Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 145 Cultivation in Chishan

Chapter 145 Cultivation in Chishan

The 'Thousand Spirit Body', when the 'Thousand Spirit Body' has not yet achieved greatness, is the prey of many heaven and earth comprehensions, because people with the 'Thousand Spirit Body' have a kind heart, a pure heart, and some heaven and earth spirits If one has cultivated spiritual wisdom, it will take a very long time to cultivate to the realm of reincarnation, and there will be great dangers, just like the reincarnation of 'Ji Dao Tian Feng', becoming Feng Lie, but if It wasn't that Feng Lie became the disciple of the 'Feng Xian Zhe', it is very likely that Feng Lie's end would be to be sealed, and someone took out the 'Extreme Heavenly Wind' to use it for his own use, and if he was not careful, he would still waste all his efforts.

But if you seize the 'Thousand Spirit Body', you will be able to have a lot of independent consciousness and powerful power immediately, without the need for a reincarnation growth process, and the 'Thousand Spirit Body' has a certain effect on the world's spirits. This kind of natural intimacy makes it extremely fast to practice! This is the biggest advantage of the 'Thousand Spirit Body'.

Because of this, if little Mochou cultivated the "Thousand Spirits Returning to the Immortal Body Protection Method" passed to her by the greedy old man to the level of mastery, and was able to collect powerful heaven and earth spiritual objects for her own use, her strength would be immeasurable.

"Haha, Chishan is here, it's really nostalgic. I think I also practiced in Chishan for a long time, and this place is very suitable for people with fire fighting spirit to cultivate." He left a memory.

Xuanyuan said calmly:

"With the 'Dou Tianzhu' in my body, my speed of cultivation is naturally more than a hundred times that of ordinary people. Even if I can't find Dou Huo here, I can completely condense my heart to the level of Dacheng, and there will be no problem."

Chishan is in front of you.

A huge Chishan, I don't know how many miles it covers, and I don't know how high it is. The whole Chishan is filled with an extremely strong fire-type aura. This scorching temperature is enough to make many fighting kings sweat profusely. Among them, it may also cause the Dou King to collapse and die, unless the Dou Zong who has already started blood refining can have the power to protect himself in this Chishan.

'Tian Haiqing', as a fierce beast like no other in eagles, dare not get too close to Chishan at this moment, the old man Huo immediately took 'Tian Haiqing' into his own space.

In Chishan, there are many spirits in the world, Xuanyuan dare not exaggerate to bring little Mochou by his side, so he can only let little Mochou follow Old Man Huo, which is the best.

"Xuanyuan, you have to hone yourself in Chishan alone, and I will take little Mochou to find out the whereabouts of Douhuo." Although it is said that the old man Huo is here to protect Xuanyuan, it is impossible for such a trivial matter to By Xuanyuan's side, if Xuanyuan can't even beat Chishan and other fierce creatures, his death will be in vain.

"Okay." Xuanyuan looked at little Mochou who was sitting on Old Man Hu's shoulder, and said with a smile, "Little Mochou, you have to obediently follow Grandpa Huo and practice hard, you know?"

Xuanyuan already knew that the greedy old man had taught Xiao Mochou the "Thousand Spirits Returning to Immortals" and said so immediately to avoid old man Huo's suspicion.

"Well, little Mochou will definitely cultivate hard. After becoming stronger, he will help big brother find the spiritual objects of heaven and earth, and little Mochou will become useful." Little Mochou nodded seriously.

Little Mochou closed her eyes and began to use the supernatural powers taught to her by the greedy old man. A pair of small hands formed a mark, and in an instant, little Mochou was full of aura, countless auras of heaven, earth and fire. The body swarmed in.

The old man Huo was startled, originally he wanted to go back to the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion' to find some supernatural powers suitable for Xiao Mochou's cultivation.

Now feeling that the endless and rich spiritual energy from all directions has begun to integrate into Xiao Mochou's body, and it is a very clever fairy-level supernatural power, old man Huo gave up his original idea.

