Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1353 Divine Song

(Chapter 2! Many readers of "Past Life and Present Life" have already won a lot of KB. Come on everyone.)

Xuanyuan descended from the sky with a tall and straight figure, with extraordinary power, Xiang Liuli took a look at Xuanyuan, his eyes lit up, nodded his head, and said happily: "It's really not easy, within a month, it has been completely reborn, the 'Body of Ten Thousand Transformations' really It’s just different, I thought you would have to stay in it for a year or so before you can come out.”

"I've disappointed you. My brother has always been very efficient in his work. How's the situation these few days?" Xuanyuan laughed heartily, his whole body was comfortable, refreshed, the breeze was blowing on his face, and his interest was particularly high.

"As you expected, the 'Zonghengjiao' just dealt with the matter very low-key, and did not make it public. It seems that this time they swallowed their broken teeth in their stomachs. In this sensitive place During the period, I am afraid that the gods will hide, let alone their people on the bright side." Xiang Liuli has a lot of free time these days, and no one in the "Zonghengjiao" comes out to make trouble, but she is also happy to be free. She practiced alone, and summed up what she gained when she was with Xuanyuan outside, which benefited her a lot, and Xuanyuan still has his benefits.

"Okay, this time, let's play a big game with them." Xuanyuan smiled coldly, making people get goose bumps involuntarily, everything has been planned long ago.

"What are you going to do?" Xiang Liuli frowned, not knowing what Xuanyuan's plans were, and was very curious.

"When the time comes, you'll know just by looking at it. Follow me." Xuanyuan turned around and left. At this moment, Xuanyuan, using the "Shen Xing Dao Yin Technique" to break through the sky, became faster than before. Many unsurpassed Dao patterns manifested as phantoms, with a step of thousands of miles, a strange color flashed in Xiang Liuli's eyes, following his heartbeat, he quickly caught up with Xuanyuan. Although Xuanyuan stepped into the realm of the sages, but Obviously, if you want to compare with her, she is still much inferior. You must know that Xiang Liuli has stepped into the realm of the emperor, and he can still press Xuanyuan to death with a snap of his fingers.

"It seems that you have already opened up your own way, which is not easy." Xiang Liuli was not stingy with his admiration for Xuanyuan, who was able to attract the "severing body robbery" and cut off many of the things that came from his cultivation. It is not an easy task to attain supernatural powers, especially when Xuanyuan is at this age with such determination.

Many people would be reluctant to part with the avenue of supernatural powers that they have worked so hard to cultivate, but Xuanyuan is very straightforward, directly cut it clean, introduced the law of the avenue, imprinted it into his will, and formed his own "body of all transformations" the way.

"Take your time, don't be in a hurry, I just hope to delay the time for the army of gods from outside the territory to attack." Xuanyuan clenched his fist, and suddenly, the five elements were in motion. It is one sky, one earth, following Xuanyuan's way, and the power of the "Five Elements Reincarnation Fist" displayed is terrifyingly frightening.

Under the will of Xuanyuan, the spirits of the five elements are autonomously co-operating and becoming more intimate. Xuanyuan's way is not oppression or balance, but a kind of holy way, a combination that allows the spirits of the five elements to be autonomous. It is to let them help Xuanyuan from the heart, unite with other five elements spirits, regardless of each other, full of trust, this is the supreme way.

Feeling the surging power, Xuanyuan's mood was agitated, and he said with a smile: "Finally, I look a little decent. I really don't know what I will be like after I step into the emperor's realm?"

"Look how beautiful you are, even if you step into the realm of sages now, there are still a lot of people who can crush you to death with one hand." Xiang Liuli rolled his eyes, and blew out a bubble of saliva, which floated high in the wind Seeing Xuanyuan proud, she couldn't help wanting to hit him.

"Hurry up and cover your face with a veil, otherwise, something bad will happen." Xuanyuan ignored Xiang Liuli's attack, it is absolutely impossible for a killer among the 'Six Paths' to take off his veil.

Only then did Xiang Liuli reluctantly put on the white veil, and Xuanyuan took Xiang Liuli to the direction north of the 'Zonghengjiao' through the sky.

It took only a cup of tea to arrive at the destination, named 'Tianyu Yuan', where the evil spirit pervades and is extremely strong, ordinary people dare not set foot here, and countless innate killing patterns are densely covered, ordinary people cannot set foot here, once they get close Here, people with weak physical bodies will collapse in an instant, and the Supreme Celestial Immortal will die when he enters. There is no suspense at all, unless it is an alien like Xuanyuan.

It is also because this place is very deserted and surrounded by killing patterns, so this place has become a place where the protoss usually summon many powerful people from the "Zonghengjiao".

"Very good, this place is very good, and it's just right to set up the killing array. Anyway, the murderous aura here is strong, and nothing will go wrong." Xuanyuan nodded, and immediately sent sound transmissions to the "Lord of Reincarnation" and "Lord of the Six Paths".

