Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1543 Strong Rise

All the clans and major powers present were stunned. Xuanyuan's methods were indeed beyond the reach of ordinary people. I don't know where he got the confidence to dare to open such a big mouth. Isn't it afraid that the gods will become angry?

Whether it is Tian Xingchang or the 'Emperor Hongmeng' looking at Xuanyuan, there is a trace of strangeness.

Xuanyuan was really ruthless to the Protoss, and they all felt extremely happy. They wanted to teach the Protoss a lesson a long time ago, but the Protoss is too powerful and has too deep a foundation, so they should not be easily provoked.

The 'Lord of Order' on the side looked indifferent, neither salty nor dull, and said slowly: "When Xuanyuan has refined the 'Heavenly Human Ancestral Blood' and grows up, I believe he should be able to become the first level of the ancient emperor. Fighting back the Supreme Dao Artifact with bare hands in the Heavenly Realm is better than the "Swallowing Emperor" of that day. If you let him step into the realm of the ancient emperor's third heaven, the Supreme Dao Artifact of your god race may be injured. For Chongtian, I'm so sorry, please hide your Supreme Dao Artifact, otherwise it may be broken to pieces at any time."

You must know that the flesh body of the 'Emperor Devourer' at that time was already so terrifying that he could connect the supreme Taoist weapon with his bare hands. If Xuanyuan had refined the 'ancestral blood of heaven and man', it would not be impossible for Xuanyuan to achieve this step.

As soon as this remark came out, the major super backgrounds of the Protoss couldn't sit still anymore.

"Wait, Holy Master Xuanyuan, there is something to discuss, let's discuss it carefully before making a decision?" Tianshen Bu realized the seriousness of the matter. Speaking of it, not only will there be an unworldly enemy in the future, which is a huge threat, but it will also cause huge losses to the Protoss itself, which no one wants to see.

In particular, the one who refined the 'Heavenly Human Ancestral Blood' was the core figure of the human race like Xuanyuan.

Seeing this scene, all races in the world were dumbfounded. They never thought that Xuanyuan made so many requests, and they could still discuss them. Xuanyuan is really too courageous to challenge the gods like this.

Xuanyuan nodded, and on his palm, a little blood man about a foot tall, bred with wisdom, already had five sense organs. Its limbs were swinging, and it was performing the martial arts of the gods. It was extremely delicate, and the mysterious rhythm flowing from it made people feel Obsessed, even the ancient royal family and the major figures of the human race are fascinated by it, wanting to understand some truth from it.

If the 'Five Decays of Heaven and Man' were not strong enough, they would have no right to assassinate the 'Lord of Order', so it can be imagined.

"What to do, Xuanyuan lion opened his mouth. Obviously, the Lord of Order told them that we have gone through ancient times, ancient times, and chaotic ancient times, and our savings are extremely strong. You can talk to us lions."

"That's something that can't be helped. Are you going to watch Xuanyuan and refine the 'Heavenly Human Ancestral Blood'? I wouldn't worry if it was someone else, but the 'Body of Ten Thousand Transformations' is too scary. Everything in the sky can be refined, and so can the ancestral blood of heaven and man. Once it becomes a part of the "body of myriad transformations", even if we kill Xuanyuan, it will be difficult to extract the essence of it. My Protoss is indeed a big threat." Tian Shen Bu said the core issue, the "body of all transformations" can turn anything into its own and become itself.

"That can only be bought. In any case, this 'ancestral blood' is too precious. As long as it is refined for many gods and goddesses, their strength and future prospects will be greatly improved. The human race is not enough. For fear, what we have to consider is how to strive for a higher status after the "Origin of the Primordial Origin", we can only look at the sons and goddesses of the gods. As long as their blood is strong, they will have a greater voice in the family. The 'Ancestral Blood of Heaven and Man' is too powerful, enough for them to create a world in their own family." There was a god with super heritage on the spot, said heavily.

As soon as this remark came out, many people were moved. Indeed, in their view, the plane of "Central China" is difficult to become a great weapon. They only value the "Origin of Primordial Origin", which is their ultimate yearning.

"Since this is the case, we can only agree. It is enough for our nine troops to join together, and as Xuanyuan said, in the 'ancestral blood of heaven and man', there must be hidden secrets of the 'Origin of the Primordial Mist'." Some secrets, if you can really get some treasure places, these things are nothing at all!"

"Then let's decide."

Many people with super background have agreed, and the others are acquiescing if they don't speak. These precious natural materials and earth treasures are all on those people with super background. Although these materials are precious, they are not enough for them to hide in the core of the Protoss.