Immediately, he took little Mochou to the sky towards the huge Chishan Mountain, and saw that along the way, the huge fire element spiritual energy was gathering towards Little Mochou's body, as if he had been summoned.

"Little Mochou, what supernatural power are you cultivating?" Old Man Huo asked curiously.

"Well, "A Thousand Spirits Return to Immortals", hehe, but Grandpa Huo, don't ask me where I came from, anyway, Brother Xuanyuan didn't give it to me." Little Mochou said honestly.

The old man Huo shook violently, horrified in his heart:

"Isn't this the fairy-level supernatural power created by the first generation of the 'Thousand Spirit Body'?"

Hearing what little Mochou said, old man Huo didn't ask any more questions, and he didn't believe that Xuanyuan could come up with such an ancient fairy-level supernatural power.

Anyway, little Mochou is very close to Xuanyuan, and he is also loved by Aiwu, and he is also happy that little Mochou is getting stronger and stronger.

Chishan foot.

If you are an ordinary Douwang realm person, you can only linger at the foot of the mountain, because if you go deep into Chishan, the temperature will become hotter and hotter. To resist the scorching temperature of Chishan, you need to consume fighting energy in your body. If the "Yang Wang Pill" and "Hui Qi Pill" are used, it is very likely that they will die in Chishan and turn into a pile of dry bones.

It's just that for Xuanyuan, there is no such difficulty, because there is water in Xuanyuan's body, Xuanyuan feels cool and comfortable all over, without the slightest discomfort.

Even if Xuanyuan didn't have 'Bi Luo Tianshui', the temperature of Chishan would not cause too much trouble for Xuanyuan, because the 'Physical Body of Myriad Transformations' is a special physique that transports and transforms everything.

Huge fire-type heaven and earth spiritual energy swarmed from Xuanyuan's body, Xuanyuan's heart beat violently, and the "Red Emperor Fire Immortal Art" taught to Xuanyuan by the old man Huo started to work almost instantly.

The 'Dou Tianzhu' was also activated in an instant.

I saw that Xuanyuan's body was like a huge vortex, and the endless fire-type heaven and earth aura enveloped his whole body, and the scorching power melted into Xuanyuan's heart, purifying everything. From the outside, Xuanyuan's surface seemed to be knotted together Like a cocoon of flames.

Step by step, Xuanyuan stepped on the scorching rocky ground and began to climb Chishan.

The rocks of Chishan are all crimson, exuding puffs of white smoke, steaming on it, Xuanyuan saw fierce beasts that were covered in flames, flaming wolves, flaming tigers, and flaming snakes seemed to have adapted to being in Chishan. The climate, and the strength are extremely strong. According to what Xuanyuan saw, the lowest strength Yanlang has the strength of sixty flying dragons.

These fierce beasts roared towards Xuanyuan. Xuanyuan absorbed a large amount of fire-type heaven and earth aura, which reduced the amount of heaven and earth aura they could swallow. How could they not be angry?

But Xuanyuan ignored it, because he came here to practice, not to kill here, the most important thing is to find fighting fire, and he also wants to go to this place where the aura of the Chishan fire system is the most abundant. In cultivation, time is very important to Xuanyuan.

"Boy, these five old men are good to you, but their strength is not very good. The magical powers they taught you are all remnants of ancient five-element magical powers, but my current memory is not complete. Recovery, when I have fully recovered my strength and taught them the five supernatural powers completely, I will not owe them anything." The greedy old man said.

"It's not a question of whether to owe or not. As a teacher for a day, at least their behavior deserves my respect. Greedy old man, I know that you used to be a famous big man. I am the successor of the 'Swallowing Emperor', and I call them my teachers. , you feel uncomfortable in your heart. Presumably at your age, you can be their ancestors, right? It's just that they are not what they used to be. Maybe they are really not worth mentioning compared to the "Swallowing Emperor", but for me now , They are of great favor to me, it is not a matter of strength, do you understand?" Xuanyuan said.

