Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1529 Marriage Hindered

'Qinglong Holy Land', the demon hovered above the nine heavens, looked clearly at all the places he could touch, his eyes flashed with brilliance, and finally he descended from the sky to meet the eighteen hell demons. The Lord put away the 'Abi Demon Prison', landed in front of the 'Forbidden Road Square', and sighed heavily.

He looked at Xuanyuan at the side, with long purple hair fluttering, purple eyes flowing, and the purple magic robe on his body was engraved with an extremely ancient pattern of the demon clan lost in the dust of ancient history, which is extremely precious , This is the desolate ancient inheritance he got in an adventure at the beginning of the ancient times, and it is precisely because of this that he was sealed in it and born in this dharma-ending era.

The purple magic robe was flying, and the devil looked calm, and said: "I already know about you and Shiwan, and the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is indeed beyond my expectations. "My son-in-law, this time, if the "Great Event of Ten Thousand Races" can be successfully concluded, you two should get married, and I will suppress all the voices of the demon clan for you. It has been a long time since my girl was abducted. If you don't want to marry Shihou, I'll take her away, and it's up to you to decide."

On the side, the pig-headed emperor raised the corner of his mouth, and said to Zhang Tianling, Peng Fei, Huangtian and the "Lord of Order": "Before, Xuanyuan had nothing, and was despised by the demons, and countless people would be put to death. Today, after having the 'Qinglong Holy Land', in the eyes of the devil, the weight is naturally different. Once Xuanyuan and Shihou get married, it means that the 'Qinglong Holy Land' and the 'Mozhou Dynasty' will advance and retreat together. This devil Make a good deal."

"Anyway, as long as this kid follows his own ideological path, it's fine, and I don't think Xuanyuan and Shihou are in that kind of political marriage. At the beginning, when Xuanyuan had nothing, Shihou liked Xuanyuan very much. Come on, we should bless them, what the hell, bah bah bah, how could I say such a thing, but then again, don’t make trouble for the pig-headed emperor, you have to spread your words, master listen It must be uncomfortable, and that brat Xuanyuan will have to fight you hard." Peng Fei rolled his eyes aside and started to teach the pig-headed emperor a lesson.

The pig-headed emperor was speechless. It was true. Shihou had been very kind to Xuanyuan from the very beginning. At that time, Xuanyuan was nothing but nothing. He was hunted down every day, and he was in danger. Against the people of the demon clan twice, for Xuanyuan, no matter what it is, Shihou will always stand by Xuanyuan's side. Some attitudes made him uncomfortable.

On the side, Zhang Tianling and Huangtian both smiled in relief. They were still very optimistic about Shihou. This kind of woman is really rare in the world. She has a peerless beauty and is easy to find. The key is that Shihou has great wisdom and great foresight. A woman with a big heart is hard to find in the world, and Shihou is the most important person to achieve Xuanyuan, the two of them should be together, she is destined to be the woman behind Xuanyuan, both Zhang Tianling and Huangtian like Shihou this little girl very much.

"Being able to marry this little girl is Xuanyuan's lifelong blessing. If anyone dares to make trouble at that time, I will use the power of the entire rune tower to suppress all offenders in the future without mercy." Huangtian laughed loudly, regardless of countless human races. In the eyes of many people in the ancient times, the stunned eyes of the super-indigenous people, Futa was a deviant existence at that time, so it is not surprising to be able to say such words.

Zhang Tianling also nodded, expressing his agreement. You must know that his "Qimen Qiankun Order" has the terrifying background left by the "Qiankun Dynasty" and has not yet been born. He is definitely not weaker than any powerful background. Zhang Tianling Although he is a character from the ancient times, he is not pedantic.

"Thank you two seniors for your support." Mozi bowed and saluted. Although he was both a person from the ancient times, he was indeed born later than Zhang Tianling and Huang Tian, ​​so it was only natural that he was called senior.

Xuanyuan nodded, and said in a heavy voice: "I have thought about the wedding with Shihou a long time ago, but it has not been carried out to respect the ideas of the people of the Mozu. Since even the Mozi agreed, there is nothing wrong with it." It’s easy to say, I will give Shihou a grand wedding, and I will also give an explanation to my people of the human race.”

In the 'Forbidden Road Square', many people turned their attention to the focus of Xuanyuan and Shihou's marriage. Mo Chou heard the words, her eyes were very clear and bright, she looked at Zhixie, and said in a very weak voice : "Sister Zhixie, why do I feel sore in my heart?"

"That's because Mo Chou has grown up!" Zhixie's voice was very gentle, but she also had a strange feeling in her heart, but only she knew it.

Tsing Yi didn't say a word, she didn't have the slightest opinion on the matter of Xuanyuan and Shihou being together.

