Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1539 Ao Xun

As for the 'Xuanhu Royal Family' Xuanyuan really wants to win them over, as long as the 'Xuanhu Royal Family' can join the 'Qinglong Holy Land', it will be a huge improvement for both parties. be prepared.

The medical school of the human race is extinct and no longer exists. Only the "Xuanhu Royal Family" is the largest family. Such a large family played a decisive role in the troubled times.

Even the Hall of Medicine and the "Tianyin Clan" of the Wu Clan are not as numerous as the "Xuanhu Royal Clan". The team must also cooperate with a terrifying lineup similar to one hundred thousand witch generals, otherwise, it will not have much effect, but the 'Xuanhu Royal Family' can spread to the entire overall situation. When on the battlefield, every 'Xuanhu If the fighters of the royal family can heal the wounds of five fighters, it will give them more chances to live, which is of great significance.

Guan Zizai heard Xuanyuan's evaluation of the 'Xuanhu Royal Family' so highly, she smiled, her eyes turned up, and her voice was gentle: "Holy Master Xuanyuan has praised you absurdly, and my 'Xuanhu Royal Family' is only following the sacred teachings of the ancestors and inheriting the Xuanhu Dao I just did my duty. Since Holy Master Xuanyuan has great ambitions, I, the "Xuanhu Royal Family", would like to introduce 20 people with super background, 200,000 elites, and 20 million people into the "Qinglong Holy Land". A jade pot is of great significance and value to our family. My "Xuanhu Royal Family" has no long-term possessions. On that day, the demon saint Nvwa was seriously injured. The demon sage Nuwa was grateful, so she gave the remaining 'Bending Gold', 'Bending Iron' and 'Bending Steel' to our family, and now I will give it to the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked. They did not expect that among the 'Xuanhu Royal Clan', there were three objects that mend the sky. Very friendly, the 'Xuanhu Royal Family' is naturally becoming stronger day by day.

I saw 'Bending Gold', 'Bending Iron' and 'Bending Steel' suspended in mid-air. It looks simple and unadorned, but it contains unfathomable power, which can mend even the sky. One can imagine how big it is The mighty power is reserved for Xuanyuan to explore.

These three pieces of patching the sky are incomplete, and relatively speaking, they are not so complete. They should be the remaining parts that have not been used up after the demon saint Nvwa patched up the sky that day. Even so, Xuanyuan is already satisfied.

Guan Zizai took the jade pot, and her eyes flashed with hotness. It was left by the ancestors of the "Xuanhu Royal Family", which was even more ancient. Let the "Xuanhu Royal Family" have a higher overall improvement.

Guan Zizai bowed to Xuanyuan and said in a heavy voice, "Thank you, Holy Master Xuanyuan."

Xuanyuan waved his hand, integrated the three sky-filling objects into his body, and said with a light smile, "You're welcome."

Many people were surprised to see that Xuanyuan actually integrated the sky-replenishing thing into his body. Could it be that the "everything body" and even the "heaven-replenishing thing" can be integrated into it? If so, then Xuanyuan's physical body is not Has it become more terrifying?

The physical strength of the 'Body of Ten Thousand Transformations' is few in the world can match, if adding the sky-replenishing thing, wouldn't it be against the sky?

At this time, many emperors of the God Race suddenly realized why Xuanyuan's body was so strong. In fact, they all guessed wrong.

Xuanyuan doesn't care what they think, he just puts the sky-filling things together in his hero, and complements the sky-butting copper and sky-silver, and there is no need for these items for the time being. Xuanyuan's preliminary estimate, Only one day after he stepped into the ancient emperor realm, this sky-filling thing will be useful to him.

The eldest prince of the 'Dragon Forbidden Royal Family', Ao Fan, looked at the small five-color altar with fiery eyes. Although it is not big, it has a radius of six feet, but it is enough for dozens of people to cross the starry sky. If it is transparent, for the 'Dragon Forbidden Royal Family', it will be safe and worry-free in the future.

"I am the eldest prince of the 'Dragon Forbidden Royal Family', Ao Fan, and I have met the Holy Lord Xuanyuan." Ao Fan looks very ordinary and plain, but it gives Xuanyuan a very stable feeling. A kind of perseverance that ordinary people don't have. It is a kind of indifference after seeing through the ups and downs, the ups and downs of honor and disgrace. In the future, he must be an opponent worthy of respect, Xuanyuan secretly praised him.

"I've met Brother Ao Fan." Xuanyuan hurriedly returned the gift with a free and easy smile. He looked at Ao Fan and said, "It is said that the 'Divine Emperor of the Forbidden Way', with good intentions, gave his two most promising sons a choice, Ao Luo You have chosen countless treasures of heaven and earth, great avenues and supernatural powers, thousands of miles a day, and infinite scenery, but you, Ao Fan, have chosen to have nothing and use your own hands to carve out a piece of your own world. I really admire you. There are not many people who are passionate, and if the Tianjiao Shengzi of the various forces in my human race have the spirit of Brother Ao Fan, the human race will not be so lonely."

