing again and again, as if he wanted to call Xuanyuan's father.

Seeing this scene, Xiang Liuli rolled his eyes in his heart, Xuanyuan slapped him, the method of rewarding a piece of candy was too powerful, the difference between the front and back, first suppressed and then raised, made Jiang Yitian happier than anything else.

"Report to the emperor, my name is Jiang Yitian, and I am the son of the Jiang family of the human race." Jiang Yitian heard Xuanyuan's reward for him, raised his head and chest, his face was flushed, and said in a heavy voice.

Xuanyuan frowned, and a terrifying killing light suddenly burst out in his eyes. He shouted sharply: "You bastard, son of the Jiang family? Jiang Yitian, did you infiltrate the origin of my god race into the Jiang family?"

The corners of Jiang Yitian's eyes twitched, and he had a bad premonition in his heart. This matter was what he said that day, and only Xuanyuan knew about it. Xuanyuan must have spread the word, but he has not received it yet from the islands in the West Sea. Any news, he was beating drums in his heart, paused for a moment, bit his head, and said: "Yes, I have spent a lot of effort, and this has penetrated nearly half of the power of my god clan and the background of the Jiang family." , In the future, this will become an extremely powerful force of our Protoss, holding a supreme Dao weapon, which will be of great help to our Protoss' attack on all ethnic groups in Central China."

"Do you know that the power you have infiltrated has been completely wiped out now? It's fine if the people of your Jiang family are dead, but they have wasted the countless origins of my protoss, and It also exposed everything we planned, and now the Jiang family has united with other families to guard against us, causing us so much trouble, Jiang Yitian, what should you do."

Jiang Yitian was so frightened that he trembled all over, and quickly knelt down to beg for mercy: "Son of God, forgive me, I didn't expect things to happen like this, even the Supreme Dao Artifacts are in their hands, I didn't expect them to be killed, all this I really can't control it, please take my life for the sake of doing my best for the Protoss."

"Your son of the ancient emperor of the Jiang family, Jiang Wushen broke the seal and regained control of the Jiang family. The supreme Taoist weapon 'Shenping Whip' and 'Fengshen Bang' are all controlled by him. Those people you infiltrated are now in charge of the Jiang family. They have all been refined into war puppets, but you are still dreaming that these people can serve our God Clan in the future, it is simply wishful thinking." Xuanyuan's voice was so severe that he was so frightened that his whole body went limp and trembling, he hated Xuanyuan very much in his heart, originally He thought that if there was an unsurpassed Taoist tool 'Shen Whip', in the hands of the person under control, even if Xuanyuan knew about it, he would have to pay a huge price to uproot the Jiang family, and even if these strong men committed suicide, they could still Killing a large number of people in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', he had calculated thousands of times, but he didn't calculate that his power would be removed so quickly.

"Forgive me, my son. I was too eager for quick success. I caused the gods to be exposed. The crime deserves death. Please forgive me." Jiang Yitian was beating his heart, the son of the ancient emperor of the Jiang family, this was something he didn't know before. , including those old and immortal beings, did not know that the person sealed in the Jiang family's heritage was the son of the Jiang family's ancient emperor. At this moment, Jiang Yitian was trembling all over, and Xuanyuan's tone was full of murderous intent.

"Oh, that's all, you are also thinking about my gods, so I will forgive you this time." Xuanyuan sighed helplessly, paused, and said, "But this is not an example. If this situation still occurs, don't blame me for being ruthless." gone."

Jiang Yitian was grateful and kowtowed repeatedly: "Thank you, Emperor."

Xiang Liuli rolled his eyes again, Xuanyuan is simply an expert in slapping Tang, and he is probably already familiar with the game, even proficient in it.

Obviously these things are all made by Xuanyuan, what else can I say, the 'Five Poison Patriarch' is also full of emotion in his heart.

"Xuanyuan is really the best of the best. You must know that Jiang Yitian is not so easy to deal with. The main reason is that the 'Body of Ten Thousand Transformations' is too confusing. No wonder it was necessary to send out the twelve masters of the 'Tianji' back then." Only when it exists, can its whereabouts be calculated, and the price of life must be paid..."

By doing this, Xuanyuan can not only play with Jiang Yitian, but also increase Jiang Yitian's trust in him invisibly, and enhance his image.

A group of people have already landed on the main island, dense forests are everywhere, full of rich vitality, water mist is floating in the world, and in the mist, there is an extremely strong fighting spirit of heaven and earth.

Jiang Yitian bowed his knees, like a dog slave, bowed his body, leading the way, his image disappeared. In the eyes of countless ancient sages, Xuanyuan is the supreme ruler, or in other words, Xuanyuan and Xiang Liuli, There are also those four taciturn sons of God, Jiang Yitian is at most just a representative of the God Race, not much different from them at all.

