Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1343 Four Angels

In the gloomy hall, one after another red candles flickered dimly, swaying gently with the slight wind, pulling the figures of many people in the hall to the elders.

The seventy-three ancient sages and Jiang Yitian were lined up in two lines, divided into left and right. They were silent and did not make any sound. It was extremely strange, and a needle could be heard.

None of the ancient sages in the hall left, they sat cross-legged one by one, waiting quietly.

At this moment, Xuanyuan, Xiang Liuli, and the Four Heavenly Emperors stepped out from a portal and landed on the altar.

Huaguang once again illuminated the entire hall. Every ray of light contained extremely powerful power. Everyone could feel it personally. Every strand of light was derived from the Dao. It was unpredictable and all-encompassing. Contains the avenues of the heavens, making it difficult for people to penetrate.

The boundless God Emperor's aura once again hangs over every corner of the hall, making many ancient sages shake in unison, from sitting to kneeling, trembling in their hearts, the coercion of the Supreme God Emperor made them unable to bow down, Especially after they integrated the origin of the gods into their bodies, they became more obedient to the aura of the god emperor, that kind of innate coercion, as if by nature, a kind of distinction between superiority and inferiority arises spontaneously from the heart.

This is the supreme source of power among the gods, and it suppresses them. Among the gods, there is a clear distinction between high and low ranks. , but from a certain point of view, they lost themselves and surrendered at the feet of others. Although some people have begun to regret it, they think about it. Once they die, they will have nothing. It is always better to live Yes, just live.

"God Son Longzhu, Goddess Longyue, from today onwards, you will take charge of the archipelago on my behalf, and take charge of all powers of life and death, assisted by the Son of the Four Heavens. This sword is called 'Can Tian', seeing it is like seeing me, you can replace I will kill anyone." Wu Zun Wuyi's voice was as loud as thunder, and the sound of the avenue was rolling, which was deafening and soul-stirring.

I saw a divine sword piercing through that portal and falling into Xuanyuan's hands, revealing a world-wide sharpness, as if it wanted to cut and shatter everything in this space.

This 'Can Tian' is pure white, glowing with a cold light, exuding boundless murderous aura, as if there are ominous creatures roaring, all kinds of unwillingness, resentment, anger and many other emotions converge into one body, making people feel frightened when they hear it. The soul is scattered, just the breath it exudes is enough to make people tremble, as if they were born for destruction and destruction, even the strong ancient sages present felt that their bodies seemed to be torn apart Generally, although it is an illusion, they have no doubts about the lethal power of this divine sword, the power of 'Can Tian' is really terrifying.

"God Son Longzhu, Goddess Longyue, if I come in person, if anyone dares not to obey, 'Can Tian' will kill him immediately, even though you were all the most important among the human race before. High-powered ones, but now you have all joined my Protoss, and the Protoss has its rules, no matter who they are, they must abide by them, do you understand?"

Jiang Yitian's body trembled, and his heart was bleeding. The people he had worked so hard to win over, and the group of people he established, just handed over to others and made wedding dresses for others. He was extremely unwilling in his heart, but There is no way, because it is like this in the gods, not to mention that he is not from the blood of the gods, even if he is from the pure blood of the gods, he has no status in front of the sons and daughters of the gods. Only when he reaches a certain level of strength Only those who are qualified to speak, he reacted very quickly, and after a moment of unwillingness, it was the excited face, like chicken blood, who took the lead and shouted: "I will obey the decree of the God Emperor!"

"Follow the divine emperor's decree!"

In the huge hall, including the 'Patriarch of the Five Poisons', seventy-three ancient sages shouted in unison, resounding in all directions, and everyone looked at Jiang Yitian with deep meaning.

'Five Poison Patriarch' looked at Xuanyuan, his expression became extremely complicated, and there was an indescribable exclamation in his heart. It was possible to deceive the so-called 'Cantian God Emperor', but it was possible to make ' Cantian Shendi handed him all his supreme Taoist weapons, which shows how powerful Xuanyuan is: "Xuanyuan, this person is beyond what I can imagine. How did he do it?"

As soon as the shouts of the crowd fell, the mysterious portal disappeared, and Xuanyuan, Xiang Liuli, and the Four Heavenly Sons sat on the altar, but everyone knew that the core was the "God Son of Dragon Candle" and "Goddess Longyue". ', even the Four Heavenly Gods can only be used as a supplement, and Jiang Yitian can see that this pair of Gods, Sons and Goddesses is extraordinary, and they must be descendants of some extraordinary people.

"Jiang Yitian." Xuanyuan Hu Julong coiled on the main seat of the altar and glanced at Jiang Yitian, his voice was very flat.

"Here!" Jiang Yitian shuddered, feeling uncertain in his heart.

"Tell us, is there any major event happening in the human race?" Xuanyuan asked.

"Jiang Wushen..." Jiang Yitian told all the news he found out, and of course some parts were ignored.

