Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1514 You Are So Ruthless

In "Swallowing the Years", after thirty years of precipitation, Xuanyuan's appearance has changed. The one-foot-long goatee beard, paired with a pitch-black armor, looks unique.

These 30 years of practice have given Xuanyuan an even more profound taste, a deeper understanding of the Dao of Heaven and Earth, which is unprecedented. It can be seen how meaningful these 30 years are to Xuanyuan.

But what is surprising is that Xuanyuan's strength level has not changed in the slightest, and he is still in the third level of the emperor's realm. He has spent 30 years accumulating all kinds of things he has, cultivating everything he has, and accumulating to an extremely high level. The realm of majesty.

He gained a broader and deeper comprehension from the precious cultural relics of all races. In the past, he just made his vision more lofty, but now it makes his heart wider. To have a greater understanding of cultural thought, one must know that the spirits and spirits condensed by the cultural relics and treasures of each clan are completely different, which are closely related to the world and the myriad ways. Although these treasures are not many, they make Xuanyuan understand more What is the meaning of each race.

Gathering his mind, Xuanyuan opened his eyes, a sharp divine light appeared in his pupils, several incarnations turned into a radiance, and merged into his body, and several supernatural powers were greatly improved , but this also requires the improvement of Xuanyuan's strength and realm before these secret arts can exert the power they should have.

A boy who is not physically mature swings a big hammer, and the power he can hit is limited, because he is limited by his physical condition, and he can't exert the power of this hammer with greater strength. To the extreme, Xuanyuan is in the current situation. As long as Xuanyuan raises his own realm, the power of ancient art will be unimaginable by ordinary people.

He has captured the essence of many ancient arts and comprehended them. If outsiders know Xuanyuan's speed of cultivating supernatural powers, everyone's eyes will drop. In ten years, Xuanyuan was able to practice ancient arts to this level, which is difficult for many people to achieve in a lifetime. The ancient arts are unpredictable, even for an existence like Zhang Tianling, what he has practiced in his whole life is "The Great Trend of Ancient Art". Art" only.

Xuanyuan's 30 years of cultivating ancient arts all day long, and the precipitation of his heart, have greatly changed his most fundamental temperament. A kind of cognition of various ethnic groups has formed a deeper understanding of the Tao among various ethnic groups. Understand, let Xuanyuan capture the embryonic form of his future Dao from it. Although he only has the realm of the third heaven of the Emperor Realm, the Dao Yun flowing and surrounding him is beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

Some things can only resonate if you understand them. Xuanyuan understands the cultural origin of each clan. Their cultural treasures let Xuanyuan understand why their clan exists, why they prosper, and how to get rid of it. How to get their respect.

Ten years of comprehension of these rare things of various races, and twenty years of intensive cultivation of many supernatural powers have made great progress. The most worth mentioning thing is that Xuanyuan finally completed all "Qinglong Daoshu", and Complete, at least everything that emerged from the Qinglong corpse was filled by Xuanyuan, but it would take a very long time to cultivate it to the Great Perfection. During the cultivation process, Xuanyuan wanted to simplify the "Qinglong Daoshu" and condense it into an ancient character, so that this one word contains everything, but Xuanyuan found that it was too difficult. With his current strength and realm, it is still difficult to do arrived.

So Xuanyuan can only let go of this idea temporarily and save it for later.

Walking out of the space covered by the 'swallowing years', Xuanyuan walked to a clear spring pool on the mountain, surrounded by mist and white mist, but the spring water was extremely clear, so clear that you can learn from others. Seeing the long goatee on his face, Xuanyuan It felt very unaccustomed, it seemed to be two people all of a sudden, if I went out like this, many people's eyeballs would fall off the ground, and under Xuanyuan's thought, the beard began to disappear from his face.

"Hey, boy, how do you feel?" The strength of the greedy old man, along with Xuanyuan's continuous improvement, has also become stronger and stronger. Now he is only one step away from stepping into the realm of the supreme Taoist weapon. Of course It is also the lowest level. If he wants to recover to the peak, he needs more and more things for him to devour and refine.

"Very well, I have enough confidence to compete against any emperor-level existence of the younger generation on the 'Forbidden Road Square'." Xuanyuan laughed.

"That's because you are shameless. The 'Forbidden Dao Square' banned their Dao, but not your Myriad Transformation Dao. It is only natural that you can compete against them." The greedy old man rolled his eyes, despising Xuanyuan.

The corner of Xuanyuan's mouth raised, and he said, "Don't worry, if I really want to have a conflict with them, I will definitely make them lose."

