Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1486 Good brother

A group of people from Xuanyuan came to the gate of the Five Elements and looked at the situation in the distance.

After all, the killing formation in the ancient tomb has not been fully activated, so they can still wait and see for a while. If they don't have a good experience of the strength of these five gods, all of whom are in the fourth level of sages, it would be a pity. They didn't pay much attention to the stay of the others, knowing that when the danger came, Xuanyuan and his party would naturally leave. With their own means, they saw the five-color streamers soaring into the sky, the power of the five elements rolling, and the five terrifying existences, Started to shoot, and blessed their strength on the 'Five Elements Thousand Illusion Array'.

You must know that it would have been extremely difficult for Xuanyuan and others to pass through the 'Five Elements Thousand Illusory Formation'. If it hadn't been for the consumption of eight drops of immortal liquid, the entire group would have been trapped and killed in it. These five terrifying existences personally lead the formation, I am afraid that the gods will suffer.

Across an extremely long distance, Xuanyuan was able to sense that the five terrifying five-element spirits injected their own power into them because of the natal power of the five-element spirits. It became more and more frightening, that kind of power can resonate with the five elements in one's body.

At this moment, in the five internal organs of Xuanyuan, all the existences in Bi Yao are carefully understanding the mystery, and a huge change is taking place. At the same time, the five internal organs of Xuanyuan are also beginning to undergo great transformation, and the physical body will have more Gao Feiyue makes Peng Fei, the pig-headed emperor has an indescribable envy and hatred.

At this time, the Protoss had already shattered the fifth porch, and was about to enter the "Five Elements and Thousand Illusions", but they also paid a huge price. Soldiers are the best proof.

Not only were their bodies petrified, but even their souls were hard to escape, which made many people terrified from the bottom of their hearts.

Because even the generals are hard to escape, this is a full-scale, all existences that are not strong enough physically will be crushed into meatloaf, there is no suspense, Peng Fei uses the "yin and yang subduing magic disk", "yin and yang The feng shui killing bureau set up by Shenjing' was automatically activated an hour after the main bureau activated, at the cost of sacrificing the power of the dragon veins and feng shui under the fifth porch, the gravity of the fifth porch suddenly increased sharply.

Even people in the realm of great emperors can't resist the gravity of this place, their bones are crushed and shattered, not to mention the soul, which is the most fragile existence, in this world full of gravity, it is difficult to escape at all, There is only a dead end, and there is no way to escape. It can only be said that Pengfei is too cheap.

The loss suffered by the Protoss this time is not insignificant. They brought a large number of people and horses, all of them fell, and many gods were bleeding in their hearts. A group of people did not escape the catastrophe. Basically, all the ancient sages and sages below the realm died. Xuanyuan had a foresight, and only brought the existence of the strength above the sages. Otherwise, under this feng shui situation, If you don't have enough strength, you will just die.

These generals have all inherited the secret techniques of the Remnant Family, and they can form a 'Remnant Blood Array' with boundless power to resist foreign attacks and live and die together. They already have enough realms, but they don't have the corresponding supernatural powers. Practicing the secret technique of the disabled family has made their strength advance by leaps and bounds. It is not what it used to be, and its killing power is amazing. exist.

Seeing that the five profound entrances had been turned into a piece of wasteland, a hoarse voice came out, with a trace of anger and helplessness: "The fifth profound entrance has finally been broken, and all the gold, wood, water, fire, and earth are there. Next, we should It is the direction where the tomb of the Five Emperors is located."

"Look, there is a portal in front, which should be the entrance to the tomb of the five emperors. Hurry up, the ancient tomb of my god clan's 'Five Decays of Heaven and Man' has appeared before our eyes." The spirit of the 'God Son of the Moon Emperor' shook, Pointing forward, he was so excited that he trembled all over.

"Okay, that's great. Finally, I didn't sacrifice so many sons of the God Race in vain. I must get the treasure inside to strengthen the strength of my God Race..." 'Son of God' clenched his fists, Yao Xuan was dressed in white, quietly Standing beside him, he looked determined to win.

"Can't you see it now? This is the ancient tomb of the great sage of the five elements of the human race. We have crossed the line. This is not what we deserve. It is excusable if we don't know it. Now that we know it, we should also Let's go." Suddenly Xuanyuan said such a sentence, which attracted the eyes of many protoss powerhouses. People with humble status did not dare to look at Xuanyuan, but many powerful beings had a kind of coldness in their eyes. .

"Hmph, how will you know if you don't go in? Take ten thousand steps back, even if it is the ancient tomb of the human race, no one from the strong human race has descended here. Even they have given up. We have lost so many people again. Are you going to leave like this? Didn’t all the sons of my protoss die in vain before? It’s ridiculous.” 'Shenzi Zhanyuan' said coldly, with a trace of disdain for Xuanyuan, as if in his eyes, this 'Longzhu' Shenzi' is like a fool, otherwise, how could he say such a thing.