Soon, many protoss heritages existed, and they took out the heavenly materials and earthly treasures that Xuanyuan wanted one by one. The huge number made the eyes of all the people in the world straighten. The 'Qinglong Holy Land' really made a lot of money this time. This is a wealth that many big forces can hardly accumulate after a hundred thousand years. Among other things, the three heaven-level supreme Taoist artifacts are beyond the reach of many ancient inheritances. For an ancient family like the Jiang family, there are only "Fengshen Bang" and "Shen Whip".

'Son of Hongmeng' sighed: "There is this son Xuanyuan in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', so why worry about it?"

"I don't think so, Xuanyuan is losing the big because of a small one. This 'ancestral blood' will definitely make the gods and goddesses of the gods more powerful. He can only lift a stone to shoot himself in the foot. "The emperor of the 'Tian Yao Dynasty', 'Tian Yao Zi' is very opposed to Xuanyuan's approach, but this is in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', and he knows that what he says is useless.

"Otherwise, this son of Xuanyuan can devour and refine all bloodlines. I can feel his ambition..." Tian Xingchang's tone was very light, but it made all the emperor's sons and characters startled.

Even the 'Qing Minghuang' was stunned for a moment, narrowing his eyes: "Could it be Xuanyuan?"

"That's right, I've already guessed it." The corner of Mo Zi's mouth rose, and a person who can mobilize the soldiers of the "Mozhou Dynasty" army is not a vegetarian.

"Using war to support war, Xuanyuan wants these sons and daughters of the gods to refine the 'ancestral blood' one by one, decompose the essence contained in the ancestral blood, and then cut them one by one. In the end, the 'ancestral blood of heaven and man' will return to him, and there are many things in it that he will spend countless years to comprehend, this is his ultimate goal." Wang Nidao's eyes glowed Flash, most people don't have the courage of Xuanyuan, it's too ruthless.

"Such a man has taste, and it's no wonder that so many women like him so much. I'm so domineering, and my heart is moved." Infinite and charming, her voice is ecstasy, making it hard to control.

"It's superfluous to guess now, let's wait and see. If Xuanyuan didn't do it, but let these protoss gods and gods advance by leaps and bounds, then he will be the eternal sinner of the 'Central China'. Hundreds of millions, all caused by him." The super-inherited son of the 'Chaos Immortal and Demon Mansion', 'Chaos Sky Killer' said coldly.

Everyone stopped talking, and they didn't know what the Protoss thought. The materials proposed by Xuanyuan were all tested by the "Lord of Order", and Qian Duoduo collected them in the "Golden Dao Pot". The supreme treasure refined by 'Duobao Taoist' can be integrated into all the treasures of heaven and earth.

The moon is shining in the sky, the stars are shining brightly, in the 'Forbidden Road Square', there are crowds of people, so many treasures of heaven and earth, this is the first time anyone present has seen it, Xuanyuan's heart is really not ordinary black, it is too cruel, the gods were killed After squeezing these, it can't be said that the vitality is seriously injured, but it can be regarded as a big piece of meat.

But in any case, in the eyes of the protoss, it is worth it, as long as they get the 'ancestral blood of heaven and man'.

After completing the handover of the treasures of heaven, material and earth, they all fell into Qian Duoduo's 'Jinjin Dao Basin', and Xuanyuan was also very happy to see it.

Among the protoss, even the sons and daughters of the gods, the existence of super background, all twitched face and felt very distressed.

Seeing that many treasures of heaven, material and earth have been collected, Xuanyuan nodded and said with a smile: "The three supreme Dao artifacts, this is the point, please come out."

The Supreme Dao Artifacts of the Human Race are actually not very useful to the Protoss, because in these years, it is not that they have not found the Human Race who is loyal to them, and wants to turn these Supreme Dao Artifacts of the Human Race into their own , but the result is a headache for them, that is, these supreme weapons will all come back.

Those who are loyal to the gods and want to raise the butcher's knife to the human race will be killed by backlash. Whenever such a situation occurs, they can only join hands to suppress them. In the end, these human race's supreme tools can only become what they want in the future. The protoss family of "Origin of Hongmeng" invites credit and rewards.

It is needless to say that a supreme Taoist weapon of the human race can bring them benefits, but now Xuanyuan has nothing to do for the sake of the 'ancestral blood of heaven and humans'.

I saw that "Tian Shen Bu" took out the first supreme Taoist weapon from his hand. This is a chariot, the whole body is poured with heavenly holy black gold, and the lines carved on it all contain The monstrous fighting spirit, the chariot has experienced countless battles, leaving countless marks of cutting and cutting, but it does not affect its power. This is the supreme chariot of the Bai family of the human race.

'Killing God Chariot', in front of it there are nine war horses derived from the holy black gold, which are shaped like dragons, and their killing power is overwhelming. The fangs and thorns on the car shone with cold light, which made people feel terrified.

This is the product refined by the first generation of the Bai family's ancestors, but it did not expect to fall into the hands of the gods.

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