Although Xiang Liuli despised Xuanyuan somewhat, he had to admit that Xuanyuan's move was extremely powerful.

Jiang Yitian got up quickly and led the way. Invisibly, Xuanyuan has become the real god race in the words of these ancient sages, and Jiang Yitian is just a chess piece that can be discarded at any time in the eyes of the god race.

They have lived for an unknown number of years, and they understand the information conveyed by Xuanyuan's eyes and words best.

"Okay, Jiang Yitian, tell me how many strong men you have summoned now." Xuanyuan's voice was slightly hoarse, his eyes were gloomy, and he looked around the world of the huge island in the center.

Red flowers are planted here, extremely red and red, like blood touching the eyes, extremely delicate and beautiful, revealing a faint floral fragrance.

This kind of flower is called Beauty Drunk. If you smell it for a long time, you will fall into an illusion, dreaming of beauty, drunk and dreaming of death. If it is mixed with other methods or other strange fragrances, it will produce a strong poison, making people die inexplicably.

"Seventy-two ancient sages, all of them are located on this central island, 180 of the emperor's powerhouse, and 360 of the quasi-emperor's powerhouse, living in the four islands respectively, I spent a lot of time Strength is the only way to integrate them all, and fortunately, there is enough weight of the origin of the gods, of course, what is more important is that the light of my gods envelopes me, which makes me so smooth." Jiang Yitian said cautiously.

"May my gods live forever." Xuanyuan, Xiang Liuli, and the four great emperors all chanted in unison in the first life, and they all used the language of gods. Jiang Yitian was cautious, and this was his last temptation. There is no flaw, this time he really and completely believes that Xuanyuan and others are the gods.

Just hearing Jiang Yitian's words, Xuanyuan's heart twitched uncontrollably. Jiang Yitian was able to summon seventy-two ancient sages, which is really terrifying. The strength of each one is unimaginable. The temptation for some dying human monks is too great.

They practiced hard all their lives, and what they wanted was longevity, so they constantly broke through themselves. They watched themselves grow old bit by bit, and all their hard work had to be wasted. Naturally, they felt uneasy, but At this time, someone like Jiang Yitian sent them the original power of the gods to prolong his life, so why worry about no one serving the gods?

At least by joining the Protoss now, they can still return to their peak state, and their lifespan can be greatly extended.

"Well, very good, besides you, the envoy, are there others?" Xuanyuan asked again.

"Also, there are two sub-god envoys. They also belong to the human race. Now they are recruiting some strong men from Buddhism and Taoism to gather strength and wait for the opportunity to rescue the fierce gods who are sealed in the various ancient royal families one by one." Jiang Yitian What he said was impassioned, but Xuanyuan felt extremely disgusted.

"Okay, well said, now let's wait for the other envoys to come and discuss what to do next." Xuanyuan nodded with a slightly satisfied expression on his face, and then walked inside on his own up.

Jiang Yitian hurriedly led the way. The most disappointed person was none other than Xiang Liuli. At first she thought the envoy was such a powerful existence, but she didn't expect it to be such a small guy, which made her lose interest in other envoys .

"Forget it, it's so boring. I originally wanted to fight with their envoy, but I didn't expect it to be this kind of wine bag and rice bag. I have to go." Suddenly, Xuanyuan was in a hurry.

"It doesn't matter if you don't come earlier, you are here now, why go away, you have to feel that you are talented and unparalleled in combat power, just pick one of the ancient sages here to fight with you." Xuanyuan rolled his eyes and said audio channel.

"..." Xiang Liuli didn't say much, and could only follow Xuanyuan.

Under the leadership of Jiang Yitian, a group of people passed through the cave on the isolated island and came directly to a large hall.

Red candle lights were hung on both sides of the main hall, and there were two rows of grand master chairs. There were more than 70 ancient sages and figures. The firelight shone on their faces, and the swaying reflections gave people a very gloomy feeling.

Most of these old men are casual cultivators who live in seclusion in Xizhou, or strong men from Taoism or Buddhism. They have been looking for opportunities to become Buddhas and Taoists in this place through a long period of time.

Everyone wants to ask, but the result is that there is really no answer. No one knows where the opportunity to become a Buddha or Dao is, and it may be unclear or unclear.

Their strength is extremely high, when they condense together, they are an irresistible force, Xuanyuan just missed them, and he has already seen a general idea.

All these people got up together, turned towards Xuanyuan, Xiang Liuli, and the four emperors behind them simultaneously stood up and saluted.

"See the emperor of the gods."

"Exemption..." Xuanyuan had a great posture, and led Xiang Liuli and the four god sons to the direction of the altar, which was the place where the most powerful people sat.

This is the supreme status symbol of the protoss.

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