Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1523 Strong Confrontation

Feng Lie had thought a lot about the migration held by the Feast of Ten Thousand Races, day and night, thinking about the past and the future, just trying to stabilize the overall situation.

So in the first three days, he deliberately broke through to the realm of the ancient sages, just because he was afraid that he would be underestimated in front of the gods, but the result was still the same, even if Feng Lie wanted to give in, but the other party wanted to put him to death

Facing the attack of the 'God Son of Tianyang', it is not difficult for Feng Lie, who is proficient in the way of fighting, to dodge. He can pass through the attack of Tianyang Daoguang with a flash of his body. There is no trace left on the land of the 'Qinglong Holy Land'.

Almost at the moment when it launched the attack, a celestial wind turned into a sharp blade and sliced ​​straight across the head of 'Tianyang Shenzi' at an extremely fast speed, like a real knife. Goosebumps all over his body, his whole body was numb, and there was a biting murderous aura.

'God Son of Tianyang' never expected that Feng Lie's speed was so fast that he was caught off guard. In his opinion, it is impossible for an existence that has just stepped into the realm of ancient sages to have such a fast speed, 'God Son of Tianyang' Caught off guard, he quickly dodged, but there was still a strand of hair cut off by the wind blade and fluttering in the air. In any case, the 'Tianyang Shenzi' was almost a big realm higher than Feng Lie, and was injured by Feng Lie. It is a great shame, especially under the watchful eyes of the public, and he was the first to attack, but was retaliated by others, even if he just cut off a strand of hair, it would not do. In the Protoss, hair is the same as the head, a On the whole, 'Tianyang Shenzi' blushed like chicken blood, and became angry from embarrassment.

The culture of the gods had a profound influence on the ancient tribes. For example, the "Qingming God Emperor" would cut off his hair to replace the head, which was also influenced by the culture of the gods to a large extent. Therefore, the people of the Li people were particularly touched at that time, saying that Shocked.

You must know that Feng Lie is the kind of existence that is almost extremely demanding on himself. During these days of retreat, he has almost always demanded the extreme to improve his way of fighting. Although the realm is very important, the way of fighting is also the same. Indispensable, he regards the latter as more important, every time he breaks through to a level, he must refine the martial arts that can be used in that level to the extreme, and only then can he break through to the next level.

"Bold, you dare to offend the Son of God, you are looking for death." The brows of the "God Son of Tianyang" were raised, and he was furious, trembling with anger, bursting into anger.

"This is a grand event of all races. If you are here to find fault, go back to the Protoss. You are not welcome here." Feng Lie's voice was very cold, and he was not afraid at all. In a state of high alert, if the other sons of God join forces to attack, they will definitely be unable to resist. Although he has the 'Extreme Heavenly Wind', he deeply understands that he will definitely not be able to stand up to many people.

From behind the 'Tianyang Shenzi', a god will come out, releasing extremely terrifying power on them, just the aura emanating from them, it will make the corners of Feng Li's mouth bleed, and the flesh seems to be in the next instant Cracking, from behind Feng Lie, Zhang Tianling stepped out, pressed a palm on Feng Lie's back, drew a square, stabilized the opponent's momentum, stabilized Feng Lie's will, and instantly let Feng Lie heal from the injury, and It made his physical body and the movement of the Dao greatly improved. Feng Lie felt the changes in every inch of his body, and he couldn't help but tremble.

In the next moment, Zhang Tianling was surrounded by the "great power of equality of all living beings" at the flick of his fingers, and saw that the strength of the god general fell, which shocked the people around him, and Zhang Tianling didn't say a word.

Feng Lie shot immediately, as fast as lightning, even though they could barely see Feng Lie's movements clearly, but their realm was suppressed, their bodies couldn't react in time, and their movements couldn't keep up with their thinking reflections.

Feng Lie didn't show any mercy, his hands were like fluttering fans, and with incomparably sharp force, he slapped their faces fiercely, and he heard a crackling sound, leaving a hot handprint on their faces, The big ear scrapers were slapped one by one, and they were slapped thousands of times with the flick of the fingers. The series of crackling sounds were extremely enjoyable. This time, the slaps were like slaps on the faces of the gods. The blood on the face was flowing, and more gods wanted to intervene, but they found that their strength realm was also instantly suppressed to the realm of the ancient sages, and they retreated a lot, but some people still stayed. For Zhang Tianling , the eyes of the powerhouses of the other protoss showed deep fear.