"All races in the world, this is a feast that is rare in all ages. There has never been such a thing since ancient times, but this matter is not as simple as you think. If the younger generation can't solve it, eventually the older generation will If you make a move, the consequences will be beyond what you and I can imagine." The greedy old man is very clear that those existences whose strength is in the fourth heaven of the ancient emperor and the fourth heaven of the ancient sage, once they make a move, the consequences will be beyond the reach of ordinary people Those who have endured, especially those who are at the peak of the fourth heaven, and who have begun to touch the realm of the fifth heaven, will definitely appear in such a grand event.

"Don't worry, I will find my own way when the time comes. When I have no background in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', I am not afraid. Now that I have soldiers and generals in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', why should I be afraid of the world?" , extremely fierce, this is a kind of self-confidence from the heart.

"Haha, it's good if you have the confidence, kid. I'll see how you will deal with it then." The greedy old man was very excited. I don't know what will happen to the Feast of Thousands of Races. In my own hands, this is a turning point for the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'. If it can be done well, then the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' will reach an unprecedented peak from now on.

Xuanyuan didn't say any more, he collected everything, and then went towards a secret room where the 'Qinglong Mountain' was located.

That was the place where Fang Yuyou retreated. During these days, she had been practicing in it. After Xuanyuan stood at the door of the secret room where she was practicing for a while, after thinking about it, she turned and left, not wanting to bother her.

The ancient art that I taught Fang Yuyou, I am afraid that it will be difficult for her to cultivate to the level of Dacheng for a while. Although the feast of all races is about to usher, it is better for her to practice hard.

Xuanyuan Youyou let out a soft sigh, and cast the "Shen Xing Dao Yin Technique" to disappear in this piece of world in an instant, and landed on the wall of 'Xuanyuan City'.

With the city wall of 'Xuanyuan City', the breeze is blowing, and the surrounding world is full of grand scenery.

There was a woman standing on the city wall, looking into the distance. She was dressed in white, her graceful figure exuded a gentle air, her black hair was waist-high, and the light was as soft as silk, scattered randomly and fluttering with the wind.

"You're here." Her voice was soft, the corners of her mouth were raised, and her red lips were slightly raised.

"How?" Xuanyuan was very calm, looking at the fields full of grains outside the 'Xuanyuan City', the people of the Li people were full of vitality and strength, and almost all of them stepped into the realm of fighting immortals, and all of them Xuanyuan felt very gratified that the country was prosperous and the people were strong. This was what he wanted to see the most. He hoped that the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' could achieve the real prosperity of the ancient times, and it was still far away.

"'Qinglong Holy Land' is indeed very remarkable. In the ancient times, the human race was prosperous, and I can already feel it from here." The woman turned around and looked at Xuanyuan. There was a complicated feeling in her eyes. It's hard to explain in words.

"Then do you want to enter my 'Qinglong Holy Land' and inherit your God Race? I believe that the 'Qinglong Holy Land' can accommodate the God Race." Xuanyuan finally said it out after careful consideration, because at least now the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is up and down Everyone has accepted the 'Pride of Thorns'. In these days, the environment of the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' has worn away some of the edges and corners of the 'Pride of Thorns'.

"Are you so relieved? In your eyes, aren't the protoss warlike, who take pleasure in killing and conquer endlessly? If you join your 'Qinglong Holy Land', aren't you afraid of breaking the atmosphere of your 'Qinglong Holy Land'?" "The 'Goddess of Thorns' has a charming smile, and her eyes are extremely seductive, captivating and swaying, even if she changes her attire, she still can't change her breath of beauty from the bottom of her heart, Xuanyuan looked at Her smile twitched the corners of her mouth involuntarily.

"Since we are in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', there are the rules of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', breaking the law is the same crime as the common people, and doing all the business as usual." Xuanyuan smiled very naturally and didn't care.

"This matter, even if I agree to you, I have to wait for the day when the extraterritorial protoss can come to the 'Central China'. They are all outside the territory at the moment, and not everyone can come to 'Central China' safely like me." It’s from Central China, so you’re wasting your time in vain.” The ‘Goddess of Thorns’ has a very seductive smile, which is hard for ordinary people to restrain, and Xuanyuan has long been used to being seduced by her.

"Where there is darkness, there must be light. Do you think I only get the ancestral blood of the 'Five Decays of Heaven and Man'? In fact, there are also two ancient treasures of the Protoss. You will know it when the feast of all races comes. "Xuanyuan's every word is very peaceful.

"You are so cruel." The 'Goddess of Thorns' squinted her beautiful eyes, and suddenly understood Xuanyuan's intentions.

"Thank you..." Xuanyuan laughed loudly, and now he was waiting for the feast of all races to come.

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