Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1341 A brief lull

Among the protoss.

Many protoss powerhouses were furious, and all of them were red-eyed. Over the years, a large part of the forces created through hard work have been pulled out. Although a small number of people have not been discovered, these people have already It won't be of much use anymore, and it will take a long time to train a group of people, and it will become even more difficult.

This incident happened so suddenly that everyone in the Protoss was caught off guard, and they didn't smell anything from the incident that Xuanyuan forced the Jiang family into the palace that day. In fact, they knew about this incident a long time ago. It's just that Xuanyuan and the Jiang family have always had grievances, so they naturally wouldn't think in that direction.

"Bastard, bastard, this Jiang Wushen is too hateful." The existence of a protoss roared crazily.

The spies implanted in the major forces were almost pulled out. For them, it was a great loss. Without internal support, it became difficult to destroy an ancient family overnight.

It turns out that the plan of the Protoss is to cooperate with the army of the Gods from outside the territory. As long as the army of the Gods from outside the territory is ready to attack, they will first attack the ancient royal family from the inside, rescue the sealed evil gods, and then start attacking the gods one after another. The big forces launched a massacre, using these spies as internal responses to minimize their own casualties, and then the foreign protoss army directly launched a general attack to break the deadly barrier of the "Central China" against the protoss.

But now that these spies are all dead, it will be extremely difficult for them to attack in the future.

"Who infiltrated so many strong men in Jiang's house? Did other envoys do this?"

These words were shouted from the mouths of the four great envoys at the same time.

At the first moment, they didn't think of Jiang Yitian, that new envoy who had just arrived. In their eyes, it was impossible to do such an earth-shattering thing. It was too difficult to infiltrate the strength into the background of the Jiang family. , and Jiang Yitian did not reveal his identity.

When the four envoys met, none of them did such a thing, which made them extremely puzzled.

"If we didn't do it, who would it be?"

"Could it be the envoy who just arrived?"

"It's possible that he even saved God Emperor Cantian."

"What should I do now, my Protoss has suffered heavy losses."

"Since the matter has already happened, it's useless to say anything now, let's go to Xihai to have a look."

"That's right, he rescued the Cantian God Emperor, and we have to pay a visit immediately, this Jiang Wushen made us burnt out with just a few words, so we must be extremely careful in every next step."

"No way, if we don't give orders, if those ancient royal families continue to attack, it is obvious that we are manipulating, and our power will be exposed. These are matters that must be dealt with urgently, and must be put first. The Cantian God Emperor will understand."

"It doesn't matter. Over the years, we have also rescued many generals and made a lot of contributions. At worst, we can make up for the mistakes."

"Okay, then it's decided like this, let's go, let the human race and the ancient royal family stabilize for the time being, and when the Cantian God Emperor recovers from his injuries, he will give them a fatal blow and stamp out every big family. The Jiang family is the first one." one."

"Yes, this Jiang Wushen must not be allowed to live."

Even if they didn't visit the god emperor at the first time, the four god envoys seemed to be facing a catastrophe, which shows how strict the ranks of the gods are.

However, at this moment, Jiang Wushen uttered the last sentence again, running through the four states of the human race and the major ancient royal families.

"Those who have been extended by the origin of the gods, listen, the origin of the gods in your body can prolong your life, but it also hides a huge crisis. At the moment of maturity, the thoughts of the gods will rush out , devour your thoughts, if you still want to survive and don’t want to become the lackeys of the gods, then come out, we are a family of sages and sages, we forgive your momentary ignorance, if you continue to go on obstinately, what will happen in the end? Those who die don’t know.”

Countless people were shocked.

"It seems that the origin of the Protoss is not taken for nothing. Sure enough, the Protoss is still untrustworthy."

"Yes, the methods of the Protoss have always been cruel, how could it be possible for someone to take away his origin of the Protoss?"

"Those who have taken the origin of the Protoss, it seems that they should be sitting on pins and needles at this moment and don't know what to do."

"People can't be too greedy. People are people, not gods. If you want to live forever, you can only be controlled by people."

People with the origin of the gods in their bodies are afraid in their hearts. They have never thought that there is such a thing in the origin of the gods. They don't know what to do. This move will hurt the gods the most. It will become very difficult for the Protoss to attract others to serve them.

When the four great angels heard the news, their faces became extremely ugly.

"This Jiang Wushen must die."

"He broke us too many things."

"What to do, many people have been shaken."

"It doesn't matter, let them go, anyway, few of them touch our core."

