Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1357 The Buddha Path East

This time, it was different from the past. Xuanyuan and Xiang Liuli landed in the 'Blue Dragon Palace', only to find that Fang Yuyou was not in the main seat, but Bai Youniang. He writes and criticizes the memorial, flowing clouds and flowing water, flamboyant and phoenix dancing, and his thoughts are concentrated.

"Xuanyuan, Miss Xiangliu, you are finally back." Bai Youniang looked at Xuanyuan and Xiangliuli, put down the cinnabar pen in her hand, and smiled.

"What about Yuyou, why did you approve the memorial instead?" Xuanyuan frowned, feeling a little puzzled. With Fang Yuyou's personality, she probably wouldn't leave these things to Bai Youniang. Her personality has always been to do it herself.

"Yuyou was called back to the Fang family by the ancestors of the Fang family. She said that something happened. After all, she was also born in the Fang family. She has not been back in the 'Qinglong Holy Land' for so many years. I just want to help her for a few days. , let her go home and visit relatives with peace of mind." Bai Youniang said truthfully.

"No, something is going to happen." Xuanyuan was anxious, he didn't expect them to attack so quickly.

"What do you mean?" The greedy old man's voice also became gloomy. He liked Fang Yuyou's persistence very much. If something happened to this girl, he would definitely go crazy.

The four great envoys mentioned that day that the Fang family in the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion' was controlled by several figures of the ancestors of the Fang family. They all lived for at least seven to eighty thousand years, and they were all secretly manipulating , regularly send a person with the original power of the God Race in his body to enter the "Doulong Immortal Mansion", so that now there are several high-level people with the origin of the God Race in the "Doulong Immortal Mansion". Obliterated, but there are still a few immortal figures who have lived for countless years, and their strength is extremely amazing.

Now that the ancestors of the Fang family urgently called Fang Yuyou back, they must be uneasy and kind, so how could Xuanyuan rest assured that if something happened to Fang Yuyou, Xuanyuan would never forgive him for the rest of his life.

Seeing a trace of worry flashing deep in Xuanyuan's eyes, Bai Youniang has been with Xuanyuan for so many years and knows him very well, knowing what he is worried about.

"Don't worry, Xuanyuan, now that 'Xuanyuan City' has been built almost in all aspects, Senior Mo Ying stayed behind, passed down the will of the Mohist school, learned his skills, and educated the people, and I will ask Mo Xuan to secretly follow your Fang Shengzhu The Fang family has never made any request to Fang Yuyou, and now I suddenly summoned her, and I also feel that something is wrong, and I am naturally not at ease, so I have already made arrangements, so don't think too much about it. Senior Xuan's strength, at the worst, can bring Yuyou back to the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' safely."

Bai Youniang calmed down and continued to use the cinnabar pen to review the memorial. She knew that Xuanyuan must have other major tasks to do in the future, and doing her own duty was the biggest worry for Xuanyuan. She always stood by Xuanyuan in everything she did. Considering this matter from a different perspective, the same is true for Fang Yuyou.

"Thanks for having you, Youniang." Xuanyuan breathed a sigh of relief. He suddenly realized that Bai Youniang had been doing this all these years, silently giving for herself, never saying anything, just doing it quietly, and suddenly There is a lot of guilt, and when the matter of the Protoss is resolved, I must marry her, otherwise, I will be even more of a bastard.

At this moment, two figures stepped in from the door of the 'Blue Dragon Hall'.

It was Fang Yuyou and Mo Xuan. Seeing Fang Yuyou's sad face and frowning, he was shocked when he saw Xuanyuan.

Mo Xuan didn't speak, and his expression was a bit complicated. It was obvious that something happened, but he didn't say much, Fang Yuyou should be the one to say all of this.

"Could it be that the Protoss has already infiltrated your Fang family?" Xuanyuan's words shocked Fang Yuyou so much that Fang Yuyou couldn't help but tremble all over.

After a long pause, Fang Yuyou nodded and said in a trembling voice: "The ancestors have been bought by the gods, but most of the Fang family are innocent. I am afraid that the news will leak out. What should be done about this matter, Xuanyuan, what do you think should be done?"

"Senior Mo Xuan, how many powerful people are there in the Fang family? Can you beat them?" Xuanyuan asked.

"Of course, the Fang family doesn't have any ancient heritage. Even if they have lived for 70,000 to 80,000 years, their inheritance and talents are still limited. However, with the help of the gods, they have stepped into the peak of the emperor, and they are only one step away from the ancient sages. It’s not easy, I have been dormant all these years.” Mo Xuan is worried about the whole world, a Fang family is controlled by the gods, there are at least thousands of Fang families in the world, and these families are the roots of the human race. , the thought that the Protoss has mastered the roots of the Human Race makes people shudder.

"Okay, I got it. I have my own means to deal with this matter. You just need to pretend that you don't know. There shouldn't be any danger this time, right?" Xuanyuan asked.

"No, they didn't say much when they saw Senior Mo Xuan following me, they just said some hypocritical lies." Fang Yuyou sighed and said, "Senior Mo Xuan told me afterwards, and I only knew about it, otherwise I would Its strength cannot be discovered at all.”