After a while, two figures and batches of elites from the depths of the 'Six Paths of Samsara' stepped out. Xuanyuan just scanned it with his real eyes. The people with the lowest strength were all in the quasi-emperor realm, and they were all' The real background figure in reincarnation'.

"Let's set up a killing array here, and kill all the enemies, leaving no one behind. Otherwise, there will be endless troubles." Xuanyuan only said one sentence.

"Don't worry, when we did these things, your grandpa wasn't even born yet." An old killer who had lived for an unknown number of years made a hoarse voice with a smile on his face, obviously admiring Xuanyuan. .

Xuanyuan rubbed his nose and didn't say much, the fact is indeed so, Xiang Liuli who was at the side said heavily: "Then how do you plan to lure them here?"

"Shanren has his own tricks. Miss Xiangliu only needs to set up a poison formation, and then cooperate with my 'Six Paths of Samsara' killer. Remember, don't be stingy with poison, use your best ability to release the most severe poison, Otherwise, if we can't kill them, we may have an accident, and if we make a wrong move, we will lose everything." Xuanyuan smiled unfathomably, and deserved to be beaten, but Xiang Liuli had to admit that Xuanyuan had that ability. Along the way, Xuanyuan has never done a single unreliable thing.

"Don't worry, when I was playing with drugs, your hundredth generation of ancestors hadn't even been born yet." Xiangliu Li Shi hurriedly left, and a small tripod appeared in his hand. The nine sides of the tripod had nine pieces in total The dragon head was lifelike, breathing out a tasteless and colorless aura. Many people instinctively stayed away from Xiang Liuli. Seeing this scene, Xuanyuan was relieved a lot.

The 'Lord of the Six Paths' and the 'Lord of Reincarnation' didn't intervene, they just quietly followed what Xuanyuan said, and Xiang Liuli's effective stop made them more confident.

Looking at the many killers, they began to set up formations one after another, drawing patterns with their own blood, and let Xuanyuan understand that the killing formations set up this time are absolutely against the sky. This side is in preparation, and his side is naturally Can't go wrong either.

"Greedy old man, are you sure there will be no mistakes in their memory?" Xuanyuan confirmed again, because the information he got was the memory obtained from the greedy old man devouring their life essence, which was cobbled together and deduced , and then conveyed to Xuanyuan.

"Of course there is nothing wrong." The greedy old man is very confident. Although he has not recovered some original memories, but for him now, there is no difference. His strength has returned to a certain level, and he still has this ability. .

"Okay, if that's the case, then we'll start after they have set up their respective killing formations." Xuanyuan didn't say anything more, and looked towards Sifang Tiandi.

He doesn't know how many people the 'Lord of the Six Paths' and the 'Lord of Reincarnation' brought this time, but he can feel the horror of these killers, and how many peerless masters are infected in each hand All the lives are people who survived from the sea of ​​evil.

These are all killers who truly inherit the will of the supreme way of killing. Xuanyuan saw that even Wusha was among them, and he had already stepped into the quasi-emperor realm.

Xuanyuan and Wusha looked at each other, didn't say much, just nodded to each other.

"Long Bi, are the four great angels still in the islands now? You really want to keep a few more of them for me." Xuanyuan sent Long Bi to the islands that day to represent his identity and help him. Now Long Bi's The task was to hold back the four great envoys. He was afraid that if the four envoys returned to their respective positions during this period, something would go wrong.

Long Bi was originally a Protoss, and he knew very well about the affairs of the Protoss. In addition, his original strength was comparable to that of the ancient emperor, and many protoss methods, cultivation of heart and virtue, were at his fingertips. I almost knelt down and bowed again.

"Why did Commander Long Bi fall to the point where he is now, only wandering in the emperor's realm? Obviously, your attainments in all aspects of cultivation and comprehension are far beyond ours." The four envoys can see that Long Bi was absolutely everything. Unable to exist.

"Sigh, the past is unbearable. In order to save the two young masters of my family, I gave three ancient great emperors a hard blow. I was severely injured and my realm fell. That's why I have fallen to this day. All kinds of magical medicines have saved my life, although I have to practice again, but for me, this is my new life..." Long Bi said very emotionally, full of emotions, another absolutely powerful faction Actors, people can't see a trace of flaws at all.

When Xuanyuan asked, Long Bi immediately said, no problem.

Nine days later, all the killing formations were finally completed, and the manpower and material resources used this time were unimaginable to Xuanyuan. He didn't ask any more questions, only knowing that it was time for him to summon those protoss lackeys of the "Zongheng Sect".

The "Song of the Gods" is a means to call on those who have the origin of the God Race in their bodies. Xuanyuan has devoured many existences of the God Race before, and he is no stranger to the "Song of the Gods". Move out, people can't tell the difference at all.

In the boundless world, the Divine Comedy pierced the clouds, and the sound of the Dao called. In the depths of the 'Zonghengjiao', many old men were shocked, and said in a heavy voice: "Go, the envoys are calling us, maybe the army of the gods from outside the territory is about to launch an attack."

In the 'Zonghengjiao', many people were excited.

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