"The human race that has entered the core must rely on the power of the god race to survive. Once the god race origin is withdrawn from their bodies, they will perish immediately. It is too late for them to know at this moment."

"It seems that it will be difficult for us to expand our strength in the future."

"Forget it, we won't be able to deal with these matters in a short while, let's go to pay respects to God Emperor Cantian first! And with God Generals in charge, there won't be any big troubles."

The four great envoys headed towards the direction of the West Sea. They were all in different years. The Protoss tried their best to send them into the "Central China" by various means. Some people like Jiang Yitian The human race drifted into the foreign space, and they also have the blood of the god race, with special physiques, and they were transported in by secret methods.

During these years, they worked hard and quietly laid a territory for the Protoss, but it was unknown to the world, extremely low-key, hidden in the wild and remote mountains, and people had nowhere to find it.

Fearing that their strength would be exposed, the Protoss chose to remain silent. All the wars subsided after Jiang Wushen's three sentences.

The nine ancient royal families, as well as all the ancient clans, all played the waiver card, and they all said the same thing: "The gods are rampant and will soon ravage my 'Central China'. The human race, the demon race, the monster race, and the ancient ten thousand races have a truce. If necessary, First join forces to deal with the Protoss and fight against foreign enemies."

At this moment of life and death, the ideas of the ancient ten thousand races, the human race, the demon race, and the demon race are highly consistent.

After the truce, countless Li people believed in Jiang Wushen as the savior. He was the son of the ancient emperor of the Jiang family in ancient times. The great aristocratic family beheaded the protoss spies who had infiltrated it, and also allowed the war to quell. Since there are many mysteries in it, it is worth letting people appreciate it.

A statue of Jiang Wushen was erected, and temples of Jiang Wushen were piled up one after another. In the area of ​​the Jiang family, countless Li people regarded him as his father, the same belief as the ancient emperor of the Jiang family. Looking at the Jiang family from a distance, one can see the majestic power of faith spreading and gathering. This is a kind of hope that the people of Li people have burst out after experiencing countless despairs. It is extremely powerful. This power of faith is very important to For Jiang Wushen, once it is condensed and formed, it is definitely a supreme weapon.

Far away in a sea area of ​​the West Sea.

This is the foundation established by Jiang Yitian's hard work, and his last capital is here.

When he heard the news, his face was pale: "Jiang Wushen, he was able to expose his shortcomings. Isn't he afraid that others will attack the Jiang family because of this? Half of the background has been destroyed, and he can still tell Regarding the matter of the world, it seems that the Jiang family still has too many things that I don’t know about, no wonder the Protoss have not made a move for so many years, it seems that the Human Race is really not to be underestimated.”

Jiang Yitian has completely regarded himself as a member of the protoss, and put the human race on the opposite side. His face was gloomy, and his heart was extremely depressed: "If those envoys come to see me, will they blame me for this, no , I can’t show up easily and let the Son of God and the Goddess deal with them, just pretend not to know everything.”

Thousands of thoughts ran through Jiang Yitian's mind, and he finally decided what to do.

Xuanyuan, Xiang Liuli, and the four great sons of God entered that portal and stepped into a void universe.

Surrounded by stars here, dotted with starlight, looking from afar, the starry sky stretches across 90,000 miles, extremely bright.

In this space, it was boundless, making it impossible for people to find a way out. As soon as he entered it, Xiang Liuli knew the seriousness of the matter.

"This is really a supreme restriction imposed by an ancient emperor-level figure. If our identity is exposed, we will really have no way out. The so-called emperor's transmission restriction on you is not worth it in front of this person." Let me mention it." Xiang Liuli's expression remained unchanged, and he transmitted his voice to Xuanyuan, feeling anxious in his heart, even if it was a saint of the witch clan, it would be difficult for him to remain calm in such a situation.

"There's no other way, I can only take one step at a time, otherwise what else can I do?" Xuanyuan looked very indifferent, so calm that Xiang Liuli was almost pissed off by him.

"You're ruthless." Xiang Liuli didn't say anything more, and he didn't know where Xuanyuan's confidence came from. Even if the other party was a fierce god who was severely injured, the realm of the ancient emperor was far from Xuanyuan's level. can imagine.

At this moment, a burst of laughter suddenly came out. It was powerful and deafening, and every syllable contained the power of the boundless avenue, shaking people's hearts:

"Haha, you are finally here, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Xiang Liuli's heart tightened, Xuanyuan smiled and said nothing.

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