Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1501 Auspiciousness from Heaven

In the sky ten thousand zhang high, the blue sky and white clouds, the strong wind blowing Xuanyuan's dense black long hair fluttered with the wind.

He stood in the air, looking down at the huge 'Qinglong Holy Land', to be able to have everything he has today, which he never dared to imagine in the past, even if he saw it now, it felt a little unreal, but seeing so many people in Limin so happy Living here so deeply made Xuanyuan sober again, and made him feel the need to protect everything in front of him, including every woman in his life.

"Haha, I asked you, do you want to do this? It seems that my previous worries were unnecessary." The greedy old man laughed. Before that, he was worried that Xuanyuan would still stick to the monogamous, life-and-death idea. Seeing now In terms of the situation, I only hope that Xuanyuan will not have too many women in the future, which will hurt my health.

"That's because in the past, I had nothing at that time. I didn't have anything to ask for. All the forces were so powerful. I was chased and killed by them every day. Everyone shouted and beat me, everyone coveted me. I lived in fear. Died unexpectedly, how could I be willing to let them suffer with me in that kind of ups and downs, life and death? I didn’t want to accept them at the time, but it was actually for their own good. Women, once you fall in love with someone, you will never turn back. If I accept them, the relationship will definitely become closer. Once I am in any danger, they will inevitably lose their minds, which will be harmful to them. Now I have enough strength, a holy master, enough to protect myself. We have walked along the way, and they have never I have never given up on me. At this time, I should give them everything they want. In fact, in this life, as long as you live up to your heart, it is enough." Xuanyuan said very calmly, he always thought that his body Because a man shouldn't let a woman accompany him to risk his life, so before that, he didn't dare to think about it, for fear of delaying and harming others.

"So you are very lucky, you can always meet such a woman who treats you well. I don't know what kind of shit luck you have. Why do they like you? I don't understand, thinking I am so romantic I can't see anyone who likes me, it's really sad." The greedy old man looked resentful.

"You are ugly, who is to blame, hahaha!" Xuanyuan really felt very satisfied, life is like this, what more can a husband ask for.

"Your uncle, once I take shape, that appearance will instantly defeat you. Forget it, stop bragging with you, what are you going to do with 'Goddess of Thorns'? Are you planning to take her as one of the harem? "The greedy old man said maliciously.

"Later, your uncle, the two of them don't even have feelings, and they are still in the harem, let's leave it alone, she is not bad, and she should be infected in the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land', I hope she can agree with the inheritance of the human race , and is willing to lead the protoss into the 'Qinglong Holy Land'." Xuanyuan knows that although this idea is a bit whimsical, but there are some things, how can you know the result if you don't do it, only in the process of doing it, keep improving, To discover is to be able to do things better.

"This difficulty is really too high. The protoss are warlike. If you want to let them enter the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' without causing trouble, it will be very difficult. However, it is not my turn to worry about these things. What are you going to do next? Go open The treasure house left by the 'Emperor Devourer'?" The greedy old man was about to drool when he mentioned this, since the 'Emperor Devourer' had many treasures that they didn't even know about.

"Don't worry, let me understand the secrets contained in this Qinglong fairy corpse first. There should be a ray of thought left in the Qinglong inner alchemy. Maybe I can get more secrets about the Qinglong clan. If I can It will be of greater help to me if I communicate with the thoughts of this ancient ancestor of the Azure Dragon." Xuanyuan smiled casually, and when he thought of this, his blood boiled.

As soon as the words fell, Xuanyuan found an unnamed fairy mountain and sat cross-legged. In the 'Wanxian Peak', there are various avenues of heaven and earth intertwined, and the fighting spirit of heaven and earth is extremely abundant. Practicing here will have a very close and unique understanding of the avenue of heaven and earth , but at least you have to reach the realm of sages to open the fairy mountain here and enter it, but Xuanyuan is the inheritance of the 'Swallowing Emperor', so naturally there are no such barriers. Next.

Xuanyuan took out the Qinglong immortal corpse from the 'Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Artifact', the two auras are closely connected, and come from the same origin, because Xuanyuan's body is filled with the blood essence of the Qinglong clan, and there is also the Qinglong inner alchemy, which has a certain impact on the size of the immortal corpse. Control ability.

At this moment, the Qinglong Immortal Corpse is one hundred and eight feet long. The moment it appeared in this fairy mountain, the supreme aura that surpassed the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor rolled and rushed straight to the sky. Fortunately, the fairy mountains here have passed through countless days. Material and earth treasures are refined and intertwined with feng shui trends, otherwise, they would have collapsed long ago. The Qinglong fairy corpse is not something that can be tolerated by ordinary places, let alone people who come into contact with it. Those who have reached the realm of sages are afraid that as soon as they approach, their bodies will crack, their souls will be broken and they will die.