"I'm afraid of scaring the snake away. Once they are killed, the Protoss will definitely pay attention. This matter will be difficult. Although these are small families, their power has penetrated into every big family. Among them, to provide them with young talents, this move of the Protoss is not poisonous." It is precisely because of this that Mo Xuan changed from protecting secretly to protecting publicly, so that they would not dare to act rashly. A layer of window paper is easy to handle, once it is pierced, it will be life and death.

"It's okay, leave this matter to me." Xuanyuan nodded, and he secretly sent a sound transmission to Yuan'er with his heart. Far away, it can still be passed to the other party's heart.

Xuanyuan named out all the big and small aristocratic families that had lackeys of the protoss one by one, and decided on two routes, asking Yuan'er to find Taoist and Buddha.

At this time, the help of Buddhism and Taoism is needed. With their wisdom, they can definitely guess the truth of the matter. Yuaner's mind is flawless, and they can see it at a glance.

Only when Buddhism and Taoism join forces, can one's identity not be exposed, and can use Taoists and Buddhas to attract the attention of the gods and gods.

"Yuan'er, I'll leave this matter to you." Xuanyuan said in a heavy voice. Before, he thought that there were too many small aristocratic families, and it would be difficult to clean them up for a while, so he could let them go. Yes, something big will happen as soon as it is released.

"Understood, Xuanyuan, I'll go find Daozi right away." As soon as the words fell, Yuaner left first, and Monk Jidian stayed by Yan Ziyun's side according to Yuaner's wishes.

Yuan'er used the emperor's ban to teleport the jade platform across the void, and in an instant, he arrived at the 'Yuhua Dao Court'.

It just so happened that Jiang Yan was "discussing scriptures and Taoism" with Daozi in the "Yuhua Taoist Court". The inheritance of 'Shakyamuni Buddha', Buddhist female Bodhisattvas, exchanged and cultivated their hearts and virtues, which caused countless collisions, which benefited them a lot and made them enlightened.

Yuan'er visited, originally the people from the 'Yuhua Dao Court' did not allow Yuan'er to enter, because Daozi can't just meet with just anyone, otherwise, Daozi doesn't have to do anything every day, just meet people up.

Jiang Yan saw Yuan'er on a water mirror and said that this was her friend, so Daozi let him go.

As soon as Yuan'er came in, he told the ins and outs of the matter. Daozi was extremely shocked when he heard the words. He never imagined that the power of the Protoss had penetrated into all the big and small families in the four states of the Human Race, and almost controlled the entire Human Race. It's really scary that half of the territory is gone. In another 50,000 years, this world will really be the world of the gods. Now it is imminent to get rid of these great forces.

"In this case, it's not too late." Daozi got up immediately, without the slightest doubt about Yuan'er's words, because with his attainments, he could naturally tell whether what Yuan'er said was true or not, even if he couldn't tell , In the 'Yuhua Taoist Court', there are countless strong people, and there is always someone who can tell the difference. Yuan'er gives people the feeling of being flawless, holy, and pure. Such a person, what they say is credible.

"The dispute between Buddhism and Taoism ends here, and it starts from here, a brand new beginning. What you are fighting this time is to see who will destroy these protoss spies first. If everything is healthy, there will be healthy development. Everyone It is a common wish, and I hope that we can work together to tide over the difficulties at this time." Yuan'er's meaning is the same as Jiang Yan's, and Daozi can naturally understand and agree with it.

"Haha, that's interesting. It seems that Miss Yuan'er, in order to fear that my Taoism and Buddhism will cause unnecessary disputes, she splits two routes. That's fine, and it wins my heart." Daozi laughed, and finally had a chance Discuss with the Buddhist disciples of Buddhism.

Daozi rectified the troops, at the entrance of Xizhou, and waited for the arrival of Fozi, two routes, all the way east, it depends on who moves faster.

Yuan'er and Jiang Yan also rushed to the Buddhist gate and informed the Buddhist disciples. Soon, the Buddhist disciples of the Buddhist gate also arrived at the entrance of Xizhou and joined Daozi.

Both sides brought their own troops, less than five.

Nine fairy rings behind Daozi's head, shining brilliantly, are incomparably sacred, illuminating the nine heavens and ten earths, hanging down in all directions, with immortal demeanor. , such as gods love each other.

The Buddha's son is extremely cheating, with dark skin, fat head and big ears, wearing a cassock with bare breasts and bare breasts, and hanging a long string of Buddhist beads made of red gold, a total of 108, on which is a In the image of the hundred and eight arhats, the Buddha is wearing a big belly, walking with a wavy body, grinning, revealing a mouthful of big white teeth, smiling with a sense of joy, which is in sharp contrast with Daozi.

"Daozi, I am a disciple of the Buddha. My common name is Chen Yongjie. I am a disciple of the Buddha in Sumeru Buddha Kingdom. I have a dharma name and a cloth bag."

"Nation of Sumeru Buddha, long-awaited, we will proceed along these two routes to see who will destroy these protoss spies first."


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