Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1503 Talisman Secret Technique

If the three immortal corpses are all obtained by the gods, I am afraid that the consequences will be unbearable. Once the Forbidden God and the False God are fully recovered, they will be invincible at that time. The power contained in the corpse is too powerful, Xuanyuan has already experienced it personally.

"They all won, 'Tianyang Shenzi' and 'Yuedi Shenzi' were both defeated, there was no suspense, 'Nanwu Dizi' didn't even exert their full strength, 'Ghost Lingzi' also had reservations, 'Tianyang Shenzi' ' and 'Yuedi Shenzi' lose their minds. Existences like 'Nanwu Dizi' and 'Ghost Lingzi' have experienced too much suffering and tempering when they were young. They have greatly improved." Bu Jingsha was a little relieved, if Sun Duanfeng hadn't fought against the "Goddess of Taiyin" before, and lost three thousand years of life, he might have lost his life in the battle against the "Son of God". able to win.

"That is to say, there is a fairy corpse owned by the gods. It is not too big or small, but it is a trouble. Which fairy beast corpse is it?" Xuanyuan said.


"Understood, is there any whereabouts of the Talisman Tower recently?" Xuanyuan didn't worry too much about this matter. Xuanwu has the strongest vitality and contains many defensive avenues. It is also within Xuanyuan's expectation that the Protoss will choose it. It seems that the strength of Forbidden God and False God will recover to an unimaginable level.

Now it doesn't make much sense to worry about it. The most important thing is to strengthen one's own strength. The search for the Talisman was conspired by someone before, and since then, the 'Northern State Dynasty' has never sent back the 'Taint' The news made Xuanyuan very worried. In addition, there are two big forces, Xuanzong and Shiting, which cannot be ignored. If they can be allowed to join the 'Qinglong Holy Land', the significance of it can be imagined Know.

Xuanyuan knows that Jiang Yan is one of the saints of Shiting, but she has now become a female Bodhisattva of Xizhou. I am afraid that her relationship with Shiting is not very good, but she can still ask later, if Shiting can If you invest in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', it will be a great help. I'm afraid that the Protoss is also trying their best to find the whereabouts of Shiting and Xuanzong. These two great forces are extremely terrifying.

"The whereabouts of the Talisman Tower, judging from the news of the 'Northern State Dynasty', the whereabouts of the real Talisman Tower were almost calculated several times, but in the end they all failed because of the obstruction of the secrets of the gods. One thing is very troublesome, and Tianji has lost two more existences because of this." Bu Jingsha was very angry when he mentioned this incident, and his heart was filled with anger, he couldn't figure out why those people would Do this to your fellow students.

Xuanyuan also felt helpless, the formerly human race's strong Tianji actually worked for the gods, and killed his fellow disciples at all costs, it was indeed infuriating, but now there was nothing he could do about them.

"Junior Brother Xuanyuan, I'm afraid that the whereabouts of the Talisman Tower will not make much progress in a short time. Besides, is there no other way?" Bu Jingsha sighed.

"This matter is really difficult. What do you think should be done next?" The pig-headed emperor looked at Xuanyuan.

Now that the Protoss and Zhan, all races are recuperating, the more it is at this time, the more there is a sense of urgency, and we must intensify our efforts to gather the scattered forces of all races and integrate them into the "Blue Dragon Holy Land". Otherwise, when the Protoss descends next time, I am afraid that after the ten thousand races are defeated one by one, they will never be able to get up again.

"Since we can't find them, let them come to us." Xuanyuan's eyes lit up, the corners of his mouth raised, and he suddenly thought of a way, recruiting talented people, how can we do it without sincerity?

Hearing Xuanyuan's words, Bu Jing killed the tiger's body startled, extremely excited, and quickly asked: "Junior Brother Xuanyuan has any clever plan, tell me quickly?"

"Xuanzong has "Feng Shui Ancient Magic Art", Shiting has "Great Trend Ancient Art", but what about the Talisman Tower? There is no ancient art inheritance in the Talisman Tower, only the creation of their ancestors. The "Swallowing Emperor" once Obtained the inheritance left by an existence outside the territory with profound and unpredictable attainments in talisman, and also left behind two extremely terrifying quasi-sacred talismans, but their power is comparable to the ancient holy talisman, which is an extremely unique existence. It's called 'Emperor Yang Resurrection Talisman', and one is called 'Emperor Yin Destroyer Talisman', which was refined when 'Emperor Devourer' was in the first heaven of the ancient emperor. It is conceivable how the power will be. One can see the whole leopard at a glance. I sacrificed these two quasi-sacred talismans. They saw that if they wanted this book of talismans, they would naturally come to look for it. The value is no less than the nine ancient arts."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone immediately agreed, and the pig-headed emperor grinned and said: "This is a good way. If anyone wants to steal these two quasi-sacred symbols, they will be ready to die. I want to see this." What means does the Protoss have to deal with it once?"

There was a sinister and cunning light in his eyes, which made people feel goosebumps all over their bodies. Bu Jingsha instinctively shuddered, the pig-headed emperor was thinking of absolutely nothing good.