Beside Zhang Tianling, there are Huangtian and the "Lord of Order". From the beginning to the end, they have not moved a single bit. The confidence and aloofness revealed in their eyes are not something ordinary people can have. Zhang Tianling's power , It is already comparable to the combat power of the ancient sage five-layer realm, unless many powerhouses of the Protoss unite into a large formation to compete with it.

However, many protoss still chose to remain silent. After all, this is only a matter of the "God Son of Tianyang", and they don't have to make a fuss about it.

Among the "all beings are equal", Feng Lie possesses the "Extreme Heavenly Wind", which is not only fast, but also has strong killing power. In addition, he is very good at fighting, and few people in the same realm are his opponents. Especially when he has the advantage in speed, he can beat the opponent to the point that he has no power to fight back. Only people like Xuanyuan who have "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu" can compete with those who have the "Extreme Heavenly Wind" The people have to fight.

A series of twelve divine generals, entered the "Avenue of Equality of All Beings", and couldn't even touch Feng Lie's body, but was beaten by Feng Lie until he vomited blood, his face was full of bloodstains, bloody and bloody, his hair was disheveled, and his face was hideous. He was so angry that he yelled, he was very mad, and almost collapsed. For people of their status, this situation was really embarrassing and embarrassing.

The protoss went up and down, their faces turned blue. These people were all among the protoss and had a very high status. They were beaten so miserably by a junior gatekeeper in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', it was almost naked to beat them in the face.

"Okay, stop, or don't blame us for being rude." In the part of "God Son of Tianyang", a super-level existence suddenly walked out, and his eyes were filled with extremely cold breath.

"Hehe, those who bully the small with the big, and bully the few with the more are all your gods. Why, now that you can't fight, you are angry? Do you want to fight with me?" Huang Tian stood up, almost instantly , in all directions of that super-protoss figure, there emerged ten avenue runes that could destroy everything, and there seemed to be elegies from the chaotic ancient times, which made people feel cold involuntarily, like those elegies The sound will bring their souls and disappear into this piece of heaven and earth. Once they are activated, they will probably explode with even more terrifying power.

"You..." The face of this super-protoss existence turned blue. He knew that as long as he dared to make a slight change, the consequences would be unimaginable. If he didn't die, most of his cultivation would be destroyed. People will not risk sacrificing most of their cultivation to save some people whose lives are humbler than themselves.

No one dared to get close to the existence of this superhero, Feng Lie twisted off the heads of these ten gods, and tore them into pieces with the "Extreme Heavenly Wind", without the slightest mercy, in the "Avenue of Equality of All Beings" , there is nothing that Feng Lie can't do, besides, Feng Lie also suppressed their souls in the seal of 'Ji Dao Tian Feng', and finally threw them to the old man Zhang Tianling.

Seeing that countless people in the Protoss are burning with anger, and the strong people of the various tribes of the Protoss step forward, this time they must be consistent. If this one is crushed too badly and they ignore it, then the next step will be difficult , the small path of 'All living beings are equal' was suddenly shattered, and even Zhang Tianling couldn't help spitting out a big mouthful of blood.

His eyes turned cold, and he said in a serious voice: "Are you trying to break the rules of my 'Qinglong Holy Land'? If that's the case, then I will accompany you to the end."

With a movement of the emperor at the side, the avenue formed by runes intertwined was like a dragon, sweeping across the nine heavens, and each avenue rune was closely connected together, trapping and killing the surrounding people in it.

But the combined strength of the various ministries of the Protoss is too terrifying. Even Zhang Tianling and Huangtian were forced to retreat steadily, bleeding from the corners of their mouths. Confrontation has no advantage at all.

The Protoss is very arrogant, with an attitude of not giving up, pressing every step of the way, full of murderous intent, if not for some law enforcement disciples retreating far away early, I am afraid that they will die under their breath, Zhang Tianling He Huangtian looked dignified.

However, the 'Lord of Order' was safe and sound, and he had no intention of intervening from the beginning to the end. Keeping Feng Lie from being crushed by these auras was the only thing he had done so far.

"Hey, weren't you guys very arrogant just now? Do you think my protoss can be bullied?"

"Don't forget, in the chaotic ancient times, your human race was the most humble, the lowest blood food."

"Don't really think of yourself as the leader of the 'Central China', your human race is not worthy at all."

"A group of lowly and humble things can be compared with our Protoss, it is a joke."

The extremely vicious language drew the hearts of many great forces of the human race present. It can be seen how much the gods look down on the human race. They confront the human race with an absolutely strong attitude. They want to see where the bottom line of the human race is. How powerful is it that they dare to hold such a 'feast of thousands of races'? This is also a thorough investigation of the opponent's strength, which is beneficial to their future strategic layout.

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