"Hehe, keeping your word is the foundation of your roots. As a child of the gods, I'm too lazy to be with you. It's useless to talk more when I leave." Xuanyuan and Xiang Liuli immediately led the 108 generals. The existence retreated, and this group of living forces was lost. If there is any serious danger, it is indeed a bit difficult to deal with. Just now, the one hundred and eight gods joined forces to display the power of the "Remnant Blood Array". See, even if the Ancient Sage Fourth Heaven fell into their hands, it would be death.

Seeing that Xuanyuan was about to leave, 'God Son Xinghan' became impatient on the spot, and hurriedly said: "Brother Long Zhu, don't do this, what credit do you give to those human races? Tombs, they won't tell us either, you don't have to go for that reason, and I need your help."

"Brother Xinghan, whether this is true or not is the second, more important thing. I feel that the ancient tomb of the five elements of the human race is not as simple as imagined. Once you enter it, it will be more dangerous. Just guess, the first five Dao Xuanguan is made of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, which resist one side. In the last pass, if gold, wood, water, fire, and earth are combined, what effect will it have? Do you think that with the cunning of the human race, they may only deploy these five ways? The porch? They've already been dazzled, and it's useless to say it." Xuanyuan secretly said: "Let's go, saving our lives is the truth."

'God Son Xinghan' suddenly realized that he was covered in cold sweat. Fortunately, there was Xuanyuan's reminder. If there was no Xuanyuan's reminder, I'm afraid there will be a big problem. At that time, he can't escape even if he wants to escape, then it will be true It's too late to regret.

"Then what should Brother Yilongzhu do? I know you have a lot of ideas, so I'll listen to you." Along the way, 'God Son Xinghan' has benefited a lot from Xuanyuan, and he knows that there are some things that Xuanyuan never listens to. Incorrect.

"Let them go. If they don't come back, you will lead the troops of the headquarters. You and I will join forces to annex several of them. When the time comes, our people and our plate will become bigger and bigger. Now the nine departments Scattering and intrigue, it is time to find an opportunity to let all the important people of our Protoss come to the festival." Xuanyuan said via voice transmission.

"Then what if they can come back with the treasure?" After all, the 'God Son of Xinghan' had died so many people, and he was still very unwilling.

"If they can come back to count their fate, then give it to them. Do you think they can use it? A supreme Dao weapon that cannot be used to the extreme is of little use." Xuanyuan sneered in his heart.

"Okay, haha, Brother Longzhu really has a good opinion." 'God Son Xinghan' was extremely excited, and let the remaining remaining God Race fighters leave with him.

Although many people don't understand why the 'Shenzi Xinghan' did this, there is no doubt that so many people have been sacrificed, and no one will say anything when they leave at this time. I want it for the part of 'Xinghan Shenzi'.

"If they get some rare treasures of heaven and earth, wouldn't it be a big loss for us?" 'God Son Xinghan' said again.

"The sages of the human race in the chaotic ancient times existed, and now even if there are any treasures of heaven and earth, they should be turned into ashes. What's more, the treasures of heaven and earth that are applicable to the human race are equal to zero for our gods. Except for the immortal medicine, it is really It's disgusting, why are you working so hard for those impractical things?" Xuanyuan patted 'God Son Xinghan' on the shoulder, and if he wanted to establish his own real power among the Protoss, the great power of 'God Son Xinghan' was indispensable Support, so at this time, 'God Son Xinghan' can't die, and he still has value. He knows 'God Son Xinghan' too well, so he left without looking back.

"That's right, it's Brother Longzhu who can see more clearly. Let's go, then go back to the headquarters to mobilize troops and prepare to attack." 'God Son Xinghan' no longer hesitated at this moment. Those who left this world.

"What's the hurry, what's the rush, Brother Xinghan, although you are powerful in battle, sometimes you need to use your brain to think about problems." Xuanyuan patted the shoulder of 'God Son Xinghan' and said earnestly: "We will wait for them They're all dead, so it's not impossible to go in again when the time comes, just hide in one place and wait and see what happens? Idiots should take the place of the dead ghosts, let them die enough, we still have to fish for the benefits."

'God Son Xinghan' shook his body, and suddenly realized, he laughed and said, feeling extremely happy: "The main thing is that Brother Long Zhu has considered all aspects too thoughtfully, so I don't bother to think about it."

"We are good brothers for life, how can I ignore your interests?" Xuanyuan followed the 'God Son of Xinghan', shoulder to shoulder, and said in a heavy voice: "Next, let the army rest and break through five profound entrances in a row, It is also a big loss to them, and the order continues, and they must adjust themselves to the most complete state and prepare to fight again."

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