"Well, I will immediately notify the major forces and let them spread the news so that everyone can know." Bu Jingsha was very excited, as long as the 'Qinglong Holy Land' was assisted by the Talisman, it would definitely become more powerful.

Xuanyuan walked out of the 'Blue Dragon Palace', directly reached the sky where the 'Swallowing Immortal Mansion' was located, and sacrificed the 'Yin Emperor's Destruction Talisman' and 'Yang Emperor's Resurrection Talisman', one black and one white, Yin and Yang condensed like The dragon rises and falls one after the other, the yin and yang are born together, and the momentum is majestic, affecting the land with a radius of 90,000 miles. The way of yin and yang contained in it is extremely subtle.

As long as the strength is strong enough, you can feel the breath of the quasi-sacred talisman of Emperor Yin and Emperor Yang within a radius of 90,000 miles. As the saying goes, laymen watch the fun, and experts watch the doorway. A fighting talisman can reflect the strength of a talisman cultivated. Xuanyuan has enough confidence that this talisman will definitely be able to attract the leaders in the talisman tower.

In the first time, such news spread from all major forces of the human race.

"The 'Qinglong Holy Land' is recruiting talents, the Holy Lord Xuanyuan opened the treasures contained in the 'Swallowing Immortal Mansion', and obtained a book of talisman secrets that the 'Swallowing Emperor' had obtained outside the domain. The power is boundless, no less than the nine ancient One of the techniques, if the Talisman is willing to join the 'Qinglong Holy Land' to guard the future together, the Holy Lord Xuanyuan is willing to offer this book of talisman secrets with both hands. If you want to observe the fighting talismans refined by this talisman secret method, You can go to Shangguanjia Tianhong Pass to observe it above the nine heavens."

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately caused a great sensation. A sage from the "Zhongzhou Dynasty" 20,000 years ago said: "Back then, the "Swallowing Emperor" used talisman to derive an existence comparable to his strength to fight against the emperor. Level existence, do not fall behind."

Even if he didn't say it, the ancient inheritance of the rune tower is also known. In the battle between the major forces and the "Swallowing Emperor", there were countless tyrannical existences watching the battle. 'Achievements in talisman, the Miza records in the talisman give a very high evaluation.

"The 'Emperor Devourer' once cast a talisman to bring himself and the 'Myriad Transformation Sacred Beast' back to life, entering a state of immortality."

"The 'Emperor Devourer' once used a talisman to kill an existence of the emperor's son level, making it difficult for him to live a second life."

At this moment, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' threw out an explosive news. Above the nine heavens where the 'Qinglong Holy Land' was located, what was suspended was the Dao Talisman that allowed the 'Swallowing Emperor' to enter the Immortal God that day, called the 'Yang Emperor Resurrection Talisman' 'And the 'Yin Emperor Destruction Talisman' that beheaded an existence of the emperor's son level.

Almost immediately, many powerful people went to the place where the 'Qinglong Holy Land' was located to watch. Sure enough, the yin and yang qi were co-operating, and the aura was so huge that it was difficult for ordinary people to approach. These two quasi-sacred talismans seemed to have their own spirits. Zhi, once the inheritors who are not the "Body of Ten Thousand Transformations" want to collect them, they will launch their own offensives. A strong man in the realm of sages wants to collect these two quasi-sacred symbols, but he is caught by Yin and Yang in an instant. After all, these two Quasi-Emperor Talismans contain the Godless Qi of "Swallowing the Great Emperor", and the existence of the general sage realm is hard to resist, not to mention that he is only in the realm of the first layer of the ancient sage.

Seeing the attack launched by the two quasi-sacred talismans immediately made many people's scalps tingle. Although the "Emperor Devourer" has fallen, what he left behind can be imagined. how terrible.

"It's too powerful. These two quasi-sacred talismans are indeed from the hands of the 'Sage Devouring Emperor'. No one else can do that kind of domineering and invincible power except him."

"I don't know if the Talisman will add the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' to this secret technique this time."

"I think it should. I'm afraid that the Talisman's secret technique has reached a bottleneck. If you want to make a bigger breakthrough, you must need this talisman technique."

"Holy Lord Xuanyuan's move is really amazing. He has shown enough sincerity to be able to come up with the secret technique obtained by 'Swallowing the Great Emperor'. If it is replaced by someone from other powerful forces, it may not have such strength. It may not be a good thing if the individual exists.”

"That's right, and the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is extremely powerful now. With the addition of the Medicine Hall, it is not a problem at all to prolong life. If I were the Emperor of the Talisman Tower, I would definitely fight one."

Countless people were talking about it, and the momentum was huge. The terrifying existence in the Protoss was extremely worrying. They wanted to send someone to assassinate the strong man in the Talisman Tower, but there were too many people watching the Yin-Yang Quasi-Saint Talisman, and they couldn't do it at all.

Looking at the place where the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is located, more and more people are going to wait and see. Many gods and elders of the Protoss look dignified, and they are discussing how to deal with the move of the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. It is absolutely impossible for the rune tower to join the 'Qinglong Holy Land' Holy Land'.

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