"Forget it, you kid is not the same as the 'Emperor Devourer' at all, you are too sentimental, too taken for granted, only you can believe it, one day you will understand what I mean, I know I will tell you now It's useless, you can do whatever you want." The greedy old man said angrily, and disappeared immediately.

Xuanyuan smiled casually, avoiding these fierce beasts on Chishan all the way, while absorbing the huge fire-element heaven and earth aura, condensing his heart.

Xuanyuan looked at his kidneys, which were smooth and perfect among his five internal organs. In the kidneys, there was a phantom of a goddess, which was a symbol of condensed viscera. Somewhat similar, giving people a very sacred feeling.

Xuanyuan looked at his heart again, and it seemed as if a vortex had opened up in his heart, absorbing a huge fire element heaven and earth aura and converging in his heart, just like when he condensed his kidneys back then.

Xuanyuan understood that it is extremely difficult to condense his five internal organs, so everything needs time to complete. This is something that cannot be rushed, so he climbed Chishan all the way while practicing.

Three days passed, and Xuanyuan came directly to the middle of the mountain from the foot of the huge Chishan Mountain. Due to the scorching heat of Chishan Mountain, there were many burning plants from the foot of the mountain, such as Yancao, a kind of flame-burning plant. The grass, as if it would never burn out, illuminated the entire Chishan Mountain red, burning blazingly, never stopping, here there is only the flames soaring into the sky, and there is no night.

On the sidewalk halfway up the mountain, there are trees that look like flames. This kind of tree is called Yanshu, and it is also one of the unique creatures in Chishan. The branches are sharp and the branches and leaves burn like fire, which is very strange.

Xuanyuan sighed with emotion at the magic of creation, what kind of secret is hidden in this piece of Chishan, so that such strange monsters and plants can be bred.

During these three days, Xuanyuan only felt that his heart was burning hot, constantly exuding strength, his whole body was boiling with blood, and there was a feeling of echoing with the kidneys, and the blood vessels in his whole body were condensed. Xuanyuan felt that since he started to condense his heart At the beginning, not only the blood vessels were condensed, but under the effect of the condensed blood vessels, even the meridians were expanded, and the fighting energy that the whole body could hold was much more, and even the mind became clearer, and would not be deceived by many illusions. Bewildered.

The heart governs the blood and the gods! That is to say, the mind, if the mind is determined, it will conquer the sky, and if the mind is firm, it is very important in the process of cultivation.

When condensing the heart, the yin and yang in the body alternate, the heart fire sinks, the kidney water rises, and the moment the water and fire blend, arouses greater vitality in the body.

That is to say, after condensing the kidneys and heart, Xuanyuan could go without sleep for seven days, but now he can go without sleep for a month without any problem.

Just need to adjust your breath.

Stepping into the realm of Dou Wang, the advantages of tempering the five internal organs began to show gradually, and Xuanyuan also felt that his power was getting stronger and stronger. In three days, his own power had changed from the original 450 flying dragons The power directly reached the power of four hundred and eighty flying dragons.

This is just the result of condensing the heart a little bit. Originally, Xuanyuan's cultivation speed was extremely fast. With the help of the 'Dou Tianzhu', one day of hard work is equivalent to the results of others' hard work for a hundred days. But now three days, no day After practicing all night, he only condensed a little bit of his heart, so one can imagine how difficult Xuanyuan's heart is to condense.

It's just that the "body of all transformations" is indeed like this, and Xuanyuan also knows that as long as he condenses his heart to perfection, the power he will get is unimaginable. In other words, in the words of the greedy old man:

"You always say that we are a bottomless pit, but you yourself are the biggest bottomless pit, practice hard, this bit of suffering is nothing..."

"It's only when you endure hardships that you become a master. I naturally understand this truth. Three days have passed. I don't know how little Mochou and old man Huo are progressing?"

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