Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1464 Zenith Mountain

(Tomb-sweeping day, please understand, I am very tired, so this chapter is over.)

The 'Goddess of Thorns' surveyed the four directions of the world, with divine light in her eyes, as if she could see through everything. In the nine heavens and ten places, on every barren mountain, there were terrifying rune towers, and many rune avenues intertwined.

The powerful formations of these 'tale towers' are extremely terrifying. Even the 'Goddess of Thorns' feels creepy when she looks at it. She is too dangerous. If it were her, it would be difficult to survive in this world. Surviving, the human race still has many scary things, otherwise it would be impossible to force the ancient royal family to inform the 'Central China' for such a long time.

She wanted to defeat Xuanyuan with her own hands and accept him as a male slave, but she was also looking forward to Xuanyuan's performance, to see if he could be freed from this heavy killing array. After all, Xuanyuan was the one who defeated her before, although it was not life-threatening. In the sparring, she hoped to see more of Xuanyuan's tricks, and felt conflicted.

At this moment, a man landed next to the 'Goddess of Thorns', he said slowly: "I know that the 'Goddess of Thorns' hates Xuanyuan to the core, I will definitely capture him alive, and let the 'Goddess of Thorns' deal with it gone."

This man has flying black hair, handsome face, extraordinary prowess, and immortal demeanor. He has a unique avenue rhythm on his body. He is wearing a gossip robe, a round of Tai Chi is running, and the avenue is soaring. On this gossip robe, There are many avenue runes, coming and going intertwined, swallowing holy light, containing unfathomable mysteries, it can be seen how proficient he is in the art of runes.

The 'Goddess of Thorns' looked at the man, and said with a smile, "You are the emperor of the 'Futa', Li Taiyi, right?"

"Exactly." The man smiled slightly. He had a good impression of the 'Goddess of Thorns'. This woman was murderous and fearless. She had a fight with the Jiang family Jiang Wushen. It was a fair fight, although both sides would suffer. However, you must know what kind of character Jiang Wushen is. He is the son of the ancient emperor of the Jiang family. Even the other sons of gods have been defeated by him, and they are invincible, but the 'Goddess of Thorns' can fight him to this level. For the sake of it, it can be seen that the strength of the 'Goddess of Thorns' is terrifying.

"What do you think is your chance of winning if you fight against Xuanyuan alone?" The question from the "Goddess of Thorns" was extremely sharp and piercing. Her eyes were as gentle as water, intoxicating and irresistible.

"Hehe, Xuanyuan? It is unquestionable to claim to be invincible in the same realm. I will never deny this. It's just that the 'Physical Body of Ten Thousand Transformations' is very slow to progress in cultivation. Now I have reached the sixth level of the ancient sages. Peak Tian, ​​killing him should be as easy as crushing an ant." Mrs. Li raised the corners of her mouth, smiling confidently, and he still had some understanding of Xuanyuan Realm.

"Now Xuanyuan is only in the realm of the fifth heaven of the sages. Even if he is invincible in the same realm, he still can't cross two great realms and defeat me, right? Realms are a huge gap after all, and it is difficult to cross."

The 'Goddess of Thorns' looked at Li Taiyi and said with a charming smile: "If you think you and I have a fair fight, who has a higher chance of winning?"

The corner of Mrs. Li's mouth twitched. It was really difficult to answer this question. After a pause, he finally chose to be humble, and said respectfully, "It should be the 'Goddess of Thorns' who is stronger, after all, the Avenue of Thorns is too terrifying."

"Outside the territory that day, Xuanyuan defeated me with the realm of the second heaven of sages. It was completely a fair fight. Although it was not a duel of life and death, do you think you are still able to win Xuanyuan?" , winking like silk, with a strong charm in his voice.

However, Li Taiyi suddenly felt horrified, and lost his voice: "How is it possible that the second heaven of sages can defeat the 'Goddess of Thorns'? This is too unbelievable."

"It's true. Of course, to a large extent, I was careless and fell into his tricks, but Xuanyuan, once you underestimate him, you will be the one who will die. If it is not the case, I will not Chasing from outside the territory to the 'Central China', I want to compete with him again." The 'Pride of Thorns' laughed so loudly that many of the younger generation of 'Futa' couldn't help but waver in their thoughts, the appearance of the 'Pride of Thorns' , and the extremely seductive aura she exudes makes people have a crazy impulse. This is a deadly woman, even if she is poisonous, some people will never turn back.

"After 'Goddess of Thorns' said that, I became more interested in this Xuanyuan. I really want to see how capable he is. I will definitely beat him to the ground and bring him to the 'Goddess of Thorns' I, Li Taiyi, will do what I say if I allow the 'Goddess of Thorns' to punish me." Li Taiyi frowned, and the words of the "Goddess of Thorns" were a bit exaggerated, no matter what he didn't believe that the realm of the second heaven of sages could be forcible. The existence of the peak realm of the ancient sages.

"Okay, I'm looking forward to that moment, Li Taiyi, don't let me down!" The 'Goddess of Thorns' disappeared into this world with a lingering fragrance.

Li Taiyi also disappeared in an instant. The 'Goddess of Thorns' is in charge of the army of the protoss outside the territory. Li Taiyi naturally wants to establish a good relationship. .