However, Xuanyuan is different, because he is the inheritor of the Qinglong clan, with the blood of the Qinglong flowing in his body, and he is practicing "Qinglong Daoshu". Chongtian's aura has a unique power of transportation and transformation, and the same is true for the immortal corpse of the phoenix. Facing the inheritor of Qinglong, her aura will not hurt, because Qinglong and Xianhuang have an indissoluble bond, even if it is Qinglong and Xianhuang. Xianhuang is not unique, but presumably their number is also very rare.

The majestic qi and blood, the boundless imperial qi, rushed straight to the sky, even if thousands of miles away, there are still sages with keen perception looking at the 'Wanxian Peak'.

"How is it possible to have the emperor's aura of the fifth heaven, and now someone in the 'Central China' has stepped into the realm of the ancient emperor's fifth heaven?" A sage was shocked.

"No, this is the aura above the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor. It is extremely ancient, but there is a trace of Yin in this aura. Obviously it should be the aura emanating from the corpse of an ancient emperor. I didn't expect Xuanyuan Sheng The Lord was able to obtain such a corpse of the ancient emperor, it seems that my 'Qinglong Holy Land' is about to prosper." An immortal from the medicine hall said solemnly, his eyes lit up, the blood of the ancient emperor's corpse can be used as a refining Yaoyaoyin is extremely precious, it seems that you can ask Xuanyuan for some to refine the peerless elixir.

"Look, in that direction, there is also an emperor's spirit that surpasses the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor. What's going on?" Another sage's presence came with a startled sound, attracting the attention of other sages.

They exist in the "Swallowing Immortal Mansion", and they don't care too much about many external things. It is their greatest wish to recuperate and make the "Qinglong Holy Land" grow rapidly, and Xuanyuan gets the Qinglong and Xianhuang corpses It didn't spread in the first time. At this moment, there is still a fierce battle in the space of the ancient tomb of the Great Sage of the Five Elements.

"Look, isn't this the Azure Dragon?" Suddenly, above the nine heavens of the 'Wanxian Peak', there was a projection of a huge Azure Dragon, as if real, hovering in the air, thousands of miles away, majestic and shocking, This kind of visual impact makes people feel like they are in a dream.

"That's a fairy phoenix!" A sage looked in another direction, and a projection of a fairy phoenix appeared, soaring above the nine heavens, spreading its wings in the sky, shining with brilliance, filling the nine heavens and ten places, the beauty is too beautiful, various palaces and pavilions, one after another Falling, magnificent.

"This is a scene derived from the corpses of Qinglong and Xianhuang in the chaotic ancient times, and even in ancient times. The Holy Lord Xuanyuan fought against the emperor of the gods in the ancient tomb of the Great Sage of the Five Elements, and won these two Immortal corpses are of great significance to my 'Qinglong Holy Land'." Kong Ming appeared, and he knew the information of the outside world at the first time, and he was very happy for Xuanyuan. With these two immortal corpses, let' Qinglong Holy Land' has more confidence, and challenged the Protoss.

"That's how it is." The existence of many sages is extremely exciting. In the eyes of the sages, this is the world, but in the eyes of the common people, it is not like this.

Countless Li people welcomed them, looked in the direction of 'Wanxian Peak', and cheered loudly:

"Look, auspiciousness descended from heaven, Qinglong Xianhuang, this is a sign of great auspiciousness, Qinglong Xianhuang is a couple, blessings descended from heaven."

"That's right, the Azure Dragon Fairy Phoenix only appears in legends. According to legend, our Holy Master Xuanyuan received the inheritance of the Azure Dragon."

"Holy Master's wife, Huang Yuechan, is also the inheritance of Xianhuang. Now that Qinglong and Xianhuang have appeared together, does it indicate that they are about to get married?"

In the 'Qinglong Holy Land', in private, many Limin people have already called Shihou, Qian Duoduo, Fang Yuyou, Bai Youniang, Yin Zhenluo and others as the Holy Lord's wife. They have never refuted, so they all called Very natural.

"It seems that we are about to hold a big event in the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'."

Faced with such reactions from the common people, many sages just smiled knowingly without too much explanation.

On that unknown fairy mountain, Xuanyuan integrated a ray of his thoughts into the Qinglong fairy corpse, only feeling that he was in another world.

In an instant, Xuanyuan felt that this piece of world was extremely vast, even more vast and boundless than the 'Central China'.

Here, the trees are luxuriant, very dense, tall and tall, the branches are like dragons, the thick leaves are full of Tao, and there is great vitality everywhere, and they are cutting hair and washing their marrow all the time.

"What is this place?" Xuanyuan was in a trance for a while, he didn't expect that there was such a vast world hidden in this Qinglong fairy body, which gave him a feeling that it was bigger than the "Central Shenzhou".

Could this be the world hidden in Qinglongxian's corpse? If so, it would be unbelievable.

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