Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 150: Ice and Heaven Douyuan

Chapter 150: Ice and Heaven Douyuan

At the last critical moment, Xuanyuan planned to fight to the death.

Since Xuanyuan stomped on both feet, the "Dragon Stepping Restriction" on the dragon stepping boots was activated in an instant. At the same time, Xuanyuan used the "Tianlong Chongguan", a ferocious move of the Yin family's unique technique to charge and kill the enemy.

All the power suddenly burst out in an instant, and seeing the moment when the seal fell, Xuanyuan directly rushed out of the 'Nine Dragons Locking Heavenly Power'.

If this is the case, a terrifying force came from behind Xuanyuan, and nine fire dragons hit the sealed light curtain, and the terrifying force blasted directly on Xuanyuan's body through the light curtain. The bones on his body cracked several times, and several bones were broken. The whole person was directly knocked into the air and flew hundreds of meters away. His whole body was shaken violently, and he spit out several mouthfuls of blood.

Xuanyuan's whole body was cold, and he broke out in a cold sweat. Looking back, he looked at the 'Nine Dragons Locking the Sky', and saw that it had turned into a sea of ​​flames. He saw pillars of fire rolling up into the sky, but the monstrous magma couldn't get out of the 'Nine Dragons'. Lock Tianshi's sealing light curtain.

"Fortunately, it's only one step away. If it's a little slower, I'll be here today." Xuanyuan took a long breath, sat cross-legged on the ground and began to heal his wounds, only to see the nine-headed fire dragon roaring restlessly , as if he had lost everything, he rushed wildly, trying to kill Xuanyuan, but he couldn't break through the sealing light curtain, and Xuanyuan remained unmoved.

Now that the 'Heavenly Gold Treasure Armor' on Xuanyuan's body has been completely burned, Xuanyuan saw that the dragon treading boots on his feet had been seriously damaged, and the dust-free crown on his head was also cracked, Xuanyuan sighed in his heart:

"It seems to be a magic weapon for a change."

From Xuanyuan's body, blue waves rippled and penetrated, nourishing the burned skin on Xuanyuan's body. In less than an hour, the broken bones from Xuanyuan's body had recovered as before, and the burned skin had become like water As shiny and smooth, not a trace of scars can be seen.

"I knew you had a big life, so you won't die so easily." Just as Xuanyuan finished healing, the greedy old man laughed heartlessly.

Xuanyuan rolled his eyes directly, ignoring the greedy old man. The shock of that wave of power just now was at least as powerful as a thousand flying dragons. At this moment, I was injured more seriously, and fortunately I was the "body of myriad transformations" that dissipated a small part of the power, and my physical body was stronger than ordinary people, so it was just a few broken bones and a few mouthfuls of blood.

After the healing was over, Xuanyuan felt that it was so convenient to have the 'Bi Luo Tian Shui'. If he had suffered such an injury in the past, it would have taken at least several days to heal.

"You kid, you don't know my good intentions at all. It's impossible for young people nowadays not to let you suffer more. Hurry up, cut open those fighting stones and see what's hidden inside!" Greedy old man There is unconcealable greed in the words, but if everyone is the same, who would be indifferent to something taken out of the 'Nine Dragons Lock Tianshi'?

There was also a little excitement in Xuanyuan's heart, and he immediately took out the mysterious dagger, took out a fighting stone that was still exuding heat, and cut it straight down.

It was just a knife, and suddenly, a cold light shot up into the sky, Xuanyuan felt the bone-piercing coldness, and the 'blue sky water' rippling out from Xuanyuan's body, protecting Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan took a closer look, and saw that it was a very white and crystal-clear heterogeneous bucket crystal. Although this bucket crystal was only the size of a human head, it weighed a hundred catties.

"Hahaha, boy, this is 'Ice Sky Dou Jing' which is even more powerful than 'Xuan Bing Dou Jing'. The value of this kind of heterogeneous Dou Jing can be equal to a catty of pure Douyuan! The source is the same! Sure enough, the mystery of the creation of heaven and earth is unexpected, and in the "Nine Dragons Lock Tianshi" that breeds fire dragons, there is actually a "Xuanbing Doujing" in it, and things will be reversed at the extreme! Things will be reversed at the extreme!. "

Hearing the words of the greedy old man, Xuanyuan felt a little comforted in his heart. One after another, Xuanyuan cut open nine fighting stones, all of which contained a hundred catties of 'Xuanbing Doujing'. There are nine hundred catties of 'Bing Tian Dou Jing'.

"Boy, hurry up, there is also the fighting stone in the center. I instinctively think that fighting stone is extraordinary. Didn't you see that the nine fire dragons went crazy? I'm afraid there is something extremely extraordinary in this piece." .” The greedy old man’s voice came out, urging Xuanyuan.

"En." Xuanyuan also wanted to know what was conceived in the fighting stone, and immediately took out the fighting stone that was a bit different from other fighting stones.

The mysterious dagger in his hand went all the way down, a piece of stone skin was peeled off, Xuanyuan used his exquisite stone-cutting knife technique, and after a while, the originally huge fighting stone became only the size of a human head, but there was nothing left When it was cut out, only stone chips all over the ground were cut out, which was quite different from the 'Bing Tian Dou Jing' unearthed earlier.

"Continue cutting." The greedy old man looked forward to it.

Xuanyuan patiently peeled off the stone skin bit by bit, and saw that this fighting stone was cut down to the size of a fist.

"It seems that it should be impossible to cut out anything good." Xuanyuan sighed, and the mysterious dagger in his hand gently cut open the stone skin. Suddenly, a cold light rose into the sky. I couldn't help shivering a few times, and the greedy old man's laughter suddenly came out:

"Haha, it's a different kind of Douyuan. The nine-pound 'Bingtian Douyuan' is comparable to the nine-thousand-jin pure Douyuan. Boy, you've made a lot of money. The nine-pound 'Bingtian Douyuan' is fully worth nine million catties of superb Doujing, put it away quickly, it will be of great use later."

Xuanyuan's heart trembled, it seemed that this time it was worthwhile for him to go all out, and immediately put the nine hundred catties of 'Bing Tian Dou Jing' and the nine catties of 'Bing Tian Dou Yuan' into the fighting ring.

"It seems that even the sky is helping me. If you find the 'Red Lotus Karma Fire' later, these Dou Jing and Dou Yuan will also come in handy." Xuanyuan immediately understood the meaning of the greedy old man's words.

"That's right, the reason for collecting 'Bi Luo Tian Shui' that day was because the woman in white wanted to help you. The resistance of 'Bi Luo Tian Shui' was not very strong. Now this time, you really have to rely on your own will to subdue this 'Red Lotus Industry'." Fire', if you want to take this kind of heaven and earth spiritual things into your body, you have always been close to death, not to mention condensing them into your internal organs. Fortunately, you have subdued the 'Bi Luo Tian Shui' before, and you can use the 'Red Lotus Karma Fire' The chances of surrender are much higher." There was an indescribable excitement in the words of the greedy old man.

"Well, I just don't know if we can find the 'Red Lotus Karma'." Xuanyuan was excited. After all, it was related to his life and his life-and-death battle of honor and disgrace after more than two months.

"Hmph, 'Red Lotus Yehuo' can't run away, let's go, the old man Huo and little Mochou are not far from the top of the mountain, he is making alchemy for you, everything is ready, I only owe the 'Red Lotus' It's karmic fire." The greedy old man laughed.

Xuanyuan calmed down his turbulent mood, stood up, and rushed towards the top of Chishan.

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