In Xia Ziyu's mind, the scene where Xuanyuan accompanied Shihou and walked up to the "Hundred Immortals Sheji Hall" with Yin Zhenluo was reflected in Xia Ziyu's mind. For a woman like Shihou, she admired her from the bottom of her heart. Xuanyuan would marry her. It was expected by Xia Zikai, but it was inevitable that she would feel a little jealous in her heart.

In the 'Forbidden Road Square', Bai Youniang, Qian Duoduo, and Luo Zixi who have been busy all the time smiled happily. Xuanyuan was with Shihou, and they didn't have the slightest opinion. Shihou's behavior made them jealous even if they wanted to. stand up.

As for Ba Ji, Xuanyuan had discussed it with her before, and she naturally agreed with it, but it caused an uproar between the major forces of the Demon Race and the Human Race, especially the older generation of the Human Race and the Demon Race. The existence of the background, the complexion is very ugly, they all scolded.

"How is this possible? How can I, the emperor of the human race, combine with the demons and heretics?"

"Hmph, don't pretend to be noble, your methods of the human race are infinitely inferior to those of the demon race."

"This matter is absolutely unacceptable. Holy Master Xuanyuan, you are the master of the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. In the hearts of the people of the world, you are a generation of emperors with great prestige. How could you do such a deviant thing? Humans and devils cannot be combined. Are you disregarding the three cardinal principles and five constant principles? Could it be that the beauty of the demons and witches can confuse you like this, disregarding the world? A woman who is not married yet entangles with you endlessly, even the etiquette, righteousness and shame You don't even understand, but you still want to marry her? It's simply ridiculous." On the spot, a figure from the Gongsun family's background pointed at Xuanyuan, sternly shouted, and punished him with every word.

"I only know what is the coexistence of thousands of races, I only know what is right and wrong, good and evil are black and white, when Shiwan sacrificed himself for the sake of the common people in the world, made life-prolonging pills for several major forces, and saved hundreds of millions of lives, you What did you do? When Shihou was doing his best to help the world, practice medicine, and save the common people of all ethnic groups, what were you doing, or what did the children of your Gongsun family do again? Shihou established the "Beizhou Dynasty" "Friendship with the demons has saved many war disasters, do you know what Shihou has done from beginning to end?" In Xuanyuan's heart, Shihou would not allow others to offend, so the super background of the Gongsun family said that Shihou , Xuanyuan naturally disagreed.

"Xuanyuan, you are too presumptuous. No matter what Shihou has done, you are a human race, and she is a demon race. Between humans and demons, there is blood and deep hatred. From the chaos to the beginning of the ancient times, the demons killed three thousand trillion people , Inducing human blood, eating human flesh, using sacrifices, refining weapons, cruel and vicious methods, how can you, an ignorant junior, know? Now you still want to marry the demon girl, just because she is a demon. No amount of things she has done can offset the crimes committed by her ancestors." The old man from the Gongsun family shouted sharply, with a look that could not tolerate the slightest contamination between the human race and the demon race.

"That's a matter of her ancestors. What does it have to do with her? What does it have to do with me? As the princess of the 'Mozhou Dynasty', she saved countless people of the human race and made great sacrifices, and I When Xuanyuan was living in the human race, besides Shihou, Linglong Xianfu, and Miss Ziyu, there were a few other big forces in the human race who took good care of me. My life made me feel like a bereaved dog. I was in constant fear. What was my human race doing at that time? Now that I have made some achievements, could it be that my marriage is still subject to your restraint? Your words are too ridiculous, don’t I? Xuanyuan can't even do his own marriage. Do you want you to agree? You said that the demons killed so many people from the human race, but do you know that from the ancient times to the end of the chaotic ancient times, the gods killed many people from our human race? , why don't you find them to challenge, kill them all first, I believe that the hands of the protoss powerhouses present have no idea how much blood is stained with the blood of my human people, you don't go to these people, but come to find an ancestor Master, who is stained with the blood of my people, it is hard for the Gongsun family not to perish with your super heritage." Xuanyuan's eyes shone with a cold light, and his voice became more and more indifferent, penetrating people's hearts, making people unbearable Live with chills all over.

The Gongsun family's super strong man was speechless for a while, he was furious, but he couldn't find anything to argue with Xuanyuan, suddenly his eyes went dark, he spit out a mouthful of blood, his face was extremely pale Pale and trembling all over, Gui Lingzi supported him, and after whispering a few words in his ear, his face calmed down a bit, and he didn't say anything more, and sat back to his original position.

On the spot, an old man with a super background of the demon clan came out, he was a super background of the 'Ancient Demon Sect', he said in a heavy voice: "You really can't be the master, the devil's meaning is just his own, Shi Wan It is the arrogance of our demon clan, and it is the belief of countless Li people of our demon clan. How can you marry if you say you want to marry, let alone your human race disagrees, and my demon clan even more disagrees with this marriage. I advise you to die Make up your mind."

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