"What, this Jiang Wushen actually said a few words to cause such a heavy loss to our Protoss. It seems that things are far beyond my imagination. This person is definitely the enemy of our Protoss in the future. It seems that You are the son of the ancient emperor of the Jiang family, you are really extraordinary, you can’t get rid of it.” Xuanyuan pretended to be extremely angry, but he was happy in his heart. It seems that the background of the human race is really different. The way I thought of before was the same, if I was Jiang Wushen, I would take this way of dealing with it immediately.

If you want to be righteous, you must first correct yourself, use yourself as a model, and show it to the world, reflecting the qualities that an ancient big family should have, and the courage to kill half of the background, so that all major forces feel the crisis. If at this time Whoever attacks the Jiang family will definitely be considered to have something to do with the Protoss.

Even the Jiang family has been infiltrated, and the major forces of the human race have no choice but to guard against it. Immediately investigate everything thoroughly, and empty out the hidden protoss spies, so as to avoid a situation like the Ouyang family of the 'Tianyue Immortal Mansion'. These lessons learned from the past, In fact, they are very clear in their hearts.

And these things, Xuanyuan knew about it in the first place, not to mention anything else, just his incarnation that became the flesh of the dragon can let him know a lot of things, and now Xuanyuan's strength is getting stronger and stronger. Controlled more and more.

Jiang Yitian is very smart, he didn't say Jiang Wushen's last statement that the origin of the gods will finally swallow these ancient sages, but the paper can't keep the fire, and sooner or later, they will know, but at least it's not right now. You know, Xuanyuan thinks the same way, these people can still be used for themselves when necessary.

"God Son Longzhu, please forgive me. I have nothing to do with the Jiang family. I was born a protoss, and I will die a ghost of the protoss." Jiang Yitian broke into a cold sweat from Xuanyuan's words. He is from the Jiang family, so it is hard to guarantee that he will not be angered, so naturally he has to ask for forgiveness again and again.

"Haha, why are you guilty? You have already joined my Protoss and made a lot of contributions to my Protoss. My Protoss has always been rewarded and punished clearly. Although you are from the Jiang family, you will not be blamed for this incident. For you, everyone, get up, there is no need to be too polite, I am just a junior, and I need to ask you for many things about the human race in the future." Xuanyuan laughed, and in the realm of the supreme celestial being, but Being able to make many strong men worship him made Xuanyuan secretly feel refreshed, especially since he was the person they most wanted to kill. If they knew his true identity, they would feel like dying. There is.

"Thank you, Son of God." Jiang Yitian breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly got up, but he didn't dare to stand up straight, bowed his body and lowered his head, even the powerful ancient sages didn't dare to raise their heads. Although Xuanyuan said it modestly, but With the 'Can Tian' in his hand, whoever dares to make a mistake, strength is the best deterrent.

"When will the other envoys come to visit the 'Cantian God Emperor'?" Xiang Liuli interjected.

Just as Jiang Yitian was about to answer, suddenly, he frowned and said, "They've already arrived."

The terrifying existence of the protoss that day gave Jiang Yitian a treasure, which mainly focused on perception and body protection, concealment, and escape. Because Jiang Yitian's strength was low, he could not use too strong attack treasures, and this type of treasure could not be used. It was easier to move, and Jiang Yitian was also very self-aware, so he chose it.

Around the archipelago, he had quietly laid down an undetectable perception before.

The four envoys used secret techniques to travel swiftly through the sky. Although they were not as good as Xuanyuan's Imperial Forbidden Teleportation Jade Platform, there was no problem in rushing to the West Sea in a short time.

"How many people?" Xuanyuan said indifferently.

"Four." Jiang Yitian said.

"Remove feng shui, force, and restriction, and let them in." Xuanyuan gave an order.

"Yes." Jiang Yitian bowed his hands, and immediately walked out of the hall with four ancient sages.

There are no clouds for thousands of miles, the sea and the sky are vast, the sea of ​​suffering is boundless, and there is murderous intent everywhere, permeating the world.

The four envoys, dressed in black robes, are extremely mysterious, and their faces cannot be seen clearly. Their strength is strong, their blood is surging, and there is an extremely strong and violent murderous aura in their aura, which makes people shudder. , it can be seen that their hands do not know how many lives have been contaminated.

They looked at the islands and looked at each other.

"It seems that the strength of this divine envoy is far beyond our imagination. In a short period of time, he can condense this group of forces to set up the 'Water Dragon Bureau', 'Thousand Illusory Tendencies', 'Ten Thousand Ghosts Slay Ban', It's not easy anymore."

"Indeed, it seems that the 'Cantian God Emperor' must have been seriously injured, otherwise, it would not have been possible to deploy such a large formation for protection."

"'Cantian Divine Emperor' is recuperating, is it appropriate for us to visit at this time?"

"We've already arrived, no matter what, it's best to say hello to this envoy first."

While they were talking, nine huge water dragons branched out, and the 'Thousand Illusions of Heaven' and 'Thousand Ghosts Killing Ban' almost all withdrew immediately. Jiang Yitian led four ancient sages in the Greeted by the entrance of the main island.

"It seems that people have discovered us a long time ago, but they have some skills. Let's go and see what kind of thing this envoy is." An envoy laughed.

The four envoys dispatched together, passed through many islands, and finally descended from the sky above the autonomous island.

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