In the distance, a huge portal descended from the sky. It was a teleportation portal, and Xuanyuan and others stepped out of it. They crossed here directly from the 'Beizhou Dynasty'.

Cheng Xu was very amazed, his voice was trembling, and he said in a heavy voice: "Senior Emperor Tun's attainment in restraint is as the rumors say, no one in the world can match it, today I finally saw it."

"Hey, this emperor is unparalleled in the world, so there is no need to say more about this matter. The world knows it, don't you know how to keep a low profile?" The pig-headed emperor was extremely coquettish, fiddled with his flowing long hair, very strange, At this moment, his appearance directly kills all the beautiful men in the world, but in Xuanyuan's heart, he will always have the image of a pig head and a dog body.

"Okay, stop farting, you will die if you don't pretend to be forceful." Xuanyuan hangs above the nine heavens, wearing a black armor, simple and unpretentious, but it gives people an indescribable depth, like a black hole in the universe , people are instinctively afraid, looking at the feng shui killing situation in front of him, the killing power of heaven and earth, and the intertwining of many prohibitions, he can't help frowning, this place is extremely dangerous.

Here, you can see the surging North Sea in the distance, and many terrifying cold roads are intertwined. Here, there is a barren mountain spreading, and the black wind howls. From time to time, you can see tornadoes sweeping across. There is a gap in the mountain, and it is difficult for relatively weak creatures to escape. The wind blade that is killed through is extremely sharp, enough to cut the skin of the strong below the Zhundi realm. One can imagine how terrifying the place where this pylorus is located.

"This place is too dangerous. One of the Baji sects is really not to be underestimated. Boy, if you want to cross the barren hills under your feet with all kinds of feng shui killing situations, heaven and earth killing power, and forbidden killing formations, I'm afraid it won't be ten or eight years. It's over." Peng Fei is proficient in this way, and he can know how powerful its power is just by looking at it.

"Is it really possible that the rune tower is here?" Huang Yuechan was very puzzled.

Xia Ziyu pointed forward, and there was a high mountain sent into the sky. She said slowly: "It must be called the legendary Tianding Mountain. It is said that it is the pillar of the 'Central China'. At the end of it is the road to The gateway to the foreign land, that is where the rune tower is located.

There are many ghosts and gods hidden in this land, which is extremely terrifying. There are many existences such as hell asuras, yakshas, ​​and ghost dragons.

Xuanyuan closed his eyes and pondered for a moment, then said in a heavy voice: "Dead pig, use the emperor's ban to cross this area and go directly to the place where Tianding Mountain is located."

Xuanyuan felt that these feng shui killings, heaven and earth killings, and forbidden killings in front of him were too cruel, and it would take an extremely long time to break through all the way.

"It's not right, boy, the space leading to the foreign gate is volatile. After several battles here, the void is torn apart. If you are not careful, you may cross to the foreign gate. It is difficult to come back." Jump, the reason why he teleported here is not unreasonable, not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

"It's okay, I just want to go to a foreign land to have a look. It's not a bad thing if I can cross to a foreign land. If I can get in, I can get out. Maybe I can win over an even more terrifying existence. Let's go." Xuanyuan was fearless, his words were sonorous, and there was a hint of a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Peng Fei's face turned green, and he scolded: "Damn, you want to die, but I don't want to, don't fly."

Huang Yuechan wrinkled her nose and snorted coldly to Peng Fei: "Coward, I'm not afraid, what are you afraid of?"

Peng Fei was stimulated by Huang Yuechan, his body shook, he raised his head and chest, and said in a heavy voice: "I am not afraid, but I have some strength now, just show it to you, everyone Stand firm for me!"

Immediately, the "Mirror of Yin-Yang" appeared in his hand, swallowing the avenue of Yin-Yang, he raised his hand, and various Feng Shui patterns were engraved on the ground under his feet, and the power of dragon veins soared into the sky and merged into the "Mirror of Yin-Yang" .

I saw a black and white divine light bursting out, tearing apart the void, leading Xuanyuan and the others directly to the place where Tianding Mountain is located.

The closer you get to Tianding Mountain, the colder the wind is, and there are many terrifying murderous ways in the wind, which makes your body tear. Here, it is difficult for the emperor below the fifth heaven to resist.

Fortunately, Xuanyuan had a special physique and was extremely domineering. Xia Zikai, Peng Fei, and Huang Yuechan were all unusual, so there was no serious problem.

The pig-headed emperor frowned, and said, "I always think this place is weird, boy, be careful."

Xuanyuan opened the 'Eye of Reality', coupled with his own sky-penetrating eye, and inspected the four directions, and suddenly found that there are many Dao Talisman killing formations in all directions, closely connected, and every mountain is tightly linked together, forming an extremely terrifying The talisman kills the big formation, and a group of people waits in the center.

In the beginning, Futa's rebellion was to set up many big killing formations along the way, but they didn't expect that Xuanyuan and the others would dare to cross directly to Tianding Mountain in this piece of heaven and earth. This was the last big killing formation they wanted to use.

"Could it be that this is the forbidden area of ​​the Talisman Tower, and we broke in?" Xuanyuan said to himself, frowning.

As soon as the words fell, an incomparably terrifying aura descended from the sky and struck suddenly. Many avenues permeated the world, and everyone in Xuanyuan was shocked. There are so many strong people here!

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