Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1396 Putting the People First

"Damn it, boy, I've already found the 'Swallowing Immortal Mansion', do you want to take a look?" The pig-headed emperor transmitted the voice, "The body of all transformations" and the "sacred beast of all transformations" are not in the same world. any barriers.

"No need, you just need to bring the 'Swallowing Immortal Mansion' back to the 'Qinglong Holy Land', if you want all the treasures inside, just take them all away, what's yours is mine, what's mine is yours, You're welcome." Xuanyuan looked disapproving, but his heart was bleeding, whoever told this pig-headed emperor to find the 'Swallowing Immortal Mansion' would definitely be hacked by him.

"Damn, what kind of person do you think this great emperor is? Is this great emperor that kind of person? Absolutely not, you are simply insulting this great emperor's personality. There are thirty-six heavens in the 'Swallowing Immortal Mansion', and each heaven There are many treasures inside, and you have to open them yourself with the "Body of Ten Thousand Transformations", if you don't reach a certain level, you can't open them." The pig-headed emperor gritted his teeth, in fact, he really wanted those treasures in his heart. Devouring the Great Emperor' is reserved for the next generation of the 'Body of Myriad Transformations', non-his inheritors cannot open the thirty-six heavens, the pig-headed emperor burst into tears.

"Hahaha, so that's the case, so why don't you obediently bring back the 'Swallowing Immortal Mansion'?" Xuanyuan laughed, and his heart stopped bleeding.

"Fart, this great emperor is so busy that he can't get anything in the end, why bother? If you don't give this great emperor any favors, this great emperor will never go back." The pig-headed emperor bared his teeth, with a vicious look, ready to start playing a rascal up.

"You bring back the 'Qinglong Holy Land', and I'll go to heaven to open it. It will be for your benefit then." Xuanyuan vowed.

"Boy, this is what you said, don't go back on your word." The pig-headed emperor's eyes lit up, and his mouth was drooling. It was certain that there were countless treasures inside.

"Not bad." Xuanyuan said heavily.

"Go back to the 'Qinglong Holy Land', I'm already back." The pig-headed emperor knew that there was no other better way than this.

Xuanyuan nodded, but he didn't go back immediately. He collected his Dao body, and then walked out of the cave as his true self.

An ancient sage guarded around him, not daring to peek, Xuanyuan looked at the crowd and said, "What news do you have these days?"

"Since that day, the Protoss has used the Supreme Dao Artifact to attack Shangguan's 'Tianhong Pass' three times from afar, all of which ended in failure. I did not expect that this Shangguan House would have so many Supreme Dao Artifacts guarding it. Fortunately, Shenzi Yingming did not Let us attack, otherwise, we will all die without a place to bury us." Among the outsiders, those who know the truth know that there is a 'Patriarch of the Five Poisons', and at this stage of life, he keeps his mouth shut and dare not reveal anything It's a secret, Xiang Liuli kept him, naturally there is an absolute way to control the 'Five Poison Patriarch' from leaking secrets, so Xuanyuan is naturally not worried.

"It's nothing, your lives are more important than anything else." Xuanyuan said with a smile on his face, "Then Jiang Shenshi, what news do they have?"

"It is said that Jiang Shenshi has gathered hundreds of ancient sages. This team is gradually growing. It seems that our strength will become stronger and stronger." Another ancient sage is very excited. , He has a good relationship with Jiang Yitian, and they have voice transmission communication every day.

"Oh, not bad. It seems that God Envoy Jiang still has certain abilities, which are worthy of recognition. It seems that it is right to entrust 'Can Tian' to him." Xuanyuan nodded.

On the side, Long Bi laughed and said: "It's not just that, the current team is expanding rapidly. The prestige of the 'Cantian God Emperor' is too great, and countless people of the God Race yearn for it. Admittedly, they all wanted to join the 'Son of Dragon Candle'."

Long Bi said this in order to strengthen the confidence of the ancient sages present who followed Xuanyuan.

"Okay, that's the way it is. The stronger the strength, the better. These days, I want to practice quietly. If there is no rush, I can just find the 'Five Poison Patriarch' or Commander Longbi. Don't disturb my cultivation unless it is absolutely necessary! "Xuanyuan gave an order and said in a heavy voice.

"Yes." Everyone responded in unison, and Xuanyuan returned to the cave under heavy restrictions and protection, leaving behind an avatar of himself, and his true self crossed the void and returned to the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'.

Xuanyuan's deity descended from the sky and landed on the 'Tianxia Pass'. Yin Zhenluoke did his duty and did not leave half a step. Seeing Xuanyuan Hengkong appear, she knew that this was the return of Xuanyuan's deity.

"Is there any change in these days?" Xuanyuan looked at the sea of ​​magma and fire in front of him. The disaster caused by the attack of the "Nine Stars" that day is still going on. I can't come down.

"There are strong protoss watching from a distance, I'm afraid this is the prelude to their massive attack." Yin Zhenluo thought of the worst result.

"It shouldn't be possible. The Shangguan family hasn't captured it yet. If they attack the 'Qinglong Holy Land' at this time, then the Shangguan family and the 'Qinglong Holy Land' will form a pincer attack, and they will be defeated. " Xuanyuan frowned, of course Yin Zhenluo's judgment is also possible.