This incident has already spread. Many people in the "Dragon Forbidden Royal Family" admire Ao Fan very much. It's contempt, I don't say it on the surface, but everyone looks down on him in their hearts, because he is mediocre in all aspects, and he hasn't even passed down the blood of the "Taojin God Emperor". In the eyes of many people, Ao Fan is destined to live a lifetime He is mediocre, even worse than the general people of the "Dragon Forbidden Royal Family", but no one will deliberately embarrass Ao Fan because of his status. In this world, a brother with humble strength and no special bloodlines is not even qualified to call him brother, but after all, he is his own brother, so he will not go too far, just neither salty nor tasteless.

For Ao Fan, only he could understand how painful the heart was at that time. He endured everything and turned it into motivation to practice and break through. With hard work and hard work, his bloodline was no longer restrained, and he broke through the power of the "God Forbidden Emperor".

The people of the "Dragon Forbidden Royal Family" knew that his blood was sealed by the "Tao Forbidden God Emperor" himself. It took a lot of pains to train Ao Fan in this way. Few people knew about this matter. He didn't disappoint the "Taojin God Emperor", and now he is able to take charge of the "Dragon Forbidden Royal Family" on his own, and even some super-rooted existences are amazed by it.

"Where, this five-color small altar belongs to my 'Dragon Forbidden Royal Clan'. Holy Master Xuanyuan can ask for any conditions. I, the 'Dragon Forbidden Royal Clan', will try my best not to let the 'Qinglong Holy Land' suffer." Ao Fan and soundtrack.

"Hehehe, if you want it, you can take it. I hope we can spend it together and guard the land under our feet." Xuanyuan waved his hand, signaling for Ao Fan to collect the five-color small altar.

"It's natural." Ao Fan was not polite, and directly collected the five-color small altar, and then said in a heavy voice: "It is said that 'Tundi' has practiced most of the "God Forbidden Ancient Art", so I really want to see it, wait After the 'Grand Meeting of Ten Thousand Races' is over, I will personally lead people from the background, as well as 10 million people of the 'Dragon Forbidden Royal Family', to settle in the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'. My 'Dragon Forbidden Royal Family' has no possessions, so there is nothing I can do Give 'Qinglong Holy Land' something, but I will complete the "God Forbidden Ancient Art" with 'Tundi'."

Although the pig-headed emperor had practiced the "Ancient Forbidden Art of the Gods", he also took some of it from Ao Luo before, but even Ao Luo, with his state at that time, only a small part of the "Ancient Art of the Forbidden Gods" he practiced. There are many advanced parts that he can't understand. Ao Fan's approach does not appear to be stingy of the "Dragon Forbidden Royal Family", but also allows him to obtain enough benefits.

"Hey, you kid's wishful thinking is too good to be true. The great emperor has already practiced more than half of the "Divine Forbidden Art", and he is only a little short of the Great Consummation. You and I can learn from each other. Great Emperor, in order to obtain this small five-color altar, nine incarnations were destroyed, three souls and seven souls were shattered, and he almost died. If you don’t give anything, you just want to take this five-color small altar back. It’s too stingy, isn’t it? These things are not only Xuanyuan's, but also the Great Emperor's. The Great Emperor and the "Swallowing Emperor" were born and died to get them. If the boy "Tao Forbidden God" left them, I will give them to you. It's nothing. It's a pity, but it wasn't left by him, let's be honest, it's the end of the ancient times, a ghost from the 'Dragon Forbidden Royal Family', left by Ao Xun." The pig-headed emperor grinned shamelessly and begged for something face-to-face , the corner of Xuanyuan's mouth twitched, he didn't expect the pig-headed emperor to be like this, but he said it with reason and evidence, which made people think it should be.

"What..." Ao Fan's heart trembled. In the depths of the 'Dragon Forbidden Royal Family', there was a book of the most mysterious Gu Zha. Among the records, there was Ao Xun, that's right. The record of just a few dozen words was dazzling. .

At the age of three hundred and sixty, he stepped into the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor. Among the younger generation, there is no one in the art of restraint. After three hundred and sixty years, he entered the "Longevity Gate", from birth to ascension, without a single defeat.

"If you don't want to bleed, you want to go back to the five-color small altar, which is disrespectful to Ao Xun and humiliating to Ao Xun." The pig-headed emperor grinned wildly and spit, the super heritage of the 'Dragon Forbidden Royal Family' trembled , I didn't expect it to be such an ancient treasure. It's true that I didn't take out something. It's really unreasonable.

Everyone was watching what kind of reaction Ao Fan would have. Will he take out valuable things? If not, wouldn't it be embarrassing for the 'Qinglong Holy Land' since it didn't save face and didn't get the treasure.

(Starting tomorrow, the update speed will rise to commemorate the second anniversary of Devouring the Sky!)

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