"The battlefield is changing rapidly, and there are various possibilities. Be careful and make no big mistakes. Once you are careless, it will cause irreparable consequences." A goddess king, she is the female army god in the entire 'Qinglong Holy Land', her every word is like a sword fighting.

"Okay, keep the 'Tianxia Pass' well these days, and soon we will be able to get rid of the shackles of this place, and we can leave at any time." Xuanyuan patted Yin Zhenluo on the shoulder, and said softly, "Thank you for your hard work."

"It's nothing, go do your business, and put the people of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' first." Yin Zhenluo's heart moved, but she still didn't say much.

"Okay!" Xuanyuan turned around and left, flying back to the main peak of the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' through the air.

"Qinglong Holy Land", with towering mountains, clouds and mist, majestic and majestic, magnificent scenery, auspicious aura coming, full of vitality, all spirits soaring, and a myriad of weather.

Countless Wensi essence condenses like a dragon, winding around, a kind of gentlemanly atmosphere, already surrounding the entire 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'.

Xuanyuan thought about it carefully, there are quite a few fairy mountains here that were originally moved here, and it is not difficult to relocate the 'Qinglong Holy Land'.

Now in the entire 'Qinglong Holy Land', there is going to be a big migration. Trees are moved to die, people are moved to live, if they don't move, it is too fragile for a 'Qinglong Holy Land' that has no background and no ancient emperor's prohibition circle. , can't stand the continuous attack of the Protoss at all, and Xuanyuan was killed in one blow that day, just to deter. If the Protoss join forces and continue to attack, the "Qinglong Holy Land" will definitely not be able to support it.

In the sky above the "Qinglong Palace", the pig-headed emperor has already returned. Mr. Kong Ming, the Eight Immortals of the Yang Dao, King Biluo, the old sinful city master, and many old people who were scattered in the "Qinglong Holy Land" to teach the family inheritance of the withered sages gathered here one by one. Here, they are all highly respected existences, and the people of Li people respect them very much, no matter if they are human race, demon race, or the royal family people that King Biluo brought over from the 'Land of Qingming' later.

In addition, Fang Yuyou, Bai Youniang, Qian Duoduo, and Shiwan were all present.

Xuanyuan's incarnation and Peng Fei also came out, and the two finally negotiated a peerless tomb, but now they can only postpone it for a while.

At the same time, Xuanyuan's main body descended from the sky, took away his avatar, and said in a heavy voice, "I'm afraid it will be hard for everyone these days."

"What's so important about this?" Kong Ming, Taishan Beidou, was extremely puzzled.

"The 'Qinglong Holy Land' is going to be relocated, so it can't be here anymore, otherwise, it will be a dead end." Xuanyuan said solemnly.

"No, since ancient times, relocating the capital has been a major event, and now there are protoss soldiers and horses everywhere, and we still have a chance to hold on to our positions. Not to mention, there is a sea of ​​magma and flames in front of the 'Tianxia Pass', and the people of Li can barely move. Trapped to death in this piece of land, the great fairy mountains have limited defense capabilities, if they are ambushed by the gods halfway, they will definitely die." Hearing this, Kong Ming strongly opposed it.

"Old Mr. Kong Ming, please listen to me. Now I have found the 'Swallowing Immortal Mansion' created by the 'Swallowing Great Emperor' that day. With such a mobile fortress, we can be at home everywhere without being fettered. There are only ninety-nine days, and the spiritual energy is extremely abundant, which is more suitable for the common people of my 'Qinglong Holy Land' to live in, and the protection ability is difficult to break even with the Supreme Dao Artifact..." Before Xuanyuan finished speaking, Kong Ming understood , trembling with excitement.

"Okay, this is the best thing to do, what are you going to do now?" Kong Ming asked hastily.

"The place where the common people of the Li people live is all the painstaking efforts of everyone. We work together to refine this piece of land and relocate them to the 'Swallowing Immortal Mansion'. Put the people first and ensure their safety. Fairy Mountain, let’s talk about it later.” Xuanyuan knew that sacrificing a large area of ​​land and moving it horizontally is a huge project, and it can’t be completed in ten days and half a month.

"Okay, let's do this." Kong Ming is Taishan Beidou. As soon as he said this, everyone didn't have any opinions. Everyone was very satisfied with Xuanyuan's actions.

"Okay, then I will give an order. All seniors, please ask your disciples to help maintain the order of the people in the 'Qinglong Holy Land' during these days and calm down the emotions of the people." The culture of the family has a great soothing effect on the common people, and it is best for them to stabilize the hearts of the people. He looked at Shihou and said, "Wanwan, you will help from the side."

"Yes." Shihou led many old people and left through the sky. Now Shihou's prestige is not much weaker than these old people. Asking Shiwei to help is a junior's respect for the elders. Xuanyuan wants to let the sinking The spirit of various schools of thought flourished again.

(Brother, Lost Leaves' new book "Zhanlong" has started to be updated, a brand new online game world, shocking your vision, dick's counterattack, the fall of the goddess, love entanglements, in the online game world, thousands of troops, iron and blood Wushuang, brotherhood, all in "Slaying the Dragon", highly recommended...)

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